WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Extended Codes CodeSystem

Official URL: https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2023-10-04 Computable Name: che

Set of codes identified as being needed but not found in existing Code Systems

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This case-sensitive code system https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes defines the following codes:

CHE.A.DE01 Family Number
CHE.A.DE03 Child's Identity unknown/prefer to remain anonymous
CHE.A.DE04 First Name
CHE.A.DE05 Middle Name
CHE.A.DE06 Last Name
CHE.A.DE11 Date of Birth not known
CHE.A.DE12 Provide an estimated age or estimated date of birth
CHE.A.DE12c Estimated Date of Birth

Estimated Date of Birth of the Client

CHE.A.DE08 Consolidated Date of Birth

Estimated Date of Birth of the Client

CHE.A.DE09 Time of Birth (hour of day)
CHE.A.DE16 Sex
CHE.A.DE48 Caregiver

the child could have been created from the mother therefore a relatedpersom may already exist select_one RelatedPerson candidateExpression

CHE.A.DE21 Caregiver First Name

The client's Caregiver's first name

CHE.A.DE22 Caregiver Middle Name

The client's Caregiver's middle name

CHE.A.DE23 Caregiver Last Name

The client's Caregiver's last name

CHE.A.DE24 Caregiver's Relationship to Child
CHE.A.DE35 Caregiver's Mobile telephone number

child's Caregiver's mobile telephone number

CHE.A.DE36 Caregiver's Second telephone number

child's Caregiver's Second telephone number

CHE.A.DE37 Caregiver's third telephone number

child's Caregiver's third telephone number

CHE.A.DE38 Caregiver wants to receive SMS or other messages regarding the child's visits and health status

The Caregiver wants to receive SMS or other messages regarding the client's contacts/visits and health status

CHE.A.DE31 Biological Mother's Vital Status

The client's mother and father's vital status

CHE.B7.DE01 Obstructed or Absent Breathing
CHE.B7.DE01-tt h1. Obstructed or absent breathing *If foreign body aspirated* • Manage airway in choking infant (under 12 months) Figure 1 • Manage airway in choking child (12 months and older) Figure 2 *If no foreign body aspirated* • Manage airway Figure 3 • Give oxygen Figure 4 • Make sure the child is warm Manage airway in choking infant (under 12 months)
CHE.B7.DE02 Convulsing Now
CHE.B7.B8.B9.DE01 Continue to Assess Sick Child
CHE.B7.DE03 Convulsion(s) in this Illness
CHE.B7.DE04 Number of convulsions in this Illness
CHE.B7.DE07 Convulsion(s) last 15 minutes or more
CHE.B7.DE08 Unconscious or Lethargic
CHE.B7.DE09 Not able to drink or breastfeed
CHE.B7.DE10 Vomiting
CHE.B24.G.DE07 Oral Fluid Test Results
CHE.B24.G.DE13 Unable to Perform Oral Fluid Test
CHE.B24.G.DE14 Completely Unable to Drink or Vomits Everything
CHE.B24.G.DE15 Has the Child had anything to drink today?
CHE.B24.G.DE16 How did the child last drink
CHE.B6.DE01 Axillary Temperature (degrees Celcius)
CHE.B6.DE02 Prefer to take Rectal Temperature
CHE.B6.DE03 Rectal Temperature (degree Celcius)
CHE.B6.DE03A Measured Temperature
CHE.B6.DE04 Thermometer not available
CHE.B6.DE05 Hot to Touch
CHE.B6.DE06 Weight (kilograms)
CHE.B6.DE07 Weight cannot be measured
CHE.B6.DE08 Estimated Weight
CHE.B6.DE09 Height (cm)
CHE.B10S1.DE05 Cough
CHE.B10S1.DE06 Cough for how long?
CHE.B10S1.DE01 Difficulty Breathing
CHE.B10S1.DE02 Difficulty breathing for how long?
CHE.B11S1.DE01 Diarrhoea
CHE.B11S1.DE02 Diarrhoea for how long?
CHE.B11S1.DE05 Blood in the stool in this Illness
CHE.B12S1.DE02 Fever Reported
CHE.B12S1.DE03 Fever for how long?
CHE.B12S1.DE06 Has Fever been present every day for more than 7 days
CHE.B12S1.DE08 Pain
CHE.B12S1.DE15 Malaria Risk
CHE.B12S1.DE19 Recent Travel to a High Malaria Risk area
CHE.B13S1.DE01 Ear Problem
CHE.B13S1.DE02 Ear pain
CHE.B13S1.DE03 Ear discharge
CHE.B13S1.DE04 Ear discharge for how long?
CHE.B14S1.DE01 Eye Problem
CHE.B14S1.DE02 Skin Problem
CHE.B10S2.DE03 Chest Indrawing
CHE.B10S2.DE04 Stridor in a calm child
CHE.B10S2.DE05 Wheezing
CHE.B10S2.DE06 Recurrent Wheeze
CHE.B10S2.DE07 Oxygen Saturation (%)
CHE.B10S2.DE08 Oxygen Saturation < 90 %
CHE.B10S2.DE09 Oxygen saturation not measured
CHE.B11S2.DE01 Sunken eyes
CHE.B11S2.DE02 Skin pinch of Abdomen
CHE.B11S2.DE06 Restless and Irritable
CHE.B12S2.DE01 Stiff neck
CHE.B12S2.DE02 Refusal to use a limb
CHE.B12S2.DE03 Warm Tender or Swollen Joint or Bone
CHE.B12S2.DE05 Runny nose
CHE.B13S2.DE01 Tender swelling behind the ear
CHE.B13S2.DE02 Pus seen draining from the ear
CHE.B13S2.DE03 Pus Seen Draining from the Ear for how long?
CHE.B14S2.DE01 Red Eyes
CHE.B14S2.DE02 Pus Draining from Eye
CHE.B14S2.DE03 Clouding of the Cornea
CHE.B14S2.DE04 Is clouding of the cornea a new problem
CHE.B14S2.DE05 Has Clouding of the Cornea previously been treated
CHE.B14S2.DE06 Generalised or Localised Skin Problem
CHE.B14S2.DE10 Measles rash
CHE.B14S2.DE11 Measles within the last 3 months
CHE.B14S2.DE11A Itchy Skin
CHE.B14S2.DE012 Blisters, Sores or Pustules
CHE.B14S2.DE14 Abscess - Hot Tender Swelling
CHE.B14S2.DE15 Deep or extends to muscle
CHE.B14S2.DE16 Cellulitis - Hot Tender Skin
CHE.B14S2.DE17 Rapidly spreading, extensive, or not responding to oral antibiotics
CHE.B14S2.DE19 Ringworm (Tinea)
CHE.B14S2.DE20 Extensive Ringworm (Tinea)
CHE.B14S2.DE23 Herpes Zoster
CHE.B14S2.DE24 Eye Involvement
CHE.B14S2.DE25 Impetigo or Folliculitis
CHE.B14S2.DE26 Signs of Severe Impetigo / Folliculitis
CHE.B14S2.DE31 Molluscum Contagiosum - Skin coloured pearly white papules with central umbilication. Most commonly seen on face and trunk in children.
CHE.B14S2.DE32 Warts - Papules or nodules with a rough (Verrucous) surface
CHE.B14S2.DE33 Seborrhoea
CHE.B14S2.DE34 Severe Seborrhoea
CHE.B14S2.DE35 Fixed Drug Reactions - Generalised red, wide spread with small bumps or blisters; or one or more dark skin areas
CHE.B14S2.DE36 Eczema - Wet oozing sores or excoriated, thick patches
CHE.B14S2.DE37 Steven Johnson Syndrome
CHE.B14S2.DE44 Skin Problem
CHE.B14S2.DE45 The child has Oral Sores or Mouth Ulcers
CHE.B14S2.DE46 Eye Problem
CHE.B14S2.DE38 Oral Sores or Mouth Ulcers
CHE.B15S2.DE01 Palmar Pallor
CHE.B15S2.DE05 Malaria Risk
CHE.B16S2.DE01 Oedema of both feet
CHE.B18S1.DE01 Convulsions in this Illness
CHE.B18S1.DE02 Difficulty with Feeding
CHE.B20S1.DE01 Diarrhoea
CHE.B21S1.DE06 Breastfed
CHE.B18S2.DE07 Severe Chest Indrawing
CHE.B18S2.DE08 Infant's Movements
CHE.B18S2.DE12 Umbilicus Red or Pus Draining
CHE.B18S2.DE13 Skin Pustules
CHE.B19S2.DE01 Yellow Skin
CHE.B19S2.DE02 Yellow Palms or Yellow Soles
CHE.B19S2.DE04 When did the Jaundice first appear?
CHE.B20S2.DE01 Sunken Eyes
CHE.B20S2.DE02 Skin pinch of Abdomen
CHE.B20S2.DE06 Restless and Irritable
CHE.B21S2.DE01 Weight Status
CHE.B21S2.DE06 Sufficient feeds
CHE.B21S2.DE07 Insufficient feeds
CHE.B21S2.DE08 Young Infant receives food or fluids other than breast milk
CHE.B21S2.DE09 What milk is being given as a replacement feed?
CHE.B21S2.DE12 How many replacement feeds during the day and night (24 hours)?
CHE.B21S2.DE13 Sufficient replacement feeds (in 24 hours)
CHE.B21S2.DE14 Insufficient replacement feeds (in 24 hours)
CHE.B21S2.DE15 How much milk is given at each feed?
CHE.B21S2.DE18 How is the milk prepared?
CHE.B21S2.DE21 How is the milk given?
CHE.B21S2.DE24 How are the feeding utensils cleaned?
CHE.B21S2.DE27 Is infant given any breast milk at all?
CHE.B21S2.DE30 Ulcers or White Patches in Mouth
CHE.B21S2.DE31 Unable to check if Ulcers or White Patches in Mouth
CHE.B24.G.DE01 Respiratory Rate (breaths per minute)
CHE.B24.G.DE02 Unable to perform Respiratory Rate at this time
CHE.B24.G.DE03 Respiratory Rate Second Count (breaths per minute)
CHE.B24.G.DE04 Respiratory Rate Second Count Not Possible
CHE.B24.G.DE05 Fast Breathing
CHE.B24.G.DE39 Axillary Temperature (second measurement)
CHE.B24.G.DE40 Prefer to take Rectal Temperature (second measurement)
CHE.B24.G.DE41 Rectal Temperature (second measurement)
CHE.B24.G.DE42 Second Temperature Measurement not Feasible
CHE.B24.G.DE43 Measured Temperature (second measurement)
CHE.A.DE17 Female

The client is Female

CHE.A.DE18 Male

The client is Male

CHE.A.DE19 Not Specified

The client's sex is not specified

CHE.A.DE13 Estimate Age - Years/Months for a child
CHE.A.DE14 Estimate Age - Weeks/Days for young infant
CHE.A.DE15 Estimate Date of Birth
CHE.A.DE25 Mother
CHE.A.DE26 Father
CHE.A.DE27 Sibling
CHE.A.DE28 Extended Family
CHE.A.DE29 Legal Guardian
CHE.A.DE30 Not Related
CHE.A.DE46 Dead

Biological Mother or Father dead

CHE.A.DE34 Alive

Biological Mother or Father Alive

CHE.A.DE33 Unknown

Biological Mother or Father Vital Status unknown

CHE.B3.DE02 Life Threatening Emergency
CHE.B3.DE03 Sick Child
CHE.B3.DE04 Routine visit (Well child/infant)
CHE.B3.DE07 Initial visit
CHE.B3.DE08 Follow Up
CHE.B7.B8.B9.DE02 Stabilised, continue consultation

The child has been stabilised and the healthcare worker will continue the consultation

CHE.B7.B8.B9.DE03 End consultation

The child has not been stabilised and the healthcare worker willend the consultation

CHE.B7.B8.B9.DE04 Entered response in error

The healthcare worker entered the response for a life-threatening illness in error

CHE.B7.DE05 One Convulsion
CHE.B7.DE06 Two or more convulsions
CHE.B7.DE11 Vomiting Everything

The child is reported to be vomiting everything (not able to hold anything down at all)

CHE.B7.DE12 Vomiting but Not Everything

The child is reported to be vomiting, but not everything

CHE.B7.DE13 No Vomiting

The child is reported not to be vomiting

CHE.B24.G.DE08 Completely Unable to Drink

The child is completely unable to drink

CHE.B24.G.DE09 Vomits Immediately / Everything

The child vomits immediately / everything

CHE.B24.G.DE10 Drinks Poorly

The child drinks poorly

CHE.B24.G.DE11 Drinks Eagerly / Thirstily

The child drinks eagerly / thirstily

CHE.B24.G.DE12 Drinks Normally

The child drinks normally

Low Low
Normal Normal
High High
Very High Very High
CHE.B6.DE19 Does not appear to be Underweight

The child is visually assessed for whether underweight by the health care worker and does not appear to be underweight (estimated weight based on height or age would be equivalent to WHZ= 0 / WAZ= 0) (for drug dosing calculations)

CHE.B6.DE20 Appears to be Underweight

The child is visually assessed for whether underweight by the health care worker and appears to be underweight (as an aide for dosing calculations) (estimated weight based on height or age would be equivalent to WHZ= -1 / WAZ= -1) (for drug dosing calculations)

CHE.B6.DE21 Appears to be Severely Underweight

The child is visually assessed for whether underweight and appears to be severely underweight (as an aide for dosing calculations) (estimated weight based on height or age would be equivalent to WHZ= -2 / WAZ= -2) (for drug dosing calculations)

14 days or less The child has had symptoms for 14 days or less (2 weeks or less)


More than 14 days The child has had symptoms for more than 14 days (more than 2 weeks)


CHE.B12S1.DE04 7 Days or less

The child has had fever for 7 days or less (1 week or less)

CHE.B12S1.DE05 More than 7 days

The child has had fever for more than 7 days (more than 1 week)

CHE.B12S1.DE16 High Malaria Risk

High malaria risk: in area where more than 5% of fever cases in children 2 to 59 months are attributable to malaria

CHE.B12S1.DE17 Low Malaria Risk

Low malaria risk: in area where fewer than 5% of fever cases in children 2 to 59 months are attributable to malaria, but where the risk is not negligible.

CHE.B12S1.DE18 No Malaria Risk

No malaria risk: malaria transmission does not normally occur in the area, and imported malaria is uncommon.

CHE.B15S2.DE02 Severe Palmar Pallor

The child has severe palmar pallor if the skin of the palm is very pale or so pale that it looks white.

CHE.B15S2.DE03 Some Palmar Pallor

The child has some palmar pallor if the skin of the child’s palm is pale but not very pale or so pale that it looks white.

CHE.B15S2.DE04 No Palmar Pallor

The child does not have palmar pallor

CHE.NP Nursing Professional

Nursing professionals provide treatment, support and care services for people who are in need of nursing care due to the effects of ageing, injury, illness or other physical or mental impairment, or potential risks to health, according to the practice and standards of modern nursing. They assume responsibility for the planning and management of the care of patients, including the supervision of other health care workers, working autonomously or in teams with medical doctors and others in the practical application of preventive and curative measures in clinical and community settings.

CHE.NAP Nursing associated professionals

Nursing associate professionals provide basic nursing and personal care for people in need of such care due to effects of ageing, illness, injury, or other physical or mental impairment. They provide health advice to patients and families; monitor patients' conditions; and implement care, treatment and referral plans usually established by medical, nursing and other health professionals.

CHE.MP Midwifery professionals

Nursing associate professionals provide basic nursing and personal care for people in need of such care due to effects of ageing, illness, injury, or other physical or mental impairment. They provide health advice to patients and families; monitor patients' conditions; and implement care, treatment and referral plans usually established by medical, nursing and other health professionals.

CHE.MAP Midwifery associated professionals

Midwifery associate professionals provide basic health care and advice before, during and after pregnancy and childbirth. They provide advice to women, families and communities on birth and emergency plans, breastfeeding, infant care, family planning and related topics; monitor health status during pregnancy and childbirth; and implement care, treatment and referral plans usually established by medical, midwifery and other health professionals.

CHE.MA Medical assistants

Medical assistants perform basic clinical and administrative tasks to support patient care under the direct supervision of a medical practitioner or other health professional. They perform routine tasks and procedures such as measuring patients' vital signs, administering medications and injections, recording information in medical record-keeping systems, preparing and handling medical instruments and supplies, and collecting and preparing specimens of bodily fluids and tissues for laboratory testing.

CHE.HCA Healthcare assistant

Health care assistants provide routine personal care, support and assistance with activities of daily living to patients and residents in a variety of health care settings such as hospitals, clinics and residential nursing care facilities. They assist patients with personal, physical mobility and therapeutic care needs as per established care plans and practices, and generally under the direct supervision of medical, nursing or other health professionals or associate professionals.

CHE.CHW Community healthcare workers

Community health workers provide health education, referral and follow up, case management, and basic preventive health care and home visiting services to specific communities. They provide support and assistance to individuals and families in navigating the health and social services system.

CHE.HBPCW Home-based personal care workers

Home-based personal care workers provide routine personal care, support and assistance with activities of daily living to persons who are in need of such care due to effects of ageing, illness, injury, or other physical or mental condition in private homes and other independent residential settings. They assist clients with personal, physical mobility and therapeutic care needs, usually as per care plans established by a health professional.

CHE.ICC Infant / child care

A person who gives care to an infant / child and can be considered the Mother, Father, Adolescent Mother, Adolescent Father, Guardian, Carer of the Infant / Child. They are the secondary clients receiving health care services from the targeted health worker personas with respect to their infant/child. While this is a diverse population group with different demographics, and health needs, they generally have the following expectations: • maintaining a healthy life for the infant / child (including preventing and treating risks, illness and death) • maintaining physical and socio-cultural normality for the infant / child • achieving positive infant/child health The content specifications for children and their carers will become even more important as additional client-side digital functionalities, such as targeted client communication (reminders), reporting of health system feedback, and personal health tracking, are incorporated.

CHE.MS Medical secretaries

Medical secretaries, using specialized knowledge of medical terminology and health care delivery procedures, perform a variety of communication, documentation, administrative and internal coordination functions, to support health workers in medical facilities and other health care-related organizations. They sEm Careule medical appointments, record and review medical charts and correspondence, interview patients to complete case histories, prepare health insurance claims and acquisition orders, and supervise the work of other office support workers.

CHE.CSW Clerical support workers

This group covers clerical support workers (excluding specialized health information technicians and medical secretaries) working in health systems including, for instance, general clerks, keyboard clerks, client services clerks, material recording clerks and others who record, organize, store, compute and retrieve information, and perform clerical and secretarial duties in connection with money-handling operations, requests for information and appointments.

CHE.HSM Health service managers

Health service managers plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the provision of clinical and community health care services in hospitals, clinics, public health agencies and similar organizations. They provide overall direction, policy standards and operational criteria for the units they manage, including supervising and evaluating the recruitment, training and work activities of personnel. They monitor the use of health services and resources. They liaise with other health and welfare service providers, boards and funding bodies to coordinate the provision of services.

CHE.HMPNEC Health management personnel not elsewhere classified

This group covers managers and administrators not classified elsewhere (except health service mangers) working in health systems including, for instance, government health department heads, human resource managers, supply chain managers, regional health policy and planning directors, and others whose main tasks and duties include guiding and directing the activities of organizations, departments and other workers.

CHE.MRAHIT Medical record and health information technicians

Medical records and health information technicians develop, implement and assess health records processing, storage and retrieval systems in medical facilities and other health care settings to meet the legal, professional, ethical and administrative records-keeping requirements of health services delivery.

CHE.B18S1.DE03 Not Able to Feed At All

The client is reported not to be able to feed at all

CHE.B18S1.DE04 Not Feeding Well

The client is reported to not be feeding well

CHE.B18S1.DE05 Feeding Well

The client is reported to be feeding well

CHE.B18S2.DE09 Moves on his or her own or moves spontaneously or without stimulation

The young infant moves on his or her own or moves spontaneously or without stimulation

CHE.B18S2.DE10 Movement only when stimulated but then stops

The young infant has movement but only when stimulated and then movement stops

CHE.B18S2.DE11 No movement at all

The young infant has no movement at all even after stimulation

CHE.B19S2.DE05 Within less than 24 hours of birth

The young infant's Jaundice appeared less than 24 hours after birth

CHE.B19S2.DE06 24 hours or more after birth

The young infant's Jaundice appeared 24 hours or more after birth

CHE.B19S2.DE07 Unknown when Jaundice first appeared

The caregiver does not know when the Jaundice first appeared if it is a first visit for jaundice and in the first 3 weeks of life

CHE.B20S2.DE05 Goes back Normally (immediately)

The young infant's skin goes back normally after skin pinch of abdomen (immediately)

CHE.B20S2.DE04 Goes back slowly (2 seconds or fewer, but not immediately)

The young infant's skin goes back slowly after skin pinch of abdomen (2 seconds or fewer, but not immediately)

CHE.B20S2.DE03 Goes back very slowly (More than 2 seconds)

The young infant's skin goes back very slowly after skin pinch of abdomen (More than 2 seconds)

CHE.B21S2.DE02 Very Low Weight for Age

A young infant who is less than 7 days old and weighs less than 2 kg

CHE.B21S2.DE03 Low Weight for Age

A young infant with weight for age z-score below -2.

CHE.B21S2.DE04 Normal Weight for Age

A young infant with normal weight for age (z-score -2 or above)

CHE.B21S2.DE10 Appropriate replacement milk

The caregiver is giving appropriate  replacement milk

CHE.B21S2.DE11 Inappropriate replacement milk

The caregiver is giving inappropriate replacement milk

CHE.B21S2.DE16 Sufficient replacement feeds

The caregiver is giving sufficient replacement feeds (approximately 60 ml per feed, 8 times per day for a young infant up to one month of age; approximately 90 ml per feed, 7 times per day for a young infant between 1 and 2 months of age)

CHE.B21S2.DE17 Insufficient replacement feeds

The caregiver is not giving sufficient replacement feeds (i.e. less than 60 ml per feed, 8 times per day for a young infant up to one month of age; less than 90 ml per feed, 7 times per day for a young infant between 1 and 2 months of age)

CHE.B21S2.DE19 Correct or hygienic feed preparation

The caregiver is preparing the milk correctly and hygenically

CHE.B21S2.DE20 Incorrect or unhygienic feed preparation

The caregiver is not preparing the milk correctly and hygenically

CHE.B21S2.DE22 Cup

The milk is given to the young infant using a cup

CHE.B21S2.DE23 Bottle

The milk is given to the young infant using a bottle

CHE.B21S2.DE25 Feeding utensils cleaned hygienically

The caregiver is cleaning the feeding utensils hygienically

CHE.B21S2.DE26 Feeding utensils not cleaned hygienically

The caregiver is not cleaning the feeding utensils hygienically

CHE.B21S2.DE28 Breastmilk also given

Breastmilk is also given to the young infant

CHE.B21S2.DE29 No Breastmilk at all

No breastmilk is given to the young infant at all

CHE.B12S1.DE09 No Pain

The child is not reported to have any pain and does not appear to be in pain

CHE.B12S1.DE10 Joint or Bone Pain

The child is reported to have or appears to have joint or bone pain

CHE.B12S1.DE11 Pain or Difficulty Passing Urine or Crying when Passing Urine

The child is reported to have or appears to have pain or difficulty passing urine (in younger children this may appear as crying when passing urine)

CHE.B12S1.DE12 Skin Pain

The child is reported to have or appears to have painful skin or a skin problem

CHE.B12S1.DE13 Ear Pain

The child is reported to have or appears to have ear pain

CHE.B12S1.DE14 Other

The child is reported to have or appears to have pain which does not fit into the other categories

CHE.B14S2.DE07 Generalised Skin Problem

The child has a generalised skin problem which affects the whole body, a large area of the body, or several parts of the body.

CHE.B14S2.DE08 Localised Skin Problem

The child has a a localised skin problem which is limited to one area of the body.

CHE.B14S2.DE09 No Problem

The child does not have a skin problem on examination

CHE.B14S2.DE27 Skin Lesions >= 4 cm

The impetigo skin lesions cover an area of 4 cm or larger

CHE.B14S2.DE28 Red Skin Streaks

The impetigo is associated with red skin streaks

CHE.B14S2.DE29 Tender Nodes (Nodules) under the skin

The impetigo is associated with tender Nodes (Nodules) under the skin

CHE.B14S2.DE30 Skin Infection extends to Muscle

The skin Infection extends to Muscle

CHE.B14S2.DE30a No signs of severe Impetigo / Folliculitis

The child does not have any signs of severe Impetigo / Folliculitis

CHE.B14S2.DE39 No Oral Sores or Mouth Ulcers

The child does not have oral sores or mouth ulcers

CHE.B14S2.DE40 Oral Thrush

The child has oral thrush

CHE.B14S2.DE41 Mouth Sores or Mouth Ulcers - Deep and Extensive

The child has mouth sores or ulcers which are deep and extensive (severe, requiring referral)

CHE.B14S2.DE42 Mouth Sores or Mouth Ulcers - Not Deep and Extensive

The child has mouth sores or ulcers which are not deep and extensive (not severe, not requiring referral)