WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Functional Requirements

Functional Requirements

Requirement ID Activity ID and Description As a… I want to… So that… Review Comments
Classification of Digital Health Interventions - Client Identification and Registration (2.1)          
Business Process A: Registration          
CHE.FXREQ.001 Infant is Born Neonate / Infant (Care Giver) NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.002 Sick Neonate / Infant Arrives at Health Facility Neonate / Infant (Care Giver) NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.003 Sick Neonate / Infant Is Born Neonate / Infant (Care Giver) NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.004 Sick Child Arrives at Facility Child (Care Giver) NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.005 Triage and Emergency Assessment Health Worker or Clerk Bypass the standard flow at any point if an urgent case is identified - Refer to Business Process G. Triage and Assessment the child / infant can receive immediate attention - Refer to Business Process G. Triage and Assessment  
CHE.FXREQ.006 Gather Neonate / Infant / Child Details Health Worker or Clerk Be able to gather the client’s Care Giver basic information (if required) I can track and follow the client’s care giver name for the purposes of engagement during the consultation  
CHE.FXREQ.007 Gather Neonate / Infant / Child Details Health Worker or Clerk be able to gather unique identifier number/information pertaining to the client that does not include personal information I do not have to manage personal information management regulation/laws  
CHE.FXREQ.008 Gather Neonate / Infant / Child Details Health Worker or Clerk be able to gather unique identifier number/information pertaining to the client that includes personal information I can identify the client using personal information within personal information management regulation/laws  
CHE.FXREQ.009 Search for Neonate / Infant / Child Record Health Worker or Clerk Search if client is already in system (using at least 2 identifiers) (including information pertaining to the client’s carer) I can check if this is a new or existing client  
CHE.FXREQ.010 Search for Neonate / Infant / Child Record Health Worker or Clerk Display sufficient data to identify client I can confirm that it is the correct client  
CHE.FXREQ.011 Search for Neonate / Infant / Child Record Health Worker or Clerk Require a user to search if a client is already in the system prior to starting a new medical record entry I can confirm that it is the correct client and update information as necessary  
CHE.FXREQ.012 Search for Neonate / Infant / Child Record Health Worker or Clerk Read client identification system (e.g. QR code, bar code, fingerprint) and pull up client information I can confirm that it is the correct client and update information as necessary  
CHE.FXREQ.013 Search for Neonate / Infant / Child Record Health Worker or Clerk Provide sufficient data to rule out this client is already in the system I can avoid duplicates  
  Client Details Found NA NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.014 Review Socio-demographic Data with Infant / Child Carer Health Worker or Clerk Add data that provides socio-demographic information about the client I can use the data to for analysis, forecasting and planning  
CHE.FXREQ.015 Review Socio-demographic Data with Infant / Child Carer Health Worker or Clerk Edit data that provides socio-demographic information about the client I can use the data to for analysis, forecasting and planning  
CHE.FXREQ.016 Update Neonate / Infant / Child Details Health Worker or Clerk Be able to edit identification information (including information pertaining to the client’s carer) I can update existing client information  
CHE.FXREQ.017 Update Neonate / Infant / Child Details Health Worker or Clerk Indicate mandatory fields that must be filled out for registration to be valid I can ensure all necessary information has been completed  
CHE.FXREQ.018 Update Neonate / Infant / Child Details Health Worker or Clerk Allow edits to fields on screen before information is committed I can ensure information has been checked before submission  
CHE.FXREQ.019 Update Neonate / Infant / Child Details Health Worker or Clerk Allow for a temporary identification in emergency situations when full identity is unknown I can proceed with registration  
  Client Details Not Found NA NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.020 Create Neonate / Infant / Child Record Health Worker or Clerk Be able to enter new identification information (including information pertaining to the client’s carer) I can enter new client information  
CHE.FXREQ.021 Create Neonate / Infant / Child Record Health Worker or Clerk Indicate mandatory fields that must be filled out for registration to be valid I can ensure all necessary information has been completed  
CHE.FXREQ.022 Create Neonate / Infant / Child Record Health Worker or Clerk Allow edits to fields on screen before information is committed I can ensure information has been checked before submission  
CHE.FXREQ.023 Create Neonate / Infant / Child Record Health Worker or Clerk Allow for a temporary identification in emergency situations when full identity unknown I can proceed with registration  
CHE.FXREQ.024 Create Neonate / Infant / Child Record Health Worker or Clerk be able to input Biometric Information input only (e.g. age, gender, respiration, weight, birth weight, height) I can proceed without using personal information but still maintain medical information via a unique identifier number (also useful in emergency scenarios)  
CHE.FXREQ.025 Check-in Neonate / Infant / Child Health Worker or Clerk Record a time/date-stamped new contact (encounter) I can confirm when the client came  
CHE.FXREQ.026 Check-in Neonate / Infant / Child Health Worker or Clerk Identify in the client’s record if this is a follow up appointment or an initial visit I can identify which process to follow and view the client’s previous problems that required a follow up  
CHE.FXREQ.027 Check-in Neonate / Infant / Child Health Worker or Clerk Provide the ability to “check in” for a scheduled contact I can initiate services at the follow-up contact  
CHE.FXREQ.028 Check-in Neonate / Infant / Child Health Worker or Clerk Identify the date of the last attended contact I can ensure client is receiving services according to recommended contact schedule  
CHE.FXREQ.029 Check-in Neonate / Infant / Child Health Worker or Clerk Provide a list of scheduled contact to allow for defaulters to be traced I can track and follow-up clients requiring services  
CHE.FXREQ.030 Check-in Neonate / Infant / Child Health Worker or Clerk Provide a list or roster of all infant / child clients due to arrive I know which clients to follow-up or are due for services  
CHE.FXREQ.031 Check-in Neonate / Infant / Child Health Worker or Clerk Provide tools to search, sort, and filter the infant/child client database I can manage and follow-up on clients requiring services  
Classification of Digital Health Interventions - Client Health Records (2.2) / Healthcare Provider Decision Support (2.3) / Health Care Provider Training (2.8) / Laboratory and Diagnostics Imaging Management (2.10)          
Business Process B: Assess and Classify the Sick Child          
CHE.FXREQ.001 Healthy Neonate / Infant / Child is taken to be Assessed Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.002 Neonate is Born at the Facility Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.003 Sick Infant / Child Taken to be Assessed Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.004 Ask the Care Giver what the Neonate / Infant / Child’s Problems Are Health Worker To be able to choose the option to refer in general to the SMART guidance without having to complete a full consultation (e.g. for training / reference only) I can refresh my training and knowledge  
CHE.FXREQ.005 Ask the Care Giver what the Neonate / Infant / Child’s Problems Are Health Worker To be able to choose the option of a consultation which leads me through the full process for assess and classify the sick child and further to Treat the Child, Referral and Follow Up I can ensure that a complete consultation is provided  
CHE.FXREQ.006 Ask the Care Giver what the Neonate / Infant / Child’s Problems Are Health Worker To be able to route the consultation via different health workers and save the information already entered to the consultation even if the consultation is not yet complete enabling other health workers to see the information already entered and to be able to add/edit information as it becomes available. I do not have to start a new consultation for every health worker that the client is involved with.  
CHE.FXREQ.007 Ask the Care Giver what the Neonate / Infant / Child’s Problems Are Health Worker Identify key symptoms and signs that may require medical attention I can provide the appropriate services as quickly as possible  
CHE.FXREQ.008 Ask the Care Giver what the Neonate / Infant / Child’s Problems Are Health Worker Determine whether to manage client in-facility or refer I can ensure the client receives appropriate services as quickly as possible  
CHE.FXREQ.009 Ask the Care Giver what the Neonate / Infant / Child’s Problems Are Health Worker View a review of any past medical history previously entered I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.010 Triage and Emergency Assessment Health Worker Refer to Business Process G. Triage and Assessment NA  
CHE.FXREQ.011 Determine if this is an initial visit or a Follow Up Visit Health Worker Indicate patient has arrived for initial visit, scheduled contact, or specific complaint (tasks will vary based on HW roles) I can know what services to provide  
  Follow Up Visit NA Refer to Business Process E. Follow Up NA  
  Initial Visit NA NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.012 Determine the Age of the Neonate / Infant / Child Health Worker Be able to view the age of the client on the client record or following consultation with the carer to add the client’s age to the record I can provide appropriate services for the client’s problems based on their age  
CHE.FXREQ.013 Determine the Age of the Neonate / Infant / Child Health Worker Indicate if the age of the child is not known and be able to provide information as to how an age determination has been agreed I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
  Infant age up to 2 months NA NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.014 Check Symptoms and Conduct Physical Exam Health Worker Provide a standardized form for the entry of the clients profile I can ensure the client’s health information is recorded and up to date  
CHE.FXREQ.015 Check Symptoms and Conduct Physical Exam Health Worker Provide a standardized form for the entry of clinical data I can ensure the client’s health information is recorded and up to date  
CHE.FXREQ.016 Check Symptoms and Conduct Physical Exam Health Worker Provide real-time range checks and data integrity checks on data I can ensure entry of accurate information and reduce errors  
CHE.FXREQ.017 Check Symptoms and Conduct Physical Exam Health Worker To be able to follow a consultation that focusses initially on the symptoms highlighted by the Care Giver but that continues a full assessment of all possible symptoms I can provide a complete consultation and identify if there is more than one diagnosis and treatment recommendation  
CHE.FXREQ.018 Ask the Care Giver what the Neonate / Infant / Child’s Problems Are Health Worker To be able to route the consultation via different health workers and save the information already entered to the consultation even if the consultation is not yet complete enabling other health workers to see the information already entered and to be able to add/edit information as it becomes available. I do not have to start a new consultation for every health worker that the client is involved with.  
CHE.FXREQ.019 Check Symptoms and Conduct Physical Exam Health Worker Highlight abnormal values I can identify critical health issues or errors(if a data entry issue)  
CHE.FXREQ.020 Perform Tests (Laboratory) Health Worker Provide a list of tests that the Health Worker can order for the client based on guidance for their age/symptoms/diagnosis I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.021 Perform Tests (Laboratory) Health Worker Provide information so that test results that have been ordered can be recorded I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.022 Diagnosis Health Worker To be able to agree/disagree with the diagnosis presented from the guidance and be able to select an alternative diagnosis stating the reasoning regarding the decision If a diagnosis is deemed incorrect that I can correct it with suitable reasoning to ensure that the correct treatment recommendations are provided  
  Age 2 months up to 5 years NA NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.023 Check Symptoms and Conduct Physical Exam Health Worker Provide a standardized form for the entry of the clients profile I can ensure the client’s health information is recorded and up to date  
CHE.FXREQ.024 Check Symptoms and Conduct Physical Exam Health Worker Provide a standardized form for the entry of clinical data I can ensure the client’s health information is recorded and up to date  
CHE.FXREQ.025 Check Symptoms and Conduct Physical Exam Health Worker Provide real-time range checks and data integrity checks on data I can ensure entry of accurate information and reduce errors  
CHE.FXREQ.026 Check Symptoms and Conduct Physical Exam Health Worker To be able to follow a consultation that focusses initially on the symptoms highlighted by the Care Giver but that continues a full assessment of all possible symptoms I can provide a complete consultation and identify if there is more than one diagnosis and treatment recommendation  
CHE.FXREQ.027 Check Symptoms and Conduct Physical Exam Health Worker Highlight abnormal values I can identify critical health issues or errors(if a data entry issue)  
CHE.FXREQ.028 Perform Tests (Laboratory) Health Worker Provide a list of tests that the Health Worker can order I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.029 Perform Tests (Laboratory) Health Worker Provide fields where test results that have been ordered can be recorded I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.030 Diagnosis Health Worker To be able to agree/disagree with the diagnosis presented from the guidance and be able to select an alternative diagnosis stating the reasoning regarding the decision If a diagnosis is deemed incorrect that I can correct it with suitable reasoning to ensure that the correct treatment recommendations are provided  
Classification of Digital Health Interventions - Client Health Records (2.2) / Healthcare Provider Decision Support (2.3) / Prescription and Medication Management (2.9)          
Business Process C: Treat the Child          
CHE.FXREQ.001 Neonate / Infant / Child Sickness Classified Health Worker NA NA  
  Initial Visit NA NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.002 Counselling, In-Facility Management and Treatment Health Worker Allow the recording of key observations during a visit and a space to make general notes about the consultation and treatment provided I can ensure the client’s health information is recorded and kept up to date  
CHE.FXREQ.003 Counselling, In-Facility Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide decision support as appropriate for users based on data entered I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.004 Counselling, In-Facility Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Suggest appropriate treatments/investigations based on findings including ability to propose alternative treatments in the case that the primary treatment is not available I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.005 Counselling, In-Facility Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Be able to show improvements or decline of a clients health based on previous / current consultations including before and after treatment I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.006 Counselling, In-Facility Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide context-sensitive, real-time decision support in response to entry of clinical data (alerts, advice, resources) I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.007 Counselling, In-Facility Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide decision support as appropriate for users I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.008 Counselling, In-Facility Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide a source to access accurate health information I can manage my client’s health in my daily life  
CHE.FXREQ.009 Counselling, In-Facility Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Receive information messages in a way that ensures patient confidentiality I can manage my client’s health in my daily life  
CHE.FXREQ.010 Counselling, In-Facility and / or Community Management and Treatment Health Worker Create a new referral request to health facility I can refer my client in order for them to receive the appropriate services  
CHE.FXREQ.011 Counselling, In-Facility and / or Community Management and Treatment Health Worker Create a new follow-up request to health facility I can refer my client in order for them to receive the appropriate services  
  Follow Up Visit NA NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.012 Counselling, In-Facility and / or Community Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide decision support as appropriate for users based on data entered I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.013 Counselling, In-Facility and / or Community Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Suggest appropriate treatments/investigations based on findings I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.014 Counselling, In-Facility and / or Community Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide context-sensitive, real-time decision support in response to entry of clinical data (alerts, advice, resources) I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.015 Counselling, In-Facility and / or Community Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide decision support as appropriate for users based on data entered I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.016 Counselling, In-Facility and / or Community Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide a source to access accurate health information I can manage my client’s health in my daily life  
CHE.FXREQ.017 Counselling, In-Facility and / or Community Management and Treatment Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Receive information messages/alerts in a way that ensures patient confidentiality I can manage my client’s health in my daily life  
CHE.FXREQ.018 Counselling, In-Facility and / or Community Management and Treatment Health Worker Allow the recording of key observations during follow up visit I can ensure the client’s health information is recorded and kept up to date  
CHE.FXREQ.019 Counselling, In-Facility and / or Community Management and Treatment Health Worker Create a new referral request to health facility I can refer my client in order for them to receive the appropriate services  
CHE.FXREQ.020 Counselling, In-Facility and / or Community Management and Treatment Health Worker Create a new follow-up request to health facility I can refer my client in order for them to receive the appropriate services  
CHE.FXREQ.021 Check if the Neonate / Infant / Child has any new problems Health Worker Be able to start a new Business Process B: Assess and Classify the Sick Child if new symptoms have been identified with the client I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
Classification of Digital Health Interventions - Targeted Client Communication (1.1) / Referral Coordination (2.6)          
Business Process D: Referral          
CHE.FXREQ.001 Determine if the Referral is an Emergency Health Worker NA NA  
  Emergency Referral Required NA Refer to Business Process G. Triage and Assessment NA  
CHE.FXREQ.002 Prepare for Emergency Referral Health Worker Provide a list of Emergency Referral Locations and contact details if local emergency number (e.g. 911 / 999 etc.) is not used I can arrange emergency services  
  Emergency Referral Not Required NA NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.003 Identify and Discuss Referral Location Options Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide a list of Referral Location Options, specialisms etc. and contact details I can choose the best options for the client contact facility and schedule a referral  
CHE.FXREQ.004 Identify and Discuss Referral Location Options Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Be able to find out where a treatment method may be available nearby I can refer my client to another facility in order to receive the appropriate services  
CHE.FXREQ.005 Identify and Discuss Referral Location Options Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Find facilities that can provide the service or treatment method that mine can’t provide. The client does not travel to a facility which cannot help them.  
CHE.FXREQ.006 Contact Referral Facility Health Worker NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.007 Facility Accommodates Referral Health Worker Be able to share my client’s health records with the referral facility They can provide the health care my client needs.  
CHE.FXREQ.008 Facility Accommodates Referral Automated System Notification Notify / send a reminder to the client’s care giver for the referral appointment So that the care giver does not forget the appointment to receive required health services  
CHE.FXREQ.009 Referral Facility Registration Health Worker Provide a list or roster of all infant / child clients I know which clients to follow-up or are due for services  
CHE.FXREQ.010 Referral Facility Registration Health Worker Provide tools to search, sort, and filter the infant/child database I can manage and follow-up on clients requiring services  
CHE.FXREQ.011 Discuss Questions with Infant / Child’s Care Giver Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide/Print/Share information/clinical guidance to the client’s carer as relevant I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.012 Discuss Questions with Infant / Child’s Care Giver Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide a way to share sources for access to accurate health information I can manage my client’s health in my daily life  
CHE.FXREQ.013 Discuss Questions with Infant / Child’s Care Giver Health Worker and Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide a way for the client’s carer to receive information messages in a way that ensures patient confidentiality I can manage my client’s health in my daily life  
CHE.FXREQ.014 Infant / Child goes to Referral Facility Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.015 Receive Neonate / Infant / Child Health Worker Be able to know the care my client received at the referral facility I can provide appropriate care if my client comes back to my facility.  
CHE.FXREQ.016 Triage and Emergency Assessment Health Worker Refer to Business Process G. Triage and Assessment NA  
CHE.FXREQ.017 Treat the Child Health Worker Refer to Business Process C: Treat the Child NA  
Classification of Digital Health Interventions - Targeted Client Communication (1.1) / Health Worker Activity Planning and Scheduling (2.7) / Telemedicine (2.4)          
Business Process E: Follow Up          
CHE.FXREQ.001 Identify and Discuss Follow Up Location Options Facility Health Worker Provide a list of Follow Up Location Options and contact details I can choose the best options for the client and schedule a follow up  
  Facility Follow Up NA NA    
CHE.FXREQ.002 Arrange Appointment for Follow Up Facility Health Worker Display a schedule of available days I can notify client when to return for subsequent contact  
CHE.FXREQ.003 Arrange Appointment for Follow Up Facility Health Worker Indicate (based on protocol) the preferred days for follow-up contact the client receives services according to recommended contact schedule  
CHE.FXREQ.004 Arrange Appointment for Follow Up Facility Health Worker Record identification and tracking information (such as cell phone number) I can follow-up and remind client on when to return for services  
CHE.FXREQ.005 Arrange Appointment for Follow Up Facility Health Worker Display number of existing contacts per day (to allow for balancing) I can manage and follow-up on clients requiring services  
CHE.FXREQ.006 Arrange Appointment for Follow Up Automated System Notification Notify / send a reminder to the client’s care giver for the referral appointment So that the care giver does not forget the appointment to receive required health services  
CHE.FXREQ.007 Attend Follow Up at home, in the community or at the health facility Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Refer to Business Process A: Registration NA  
CHE.FXREQ.008 Triage and Emergency Assessment Facility Health Worker Refer to Business Process G. Triage and Assessment NA  
CHE.FXREQ.009 Treat the Child Facility Health Worker Refer to Business Process C: Treat the Child NA  
  Home / Community Follow Up NA NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.010 Contact Follow Up Facility Facility Health Worker Display a schedule of available days I can notify client when to return for subsequent contact  
CHE.FXREQ.011 Contact Follow Up Facility Facility Health Worker Indicate (based on protocol) the preferred days for follow-up contact the client receives services according to recommended contact schedule  
CHE.FXREQ.012 Contact Follow Up Facility Facility Health Worker Record identification and tracking information (such as cell phone number) I can follow-up and remind client on when to return for services  
CHE.FXREQ.013 Facility Accommodates Follow Up Community Health Worker NA NA  
CHE.FXREQ.014 Provide information Follow Up Facility Health Worker Be able to share my client’s health records with the follow up facility They can provide the care my client needs.  
CHE.FXREQ.015 Plan for Routine, Targeted Community Support Community Health Worker Provide a list or roster of all clients in the schedule I can manage and follow-up on clients requiring services  
CHE.FXREQ.016 Plan for Routine, Targeted Community Support Community Health Worker Provide a list of scheduled contacts and to allow for defaulters to be traced I can track and follow-up clients requiring services  
CHE.FXREQ.017 Attend Follow Up at home, in the community or at the health facility Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Refer to Business Process A: Registration I can register attendance of the follow up  
CHE.FXREQ.018 Visit sick neonate / infant / child Community Health Worker Refer to Business Process A: Registration I can identify the correct client details and health records  
CHE.FXREQ.019 Triage and Emergency Assessment Community Health Worker Refer to Business Process G. Triage and Assessment NA  
CHE.FXREQ.020 Treat the Child Community Health Worker Refer to Business Process C: Treat the Child (Follow Up process) NA  
CHE.FXREQ.021 Self / Care Giver Care in the home or community Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide/Print/Share information/clinical guidance to the client’s carer as relevant I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols  
CHE.FXREQ.022 Self / Care Giver Care in the home or community Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide a way to share sources for access accurate health information I can manage my client’s health in my daily life  
CHE.FXREQ.023 Self / Care Giver Care in the home or community Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) Provide a way for the client’s carer to receive information messages in a way that ensures patient confidentiality I can manage my client’s health in my daily life  
Classification of Digital Health Interventions - Facility Management (3.7)          
Business Process F: Aggregate Reporting          
CHE.FXREQ.001 Aggregate Reporting and Data Use Facility Staff, Facility Staff in Charge, District Health Officer / Staff Produce a range of prepared and ad hoc reports and analyses I am able to use data collected at the facility, including for service delivery (beyond reporting purposes alone).  
CHE.FXREQ.002 Aggregate Reporting and Data Use Facility Staff, Facility Staff in Charge, District Health Officer / Staff Be able to view data on my own performance and service delivery I can understand trends and challenges and track my own performance over time  
CHE.FXREQ.003 Aggregate Reporting and Data Use Facility Staff, Facility Staff in Charge, District Health Officer / Staff Be able to run calculations on data to populate indicators or reports on my own performance and service delivery - calculations on data should be conducted with FHIR CQL I can understand trends and challenges and track my own performance over time  
Classification of Digital Health Interventions - Client Health Records (2.2) / Healthcare Provider Decision Support (2.3) / Health Care Provider Training (2.8) / Laboratory and Diagnostics Imaging Management (2.10)          
Business Process G: Triage and Emergency Assessment          
CHE.FXREQ.001 Neonate / Infant / Child is sick Neonate / Infant / Child (Care Giver) NA    
CHE.FXREQ.002 Check for Emergency Signs Health Worker Be able to record the emergency symptoms and actions undertaken I can record what happened to the client  
CHE.FXREQ.003 Check Priority Conditions Health Worker Be able to record the emergency symptoms and actions undertaken I can record what happened to the client  
CHE.FXREQ.004 Prioritise the Neonate / Infant / Child for Assess and Classify the Sick Child Health Worker Be able to prioritise the client’s time/date stamped appointment time Appropriate services can be provided according to the latest clinical protocols  
General Requirements          
CHE.FXREQ.001 General Solution Requirements - Data Dictionary All Users Solution must be able to leverage the data dictionary (to be produced as part of workstream 2/3 work) the tool is consistent  
CHE.FXREQ.002 General Solution Requirements - Modular Approach All Users Provide a modular approach to the solution to accommodate variations required to make the solution country specific - for example: - ability to use/not to use personal identifiers for registration, - include a focus on symptoms/diagnosis that may appear in a country susceptible (malaria, HIV etc.) - treatment modules that may be available in the country / setting (oral only vs injections etc.) the registration and consultation process includes what is more likely required without by-passing questions that are not required  
CHE.FXREQ.003 General Solution Requirements - Modular Approach All Users Manage clinical algorithm guidance changes through a change management process with quality assurance (using a reference system) and be able to push the information out to all solutions in use I can ensure that all guidance being followed in the field is using the latest approved guidance from WHO  
CHE.FXREQ.004 General Solution Requirements - Modular Approach All Users Be able to track treatments via reference numbers so that these can be updated as required and can be used to create ‘treatment modules’ pertinent to a country or emergency setting countries can implement the correct treatment module for their regulations and emergency setting  
CHE.FXREQ.005 General Solution Requirements - Modular Approach All Users Be able to differentiate between simple and complex care provision requirements I can provide the correct level of detail for the user type (e.g. Doctor/specialist vs Nurse Health workers)  
CHE.FXREQ.006 General Solution Requirements - Modular Approach All Users Be able to build the type of solution suitable for my country / setting using the correct modules according to preferences I can build the solution as closely as possible to the country / setting according to regulations within the country and according to our specific solution requirements  
CHE.FXREQ.007 General Solution Requirements - User Feedback All Users Be able to provide feedback to the Facility Administrator / IT Administrator for issues users notice through daily use of the tool and recommended solution improvements that can future solution development can be improved for the users  
CHE.FXREQ.008 General Solution Requirements - Media All Users The solution to support multi-media such as video, photos, audio examples of symptoms, diagnosis, treatment may be used throughout the consultation process.  
CHE.FXREQ.009 General Solution Requirements - Sync All Users The solution to store data in a FHIR compliant server consistency of data representation and ability to exchange data with other services and solutions using FHIR standards and common value sets (ICD, LOINC)  
CHE.FXREQ.010 General Solution Requirements - Sync All Users The solution to sync data in a FHIR compliant server ensure that data is stored and synced with a server, so that patient information relevant to another user of CHED can access information for client history and to maintain continuity of care delivery  
CHE.FXREQ.011 General Solution Requirements - Sync All Users The solution to represent data in a FHIR format that can be synced with client applications that use the FHIR IPS on their mobile devices to ensure that clients are able to access their personal records and keep a copy on their phones using the HL7 IPS format.  
CHE.FXREQ.012 General Solution Requirements - Modular Approach All Users To be able to add data and calculations as well as forms to the reference application, for localization (language support) and adaptation (addition of core health and data content) as well as calculations for decision-support and populating indicators the tool and embedded forms (and associated interventions) need to be able to be adapted and localized by the user governments/WHO/partners without requiring assistance of engineers from the vendor each time.  
Classification of Digital Health Interventions - Data Services - Data Collection Management and Use (4.1) / Data Coding (4.2) / Data Exchange and Interoperability (4.4)    
Requirement ID Category Non-functional requirement
CHE.NFXNREQ.001 Security-Confidentiality Provide password protected access for authorized users
CHE.NFXNREQ.002 Security-Confidentiality Provide a means to ensure confidentiality and privacy of personal health information
CHE.NFXNREQ.003 Security-Confidentiality Provide ability for allowed users to view confidential data
CHE.NFXNREQ.004 Security-Confidentiality Anonymize data that is exported from the system when required (also ability to export non-anonymized data from the system)
CHE.NFXNREQ.005 Security-Confidentiality Prevent remembering username and password
CHE.NFXNREQ.006 Security-Confidentiality Automatically log out the user after specified time of inactivity
CHE.NFXNREQ.007 Security-Confidentiality Provide encrypted communication between components
CHE.NFXNREQ.008 Security-Authentication Notify the user to change their password the first time they log in
CHE.NFXNREQ.009 Security-Authentication Adhere to complex password requirements
CHE.NFXNREQ.010 Security-Authentication Provide a mechanism to securely change a user’s password
CHE.NFXNREQ.011 Security-Authentication Notify the user of password change to their account
CHE.NFXNREQ.012 Security-Authentication Reset a user’s password in a secure manner
CHE.NFXNREQ.013 Security-Authentication Lock a user out after a specified number of wrong password attempts
CHE.NFXNREQ.014 Security-Authentication Notify a user if their account is locked due to wrong password attempts
CHE.NFXNREQ.015 Security-Authentication Provide role-based access to the system
CHE.NFXNREQ.016 Security-Audit trail and logs Log system log-ins and log-outs
CHE.NFXNREQ.017 Security-Audit trail and logs Record all authentication violations
CHE.NFXNREQ.018 Security-Audit trail and logs Log all activities performed by the user, including date and time stamp
CHE.NFXNREQ.019 Security-Audit trail and logs Log access to views of individual client records
CHE.NFXNREQ.020 Security-Audit trail and logs Log access to data summaries, reports, analysis and visualization features
CHE.NFXNREQ.021 Security-Audit trail and logs Log exchange of data with other systems
CHE.NFXNREQ.022 Security-Audit trail and logs Generate analysis of the usage of different system features and reports
CHE.NFXNREQ.023 Security-Audit trail and logs Log all data and system errors
CHE.NFXNREQ.024 Security-User management Allow user with permission to create a new user and temporary password
CHE.NFXNREQ.025 Security-User management Provide role-based access
CHE.NFXNREQ.026 Security-User management Allow roles to be associated with specific geographical areas and/or health facilities (with the ability to choose which facility to log into as the user may work across several facilities)
CHE.NFXNREQ.027 Security-User management Allow cascading user management and assignment of roles
CHE.NFXNREQ.028 Security-User management Allow user to change the user’s own password
CHE.NFXNREQ.029 Security-User management Allow users to enable and disable another user
CHE.NFXNREQ.030 Security-User management Allow admin user to request password reset
CHE.NFXNREQ.031 Security-User management Notify the user to regularly change the user’s password
CHE.NFXNREQ.032 Security-User management Allow each user to be assigned to one or more roles
CHE.NFXNREQ.033 Security-User management Support definitions of unlimited roles and assigned levels of access, viewing, entry, editing, and auditing
CHE.NFXNREQ.034 System Requirements-General Provide a unique version number for each revision
CHE.NFXNREQ.035 System Requirements-General Enable earlier versions of a record to be recoverable
CHE.NFXNREQ.036 System Requirements-General Enable deployment in an environment subject to power loss
CHE.NFXNREQ.037 System Requirements-General Work in an environment that is subject to loss of connectivity
CHE.NFXNREQ.038 System Requirements-General Generate IDs that are unique across different installations or sites
CHE.NFXNREQ.039 System Requirements-General Report version number when saving data to the database
CHE.NFXNREQ.040 System Requirements-General Be designed to be flexible enough to accommodate for the necessary changes in the future
CHE.NFXNREQ.041 System Requirements-General Allow for offline and online functionality
CHE.NFXNREQ.042 System Requirements-General Show the number of records that are not yet synchronized
CHE.NFXNREQ.043 System Requirements-General Have ability to easily back up information
CHE.NFXNREQ.044 System Requirements-General Warn user if no valid backup for more than a predefined number of days
CHE.NFXNREQ.045 System Requirements-General Must have the ability to store images or other unstructured data
CHE.NFXNREQ.046 System Requirements-Scalability Scalable to accommodate new demands
CHE.NFXNREQ.047 System Requirements-Scalability Be able to accommodate at least [x number of] health facilities
CHE.NFXNREQ.048 System Requirements-Scalability Be able to accommodate at least [x number of] concurrent users
CHE.NFXNREQ.049 System Requirements-Scalability Be able to accommodate more than [x number of] concurrent users
CHE.NFXNREQ.050 System Requirements-Usability Be user friendly for people with low computer literacy
CHE.NFXNREQ.051 System Requirements-Usability Provide informative error messages and tooltips
CHE.NFXNREQ.052 System Requirements-Usability Alert the user when navigating away from the form without saving
CHE.NFXNREQ.053 System Requirements-Usability Support real time data entry validation and feedback to prevent data entry errors from being recorded
CHE.NFXNREQ.054 System Requirements-Usability Simplify data recording through predefined drop-down or searchable lists, radio buttons, check boxes
CHE.NFXNREQ.055 System Requirements-Usability Support multiple languages - English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Arabic
CHE.NFXNREQ.056 System Requirements-Usability Use industry standard user interface practices and apply them in a consistent manner throughout the system
CHE.NFXNREQ.057 System Requirements-Usability Easy to learn and intuitive to enable user to navigate between pages
CHE.NFXNREQ.058 System Requirements-Usability Provide guidance to the users to better support clinical guidelines and best clinical practices
CHE.NFXNREQ.059 System Requirements-Usability Be reliable and robust (minimize the number of system crashes)
CHE.NFXNREQ.060 System Requirements-Usability Adjust display to fit small screens (such as mobile phones)
CHE.NFXNREQ.061 System Requirements-Configuration Configure the system centrally
CHE.NFXNREQ.062 System Requirements-Configuration Configure business rules in line with guidelines and SOPs (using the decision logic and CQL + FHIR resourced)
CHE.NFXNREQ.063 System Requirements-Configuration Configure error messages
CHE.NFXNREQ.064 System Requirements-Configuration Configure workflows and business rules to accommodate differences between facilities
CHE.NFXNREQ.065 System Requirements-Interoperability Communicate with external systems through mediators
CHE.NFXNREQ.066 System Requirements-Interoperability Provide access to data through APIs to interface with other SMART Guideline reference App solutions, incumbent solutions (e.g. registration systems) and reporting tools
CHE.NFXNREQ.067 System Requirements-Interoperability The reference application must have a FHIR backend / FHIR native and leverage the workstream 3 content (CQL + FHIR resources)
CHE.NFXNREQ.068 System Requirements-Interoperability Be interoperable with external systems through mediators
CHE.NFXNREQ.069 System Requirements-Interoperability Link with insurance systems to verify eligibility and submit claims
CHE.NFXNREQ.070 System Requirements-Interoperability Exchange data with other approved systems
CHE.NFXNREQ.071 System Requirements-Interoperability Accept data from multiple input methods including paper, geocoding (GPS)
CHE.NFXNREQ.072 System Requirements-Hardware & connectivity Allow for data exchange and efficient synchronization across multiple facilities and points of service when internet is available, even when it is intermittent and slow
CHE.NFXNREQ.073 System Requirements-Hardware & connectivity Enable use via a web interface and mobile applications for use on various technology devices such as Computers, Laptops, Tablets and Mobiles
CHE.NFXNREQ.073 System Requirements-Hardware & connectivity Ability to work off-line and in low bandwidth areas
CHE.NFXNREQ.074 Documentation Provision of design, build, technical system/architecture, testing documentation for future support and further configuration of the solution for other Health intervention initiatives