WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions



Key concepts used in the WHO Clinical Care in Crisis for CHE is described here. Additional terms are defined in the Glossary and List of Abbrevations in the WHO Digital Adaptation Kit: SMART Guidelines for CHE.

Term Description
Implementation Guide A set of rules of how a particular interoperability or standards problem is solved though the use of FHIR resources. This implementation guide is based on the WHO guidance, as represented in the Digital Adaptation Kit (DAK): SMART Guidelines for Critical Care in Crisis, to support the adaptation of open standards for interoperability.
Digital Adaptation Kit Digital adaptation kits are part of the SMART guidelines initiative in include data and health content consistent with the WHO recommendations, generally applicable to digital systems. They are software neutral, operational and structured documentation based on WHO clinica, helath system and data use recommendations to systematically and transparently inform the design of digital systems.
Functional Requirements Functional requirements defines functions of a system or its components, where a function is described as a summery of behaviour between inputs and outputs.
Non functional requirements Non-functional requirements are requirements that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviours in contrast to the functional requirements.
Clinical Quality Language Clinical Quality Language (CQL) is a high-level domain-specific language focused on clinical quality and targeted at measures and decision support artifact authors.
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically. It provides the syntactic interoperability in health information exchange.
Data Dictionary A centralized repository of information about data elements that contain their definitions, relationships, origins, usage and type of data. The data dictionary is provided as a spreadsheet in the digital adaptation kit (DAK).
Data Element A unit of data that has a specific and precise meaning.
Indicator Summary measures that capture relevant information on different attributes and dimensions of health status and performance of a health system.
Clinical Practice Guidelines Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) provides a means of creating a computable representation of narrative clinical guideline that is faithful to guideline intent and supports the derivation of downstream capabilities such as cognitive and decsion support, quality measures, case reporting and documentation templates that direct clinical documentation in support determining guideline compliance.


The following table describes the abbrivations used throughout this implementation guide.

Term Description
CDS Clinical Decision Support
CQL Clinical Quality Language
FHIR Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources
DAK Digital Adaptation Kit
IG Implementation Guide
SMART Standard-based, Machine readable,
HL7 Health Level Seven International
MOH Ministry of Health
WHO World Health Organization