WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Indicator and Performance Metrics

This page includes indicators and performance metrics that would be aggregated from core data elements identified and is extracted from the WHO Digital Adaptation Kit.

Indicator table column descriptions

Data Element Description
Indicator code An identifier for the indicator
Indicator name A short name for the indicator
Description A description about the indicator
Numerator definition The description of numerator used to calculate the indicator.
Numerator computation The calculation or how to derive this numerator. Any specific data elements noted here should align directly with the individual-level Data Element Name.
Denominator definition The dglossescription of denominator used to calculate the indicator.
Denominator definition The description of denominator used to calculate the indicator.
Denominator computation The calculation or how to derive this denominator. Any specific data elements noted here should align directly with the individual-level Data Element Name.
Disaggregations Are there any dis-aggregations that you would like to be able to do in order to conduct the necessary analysis?
References If there are any national or global guidelines (e.g. WHO guidelines) that dictate how and why this indicator should be calculated or reported, it should be noted here. If any guidelines or recommendations change, having a clear reference listed would help in updating or restructuring your data.

Indicators and performance metrics table

Indicator code Indicator name Indicator definition Numerator Definition Numerator Computation Denominator Definition Denominator Computation Disaggregation Reference
CHE.IND.1 Severe illness, all children Proportion of consultations with infants and children up to 5 years old with Severe disease/Severe illness Number of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months of age meeting criteria for any severe illness / severe disease classification COUNT of consultations with infants 0 to 59 months with any severe classifications (0 to < 2 months: Severe Jaundice; Possibility of Serious Bacterial Infection or Very Severe Disease; Very Low Weight for Age; Severe Dehydration; History of Obstructed or Absent Breathing; 2 to 59 months: Very Severe Disease; Severe Pneumonia or Very Severe Disease; Severe Dehydration; Severe Persistent Diarrhoea; Very Severe Febrile Disease; Possible Bone/Joint Infection; Severe Complicated Measles; Mastoiditis; Abcess - Deep or Extends to muscle, or with measured fever; Clouding of the Cornea - New and not previously treated; Cellulitis - Rapidly spreading, extensive or not responding to oral antibiotics; Ringworm - Extensive Ringworm (Tinea); Chickenpox - with Pneumonia; Herpes Zoster - with eye involvement; Impetigo or Folliculitis - extends to muscle or measured fever; Seborrhoea - Severe seborrhoea; Steven Johnson Syndrome; Mouth sores or ulcer - deep or extensive; Severe Anaemia; Severe Acute Malnutrition (or Very Low Weight for Age if less than 12 months old) with Medical Complications; Severe Acute Malnutrition (or Very Low Weight for Age if less than 12 months old) Number of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months of age COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months Age (< 2months, 2 to 59 months), Gender, Facility, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.2 Possible serious bacterial infection, young infants Proportion of consultations with young infants under 2 months old with signs of Possible Serious Bacterial Infection or Very Severe Disease (pSBI) Number of consultations with infants under 2 months of age who meet criteria for pSBI classification COUNT of consultations with infants < 2 months old with classification “Possible Serious Bacterial Infection or Very Severe Disease” recommended Number of consultations with infants under 2 months of age COUNT of consultations with infants < 2 months Age (< 7 days, 7-27 days, 28 to <59 days), Facilty, gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.3 Danger signs, children 2-59 months Proportion of consultations with children 2 months up to 5 years old with Danger Signs Number of consultations with infants and children 2 months to 5 years of age with one or more danger signs COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months with Convulsing now, Convulsions in this illness (2 or more convulsions or convulsion lasting 15 minutes or more), Lethergic or unconscious, Vomiting everything, or Not able to drink or breastfeed (vomiting everything and Not able to drink or breastfeed confirmed by oral fluid test, or oral fluid test not possible) Number consultations with children 2 to 59 months of age COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months Gender, Facility, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.4 Pneumonia, all children Proportion consultations with infants and children up to 5 years old with Pneumonia Number of consultations of infants and children 0 to 59 months meeting criteria for Pneumonia classification COUNT of consultations of infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months with “Pneumonia” classification recommended Number of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months of age COUNT of consultations with infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months Age (< 2months, 2 to 59 months), Gender, Facility, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.5 Pneumonia, children with cough / difficulty breathing Proportion of consultations with children 2 months up to 5 years old with cough and/or difficulty breathing with Pneumonia Number of consultations of infants and children 2 to 59 months meeting criteria for Pneumonia classification COUNT of consultations of infants and children with “age”= 2 to 59 months with “Pneumonia” classification recommended Number of consultations with children 2 to 59 months with cough or difficulty breathing COUNT of consultations with children with “age”= 2 to 59 months with cough or difficulty breathing Age (< 2months, 2 to 59 months), Gender, Facility, Area/region, Time period facilityanalysisguidance-indicators-2021–01-21.pdf
CHE.IND.6 Severe dehydration, all children Proportion of consultations with infants and children up to 5 years old with Severe dehydration Number of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months meeting criteria for Severe Dehydration classification COUNT of consultations with infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months with “Severe Dehydration” classification recommended Number of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with infants and children with “age”=0 to 59 months Age (< 2months, 2 to 59 months), Gender, Facility, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.7 Diarrhoea, all children Proportion of consultations with infants and children up to 5 years old with Diarrhoea Number of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months with diarrhoea COUNT of consultations with infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months with “Diarrhoea” reported by caregiver Number of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months Age (< 2months, 2 to 59 months), Gender, Facility, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.8 Dysentery, children 2-59 months Proportion of consultations with children 2 months up to 5 years old with Dysentery Number of consultations with children 2 to 59 months meeting criteria for Dysentery classification COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months with “Dysentery” classification recommended Number consultations with children 2 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months Gender, Facility, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.9 Malaria, children 2-59 months Proportion of consulations with children 2 months up to 5 years old with confirmed malaria Number of consultations with positive malaria test results among children 2 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months with a positive malaria test result (RDT or microscopy) Number consultations with children 2 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months Gender, Facility, Area/region, High or low malaria risk setting , Time period  
CHE.IND.10 Tested for malaria, children with fever 2-59 months Proportion of consultations with children 2 months up to 5 years old with fever who are tested for malaria Number of consultations with malaria tests conducted among children with “age”= 2 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months who have a malaria test result Number of consultations with children with “age”= 2 to 59 months with Reported Fever (from caregiver), Hot to Touch (on examination), measured fever (for infants 0 to <2 months: >= 38oC axillary or >= 38.5oC rectal; for children 2 to 59 months: >= 37.5oC axillary or >= 38oC rectal) COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months with Reported Fever (from caregiver), Hot to Touch (on examination), measured fever (for infants 0 to <2 months: >= 38oC axillary or >= 38.5oC rectal; for children 2 to 59 months: >= 37.5oC axillary or >= 38oC rectal) Malaria test result (Positive, Negative, Invalid) Gender, Facility, Area/region, High or low malaria risk setting , Time period  
CHE.IND.11 Fever, all children Proportion of consultations with infants and children up to 5 years old with fever Number of cases of infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months with report of fever, measured fever, or ‘hot to touch’ on examination COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months with Reported Fever (from caregiver), Hot to Touch (on examination), measured fever (for infants 0 to <2 months: >= 38oC axillary or >= 38.5oC rectal; for children 2 to 59 months: >= 37.5oC axillary or >= 38oC rectal) Number of consultations with infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months Age (< 2months, 2 to 59 months), Gender, Reported Fever (Yes, No), Measured Fever (Yes, No), Facility, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.12 Temperature measurement, all children Proportion of consultations with infants and children up to 5 years old with a temperature measurement Number of cases of infants and children wth “age”= 0 to 59 months with a temperature measurement COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months for which a temperature measurement is recorded Number of consultations with infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months Age (< 2months, 2 to 59 months), Gender, Facility, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.13 Very low weight for age, early neonates Proportion of consultations with infants under 7 days old with Very Low Weight for Age Number of consultations with infants under 7 days old with Very Low Weight for Age COUNT of consultations for infants <7 days old with “Very Low Weight for Age” classification recommended Number of consultations for infants < 7 days old COUNT of consultations for infants < 7 days old Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.14 Feeding problem or low weight for age, young infants under 2 months Proportion of consultations with infants under 2 months old with Feeding Problem or Low Weight For Age Number of consultations with infants under 2 months with a feeding problem or low weight for age COUNT of consultations for infants < 2 months with “Feeding problem or low weight for age” with qualifier Low weight for Age OR qualifier Feeding Problem or qualifier Low weight for age and feeding problem (with or without other qualifiers) Number of consultations for infants 0 up to 2 months in which feeding problem was assessed (no signs of severe illness requiring urgent referral) COUNT of consultations with infants < 2 months in which feeding problem was assessed (no signs of severe illness requring urgent referral) Age (< 7 days, 7-27 days, 28 to <59 days), Low weight for age (yes, no), Feeding problem (yes, no), Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.15 Currently breastfed, infants under 6 months Proportion of infants < 6 months old in which infant is currently breastfed Number of infants < 6 months old who are currently breast fed COUNT of infants < 6 months old who are breastfed Number of most recent consultations for infants < 6 months old COUNT of most recent consultations for infants < 6 months Age (< 2months, 2 to <6 months), Gender, Facility, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.16 Exclusively breastfed, infants under 6 months Proportion of infants < 6 months old in which infants is exclusively breastfed Number of infants < 6 months old who are currently breastfed and are not receiving other foods or fluids at their most recent consultation COUNT of infants < 6 months old who are currently breastfed and are not receiving other foods or fluids Number of most recent consultations for infants < 6 months old COUNT of most recent consultations or infants < 6 months Age (< 2months, 2 to <6 months), Gender, Facility, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.17 Severe acute malnutrition, children 2-59 months Proportion of consultations with children 2 months up to 5 years old with Severe Acute Malnutrition Number of consultations with children with “age”=2 to 59 months meeting criteria for Severe Acute Malnutrition classification (with or without medical complications) COUNT of consultations for infants and children 2 months to 5 years with “Severe Acute Malnutrition (or Very Low Weight for Age if less than 12 months old) with Medical Complications” or “Severe Acute Malnutrition (or Very Low Weight for Age if less than 12 months old)” or “Severe Acute Malnutrition (or Very Low Weight for Age if less than 12 months old) without Medical Complications” classification recommended Number consultations with children with “age”= 2 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months Complications (with medical complications, uncomplicated, unknown), Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.18 Moderate acute malnutrition, children 2-59 months Proportion of consultations with children 2 months up to 5 years old with Moderate Acute Malnutrition Number of consultations with children with “age”= 2 to 59 months meeting criteria for Moderate Acute Malnutrition classification COUNT of consultations for children 2 to 59 months with “Moderate Malnutrition” classification recommended Number consultations with children with “age”= 2 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.19 Weight measurement, all children Proportion of consultations with infants and children up to 5 years in which weight is measured Number of consultations of infants and children 0 to 59 months with a weight measurement COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months for which a weight is recorded Number of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months Age (< 2 months, 2 to 59 months), Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.20 Height/length measurement, children 2-59 months Proportion of consultations with children 2 months up to 5 years in which height/length is measured Number of consultations of infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months with a height or length measurement COUNT of consultations with infants and children 2 to 59 months for which either a height or a length is recorded Number consultations with children with “age”= 2 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.21 MUAC measurement, children 6-59 months Proportion of consultations with children 6 months up to 5 years in which MUAC is measured Number of consultations of infants and children with “age”= 6 to 59 months with a MUAC measurement COUNT of consultations with infants and children 6 to 59 months for which a MUAC is recorded Number of consultations with children with “age”= 6 months to 59 months COUNT of consultations with children 6 to 59 months Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.22 Anaemia, children 2-59 months Proportion of consultations with infants and children 2 months up to 5 years with Anaemia Number of consultations with children with “age”=2 to 59 months meeting criteria for Anaemia classification COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months with “Some Anaemia” or “Severe Anaemia” classification recommended Number consultations with children with “age”= 2 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.23 Measles, children 2-59 months Proportion of consultations with infants and children 2 months up to 5 years with Measles Number of consultations with children with “age”= 2 to 59 months meeting criteria for Measles classification COUNT of consultations for children 2 to 59 months with “Measles” classification recommended Number consultations with children with “age”= 2 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.24 Scabies, chidren 2-59 months Proportion of consultations with infants and children 2 months up to 5 years with Scabies Number of consultations with infants and children with “age”= 2 to 59 months meeting criteria for Scabies classification COUNT of consultations for children 2 to 59 months with “Scabies” classification recommended Number consultations with children with “age”= 2 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with children 2 to 59 months Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.25 Confirmed HIV infection, children 2-59 months Proportion of infants and children 2 months to 5 years who are HIV infected Number of children with “age”= 2 to 59 months meeting criteria for confirmed HIV infection classification as assessed at their most recent consultation COUNT of children 2 to 59 months with “Confirmed HIV infection” classification recommended at last visit Number of children with “age” = 2 to 59 months in high HIV prevalence areas COUNT of registered children 2 to 59 months in high HIV prevalence areas Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.26 HIV exposure, all children Proportion of infants and children up to 5 years who are HIV exposed Number of infants and children with “age”= 2 to 59 months meeting criteria for HIV exposed classification as assessed at their most recent consultation COUNT of children 2 to 59 months with “HIV exposed” classification recommended at last visit Number of children with “age”= 2 to 59 months in high HIV prevalence areas COUNT of registered children 2 to 59 months in high HIV prevalence areas Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.27 Immunisation coverage, all children Proportion of infants and children up to 5 years who are fully immunized for age Number of infants and children with “age”= 2 to 59 months with complete immunisation status at the most recent consultation COUNT of infants and children with complete immunisations for age at the most recent consultation Number of most recent consultations for infants and children with “age” =0 to 59 months in which immunization was assessed (no severe illness indicating urgent referral in infants < 2 months) COUNT of most recent visits for infants and children 0 to 59 months in which immunization was assessed (no severe illness indicating urgent referral in young infants < 2 months) Age (< 2 months, 2 to 59 months), Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.28 Vitamin A coverage, all children Proportion of infants and children 6-59 months who received vitamin A within the previous 6 months Number of children with “age”= 6 to 59 months who received vitamin A supplementation within the last 6 months as assessed at the most recent consultation COUNT of children 6 to 59 months who received vitamin A supplementation within the previous 6 months (reported or administered at the consultation) at their most recent consultation Number of children with “age”= 6 to 59 months COUNT of registered children 6 to 59 months Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.29 Urgent referral recommended, all children Proportion of consultations with infants and children up to 5 years with urgent referral recommended Number of consultations with infants and children wth “age”= 0 to 59 months with urgent referral recommended COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months with urgent referral recommended Number of infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months Age (< 2months, 2 months to 59 months), Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.30 Non-urgent referral recommended, all children Proportion of consultations with infants and children up to 5 years with non-urgent referral recommended Number of consultations with infants and children with “age”=0 to 59 months with non-urgent referral recommended COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months with non-urgent referral recommended Number of infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months Age (< 2months, 2 months to 59 months), Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.31 Antibiotic recommended, all children Proportion of consultations with infants and children under 5 years with any systemic antibiotic recommended Number of consultations in infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months in which any systemic antibiotic is recommended COUNT of consultations in infants and children 0 to 59 months in which any systemic antibiotic [list of systemic antibiotics] is recommended Number of infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months Age (< 2months, 2 months to 59 months), Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.32 Oral antibiotic recommended, all children Proportion of consultations with infants and children up to 5 years with an oral anibiotic recommended Number of consultations in infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months in which any oral antibiotic is recommended COUNT of consultations in infants and children 0 to 59 months in which any oral antibiotic [list of oral antibiotics] is recommended Number of infants and children with “age”=0 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months Age (< 2months, 2 months to 59 months), Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period  
CHE.IND.33 Systemic antibiotic recommended, all children Proportion of consultations with infants and children up to 5 years with an IM or IV antibiotic recommended Number of consultations in infants and children 0 to 59 months in which any IM or IV antibiotic is recommended COUNT of consultations in infants and children 0 to 59 months in which any IM or IV antibiotic [list of IM /IV antibiotics] is recommended Number of infants and children with “age”= 0 to 59 months COUNT of consultations with infants and children 0 to 59 months Age (< 2months, 2 months to 59 months), Facility, Gender, Area/region, Time period