WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions


This implementation guide provides computable content based on the Digital Adaptation Kit (DAK) to facilitate the implementation of the Clinical Care in Crises guidelines. The following diagram illustrates the components of a Digital Adaptation Kit and how those components are represented in FHIR:

  • General Approach General Approach describe how the differentes activities are articulated in the DAK

General Approach

The general approach is to use the PlanDefiniton to start the relevant task/questionnaire based on the Patient and its history

/!\ this part with PlanDefinition is not yet in place because we didn’t succeded to generate CarePlan from PlanDefiniton with cpg-collectWith activityDefinition

The PlanDefinition will compute the task (implementation of an activity) required for a given patient when a EmCare encounter starts, it get updated at the end of each tasks

the picture above shows the posssiblity to replace the data collection proposed in that IG (FHIR questionnaire) by any other tasks given the task will create the required outputs expected later in the Encounter

Most, if not 100%, of the logic depicted in the image above is located in CQL libraries, those library could be reused by other task than the “cpg-collectWith” ones, for example the classification library could be reused to have the cases definiton of EMcare classification

The questionnaire are for data collection but the question display logic plays a role in the consultation because a based on answer outpout may or may not be collected which would impact the decision logic later on.

Encounter Activities

Each activity within an Encounter follows those steps:

  • Identifiy the patient (managed by the L4)
  • Retrieve relevant patient information (Observations and Conditions) collected during the encounter or in the past (FHIR CQL library are used)
  • if Required, Collect additionnal information relevant with regard to the already collected information (both within and outside the activity); the default data-collection takes the form of a FHIR Questionnaire
  • Export result into the FHIR data store (mainly Observation and Condition)

Each activity may require those artefacts:

  • ActivityDefinition
  • Questionnaire
  • Library
  • StructureMap
  • *Task

Sequence Diagrams

Diagram picturing the relation between activities for this IG


The key activities for Clinical Care in Crises (EmCare) are the following

Code Description Applicability predecessor
EmCareA.Registration.P New Patient registration [NEED_INPUT] Any New Patient
EmCareA.Registration.E New Encounter registration [NEED_INPUT] Any New Encounter
EmCare.B7.LTI-DangerSigns Danger signs [NEED_INPUT] >= 2 months Registration
EmCare.B6.Measurements Measurement [NEED_INPUT] Any Danger Signs
EmCare.B18-21.Symptoms.2m.m Signs infant [NEED_INPUT] futurework Measurements
EmCare.B10-14.Symptoms.2m.p Signs Child [NEED_INPUT] >= 2 months Measurements
EmCare.B18-21.Signs.2m.m Symptoms infant [NEED_INPUT] < 2 months Symptoms
EmCare.B10-16.Signs.2m.p Symptoms child [NEED_INPUT] >= 2 months Symptoms
EmCare.B22.AssessmentsTests Assessemnt-Test [NEED_INPUT] See details below Any
EmCare.B23.Classification.2m.m Classification infant [NEED_INPUT] < 2 months Assessement-test
EmCare.B23.Classification.2m.p Classification Child[NEED_INPUT] >= 2 months >= 2 months
EmCare.Treatment Treatment [NEED_INPUT] Any Any
Assessement and test sub-activities
Code Description Applicability
Breastfeeding [NEED_INPUT] AgeInMonths >=2 and AgeInMonths <6 and “severe classification up to assessments and tests excluding severe dehydration” !=true OR AgeInMonths <2 and “Breastfed” = true and “yi severe classification other than severe dehydration” !=true
Respiratory Rate [NEED_INPUT] (“Cough” = true or “Difficulty Breathing” = true or “AgeInMonths”<2) and “Fast Breathing” is null
Bronchodilator [NEED_INPUT] (“Cough” = true or “Difficulty Breathing” = true) and “Wheezing” = true and (“Fast Breathing” = true or “Chest Indrawing” = true) and “danger signs” != true and “Stridor in a calm child”= false and “Oxygen Saturation” >= 90 ‘%’
Hemoglobin [NEED_INPUT] “Palmar pallor” = “Some palmar pallor” or “Palmar Pallor” = “Severe Palmar Pallor” or “Mucous membrane pallor” = “Some mucous membrane pallor” or “Mucous membrane pallor” = “Severe mucous membrane pallor”
Second Temperature [NEED_INPUT] “psbi other than temperature” != true and AgeInMonths()<2 and “Axillary Temperature (degrees Celcius)” > 38.5 ‘Cel’
FluidTest [NEED_INPUT] (“Not able to drink or breastfeed” = true or “Vomiting Everything” = true or “Diarrhoea” = true) and “Oral Fluid Test Results” is null

Data Elements

Data elements are represented within this implementation guide using a codesystem of the appropriate resource as well as libraries of associated calculation logic for calculated, or inferred, data elements.

Note that some “Data elements” from the perspective of the Data Dictionary presented in the DAK are actually rollups. For example, Patient last name is a specific data element within the DAK, but is represented as one of many elements in the EmCare Patient profile.

Data Element Processing

The following diagram illustrates the processing used to derive FHIR terminology and profile resources from the data dictionary using pyfhirsdc

The inputs on the left consist of:

  1. Data elements in the data dictionary, defining a unique label for each, along with other metadata such as definition, data type, and input options.
  2. FHIR mappings for each element, establishing a path to a FHIR resource type and element, as well as a base profile and establishing contexts for the element, Alias of Mapping snippet could be used for better readability

NOTE: The FHIR mappings are not part of the Digital Adaptation Kit, but are introduced as part of this implementation guide. The xls_form_iraq_v1.xlsx spreadsheet in the input/l2 folder is the source for these mappings, and was created by copying the WHO L2 spreadsheet from the Digital Adaptation Kit following the pyfhirsdc format, and then adding the FHIR mapping columns and providing the individual data element mappings.

The outputs on the right consist of:

  1. CodeSystem: An EmCare-specific code system that contains concepts for each element and input option in the data dictionary
  2. ConceptMap: Mappings from each code in the EmCare-specific code system to the various standard terminologies (still to be developped)
  3. ValueSet: Valuesets for each data element concept and the possible values for that concept
  4. Profile: StructureDefinition resources for the profiles (and any necessary extensions) to represent the data elements as FHIR resources
  5. Questionnaire: Questionnaire resources, one for each activity, with questions for each data element used by the activity
  6. Concepts (cql): A Concepts CQL library with declarations for each value set (each data element concept and the possible values for it)
  7. DataElements (cql): A DataElements CQL library from both the Patient and Encounter perspectives, keyed by the label of each data element.

Separating the Concepts CQL allows the domain-friendly name for each concept and answer set to be referenced by that name within the logic. This pattern also allows implementations to easily vary implementation by providing alternate versions of the Concepts library with their own definitions for the value sets, supporting local adaptation.

Separating the Patient and Encounter perspectives of the DataElements libraries allows the same data elements to be used from different contexts, depending on the use case. For example, when referenced from decision support logic, the Encounter perspective is typically used, whereas from indicator logic, the Patient perspective is typically used.

Data Model

The model for data elements represented within this implementation guide is based on the following profiles. All the data elements defined derive from one of these profiles, and all data used within smart content and related decision support rules and health metrics use these profiles, or profiles that are derived from them:

EmCare Condition
EmCare Observation
EmCare Patient

Data Elements by Activity

The following index lists all data elements, grouped by their activity:



required for the execution

| type | code / path | valueType | Description | |—|—|—|—|


ouputs generated by the structureMaps

type code / path valueType Description
Patient name HumanName set a ressource value
RelatedPerson name HumanName set a ressource value



required for the execution

| type | code / path | valueType | Description | |—|—|—|—|


ouputs generated by the structureMaps

| type | code / path | valueType | Description | |—|—|—|—| | Observation | CHE.B7.DE01 | boolean | Obstructed or Absent Breathing | | Observation | CHE.B7.DE01-tt | boolean | h1. Obstructed or absent breathing If foreign body aspirated • Manage airway in choking infant (under 12 months) Figure 1 • Manage airway in choking child (12 months and older) Figure 2 If no foreign body aspirated • Manage airway Figure 3 • Give oxygen Figure 4 • Make sure the child is warm Manage airway in choking infant (under 12 months) | | Observation | CHE.B7.DE02 | boolean | Convulsing Now | | Observation | CHE.B7.B8.B9.DE01 | CodeableConcept | Continue to Assess Sick Child | | Observation | CHE.B7.DE03 | boolean | Convulsion(s) in this Illness | | Observation | CHE.B7.DE04 | CodeableConcept | Number of convulsions in this Illness | | Observation | CHE.B7.DE07 | boolean | Convulsion(s) last 15 minutes or more | | Observation | CHE.B7.DE08 | boolean | Unconscious or Lethargic | | Observation | CHE.B7.DE09 | boolean | Not able to drink or breastfeed | | Observation | CHE.B7.DE10 | CodeableConcept | Vomiting |



required for the execution

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B7.DE09 boolean/quantity Not able to drink or breastfeed
Observation CHE.B7.DE10 boolean/quantity Vomiting


ouputs generated by the structureMaps

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE07 CodeableConcept Oral Fluid Test Results
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE13 boolean Unable to Perform Oral Fluid Test
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE14 boolean Completely Unable to Drink or Vomits Everything
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE15 boolean Has the Child had anything to drink today?
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE16 Quantity How did the child last drink



required for the execution

| type | code / path | valueType | Description | |—|—|—|—|


ouputs generated by the structureMaps

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B6.DE01 Quantity Axillary Temperature (degrees Celcius)
Observation CHE.B6.DE02 boolean Prefer to take Rectal Temperature
Observation CHE.B6.DE03 Quantity Rectal Temperature (degree Celcius)
Observation CHE.B6.DE03A CodeableConcept Measured Temperature
Observation CHE.B6.DE04 boolean Thermometer not available
Observation CHE.B6.DE05 boolean Hot to Touch
Observation CHE.B6.DE06 Quantity Weight (kilograms)
Observation CHE.B6.DE07 boolean Weight cannot be measured
Observation CHE.B6.DE08 Quantity Estimated Weight
Observation CHE.B6.DE09 Quantity Height (cm)
Observation CHE.B6.DE10 boolean Prefer to measure length
Observation CHE.B6.DE11 boolean Height cannot be measured
Observation CHE.B6.DE12 Quantity Length (cm)
Observation CHE.B6.DE12a boolean Prefer to measure height
Observation CHE.B6.DE13 boolean Length cannot be measured
Observation CHE.B6.DE17 Quantity MUAC (mm)



required for the execution

| type | code / path | valueType | Description | |—|—|—|—|


ouputs generated by the structureMaps

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B10S1.DE05 boolean Cough
Observation CHE.B10S1.DE06 CodeableConcept Cough for how long?
Observation CHE.B10S1.DE01 boolean Difficulty Breathing
Observation CHE.B10S1.DE02 CodeableConcept Difficulty breathing for how long?
Observation CHE.B11S1.DE01 boolean Diarrhoea
Observation CHE.B11S1.DE02 CodeableConcept Diarrhoea for how long?
Observation CHE.B11S1.DE05 boolean Blood in the stool in this Illness
Observation CHE.B12S1.DE02 boolean Fever Reported
Observation CHE.B12S1.DE03 CodeableConcept Fever for how long?
Observation CHE.B12S1.DE06 boolean Has Fever been present every day for more than 7 days
Observation CHE.B12S1.DE09 boolean Pain:No Pain
Observation CHE.B12S1.DE10 boolean Pain:Joint or Bone Pain
Observation CHE.B12S1.DE11 boolean Pain:Pain or Difficulty Passing Urine or Crying when Passing Urine
Observation CHE.B12S1.DE12 boolean Pain:Skin Pain
Observation CHE.B12S1.DE13 boolean Pain:Ear Pain
Observation CHE.B12S1.DE14 boolean Pain:Other
Observation CHE.B12S1.DE15 CodeableConcept Malaria Risk
Observation CHE.B12S1.DE19 boolean Recent Travel to a High Malaria Risk area
Observation CHE.B13S1.DE01 boolean Ear Problem
Observation CHE.B13S1.DE02 boolean Ear pain
Observation CHE.B13S1.DE03 CodeableConcept Ear discharge
Observation CHE.B13S1.DE04 boolean Ear discharge for how long?
Observation CHE.B14S1.DE01 boolean Eye Problem
Observation CHE.B14S1.DE02 boolean Skin Problem



required for the execution

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B10S1.DE05 boolean/quantity Cough
Observation CHE.B10S1.DE01 boolean/quantity Difficulty Breathing
Observation CHE.B11S1.DE01 boolean/quantity Diarrhoea
Observation CHE.B13S1.DE01 boolean/quantity Ear Problem
Observation CHE.B13S1.DE03 boolean/quantity Ear discharge
Observation CHE.B14S1.DE02 boolean/quantity Skin Problem


ouputs generated by the structureMaps

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B10S2.DE03 boolean Chest Indrawing
Observation CHE.B10S2.DE04 boolean Stridor in a calm child
Observation CHE.B10S2.DE05 boolean Wheezing
Observation CHE.B10S2.DE06 boolean Recurrent Wheeze
Observation CHE.B10S2.DE07 boolean Oxygen Saturation (%)
Observation CHE.B10S2.DE08 Quantity Oxygen Saturation < 90 %
Observation CHE.B10S2.DE09 boolean Oxygen saturation not measured
Observation CHE.B11S2.DE01 boolean Sunken eyes
Observation CHE.B11S2.DE02 CodeableConcept Skin pinch of Abdomen
Observation CHE.B11S2.DE06 boolean Restless and Irritable
Observation CHE.B12S2.DE01 boolean Stiff neck
Observation CHE.B12S2.DE02 boolean Refusal to use a limb
Observation CHE.B12S2.DE03 boolean Warm Tender or Swollen Joint or Bone
Observation CHE.B12S2.DE05 boolean Runny nose
Observation CHE.B13S2.DE01 boolean Tender swelling behind the ear
Observation CHE.B13S2.DE02 boolean Pus seen draining from the ear
Observation CHE.B13S2.DE03 CodeableConcept Pus Seen Draining from the Ear for how long?
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE01 boolean Red Eyes
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE02 boolean Pus Draining from Eye
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE03 boolean Clouding of the Cornea
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE04 boolean Is clouding of the cornea a new problem
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE05 boolean Has Clouding of the Cornea previously been treated
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE07 boolean Generalised or Localised Skin Problem:Generalised Skin Problem
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE08 boolean Generalised or Localised Skin Problem:Localised Skin Problem
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE09 boolean Generalised or Localised Skin Problem:No Problem
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE10 boolean Measles rash
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE11 boolean Measles within the last 3 months
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE11A boolean Itchy Skin
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE012 boolean Blisters, Sores or Pustules
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE14 boolean Abscess - Hot Tender Swelling
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE15 boolean Deep or extends to muscle
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE16 boolean Cellulitis - Hot Tender Skin
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE17 boolean Rapidly spreading, extensive, or not responding to oral antibiotics
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE19 boolean Ringworm (Tinea)
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE20 boolean Extensive Ringworm (Tinea)
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE23 boolean Herpes Zoster
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE24 boolean Eye Involvement
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE25 boolean Impetigo or Folliculitis
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE26&CHE.B14S2.DE27 boolean Signs of Severe Impetigo / Folliculitis:Skin Lesions >= 4 cm
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE26&CHE.B14S2.DE28 boolean Signs of Severe Impetigo / Folliculitis:Red Skin Streaks
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE26&CHE.B14S2.DE29 boolean Signs of Severe Impetigo / Folliculitis:Tender Nodes (Nodules) under the skin
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE26&CHE.B14S2.DE30 boolean Signs of Severe Impetigo / Folliculitis:Skin Infection extends to Muscle
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE26&CHE.B14S2.DE30a boolean Signs of Severe Impetigo / Folliculitis:No signs of severe Impetigo / Folliculitis
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE31 boolean Molluscum Contagiosum - Skin coloured pearly white papules with central umbilication. Most commonly seen on face and trunk in children.
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE32 boolean Warts - Papules or nodules with a rough (Verrucous) surface
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE33 boolean Seborrhoea
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE34 boolean Severe Seborrhoea
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE35 boolean Fixed Drug Reactions - Generalised red, wide spread with small bumps or blisters; or one or more dark skin areas
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE36 boolean Eczema - Wet oozing sores or excoriated, thick patches
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE37 boolean Steven Johnson Syndrome
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE44 boolean Skin Problem
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE45 boolean The child has Oral Sores or Mouth Ulcers
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE46 boolean Eye Problem
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE39 boolean Oral Sores or Mouth Ulcers:No Oral Sores or Mouth Ulcers
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE40 boolean Oral Sores or Mouth Ulcers:Oral Thrush
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE41 boolean Oral Sores or Mouth Ulcers:Mouth Sores or Mouth Ulcers - Deep and Extensive
Observation CHE.B14S2.DE42 boolean Oral Sores or Mouth Ulcers:Mouth Sores or Mouth Ulcers - Not Deep and Extensive
Observation CHE.B15S2.DE01 CodeableConcept Palmar Pallor
Observation CHE.B15S2.DE05 CodeableConcept Malaria Risk
Observation CHE.B16S2.DE01 boolean Oedema of both feet



required for the execution

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B7.DE02 boolean/quantity Convulsing Now


ouputs generated by the structureMaps

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B18S1.DE01 boolean Convulsions in this Illness
Observation CHE.B18S1.DE02 CodeableConcept Difficulty with Feeding
Observation CHE.B20S1.DE01 boolean Diarrhoea
Observation CHE.B21S1.DE06 boolean Breastfed



required for the execution

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B6.DE06 boolean/quantity Weight (kilograms)
Observation CHE.B11S1.DE01 boolean/quantity Diarrhoea
Observation CHE.B21S1.DE06 boolean/quantity Breastfed


ouputs generated by the structureMaps

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B18S2.DE07 boolean Severe Chest Indrawing
Observation CHE.B18S2.DE08 CodeableConcept Infant’s Movements
Observation CHE.B18S2.DE12 boolean Umbilicus Red or Pus Draining
Observation CHE.B18S2.DE13 boolean Skin Pustules
Observation CHE.B19S2.DE01 boolean Yellow Skin
Observation CHE.B19S2.DE02 boolean Yellow Palms or Yellow Soles
Observation CHE.B19S2.DE04 CodeableConcept When did the Jaundice first appear?
Observation CHE.B20S2.DE01 boolean Sunken Eyes
Observation CHE.B20S2.DE02 CodeableConcept Skin pinch of Abdomen
Observation CHE.B20S2.DE06 boolean Restless and Irritable
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE01 CodeableConcept Weight Status
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE06 boolean Sufficient feeds
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE07 boolean Insufficient feeds
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE08 boolean Young Infant receives food or fluids other than breast milk
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE09 CodeableConcept What milk is being given as a replacement feed?
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE12 boolean How many replacement feeds during the day and night (24 hours)?
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE13 boolean Sufficient replacement feeds (in 24 hours)
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE14 boolean Insufficient replacement feeds (in 24 hours)
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE15 CodeableConcept How much milk is given at each feed?
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE18 CodeableConcept How is the milk prepared?
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE21 CodeableConcept How is the milk given?
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE24 CodeableConcept How are the feeding utensils cleaned?
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE27 CodeableConcept Is infant given any breast milk at all?
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE30 boolean Ulcers or White Patches in Mouth
Observation CHE.B21S2.DE31 boolean Unable to check if Ulcers or White Patches in Mouth



required for the execution

| type | code / path | valueType | Description | |—|—|—|—|


ouputs generated by the structureMaps

| type | code / path | valueType | Description | |—|—|—|—|



required for the execution

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE05 boolean/quantity Fast Breathing
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE04 boolean/quantity Respiratory Rate Second Count Not Possible


ouputs generated by the structureMaps

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE01 Quantity Respiratory Rate (breaths per minute)
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE02 boolean Unable to perform Respiratory Rate at this time
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE03 Quantity Respiratory Rate Second Count (breaths per minute)
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE04 boolean Respiratory Rate Second Count Not Possible
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE05 boolean Fast Breathing



required for the execution

| type | code / path | valueType | Description | |—|—|—|—|


ouputs generated by the structureMaps

type code / path valueType Description
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE39 Quantity Axillary Temperature (second measurement)
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE40 boolean Prefer to take Rectal Temperature (second measurement)
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE41 Quantity Rectal Temperature (second measurement)
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE42 CodeableConcept Second Temperature Measurement not Feasible
Observation CHE.B24.G.DE43 boolean Measured Temperature (second measurement)

Decision-support Logic

Decision tables within this implementation guide are represented with a combination of recommendation definitions and libraries of associated criteria logic.

Decision-table Processing

The following diagram illustrates the processing used to derive decision support rules and logic from the decision tables:

The input on the left consists of decision tables included in the Digital Adaptation Kit.

The output on the right consists of:

  1. PlanDefinition resources conforming to the CPGRecommendationDefinition profile, one for each decision table. Each PlanDefinition contains:
    1. An action for each unique action in the decision table
    2. A definition for the criteria associated with the action
  2. CQL Library files that reference the Concepts and DataElements CQL libraries produced by the data dictionary processing. Each file contains an empty definition for each condition of each action, named with the description of the action, and a comment with the combined pseudo code for the conditions for that action.

Because the pseudo-code for the criteria in the decision table is expressed in terms of the labels for the data elements, a knowledge-engineer can easily take the pseudo-code, and by referencing the expressions from the DataElements libraries, construct the CQL for the condition logic.

Plan Definition Index

Functional requirements

Functional requirements are specified in the Digital Adaptation Kit. Future work may involve specifying these requirements as CapabilityStatement resources, depending on feedback from the implementation community.