WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

StructureMap: che.b10-14.symptoms.2m.p

Official URL: https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureMap/che.b10-14.symptoms.2m.p Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2023-10-04 Computable Name: che.b10-14.symptoms.2m.p
map "https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureMap/che.b10-14.symptoms.2m.p" = "che.b10-14.symptoms.2m.p"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/sdc/StructureDefinition/sdc-questionnaireresponse" alias 'questionnaireResponse' as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle" alias 'Bundle' as target
uses "https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/observation" alias 'Observation' as target
uses "https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation" alias 'CHE Observation' as produced

group bundletrans(source src : questionnaireResponse, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src -> bundle.id = uuid() "id";
  src -> bundle.type = 'batch' "type";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B10S1.DE05') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb10s1de05(src, tgt) "16f80267";
      } "aabbed89";
    } "4aa4f9c7";
  } "4d50fec0";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B10S1.DE06') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb10s1de06(src, tgt) "7e19d918";
      } "ad5259c7";
    } "1e36b7fd";
  } "7a01be9e";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B10S1.DE01') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb10s1de01(src, tgt) "40af8bb2";
      } "7ee0c1c0";
    } "bc62666d";
  } "e1280339";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B10S1.DE02') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb10s1de02(src, tgt) "21524619";
      } "c2ac448d";
    } "9a06c70b";
  } "2e88166e";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B11S1.DE01') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb11s1de01(src, tgt) "7232330d";
      } "a89341fa";
    } "e6a989d1";
  } "8c0342e5";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B11S1.DE02') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb11s1de02(src, tgt) "6658b6e2";
      } "84ade848";
    } "15e3f7ee";
  } "c5bcb6d8";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B11S1.DE05') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb11s1de05(src, tgt) "10883ce6";
      } "2894841b";
    } "f03ed8cf";
  } "af84f0ca";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE02') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb12s1de02(src, tgt) "283aeb36";
      } "85333360";
    } "63860c5d";
  } "795f9ae0";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE03') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb12s1de03(src, tgt) "38461f82";
      } "f66c9b3c";
    } "c34568ae";
  } "5a7de3e1";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE06') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb12s1de06(src, tgt) "57a73cc0";
      } "7c496a1f";
    } "4a58aa21";
  } "00f4590f";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE09') then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de09t(src, tgt) "79cd37ec";
        } "2f2a6793";
      } "d0bf98f3";
    } "5806be37";
  } "643167f6";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').exists() and src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE09').empty() then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de09f(src, tgt) "8f15b438";
        } "f9cc2b0b";
      } "983b6c47";
    } "c7a9eca8";
  } "79fbf09a";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE10') then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de10t(src, tgt) "8a93b04c";
        } "818ebf1b";
      } "03f17ddc";
    } "3651c69d";
  } "a567b94b";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').exists() and src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE10').empty() then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de10f(src, tgt) "4a3029fd";
        } "fc43c7cb";
      } "8eefcfb5";
    } "b9250512";
  } "d42d336b";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE11') then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de11t(src, tgt) "967b17fd";
        } "fb6a49c5";
      } "6ce09c94";
    } "1f300184";
  } "8d7d04f3";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').exists() and src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE11').empty() then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de11f(src, tgt) "6434cdd4";
        } "d2113ca8";
      } "38e97246";
    } "b45b3035";
  } "4788737a";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE12') then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de12t(src, tgt) "58ecb44b";
        } "68280d07";
      } "abaed0a5";
    } "1032f806";
  } "7062ee74";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').exists() and src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE12').empty() then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de12f(src, tgt) "2c849047";
        } "d2ded83b";
      } "b46d0f91";
    } "b7840725";
  } "836ce9ab";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE13') then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de13t(src, tgt) "3aaa48d0";
        } "3a3f575b";
      } "7bdf00d8";
    } "e764c90c";
  } "e9f6cf8a";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').exists() and src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE13').empty() then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de13f(src, tgt) "7bd09f91";
        } "3c42beb6";
      } "6b56699b";
    } "f0a4cb8b";
  } "a241f2f8";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE14') then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de14t(src, tgt) "12f1f76f";
        } "6d1c50d7";
      } "1c1d0c2f";
    } "1585be65";
  } "6880c464";
  src where src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').exists() and src.item.where(linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08').answer.where(value.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE14').empty() then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
      src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
        src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
        src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
          src then cheobservationcheb12s1de14f(src, tgt) "b1b23040";
        } "6980241f";
      } "d82de7e9";
    } "0f9207cd";
  } "be827b5a";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE15') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb12s1de15(src, tgt) "99638bce";
      } "f8e3de25";
    } "47469d4a";
  } "146d4ccc";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE19') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb12s1de19(src, tgt) "e774de1b";
      } "f3513d5a";
    } "d27ba0ad";
  } "f4e4441d";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B13S1.DE01') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb13s1de01(src, tgt) "9dbeb3fa";
      } "f61be0b2";
    } "8640d472";
  } "b3067aff";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B13S1.DE02') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb13s1de02(src, tgt) "07a28e4c";
      } "fcd941cb";
    } "5178713a";
  } "1fd89885";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B13S1.DE03') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb13s1de03(src, tgt) "cbb1734e";
      } "e8c2d4b7";
    } "29444236";
  } "66aa7e6d";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B13S1.DE04') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb13s1de04(src, tgt) "9a29f903";
      } "75b05fa1";
    } "eeff75e2";
  } "309587dd";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B14S1.DE01') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb14s1de01(src, tgt) "ac5b621f";
      } "a132a907";
    } "5f1c4f9f";
  } "44a570bb";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B14S1.DE02') and answer.exists() then {
    src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
      src ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  uuid() as uuid,  request.url = append('/Observation/', uuid) "b50ac4c5";
      src -> entry.resource = create('Observation') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then cheobservationcheb14s1de02(src, tgt) "e283e352";
      } "f40c62a7";
    } "4d10c025";
  } "3d4e6b10";

group cheobservationcheb10s1de05(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb10s1de05";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B10S1.DE05' "code-cheb10s1de05";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B10S1.DE05') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb10s1de05";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb10s1de05";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "8a75ae5b";

group cheobservationcheb10s1de06(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb10s1de06";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B10S1.DE06' "code-cheb10s1de06";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B10S1.DE06') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val then {
        val where val.code = 'none' -> tgt.status = 'cancelled' "8ab1d7a5";
        val where val.code != 'none' ->  tgt.value = create('CodeableConcept') as cc,  cc.coding = val,  tgt.status = 'final' "a1050460";
      } "4ca9082e";
    } "7c587a4b";
  } "8d2e125f";

group cheobservationcheb10s1de01(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb10s1de01";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B10S1.DE01' "code-cheb10s1de01";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B10S1.DE01') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb10s1de01";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb10s1de01";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "92ed9fac";

group cheobservationcheb10s1de02(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb10s1de02";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B10S1.DE02' "code-cheb10s1de02";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B10S1.DE02') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val then {
        val where val.code = 'none' -> tgt.status = 'cancelled' "8ab1d7a5";
        val where val.code != 'none' ->  tgt.value = create('CodeableConcept') as cc,  cc.coding = val,  tgt.status = 'final' "a1050460";
      } "4ca9082e";
    } "7c587a4b";
  } "034b706b";

group cheobservationcheb11s1de01(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb11s1de01";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B11S1.DE01' "code-cheb11s1de01";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B11S1.DE01') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb11s1de01";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb11s1de01";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "ef4c3c1a";

group cheobservationcheb11s1de02(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb11s1de02";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B11S1.DE02' "code-cheb11s1de02";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B11S1.DE02') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val then {
        val where val.code = 'none' -> tgt.status = 'cancelled' "8ab1d7a5";
        val where val.code != 'none' ->  tgt.value = create('CodeableConcept') as cc,  cc.coding = val,  tgt.status = 'final' "a1050460";
      } "4ca9082e";
    } "7c587a4b";
  } "8d01e149";

group cheobservationcheb11s1de05(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb11s1de05";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B11S1.DE05' "code-cheb11s1de05";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B11S1.DE05') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb11s1de05";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb11s1de05";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "8de4b24e";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de02(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb12s1de02";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE02' "code-cheb12s1de02";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE02') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb12s1de02";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb12s1de02";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "d5b6d7ee";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de03(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb12s1de03";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE03' "code-cheb12s1de03";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE03') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val then {
        val where val.code = 'none' -> tgt.status = 'cancelled' "8ab1d7a5";
        val where val.code != 'none' ->  tgt.value = create('CodeableConcept') as cc,  cc.coding = val,  tgt.status = 'final' "a1050460";
      } "4ca9082e";
    } "7c587a4b";
  } "35c52583";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de06(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb12s1de06";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE06' "code-cheb12s1de06";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE06') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb12s1de06";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb12s1de06";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "3f7c2dd7";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de09t(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de09t";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE09' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de09t";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "e9d639e1";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de09f(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de09f";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE09' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de09f";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "f21d6e36";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de10t(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de10t";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE10' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de10t";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "e9d639e1";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de10f(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de10f";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE10' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de10f";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "f21d6e36";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de11t(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de11t";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE11' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de11t";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "e9d639e1";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de11f(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de11f";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE11' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de11f";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "f21d6e36";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de12t(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de12t";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE12' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de12t";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "e9d639e1";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de12f(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de12f";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE12' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de12f";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "f21d6e36";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de13t(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de13t";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE13' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de13t";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "e9d639e1";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de13f(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de13f";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE13' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de13f";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "f21d6e36";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de14t(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de14t";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE14' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de14t";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "e9d639e1";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de14f(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheobservationcheb12s1de14f";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE14' "code-cheobservationcheb12s1de14f";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "f21d6e36";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de15(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb12s1de15";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE15' "code-cheb12s1de15";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE15') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val then {
        val where val.code = 'none' -> tgt.status = 'cancelled' "8ab1d7a5";
        val where val.code != 'none' ->  tgt.value = create('CodeableConcept') as cc,  cc.coding = val,  tgt.status = 'final' "a1050460";
      } "4ca9082e";
    } "7c587a4b";
  } "cb39867b";

group cheobservationcheb12s1de19(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb12s1de19";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B12S1.DE19' "code-cheb12s1de19";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B12S1.DE19') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb12s1de19";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb12s1de19";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "ad8627ab";

group cheobservationcheb13s1de01(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb13s1de01";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B13S1.DE01' "code-cheb13s1de01";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B13S1.DE01') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb13s1de01";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb13s1de01";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "9ab58024";

group cheobservationcheb13s1de02(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb13s1de02";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B13S1.DE02' "code-cheb13s1de02";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B13S1.DE02') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb13s1de02";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb13s1de02";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "527ebab0";

group cheobservationcheb13s1de03(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb13s1de03";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B13S1.DE03' "code-cheb13s1de03";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B13S1.DE03') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val then {
        val where val.code = 'none' -> tgt.status = 'cancelled' "8ab1d7a5";
        val where val.code != 'none' ->  tgt.value = create('CodeableConcept') as cc,  cc.coding = val,  tgt.status = 'final' "a1050460";
      } "4ca9082e";
    } "7c587a4b";
  } "d91156a3";

group cheobservationcheb13s1de04(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb13s1de04";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B13S1.DE04' "code-cheb13s1de04";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B13S1.DE04') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb13s1de04";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb13s1de04";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "a242c946";

group cheobservationcheb14s1de01(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb14s1de01";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B14S1.DE01' "code-cheb14s1de01";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B14S1.DE01') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb14s1de01";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb14s1de01";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "01f7d2cd";

group cheobservationcheb14s1de02(source src, target tgt) {
  src ->  tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as CodeID,  CodeID.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/namingsystem-identifier-type',  CodeID.use = 'official',  CodeID.value = 'uuid',  CodeID.id = uuid() "id-cheb14s1de02";
  src.encounter as encounter -> tgt.encounter = encounter "35bc6b82";
  src.subject as subject ->  tgt.subject = subject,  tgt.meta = create('Meta') as newMeta,  newMeta.profile = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/cheobservation',  tgt.code = create('CodeableConcept') as concept,  concept.coding = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes',  coding.code = 'CHE.B14S1.DE02' "code-cheb14s1de02";
  src.item as itemtimestamp where linkId = 'timestamp' then {
    itemtimestamp.answer first as atimestamp then {
      atimestamp.value as val -> tgt.issued = val "5af77f2c";
    } "7f22f29f";
  } "aae7a11d";
  src.subject as subject -> tgt.subject = subject "patient";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.B14S1.DE02') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a where a.value = true ->  tgt.status = 'final',  tgt.value = true "final-cheb14s1de02";
      a where a.value = false ->  tgt.status = 'cancelled',  tgt.value = false "notfound-cheb14s1de02";
    } "bdab9370";
  } "7d623434";