WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

StructureMap: che.ab.registration.p

Official URL: https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureMap/che.ab.registration.p Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2023-10-04 Computable Name: che.ab.registration.p
map "https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureMap/che.ab.registration.p" = "che.ab.registration.p"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/sdc/StructureDefinition/sdc-questionnaireresponse" alias 'questionnaireResponse' as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle" alias 'Bundle' as target
uses "https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/patient" alias 'Patient' as target
uses "https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/relatedperson" alias 'RelatedPerson' as target
uses "https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/chepatient" alias 'CHE Patient' as produced
uses "https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/relatedperson" alias 'RelatedPerson' as produced

group bundletrans(source src : questionnaireResponse, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src -> bundle.id = uuid() "id";
  src -> bundle.type = 'batch' "type";
  src -> bundle.entry as entry then {
    src.subject as subject then {
      subject.id as idval ->  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  request.url = append('/Patient/', idval) "1153aa45";
    } "cf5b2513";
    src -> entry.resource = create('Patient') as tgt then {
      src -> tgt then chepatient(src, tgt) "aeaea6b3";
    } "650d46f5";
  } "put-chepatient";
  src.item first as itm1 where linkId = 'CHE.A.DE21.1' then {
    itm1.item first as item where (linkId = 'relatedpersonid') and answer.exists() then {
      src ->  bundle.entry as entry,  entry.request as request,  request.method = 'POST',  entry.resource = create('RelatedPerson') as tgt then {
        src -> tgt then relatedperson(src, tgt) "8f0b9602";
        item.answer first as a then {
          a.value as val -> request.url = append('/RelatedPerson/', val) "78d8bc69";
        } "eec70023";
      } "00574b8e";
    } "74cc3511";
  } "8d1e77b2";

group SetOfficalGivenNamechepatient(source src, target tgt) {
  src -> tgt.use = 'official' then {
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE06') and answer.exists() then {
      item.answer first as a then {
        a.value as val -> tgt.family = val "77d1bd4f";
      } "e0827d5d";
    } "05f39f04";
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE04') and answer.exists() then {
      item.answer first as a then {
        a.value as val -> tgt.given = val "5d3d44f6";
      } "18edd234";
    } "56b027a8";
    src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE05') and answer.exists() then {
      item.answer first as a then {
        a.value as val -> tgt.given = val "5d3d44f6";
      } "18edd234";
    } "c5614af6";
  } "58cbfc0e";

group chepatient(source src : questionnaireResponse, target tgt : Patient) {
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE01') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val -> tgt.identifier = create('Identifier') as identifier then {
        val ->  identifier.value = val,  identifier.use = 'official' "id";
      } "acheade01";
    } "acheade01";
  } "902cc63a";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE03') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a ->  tgt.extension = create('Extension') as ext,  ext.url = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/anonymous',  ext.value = true "acheade03";
  } "b340c8a7";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE06') or (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE04') or ((linkId = 'CHE.A.DE05') and answer.exists()) then {
    src ->  tgt as target,  target.name as name then SetOfficalGivenNamechepatient(src, name) "0417ff44";
  } "8f5be461";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE12') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val ->  tgt.extension = create('Extension') as ext,  ext.url = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/birthDateEstimator',  ext.value = val "acheade12";
    } "acheade12";
  } "25a5a38f";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE08') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val -> tgt.birthDate = val "acheade08";
    } "acheade08";
  } "0906a0f7";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE09') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val ->  tgt.extension = create('Extension') as ext,  ext.url = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/Extension/hourofbirth',  ext.value = val "acheade09";
    } "acheade09";
  } "7c2b1795";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE16') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then MapValueSetExtCodecheade16(a, tgt) "e48fa315";
  } "842c1fa2";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE48') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a ->  tgt.extension = create('Extension') as ext,  ext.url = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/primarycaregiver',  ext.value = create('Reference') as ref,  ref.reference = 'relatated-person-id' "acheade48";
  } "50e8f3b4";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE31') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val ->  tgt.extension = create('Extension') as ext,  ext.url = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/Extension/motherVitalStatus',  ext.value = val "acheade31";
    } "acheade31";
  } "29bdd7f8";

group SetOfficalGivenNamerelatedperson(source src, target tgt) {
  src -> tgt.use = 'official' then {
    src.item first as itm1 where linkId = 'CHE.A.DE21.1' then {
      itm1.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE23') and answer.exists() then {
        item.answer first as a then {
          a.value as val -> tgt.family = val "77d1bd4f";
        } "e0827d5d";
      } "96a1f6a1";
    } "c5b295d3";
    src.item first as itm1 where linkId = 'CHE.A.DE21.1' then {
      itm1.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE21') and answer.exists() then {
        item.answer first as a then {
          a.value as val -> tgt.given = val "5d3d44f6";
        } "18edd234";
      } "beeb4341";
    } "61b58988";
    src.item first as itm1 where linkId = 'CHE.A.DE21.1' then {
      itm1.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE22') and answer.exists() then {
        item.answer first as a then {
          a.value as val -> tgt.given = val "5d3d44f6";
        } "18edd234";
      } "5f1009c5";
    } "0600eedb";
  } "bf3c2d7c";

group MapValueSetExtCodecheade24(source src, target tgt) {
  src -> tgt then {
    src ->  tgt.relationship = create('CodeableConcept') as cc,  cc.coding = create('Coding') as coding "f8b67f8d";
  } "8ba0311a";

group relatedperson(source src : questionnaireResponse, target tgt : RelatedPerson) {
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHErelatedpersoncaregiverid') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then {
      a.value as val ->  tgt.extension = create('Extension') as ext,  ext.url = 'https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/StructureDefinition/primary-caregiver',  ext.value = create('Reference') as ref,  ref.reference = append('/RelatedPerson/', val) "acherelatedpersoncaregiverid";
    } "acherelatedpersoncaregiverid";
  } "8162f965";
  src.item first as itm1 where linkId = 'CHE.A.DE21.1' then {
    itm1.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE23') or (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE21') or ((linkId = 'CHE.A.DE22') and answer.exists()) then {
      src ->  tgt as target,  target.name as name then SetOfficalGivenNamerelatedperson(src, name) "8e1455ea";
    } "dddc7053";
  } "a89a14fb";
  src.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE24') and answer.exists() then {
    item.answer first as a then MapValueSetExtCodecheade24(a, tgt) "ede36463";
  } "387fd192";
  src.item first as itm1 where linkId = 'CHE.A.DE21.1' then {
    itm1.item first as item where (linkId = 'relatedpersonid') and answer.exists() then {
      item.answer first as a -> tgt then {
        src.subject as subject -> tgt.patient = subject "patient";
      } "arelatedpersonid";
    } "d79d72db";
  } "88cbce55";
  src.item first as itm1 where linkId = 'CHE.A.DE21.1' then {
    itm1.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE35') and answer.exists() then {
      item.answer first as a then {
        a.value as val ->  tgt.telecom = create('ContactPoint') as tel,  tel.system = 'phone',  tel.use = 'mobile',  tel.value = val,  tel.rank = 1 "acheade35";
      } "acheade35";
    } "3c5d318c";
  } "9b9bbd1a";
  src.item first as itm1 where linkId = 'CHE.A.DE21.1' then {
    itm1.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE36') and answer.exists() then {
      item.answer first as a then {
        a.value as val ->  tgt.telecom = create('ContactPoint') as tel,  tel.system = 'phone',  tel.use = 'mobile',  tel.value = val,  tel.rank = 2 "acheade36";
      } "acheade36";
    } "17b42518";
  } "15079f58";
  src.item first as itm1 where linkId = 'CHE.A.DE21.1' then {
    itm1.item first as item where (linkId = 'CHE.A.DE37') and answer.exists() then {
      item.answer first as a then {
        a.value as val ->  tgt.telecom = create('ContactPoint') as tel,  tel.system = 'phone',  tel.use = 'mobile',  tel.value = val,  tel.rank = 3 "acheade37";
      } "acheade37";
    } "8395c849";
  } "36230b88";