WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO Clinical Care in Crisis Implementation Guide for Children - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Questionnaire: CHE.B24.DE02.FluidTest

LinkIdTextCardinalityTypeFlagsDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. CHE.B24.DE02.FluidTestQuestionnairehttps://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/Questionnaire/che.b24.de02.fluidtest#0.1.0
... CHE.B7.DE09Not able to drink or breastfeed0..1booleaniconExpressions:
... CHE.B7.DE10Vomiting0..1choiceOptions: 3 options
... CHE.B7.DE10.bVomiting Everything0..1booleaniconExpressions:
  • Calculated Value: %resource.repeat(item).where(linkId='CHE.B7.DE10').answer.first().exists() and %resource.repeat(item).where(linkId='CHE.B7.DE10').answer.first().value.code = 'CHE.B7.DE11'
... CHE.B24.G.DE07Oral Fluid Test Results0..1choiceOptions: 5 options
  • Enable When: %resource.repeat(item).where(linkId='CHE.B24.G.DE13').answer.first().empty()
.... CHE.B24.G.DE07-helpIf the child is unconscious, do not try to carry out an oral fluid test as it could cause the child to choke or fluid to go into their lungs.<br /> Ask the mother to offer the child some water in a cup or spoon (or breastfeed for a child under 6 months). Watch the child drink. <br /> A child is <strong>not able to drink</strong> if he is not able to suck or swallow when offered a drink. A child may not be able to drink because he is lethargic or unconscious.<br /> A child is <strong>drinking poorly</strong> if the child is weak and cannot drink without help. He may be able to swallow only if fluid is put in his mouth.<br /> A child has the sign <strong>drinking eagerly and acts thirsty</strong> if it is clear that the child wants to drink. Look to see if the child reaches out for the cup or spoon when you offer him water. When the water is taken away, see if the child is unhappy because he wants to drink more.<br /> If the child takes a drink only with encouragement and does not want to drink more, he does not have the sign drinking eagerly, thirsty.0..1display
... CHE.B24.G.DE13null0..*choiceOptions: 1 option
  • Enable When: %resource.repeat(item).where(linkId='CHE.B24.G.DE07').answer.first().empty()
.... CHE.B24.G.DE13-helpThe healthcare worker is unable to perform oral fluid test0..1display
... CHE.B24.G.DE14Completely Unable to Drink or Vomits Everything0..1booleaniconiconExpressions:
  • Calculated Value: (%resource.repeat(item).where(linkId='CHE.B7.DE09').answer.first().value = true or %resource.repeat(item).where(linkId='CHE.B7.DE10.b').answer.first().value= true) and %resource.repeat(item).where(linkId='CHE.B24.G.DE13').answer.first().exists()
.... CHE.B24.G.DE14-helpWhen Danger Signs are present when the healthcare worker is Unable to Perform Oral Fluid Test it is assumed that the child is completely unable to drink or vomits everything0..1display
... CHE.B24.G.DE15Has the Child had anything to drink today?0..1booleaniconExpressions:
  • Enable When: %resource.repeat(item).where(linkId='CHE.B24.G.DE13').answer.first().exists() and %resource.repeat(item).where(linkId='CHE.B7.DE09').answer.first().value= false and %resource.repeat(item).where(linkId='CHE.B7.DE10.b').answer.first().value = false
.... CHE.B24.G.DE15-helpWhen it is not possible to conduct an oral fluid test, ask when the child last drank as part of dehydration assessment0..1display
... CHE.B24.G.DE16How did the child last drink0..1integerExpressions:
  • Enable When: %resource.repeat(item).where(linkId='CHE.B24.G.DE15').answer.first().value = true
.... CHE.B24.G.DE16-helpWhen it is not possible to conduct an oral fluid test, ask how the child last drank as part of dehydration assessment0..1display
... timestampnull0..1dateTimeiconExpressions:

doco Documentation for this format

Option Sets

Answer options for CHE.B7.DE10

  • https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes#CHE.B7.DE11 ("Vomiting Everything")
  • https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes#CHE.B7.DE12 ("Vomiting but Not Everything")
  • https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes#CHE.B7.DE13 ("No Vomiting")

Answer options for CHE.B24.G.DE07

  • https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes#CHE.B24.G.DE08 ("Completely Unable to Drink")
  • https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes#CHE.B24.G.DE09 ("Vomits Immediately / Everything")
  • https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes#CHE.B24.G.DE10 ("Drinks Poorly")
  • https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes#CHE.B24.G.DE11 ("Drinks Eagerly / Thirstily")
  • https://fhir.dk.swisstph-mis.ch/matchbox/fhir/CodeSystem/che-custom-codes#CHE.B24.G.DE12 ("Drinks Normally")

Answer options for CHE.B24.G.DE13

  • null#CHE.B24.G.DE13 ("Unable to Perform Oral Fluid Test")