
Welcome to the Go.Data documentation site!

This is linked to the public WHO Go.Data Github repository: https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/godata

You can find a collection of all other forked repositories related to the Go.Data project here.

About Go.Data

Go.Data is an outbreak investigation tool for public health emergencies, and includes features for contact tracing, contact follow-up, and visualizing chains of transmission. Go.Data is designed to support outbreak responders and intended to be implemented alongside other systems for health surveillance, information management, and service delivery.

Aim of this documentation site

The Go.Data Docs Site is a centralized place where users implementing Go.Data for outbreak investigation can access open-source solutions related to analytics and interoperability. This includes code snippets for interacting with the Go.Data API; detailed metadata descriptions across outbreak templates; live integrations with other platforms; and analytics connectors across a range of tools., and conduct additional analysis with a range of software tools.

Any generic information about Go.Data is best accessed through our Community of Practice website (https://goarn.who.int/virtual-spaces/godataproject), where we link to a range of user guides and training materials. You can dialogue there with the community of Go.Data users on a number of discussion forums. You can access our open-access online training course across multiple languages through OpenWHO here. godata-cop

Engaging the open-source community

Go.Data development and implementation is centered around a collaborative approach, and we prioritze ongoing engagement with the vast open-source commnity of developers, ICT4D professionals, epidemiologists, and more. One way is through openly sharing Interoperability & Analytics use-cases and documentation to this Github site and welcoming users’ developments in this area. To learn more on how the Go.Data team and wider WHO is using the Github platform to engage the open-source community, feel free to check our Panel Session at Github Universe 2020!

Go.Data Demo Instance

If you would like to try Go.Data before downloading and installing yourself then a “sandbox” environment has been made available on a WHO server. This is a play instance of the latest version of the software and you are free to create an outbreak, populate it with data, experiment with reports, exporting data etc. You can make any changes that you like to explore the tool and see it in practice and an outbreak with dummy data has been provided to give you a head start.

  • This environment resets every two days however, so should not be used for building demonstrations or for any work that you would like to persist. Also bear in mind that others may be using the environment at the same time as you
  • To request your login account please complete the form below/send an email to godata@who.int including:
    1. The name of your institution and the country where you are working
    2. Your intended use of Go.Data
    3. Your preferred duration for using the demo site

Go.Data installation files

If you are interested in using Go.Data for outbreak response and contact tracing, you can download the latest versions of the installation files for both Windows and Linux from the WHO Go.Data site.

Questions & Contributions

We are actively seeking feedback and contributions from the community. Please report any bugs, suggestions or feature requests as new issues here, clearly stating topic in the subject title and tagging with appropriate labels. You can also submit a pull request directly to the repository (first email godata@who.int to be added as a collaborator).

To contribute this documentation site & submit projects and code samples, summarize your project by drafting a new Project page and submitting to the Go.Data repo as a pull request. See the Contribution Template: https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/godata/blob/master/docs/contribute/contribution-template.md