SMART Guidelines Starter Kit
2.1.0 - ci-build International flag

SMART Guidelines Starter Kit, published by WHO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

IG Publication

The release publication process is used to publish SMART guidelines IGs:

  • Publication readiness (see the QA Check documentation)
  • Change log
  • Review process
  • Publication

Change log

Each SMART guideline IG SHALL have a "changes" page that documents the changes made to each version of the IG. The page should be structured with sections for each publication version, in reverse chronological order for example:

### Second Release (v2.0.0)

`release summary here`

#### Known Issues
* issue list
* issue list
* ...

#### Non-compatible Changes
* issue list
* issue list
* ...

#### Compatible, Substantive Changes
* issue list
* issue list
* ...

#### Non-substantive Changes
* issue list
* issue list
* ...

### First Release (v1.0.0)


### Maintenance Update (v0.2.0)


### Preview Release (v0.1.0)


The description for each release SHALL have:

  • A short release description providing an overall summary of changes
  • A Known Issues list, if any
  • An issues list, organized by the impact of the change:
    • Non-compatible Changes
    • Compatible, substantive Changes
    • Non-substantive Changes

NOTE: The initial release does not require an issues list, though it may be provided if issues were tracked as part of development of the initial content.

See the versioning topic for a description of how these changes impact the version number of a release.

Review Process

Prior to final release, a review process should be used to gather feedback about publication readiness. A draft publication should be prepared and circulated among stakeholders for feedback. For this draft publication:

  • The status of the IG (and all conformance artifacts in the IG) should be draft
  • The version of the IG should include a label indicating the draft status: 0.1.0-draft
  • The releaseLabel of the IG should be draft

Release Publication

Once the review process is complete and any resulting issues addressed and applied to the implementation guide, the release publication should be prepared. The release publication takes the current status of the specification, and saves it as a named release that is available for referencing. SMART Guidelines, when released, are published in<ig_code>, where <ig_code> is the implementation guide code.

Workflow automation The process for publication is a sensitive process - errors can have a large impact on tooling and downstream specifications. For this reason, some of the steps are automated. Increased automation is expected as the SMART Guidelines and this guidance evolve. Every WHO-published SMART Guideline is based on the SMART IG Empty template, which includes a workflow for automation of a part of this procedure.

The release publication steps are:

1. Review changes2. Createrelease-candidatebranch3. Update the ImplementationGuideand all artifacts4. Createpublication-request.json5. Run the normal build process6. Create a release and tag7. (Automated) Run the release publication process8. Request the WHO team to check and and the FHIR IG registry9. Merge branch if needed10. Update IG to upcoming version.If needed, revert statuses back to draft
  1. Review the changes since the last release, and define if these are breaking changes or not, and update the version accordingly in the sushi-config.yaml or implementation guide .json file.
    • If this is the first release, review the entire content and version policy to decide if this is a first official release, or a preview, and define the version number accordingly.
  2. Optionally, create a new branch, e.g. release-candidate for iterating final publication changes.

  3. Update the ImplementationGuide (and all conformance artifacts in the IG):
    • The status of the IG (and all conformance artifacts in the IG) should be active;
    • The version of the IG should be in the format 0.1.0 and should not include a label;
    • The releaseLabel of the IG should be release
    • The date of the ImplementationGuide should be set to the current date
  4. Create the publication-request.json file (see documentation). This file is critical and it is important to follow the instructions correctly, as incorrect changes may cause irreparable damage to previously published and normative specifications.
    Content of publication-request.json

    The publication-request.json must be in a specific form:

    • The package name, and version must match that in the ImplementationGuide.
    • The path must match the IG path defined by the canonical URL
    • The ci-build must point at the repository's CI build
    • The parameter "first" must only be true for the first publication of an IG. For all subsequent publications of that IG, "first" must be set to false.

    For example, for SMART-base, where <ig_code> is base and for a release 0.1.0, the publication-request should be:

     "package-id" : "",
     "title" : "SMART Base", 
     "category" : "base",
     "introduction" : "SMART Base Implementation Guide",
     "version" : "0.1.0",
     "desc" : "0.1.0 release",
     "mode" : "milestone",    
     "path" : "",
     "ci-build": "",    
     "first": true,
     "status" : "release",
     "sequence" : "Releases"
  5. Run the normal build process and check if everything is ok

  6. If all is ok and the pages are created correctly, create a release and tag with the latest changes. Tags should be in the form vX.Y.Z, where X.Y.Z is the version of the Implementation Guide. This means simply that the tag should prepend v to the IG version.

    All SMART Guidelines templates contain a workflow for automation of the next step:

  7. Upon creation of a release and tag, a workflow automates the step of running the publication process. If the publication executed successfully (which can be seen in the Actions tab of the repository), the copy of the updated website should be available at<repo_name>/sitepreview. Specifically, if the publication process was successful, the ImplementationGuide will be available at<repo_name>/sitepreview/<ig_code> and<repo_name>/sitepreview/<ig_code>/<tag>.
  8. Request the WHO SMART Guidelines team ( to check and update the website and create of a Pull Request of the feeds and package lists, for the FHIR tooling to recognize the newly published package.

  9. If a branch was created in step 2, optionally merge it with any updates that have been done meanwhile.

  10. In the main branch, update the ImplementationGuide resource for continuing work:
    • The status of the IG should be set back to draft;
    • The version should be updated - this way it's immediately assured that any new changes are for a new version.