SMART Guidelines L3 SOP
1.1.0 - ci-build International flag

SMART Guidelines L3 SOP, published by WHO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ImplementationGuide Configuration

After initializing the IG, the L3 Author needs to configure the Implementation Guide.

For WHO-authored Guidelines (i.e. not for adaptations), the configuration includes:

  • Id:<ig_code>
  • Canonical url:<ig_code>
  • Package id:<ig_code>
  • Name: Machine-friendly <IgName> (i.e. no spaces, pascal-cased)
  • Title: User-friendly Ig Name (i.e. title-cased)
  • Status: draft initially
  • Version: 0.1.0 initially, see Versioning for more details on artifact versioning
  • Jurisdiction: Should be 001 from for World (see
  • Publisher: Set as appropriate for the publisher (i.e. steward) of the IG
  • ImplementationGuide resources SHALL conform to CRMIShareableImplementationGuide
  • Active, published ImplementationGuide resources SHALL conform to CRMIPublishableImplementationGuide
  • ImplementationGuide resources SHALL conform to CPGComputableGuideline

For National adaptations:

  • If the country or region has an an HL7 affiliate, the HL7 affiliate can include the smart guidelines in their publication process and use the defined conventions
    • Package id convention is defined locally, e.g.
  • If there is no affiliate or the affiliate declines, other organizations may fulfill that role
  • Jurisdiction should be adjusted
  • L3 authors should ensure that the content has some feedback mechanism.