Validation Results for DDCC

Generated Wed Apr 24 00:15:28 UTC 2024, FHIR version 4.0.1 for who.ddcc#1.0.0 (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.5.1, which is out of date. The current version is v1.6.6 Download Latest
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId = who.ddcc, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Publication Request:
  • This IG has never been published
  • This IG has never been published, so the version should start with '0.' or include a patch version e.g. '-ballot'
  • No publication request found
Supressed Messages:27 Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
.. who.ddcc1.0.0R4
... hl7.terminology.r45.5.0 MR4http://terminology.hl7.org
... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r41.0.0 UR4
... hl7.fhir.uv.ips1.1.0 UR4
.... hl7.terminology.r45.0.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 5.5.0
.... fhir.dicom2022.4.20221006 OR4 Release is 2024.2.20240331
... hl7.fhir.uv.ipa0.1.0 UR4
.... UR4
... hl7.fhir.uv.sdc3.0.0 UR4
.... hl7.fhir.r4.examples4.0.1 UR4
... ihe.iti.mhd4.2.0 OR4 Release is 4.2.1
.... hl7.terminology.r45.0.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org above. Latest Release is 5.5.0
.... ihe.iti.balp1.1.1 OR4 Release is 1.1.3
..... hl7.terminology.r44.0.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 5.5.0
.... ihe.formatcode.fhir1.1.0 OR4 Release is 1.2.0
Templates: who.template.root#current -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: current
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
HTA Analysis:Non-HL7 Igs are exempt from terminology dependency analysis
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at (Problem #1 with package-list.json at Invalid HTTP response 404 from (Not Found) (content in /tmp/http-log/fhir-http-2.log))
IPA Comparison: n/a
Summary: errors = 2227, warn = 958, info = 74, broken links = 1529
Build Errors1530720

n/a Show Validation Information

errorUnable to find for the resource StructureMap/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle. Name is mandatory if it cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/BundleVSToAddBundle. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/CoreDataSetLibrary. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/coredataset-to-addbundle. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/CoreDataSetVSLibrary. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/CoreDataSetVSToAddBundle. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/CoreDataSetVSToSHC. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/DDCCtoCoredataset. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/DDCCtoEUdcc. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/IPSToCoreDataSetVS. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/QRespToVSCoreDataSet. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/ResourcesToCoreDataSet. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/ddcc-resources-to-coredataset. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/SHCToCoreDataSetTR. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/SHCToCoreDataSetVS. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Immunization/DDCC-Immunization-Arabic. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Immunization/DDCC-Immunization-Chinese. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Immunization/DDCC-Immunization-English. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Immunization/DDCC-Immunization-French. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Immunization/DDCC-Immunization-Russian. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Immunization/DDCC-Immunization-Spanish. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource ImmunizationRecommendation/DDCC-ImmunizationRecommendation-Arabic. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource ImmunizationRecommendation/DDCC-ImmunizationRecommendation-Chinese. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource ImmunizationRecommendation/DDCC-ImmunizationRecommendation-English. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource ImmunizationRecommendation/DDCC-ImmunizationRecommendation-French. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource ImmunizationRecommendation/DDCC-ImmunizationRecommendation-Russian. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource ImmunizationRecommendation/DDCC-ImmunizationRecommendation-Spanish. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/DDCC-Organization-Arabic. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/DDCC-Organization-Chinese. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/DDCC-Organization-English. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/DDCC-Organization-French. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/DDCC-Organization-Russian. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/DDCC-Organization-Spanish. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/DDCC-Organization-XCL. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/DDCC-Patient-Arabic. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/DDCC-Patient-Chinese. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/DDCC-Patient-English. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/DDCC-Patient-French. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/DDCC-Patient-Russian. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/DDCC-Patient-Spanish. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Arabic. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Chinese. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-French. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Russian. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Spanish. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource QuestionnaireResponse/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-Arabic. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource QuestionnaireResponse/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-Chinese. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource QuestionnaireResponse/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-Example. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource QuestionnaireResponse/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-French. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource QuestionnaireResponse/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-Russian. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource QuestionnaireResponse/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-Spanish. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Composition/DDCC-Composition-Example-Arabic. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Composition/DDCC-Composition-Example-Chinese. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Composition/DDCC-Composition-Example-English. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Composition/DDCC-Composition-Example-French. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Composition/DDCC-Composition-Example-Russian. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Composition/DDCC-Composition-Example-Spanish. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/Example-Arabic. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/Example-Chinese. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/Example-English. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/Example-French. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/Example-Russian. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/Example-Spanish. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/IPS-Immunization-Example-Bundle-01. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/SHCVaccinationBundleDM-Example-English-From-ddcc-to-shc. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
output​/Questionnaire-DDCCHCIDRegistrationQuestionnaire-form​.htmlerrorunexpected non-end of element null::div at line 291 column 239
output​/Questionnaire-DDCCTRCoreDataSetQuestionnaire-form​.htmlerrorunexpected non-end of element null::div at line 291 column 233
output​/Questionnaire-DDCCVSCoreDataSetQuestionnaire-form​.htmlerrorunexpected non-end of element null::div at line 291 column 233
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-1​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-1​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 312, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-1​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 535, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-1​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 427, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-1​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 489, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Arabic​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Arabic​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 312, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Arabic​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 535, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Arabic​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 427, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Arabic​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 489, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Chinese​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Chinese​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 312, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Chinese​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 535, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Chinese​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 427, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Chinese​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 489, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-French​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-French​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 312, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-French​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 535, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-French​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 427, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-French​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 489, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Russian​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Russian​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 312, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Russian​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 535, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Russian​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 427, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Russian​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 489, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Spanish​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Spanish​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 312, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Spanish​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 535, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Spanish​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 427, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Spanish​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 489, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Arabic​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Arabic​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 288, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Arabic​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 566, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Arabic​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 507, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Arabic​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 528, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Chinese​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Chinese​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 288, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Chinese​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 566, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Chinese​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 507, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Chinese​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 529, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-English​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-English​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 288, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-English​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 566, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-English​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 507, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-English​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 529, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-French​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-French​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 288, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-French​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 566, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-French​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 507, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-French​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 528, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Russian​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Russian​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 288, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Russian​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 566, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Russian​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 507, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Russian​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 529, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Spanish​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Spanish​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 288, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Spanish​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 566, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Spanish​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 507, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-Example-Spanish​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 529, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/Bundle-IPS-Immunization-Example-Bundle-01​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 290, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-IPS-Immunization-Example-Bundle-01​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 356, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-IPS-Immunization-Example-Bundle-01​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 352, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-IPS-Immunization-Example-Bundle-01​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 348, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/Bundle-SHCVaccinationBundleDM-Example-English-From-ddcc-to-shc​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 290, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-SHCVaccinationBundleDM-Example-English-From-ddcc-to-shc​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 348, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-SHCVaccinationBundleDM-Example-English-From-ddcc-to-shc​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 345, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/Bundle-SHCVaccinationBundleDM-Example-English-From-ddcc-to-shc​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 343, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CapabilityStatement-WHO​.DDCC​.Generator-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 310, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CapabilityStatement-WHO​.DDCC​.Generator​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 342, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CapabilityStatement-WHO​.DDCC​.Generator​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 390, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CapabilityStatement-WHO​.DDCC​.Generator​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 370, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CapabilityStatement-WHO​.DDCC​.Generator​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 375, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CapabilityStatement-WHO​.DDCC​.RegistryService​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 342, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CapabilityStatement-WHO​.DDCC​.RegistryService​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 528, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CapabilityStatement-WHO​.DDCC​.RegistryService​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 435, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CapabilityStatement-WHO​.DDCC​.RegistryService​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 495, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Composition-Category-CodeSystem​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 337, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Composition-Category-CodeSystem​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 354, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Composition-Category-CodeSystem​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 350, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Composition-Category-CodeSystem​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 345, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Device-Property-CodeSystem​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 337, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Device-Property-CodeSystem​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 350, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Device-Property-CodeSystem​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 345, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Example-Test-CodeSystem​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 335, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Example-Test-CodeSystem​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 350, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Example-Test-CodeSystem​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 347, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Example-Test-CodeSystem​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 341, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Folder-DesignationType​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 337, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Folder-DesignationType​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 350, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Folder-DesignationType​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 347, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-Folder-DesignationType​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 341, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-ICD11-CodeSystem​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 344, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-ICD11-CodeSystem​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 602, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-ICD11-CodeSystem​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 536, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-ICD11-CodeSystem​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 594, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-QR-Format-CodeSystem​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 337, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-QR-Format-CodeSystem​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 358, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-QR-Format-CodeSystem​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 353, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-QR-Type-CodeSystem-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 310, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-QR-Type-CodeSystem​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 337, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-QR-Type-CodeSystem​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 370, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-QR-Type-CodeSystem​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 362, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DDCC-QR-Type-CodeSystem​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 360, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-DIVOC-CodeSystem​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 279, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DIVOC-CodeSystem​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 337, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DIVOC-CodeSystem​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 398, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DIVOC-CodeSystem​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 383, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-DIVOC-CodeSystem​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 389, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-ICAOVaccineListV1​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 337, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-ICAOVaccineListV1​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 734, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-ICAOVaccineListV1​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 635, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-ICAOVaccineListV1​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 726, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-cvx​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 339, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-cvx​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 506, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-cvx​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 464, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-cvx​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 520, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/Patient-DDCC-Patient-Chinese​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 305, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/Patient-DDCC-Patient-English​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 305, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/Patient-DDCC-Patient-French​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 305, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/Patient-DDCC-Patient-Russian​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 305, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCComposition-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 326, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCComposition-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 482, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCDocumentReference-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 567, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCDocumentReference-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 333, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCQuestionnaire-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 449, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCQuestionnaire-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 343, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCQuestionnaireResponse-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 377, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCQuestionnaireResponse-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 388, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCQuestionnaireResponse-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 343, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCQuestionnaireSDC-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 347, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCQuestionnaireSDC-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 513, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCQuestionnaireSDC-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 343, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCQuestionnaireSDC​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 2382, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCRevokeHealthCertificateParameters-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 333, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCRevokeHealthCertificateParameters​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 922, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSpecimen-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 326, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSpecimen-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 419, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSpecimen-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 333, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSpecimen​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 1078, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSubmissionSet-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 326, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSubmissionSet-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 395, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSubmissionSet-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 333, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSubmissionSet​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 1086, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSubmitHealthEventRequest-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 377, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSubmitHealthEventRequest-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 413, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSubmitHealthEventRequest​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 1348, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSubmitHealthEventResponse-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 326, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSubmitHealthEventResponse-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 389, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSubmitHealthEventResponse-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 333, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCSubmitHealthEventResponse​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 1130, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTRComposition-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 326, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTRComposition-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 509, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTRDocument-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 326, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTRDocument-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 542, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTRDocument-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 333, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTRDocument​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 2558, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTRDocumentSigned-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 333, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTRDocumentSigned​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 2501, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTest-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 326, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTest-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 443, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTest-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 333, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCTest​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 1332, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCVSAddBundle-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 326, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCVSAddBundle-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 485, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCVSAddBundle-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 333, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCVSAddBundle​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 2049, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCVSComposition-examples​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 377, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCVSComposition-mappings​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 519, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCVSComposition-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 343, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DDCCVSComposition​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 1364, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
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output​/security_privacy​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 250, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 275, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/toc​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 235, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/transactions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 443, column 51errorThe link 'OperationDefinition-DDCC-QuestionnaireResponse-revpleHealthCertificate.html' for "Revoke Health Certificate Operation" cannot be resolved
output​/transactions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 491, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/use_cases​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 285, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
output​/workflows​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 214, column 48errorThe link 'usecases.html' for "Use Cases" cannot be resolved
output​/workflows​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 249, column 115errorThe link 'license.html' for "License" cannot be resolved
1warningThe HTML fragment 'ip-statements.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
2warningAn HTML fragment from the set [cross-version-analysis.xhtml, cross-version-analysis-inline.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
3warningAn HTML fragment from the set [dependency-table.xhtml, dependency-table-short.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
4warningThe HTML fragment 'globals-table.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-1.json Show Validation Information (7)

Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Parameters​/DDCC-VS-TX-SHE-Parameters-1*​/​.parameter[0]​.resource​/*QuestionnaireResponse​/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-Example*​/ (l24​/c14)warningConstraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Arabic.json Show Validation Information (7)

Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Parameters​/DDCC-VS-TX-SHE-Parameters-Arabic*​/​.parameter[0]​.resource​/*QuestionnaireResponse​/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-Arabic*​/ (l24​/c14)warningConstraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Chinese.json Show Validation Information (7)

Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Parameters​/DDCC-VS-TX-SHE-Parameters-Chinese*​/​.parameter[0]​.resource​/*QuestionnaireResponse​/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-Chinese*​/ (l24​/c14)warningConstraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-French.json Show Validation Information (7)

Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Parameters​/DDCC-VS-TX-SHE-Parameters-French*​/​.parameter[0]​.resource​/*QuestionnaireResponse​/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-French*​/ (l24​/c14)warningConstraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Russian.json Show Validation Information (7)

Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Parameters​/DDCC-VS-TX-SHE-Parameters-Russian*​/​.parameter[0]​.resource​/*QuestionnaireResponse​/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-Russian*​/ (l24​/c14)warningConstraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DDCC-TX-SHE-bundle-example-Spanish.json Show Validation Information (7)

Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Parameters​/DDCC-VS-TX-SHE-Parameters-Spanish*​/​.parameter[0]​.resource​/*QuestionnaireResponse​/DDCC-VS-QuestionnaireResponse-Spanish*​/ (l24​/c14)warningConstraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-cvx.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​/fhir​/sid​/cvx')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-cvx.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
CodeSystem​.concept[2]​.display (l1​/c7296)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'COVID-19 vaccine, vector-nr, rS-ChAdOx1, PF, 0.5 mL '
CodeSystem (l1/c10558)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
fsh-generated​/resources​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-cvxerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-origin.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/ddcc​/CodeSystem​/lab-test-sample-origin-divoc')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-origin.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
CodeSystem.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-origin/
fsh-generated​/resources​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-originerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-pathogen.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/ddcc​/CodeSystem​/lab-test-pathogen-divoc')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-pathogen.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
CodeSystem.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-pathogen/
fsh-generated​/resources​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-pathogenerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-result.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/ddcc​/CodeSystem​/lab-test-qual-result-divoc')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-result.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
CodeSystem.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-result/
fsh-generated​/resources​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-resulterrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-type.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/ddcc​/CodeSystem​/lab-test-type-divoc')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-type.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
CodeSystem.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-type/
fsh-generated​/resources​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-typeerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-origin.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/ddcc​/CodeSystem​/lab-test-sample-origin-icao')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-origin.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
CodeSystem.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-origin/
fsh-generated​/resources​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-originerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-result.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/ddcc​/CodeSystem​/lab-test-qual-result-icao')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-result.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
CodeSystem.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-result/
fsh-generated​/resources​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-resulterrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-type.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/ddcc​/CodeSystem​/lab-test-type-icao')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-type.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
CodeSystem.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-type/
fsh-generated​/resources​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-typeerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-loinc.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.where(url = 'http:​/​/loinc​.org')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-loinc.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated​/resources​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-loincerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-snomed.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.where(url = 'http:​/​/snomed​.info​/sct')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-snomed.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated​/resources​/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-snomederrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-pathogen-divoc-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2237)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2544)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c2550)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-pathogen-snomed-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2049)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c2055)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-divoc-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2501)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2786)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c3075)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c3360)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c3366)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-icao-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2174)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2463)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c2469)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-snomed-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2584)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2888)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c3196)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c3508)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c3514)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-divoc-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2947)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c3223)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c3498)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c3801)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c4077)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c4352)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c4358)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-icao-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2794)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c3118)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c3422)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c3723)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c3729)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c31283)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c31687)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c32118)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c32538)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c32939)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c33338)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c33726)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c34111)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c34479)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[0] (l1​/c34855)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0] (l1​/c35231)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.target[0] (l1​/c35613)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[0] (l1​/c36005)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[0] (l1​/c36396)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[0] (l1​/c36760)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[15]​.target[0] (l1​/c37149)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[0] (l1​/c37529)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[17]​.target[0] (l1​/c37901)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.target[0] (l1​/c38253)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.target[0] (l1​/c38639)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[20]​.target[0] (l1​/c39032)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[21]​.target[0] (l1​/c39419)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[22]​.target[0] (l1​/c39796)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[23]​.target[0] (l1​/c40205)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[24]​.target[0] (l1​/c40614)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[25]​.target[0] (l1​/c41011)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[26]​.target[0] (l1​/c41382)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.target[0] (l1​/c41750)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[28]​.target[0] (l1​/c42114)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[29]​.target[0] (l1​/c42494)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[30]​.target[0] (l1​/c42906)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[31]​.target[0] (l1​/c43318)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[32]​.target[0] (l1​/c43697)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[33]​.target[0] (l1​/c44108)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[34]​.target[0] (l1​/c44519)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[35]​.target[0] (l1​/c44894)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[36]​.target[0] (l1​/c45262)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[37]​.target[0] (l1​/c45662)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[38]​.target[0] (l1​/c46062)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[39]​.target[0] (l1​/c46451)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[40]​.target[0] (l1​/c46837)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[41]​.target[0] (l1​/c47222)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[42]​.target[0] (l1​/c47616)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[43]​.target[0] (l1​/c48012)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[44]​.target[0] (l1​/c48396)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[45]​.target[0] (l1​/c48783)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[46]​.target[0] (l1​/c49169)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[47]​.target[0] (l1​/c49544)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[48]​.target[0] (l1​/c49954)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[49]​.target[0] (l1​/c50340)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[50]​.target[0] (l1​/c50725)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[51]​.target[0] (l1​/c51117)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[52]​.target[0] (l1​/c51497)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[53]​.target[0] (l1​/c51886)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[54]​.target[0] (l1​/c52269)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[55]​.target[0] (l1​/c52651)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[56]​.target[0] (l1​/c53022)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[57]​.target[0] (l1​/c53411)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[58]​.target[0] (l1​/c53803)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[59]​.target[0] (l1​/c54189)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[60]​.target[0] (l1​/c54563)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[61]​.target[0] (l1​/c54945)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[62]​.target[0] (l1​/c55317)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[63]​.target[0] (l1​/c55685)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[64]​.target[0] (l1​/c56046)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[65]​.target[0] (l1​/c56421)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[66]​.target[0] (l1​/c56802)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[67]​.target[0] (l1​/c57179)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[68]​.target[0] (l1​/c57542)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[69]​.target[0] (l1​/c57918)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[70]​.target[0] (l1​/c58280)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[71]​.target[0] (l1​/c58652)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[72]​.target[0] (l1​/c59017)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[73]​.target[0] (l1​/c59393)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[74]​.target[0] (l1​/c59762)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[75]​.target[0] (l1​/c60133)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[76]​.target[0] (l1​/c60503)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[77]​.target[0] (l1​/c60862)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[78]​.target[0] (l1​/c61249)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[79]​.target[0] (l1​/c61638)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[80]​.target[0] (l1​/c62015)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[81]​.target[0] (l1​/c62395)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[82]​.target[0] (l1​/c62761)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[83]​.target[0] (l1​/c63140)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[84]​.target[0] (l1​/c63515)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[85]​.target[0] (l1​/c63883)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[86]​.target[0] (l1​/c64261)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[87]​.target[0] (l1​/c64650)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[88]​.target[0] (l1​/c65036)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[89]​.target[0] (l1​/c65402)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[90]​.target[0] (l1​/c65753)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[91]​.target[0] (l1​/c66108)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[92]​.target[0] (l1​/c66490)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[93]​.target[0] (l1​/c66870)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[94]​.target[0] (l1​/c67259)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[95]​.target[0] (l1​/c67642)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[96]​.target[0] (l1​/c68024)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[97]​.target[0] (l1​/c68402)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[98]​.target[0] (l1​/c68773)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[99]​.target[0] (l1​/c69162)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[100]​.target[0] (l1​/c69574)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[101]​.target[0] (l1​/c69977)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[102]​.target[0] (l1​/c70357)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[103]​.target[0] (l1​/c70725)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[104]​.target[0] (l1​/c71122)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c71128)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-divoc-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2683)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c3030)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c3334)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c3681)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c3687)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-icao-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2186)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2514)errorConstraint failed: cmd-1: 'If the map is narrower or inexact, there SHALL be some comments'
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2514)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c2520)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-snomed-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2405)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2731)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c2737)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c10241)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c10531)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.display (l1​/c10612)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'COVID-19 vaccine, vector-nr, rS-ChAdOx1, PF, 0.5 mL '
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c10847)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c11172)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c11480)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c11775)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c12079)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c12383)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c12686)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[0] (l1​/c12991)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0] (l1​/c13324)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.target[0] (l1​/c13658)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[0] (l1​/c13973)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[0] (l1​/c14289)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[0] (l1​/c14629)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[15]​.target[0] (l1​/c14947)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[0] (l1​/c15255)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[17]​.target[0] (l1​/c15563)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.target[0] (l1​/c15862)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.target[0] (l1​/c16155)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[20]​.target[0] (l1​/c16466)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[21]​.target[0] (l1​/c16755)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[22]​.target[0] (l1​/c17046)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[23]​.target[0] (l1​/c17349)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[24]​.target[0] (l1​/c17648)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[25]​.target[0] (l1​/c17993)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[26]​.target[0] (l1​/c18368)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.target[0] (l1​/c18731)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[28]​.target[0] (l1​/c19030)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[29]​.target[0] (l1​/c19330)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[30]​.target[0] (l1​/c19633)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[31]​.target[0] (l1​/c19965)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[32]​.target[0] (l1​/c20309)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[33]​.target[0] (l1​/c20624)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[34]​.target[0] (l1​/c20941)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[35]​.target[0] (l1​/c21278)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[36]​.target[0] (l1​/c21623)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[37]​.target[0] (l1​/c21949)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[38]​.target[0] (l1​/c22310)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[39]​.target[0] (l1​/c22652)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c10486)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c12034)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c12338)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c12641)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c15210)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[17]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c15518)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c15817)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[33]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c20576)warningThe target display 'ZvCov-D' is not valid. Possible displays [ZyCov-D]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[39]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c22602)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap (l1/c22658)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c8090)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c8377)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c8669)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c8955)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c9227)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c9516)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c9790)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c10063)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c10342)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[0] (l1​/c10615)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0] (l1​/c10949)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.target[0] (l1​/c11220)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[0] (l1​/c11484)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[0] (l1​/c11758)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[0] (l1​/c12073)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[15]​.target[0] (l1​/c12356)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[0] (l1​/c12621)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[17]​.target[0] (l1​/c12903)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.target[0] (l1​/c13173)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.target[0] (l1​/c13457)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[20]​.target[0] (l1​/c13737)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[21]​.target[0] (l1​/c14022)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[22]​.target[0] (l1​/c14300)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[23]​.target[0] (l1​/c14571)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[24]​.target[0] (l1​/c14854)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[25]​.target[0] (l1​/c15136)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[26]​.target[0] (l1​/c15422)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.target[0] (l1​/c15703)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[28]​.target[0] (l1​/c16036)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[29]​.target[0] (l1​/c16319)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[30]​.target[0] (l1​/c16602)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[31]​.target[0] (l1​/c16879)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[32]​.target[0] (l1​/c17158)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[33]​.target[0] (l1​/c17443)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[34]​.target[0] (l1​/c17719)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[35]​.target[0] (l1​/c18001)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[36]​.target[0] (l1​/c18305)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[37]​.target[0] (l1​/c18595)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c8040)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap (l1/c18601)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c25416)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c25741)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c26112)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c26496)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c26850)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c27217)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c27602)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c27996)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c28378)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[0] (l1​/c28768)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0] (l1​/c29149)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.target[0] (l1​/c29527)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[0] (l1​/c29888)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[0] (l1​/c30196)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[0] (l1​/c30492)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[15]​.target[0] (l1​/c30799)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[0] (l1​/c31117)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[17]​.target[0] (l1​/c31407)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.target[0] (l1​/c31715)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.target[0] (l1​/c32017)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[20]​.target[0] (l1​/c32307)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[21]​.target[0] (l1​/c32592)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[22]​.target[0] (l1​/c32880)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[23]​.target[0] (l1​/c33166)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[24]​.target[0] (l1​/c33465)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[25]​.target[0] (l1​/c33745)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[26]​.target[0] (l1​/c34050)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.target[0] (l1​/c34356)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[28]​.target[0] (l1​/c34657)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[29]​.target[0] (l1​/c34953)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[30]​.target[0] (l1​/c35234)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[31]​.target[0] (l1​/c35524)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[32]​.target[0] (l1​/c35804)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[33]​.target[0] (l1​/c36110)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[34]​.target[0] (l1​/c36412)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[35]​.target[0] (l1​/c36704)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[36]​.target[0] (l1​/c37006)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[37]​.target[0] (l1​/c37315)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[38]​.target[0] (l1​/c37624)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[39]​.target[0] (l1​/c37912)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[40]​.target[0] (l1​/c38194)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[41]​.target[0] (l1​/c38499)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[42]​.target[0] (l1​/c38796)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[43]​.target[0] (l1​/c39104)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[44]​.target[0] (l1​/c39447)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[45]​.target[0] (l1​/c39795)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[46]​.target[0] (l1​/c40220)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[47]​.target[0] (l1​/c40607)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[48]​.target[0] (l1​/c41024)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[49]​.target[0] (l1​/c41435)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[50]​.target[0] (l1​/c41847)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[51]​.target[0] (l1​/c42261)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[52]​.target[0] (l1​/c42656)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[53]​.target[0] (l1​/c43054)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[54]​.target[0] (l1​/c43455)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[55]​.target[0] (l1​/c43856)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[56]​.target[0] (l1​/c44254)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[57]​.target[0] (l1​/c44621)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[58]​.target[0] (l1​/c44988)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[59]​.target[0] (l1​/c45377)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[60]​.target[0] (l1​/c45767)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[61]​.target[0] (l1​/c46167)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[62]​.target[0] (l1​/c46570)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[63]​.target[0] (l1​/c46931)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[64]​.target[0] (l1​/c47316)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[65]​.target[0] (l1​/c47739)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[66]​.target[0] (l1​/c48131)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[67]​.target[0] (l1​/c48469)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[68]​.target[0] (l1​/c48791)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[69]​.target[0] (l1​/c49123)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[70]​.target[0] (l1​/c49513)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[71]​.target[0] (l1​/c49927)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[72]​.target[0] (l1​/c50339)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[73]​.target[0] (l1​/c50727)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[74]​.target[0] (l1​/c51130)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[75]​.target[0] (l1​/c51531)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[76]​.target[0] (l1​/c51932)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[77]​.target[0] (l1​/c52335)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[78]​.target[0] (l1​/c52746)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[79]​.target[0] (l1​/c53159)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[80]​.target[0] (l1​/c53546)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[81]​.target[0] (l1​/c53869)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[82]​.target[0] (l1​/c54203)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[83]​.target[0] (l1​/c54514)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[84]​.target[0] (l1​/c54847)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[85]​.target[0] (l1​/c55144)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[86]​.target[0] (l1​/c55521)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[87]​.target[0] (l1​/c55897)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[88]​.target[0] (l1​/c56310)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[89]​.target[0] (l1​/c56637)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[90]​.target[0] (l1​/c56975)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[91]​.target[0] (l1​/c57272)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[92]​.target[0] (l1​/c57605)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[93]​.target[0] (l1​/c57938)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[94]​.target[0] (l1​/c58335)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[95]​.target[0] (l1​/c58802)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[96]​.target[0] (l1​/c59145)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c25366)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c26805)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c27172)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c27557)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c27951)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c29482)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c30447)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c34311)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[38]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c37579)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[41]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c38454)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[62]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c46525)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[85]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c55094)warningThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[91]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c57224)warningThe target display 'ZvCov-D' is not valid. Possible displays [ZyCov-D]
ConceptMap (l1/c59151)warningPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-cvx-icd11-brands.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c1851)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-cvx-icd11-vaccines.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c1880)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c4095)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c4310)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c4525)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c4750)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c4965)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c5180)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c5395)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c5610)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c5825)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[0] (l1​/c6040)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0] (l1​/c6255)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.target[0] (l1​/c6470)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[0] (l1​/c6685)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c3594)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c3811)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c4027)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c4246)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c4475)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c4694)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c4913)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c5129)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c5346)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[0] (l1​/c5563)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0] (l1​/c5791)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c14203)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c14417)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c14631)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c14845)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c15059)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c15273)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c15487)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c15701)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c15915)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[0] (l1​/c16129)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0] (l1​/c16343)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.target[0] (l1​/c16557)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[0] (l1​/c16771)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[0] (l1​/c16985)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[0] (l1​/c17199)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[15]​.target[0] (l1​/c17413)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[0] (l1​/c17627)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[17]​.target[0] (l1​/c17841)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.target[0] (l1​/c18055)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.target[0] (l1​/c18269)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[20]​.target[0] (l1​/c18483)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[21]​.target[0] (l1​/c18697)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[22]​.target[0] (l1​/c18911)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[23]​.target[0] (l1​/c19125)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[24]​.target[0] (l1​/c19339)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[25]​.target[0] (l1​/c19553)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[26]​.target[0] (l1​/c19767)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.target[0] (l1​/c19981)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[28]​.target[0] (l1​/c20195)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[29]​.target[0] (l1​/c20409)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[30]​.target[0] (l1​/c20623)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[31]​.target[0] (l1​/c20837)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[32]​.target[0] (l1​/c21051)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[33]​.target[0] (l1​/c21265)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[34]​.target[0] (l1​/c21479)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[35]​.target[0] (l1​/c21693)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[36]​.target[0] (l1​/c21907)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[37]​.target[0] (l1​/c22121)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[38]​.target[0] (l1​/c22335)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[39]​.target[0] (l1​/c22549)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[40]​.target[0] (l1​/c22763)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[41]​.target[0] (l1​/c22977)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[42]​.target[0] (l1​/c23191)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[43]​.target[0] (l1​/c23405)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[44]​.target[0] (l1​/c23619)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[45]​.target[0] (l1​/c23833)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[46]​.target[0] (l1​/c24047)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[47]​.target[0] (l1​/c24261)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[48]​.target[0] (l1​/c24475)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[49]​.target[0] (l1​/c24689)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[50]​.target[0] (l1​/c24903)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[51]​.target[0] (l1​/c25117)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[52]​.target[0] (l1​/c25331)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[53]​.target[0] (l1​/c25545)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[54]​.target[0] (l1​/c25759)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[55]​.target[0] (l1​/c25973)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[56]​.target[0] (l1​/c26187)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[57]​.target[0] (l1​/c26401)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[58]​.target[0] (l1​/c26615)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[59]​.target[0] (l1​/c26829)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[60]​.target[0] (l1​/c27043)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[61]​.target[0] (l1​/c27257)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[62]​.target[0] (l1​/c27471)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[63]​.target[0] (l1​/c27685)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[64]​.target[0] (l1​/c27899)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[65]​.target[0] (l1​/c28113)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[66]​.target[0] (l1​/c28327)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[67]​.target[0] (l1​/c28541)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[68]​.target[0] (l1​/c28755)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[69]​.target[0] (l1​/c28969)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[70]​.target[0] (l1​/c29183)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[71]​.target[0] (l1​/c29397)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[72]​.target[0] (l1​/c29611)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[73]​.target[0] (l1​/c29825)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[74]​.target[0] (l1​/c30039)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[75]​.target[0] (l1​/c30253)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[76]​.target[0] (l1​/c30467)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[77]​.target[0] (l1​/c30681)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[78]​.target[0] (l1​/c30895)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[79]​.target[0] (l1​/c31109)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[80]​.target[0] (l1​/c31323)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[81]​.target[0] (l1​/c31537)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[82]​.target[0] (l1​/c31751)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[83]​.target[0] (l1​/c31965)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[84]​.target[0] (l1​/c32179)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[85]​.target[0] (l1​/c32393)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[86]​.target[0] (l1​/c32607)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[87]​.target[0] (l1​/c32821)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[88]​.target[0] (l1​/c33035)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[89]​.target[0] (l1​/c33249)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[90]​.target[0] (l1​/c33463)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[91]​.target[0] (l1​/c33677)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[92]​.target[0] (l1​/c33891)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[93]​.target[0] (l1​/c34105)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[94]​.target[0] (l1​/c34319)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[95]​.target[0] (l1​/c34533)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[96]​.target[0] (l1​/c34747)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.code (l1​/c14009)errorThe source code 'ICAO001' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c14180)errorThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.code (l1​/c14223)errorThe source code 'ICAO002' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c14394)errorThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.code (l1​/c14437)errorThe source code 'ICAO003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c14608)errorThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.code (l1​/c14651)errorThe source code 'ICAO004' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c14822)errorThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.code (l1​/c14865)errorThe source code 'ICAO005' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c15036)errorThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.code (l1​/c15079)errorThe source code 'ICAO006' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c15250)errorThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.code (l1​/c15293)errorThe source code 'ICAO007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c15464)errorThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.code (l1​/c15507)errorThe source code 'ICAO008' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c15678)errorThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.code (l1​/c15721)errorThe source code 'ICAO009' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c15892)errorThe target code 'XM3DT5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.code (l1​/c15935)errorThe source code 'ICAO010' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c16106)errorThe target code 'XM3DT5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.code (l1​/c16149)errorThe source code 'ICAO011' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c16320)errorThe target code 'XM3DT5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.code (l1​/c16363)errorThe source code 'ICAO012' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c16534)errorThe target code 'XM3DT5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.code (l1​/c16577)errorThe source code 'ICAO013' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c16748)errorThe target code 'XM52P3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.code (l1​/c16791)errorThe source code 'ICAO014' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c16962)errorThe target code 'XM52P3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.code (l1​/c17005)errorThe source code 'ICAO015' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c17176)errorThe target code 'XM3CT4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[15]​.code (l1​/c17219)errorThe source code 'ICAO016' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[15]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c17390)errorThe target code 'XM3CT4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.code (l1​/c17433)errorThe source code 'ICAO017' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c17604)errorThe target code 'XM3CT4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[17]​.code (l1​/c17647)errorThe source code 'ICAO018' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[17]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c17818)errorThe target code 'XM3CT4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.code (l1​/c17861)errorThe source code 'ICAO019' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c18032)errorThe target code 'XM3CT4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.code (l1​/c18075)errorThe source code 'ICAO020' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c18246)errorThe target code 'XM3PG0' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[20]​.code (l1​/c18289)errorThe source code 'ICAO021' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[20]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c18460)errorThe target code 'XM3PG0' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[21]​.code (l1​/c18503)errorThe source code 'ICAO022' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[21]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c18674)errorThe target code 'XM3PG0' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[22]​.code (l1​/c18717)errorThe source code 'ICAO023' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[22]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c18888)errorThe target code 'XM3PG0' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[23]​.code (l1​/c18931)errorThe source code 'ICAO024' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[23]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c19102)errorThe target code 'XM3PG0' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[24]​.code (l1​/c19145)errorThe source code 'ICAO025' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[24]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c19316)errorThe target code 'XM4EC8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[25]​.code (l1​/c19359)errorThe source code 'ICAO026' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[25]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c19530)errorThe target code 'XM4EC8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[26]​.code (l1​/c19573)errorThe source code 'ICAO027' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[26]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c19744)errorThe target code 'XM4EC8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.code (l1​/c19787)errorThe source code 'ICAO028' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c19958)errorThe target code 'XM6SZ8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[28]​.code (l1​/c20001)errorThe source code 'ICAO029' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[28]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c20172)errorThe target code 'XM6SZ8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[29]​.code (l1​/c20215)errorThe source code 'ICAO030' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[29]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c20386)errorThe target code 'XM0RV9' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[30]​.code (l1​/c20429)errorThe source code 'ICAO031' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[30]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c20600)errorThe target code 'XM0RV9' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[31]​.code (l1​/c20643)errorThe source code 'ICAO032' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[31]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c20814)errorThe target code 'XM3SK8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[32]​.code (l1​/c20857)errorThe source code 'ICAO033' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[32]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c21028)errorThe target code 'XM3SK8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[33]​.code (l1​/c21071)errorThe source code 'ICAO034' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[33]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c21242)errorThe target code 'XM9P21' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[34]​.code (l1​/c21285)errorThe source code 'ICAO035' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[34]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c21456)errorThe target code 'XM9P21' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[35]​.code (l1​/c21499)errorThe source code 'ICAO036' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[35]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c21670)errorThe target code 'XM9P21' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[36]​.code (l1​/c21713)errorThe source code 'ICAO037' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[36]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c21884)errorThe target code 'XM9T65' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[37]​.code (l1​/c21927)errorThe source code 'ICAO038' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[37]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c22098)errorThe target code 'XM9T65' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[38]​.code (l1​/c22141)errorThe source code 'ICAO039' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[38]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c22312)errorThe target code 'XM9T65' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[39]​.code (l1​/c22355)errorThe source code 'ICAO040' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[39]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c22526)errorThe target code 'XM9T65' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[40]​.code (l1​/c22569)errorThe source code 'ICAO041' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[40]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c22740)errorThe target code 'XM9T65' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[41]​.code (l1​/c22783)errorThe source code 'ICAO042' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[41]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c22954)errorThe target code 'XM9N08' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[42]​.code (l1​/c22997)errorThe source code 'ICAO043' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[42]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c23168)errorThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[43]​.code (l1​/c23211)errorThe source code 'ICAO044' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[43]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c23382)errorThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[44]​.code (l1​/c23425)errorThe source code 'ICAO045' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[44]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c23596)errorThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[45]​.code (l1​/c23639)errorThe source code 'ICAO046' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[45]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c23810)errorThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[46]​.code (l1​/c23853)errorThe source code 'ICAO047' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[46]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c24024)errorThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[47]​.code (l1​/c24067)errorThe source code 'ICAO048' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[47]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c24238)errorThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[48]​.code (l1​/c24281)errorThe source code 'ICAO049' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[48]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c24452)errorThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[49]​.code (l1​/c24495)errorThe source code 'ICAO050' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[49]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c24666)errorThe target code 'XM97T2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[50]​.code (l1​/c24709)errorThe source code 'ICAO051' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[50]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c24880)errorThe target code 'XM97T2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[51]​.code (l1​/c24923)errorThe source code 'ICAO052' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[51]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c25094)errorThe target code 'XM97T2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[52]​.code (l1​/c25137)errorThe source code 'ICAO053' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[52]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c25308)errorThe target code 'XM97T2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[53]​.code (l1​/c25351)errorThe source code 'ICAO054' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[53]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c25522)errorThe target code 'XM97T2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[54]​.code (l1​/c25565)errorThe source code 'ICAO055' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[54]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c25736)errorThe target code 'XM6QV1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[55]​.code (l1​/c25779)errorThe source code 'ICAO056' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[55]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c25950)errorThe target code 'XM6QV1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[56]​.code (l1​/c25993)errorThe source code 'ICAO057' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[56]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c26164)errorThe target code 'XM6QV1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[57]​.code (l1​/c26207)errorThe source code 'ICAO058' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[57]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c26378)errorThe target code 'XM6QV1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[58]​.code (l1​/c26421)errorThe source code 'ICAO059' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[58]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c26592)errorThe target code 'XM1AG7' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[59]​.code (l1​/c26635)errorThe source code 'ICAO060' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[59]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c26806)errorThe target code 'XM1AG7' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[60]​.code (l1​/c26849)errorThe source code 'ICAO061' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[60]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c27020)errorThe target code 'XM1AG7' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[61]​.code (l1​/c27063)errorThe source code 'ICAO062' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[61]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c27234)errorThe target code 'XM5ZJ4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[62]​.code (l1​/c27277)errorThe source code 'ICAO063' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[62]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c27448)errorThe target code 'XM5ZJ4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[63]​.code (l1​/c27491)errorThe source code 'ICAO064' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[63]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c27662)errorThe target code 'XM5ZJ4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[64]​.code (l1​/c27705)errorThe source code 'ICAO065' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[64]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c27876)errorThe target code 'XM5ZJ4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[65]​.code (l1​/c27919)errorThe source code 'ICAO066' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[65]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c28090)errorThe target code 'XM5QM6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[66]​.code (l1​/c28133)errorThe source code 'ICAO067' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[66]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c28304)errorThe target code 'XM5QM6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[67]​.code (l1​/c28347)errorThe source code 'ICAO068' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[67]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c28518)errorThe target code 'XM7HT3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[68]​.code (l1​/c28561)errorThe source code 'ICAO069' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[68]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c28732)errorThe target code 'XM7HT3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[69]​.code (l1​/c28775)errorThe source code 'ICAO070' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[69]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c28946)errorThe target code 'XM7HT3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[70]​.code (l1​/c28989)errorThe source code 'ICAO071' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[70]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c29160)errorThe target code 'XM8866' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[71]​.code (l1​/c29203)errorThe source code 'ICAO072' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[71]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c29374)errorThe target code 'XM8866' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[72]​.code (l1​/c29417)errorThe source code 'ICAO073' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[72]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c29588)errorThe target code 'XM8866' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[73]​.code (l1​/c29631)errorThe source code 'ICAO074' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[73]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c29802)errorThe target code 'XM8866' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[74]​.code (l1​/c29845)errorThe source code 'ICAO075' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[74]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c30016)errorThe target code 'XM8866' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[75]​.code (l1​/c30059)errorThe source code 'ICAO076' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[75]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c30230)errorThe target code 'XM9TQ1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[76]​.code (l1​/c30273)errorThe source code 'ICAO077' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[76]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c30444)errorThe target code 'XM9TQ1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[77]​.code (l1​/c30487)errorThe source code 'ICAO078' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[77]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c30658)errorThe target code 'XM9TQ1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[78]​.code (l1​/c30701)errorThe source code 'ICAO079' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[78]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c30872)errorThe target code 'XM1G90' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[79]​.code (l1​/c30915)errorThe source code 'ICAO080' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[79]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c31086)errorThe target code 'XM1G90' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[80]​.code (l1​/c31129)errorThe source code 'ICAO081' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[80]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c31300)errorThe target code 'XM1G90' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[81]​.code (l1​/c31343)errorThe source code 'ICAO082' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[81]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c31514)errorThe target code 'XM85P5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[82]​.code (l1​/c31557)errorThe source code 'ICAO083' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[82]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c31728)errorThe target code 'XM85P5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[83]​.code (l1​/c31771)errorThe source code 'ICAO084' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[83]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c31942)errorThe target code 'XM85P5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[84]​.code (l1​/c31985)errorThe source code 'ICAO085' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[84]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c32156)errorThe target code 'XM9FQ7' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[85]​.code (l1​/c32199)errorThe source code 'ICAO086' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[85]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c32370)errorThe target code 'XM9FQ7' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[86]​.code (l1​/c32413)errorThe source code 'ICAO087' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[86]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c32584)errorThe target code 'XM97N6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[87]​.code (l1​/c32627)errorThe source code 'ICAO088' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[87]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c32798)errorThe target code 'XM97N6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[88]​.code (l1​/c32841)errorThe source code 'ICAO089' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[88]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c33012)errorThe target code 'XM97N6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[89]​.code (l1​/c33055)errorThe source code 'ICAO090' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[89]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c33226)errorThe target code 'XM2YG8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[90]​.code (l1​/c33269)errorThe source code 'ICAO091' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[90]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c33440)errorThe target code 'XM2YG8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[91]​.code (l1​/c33483)errorThe source code 'ICAO092' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[91]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c33654)errorThe target code 'XM0K39' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[92]​.code (l1​/c33697)errorThe source code 'ICAO093' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[92]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c33868)errorThe target code 'XM0K39' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[93]​.code (l1​/c33911)errorThe source code 'ICAO094' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[93]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c34082)errorThe target code 'XM0K39' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[94]​.code (l1​/c34125)errorThe source code 'ICAO095' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[94]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c34296)errorThe target code 'XM1AU2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[95]​.code (l1​/c34339)errorThe source code 'ICAO096' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[95]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c34510)errorThe target code 'XM1AU2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[96]​.code (l1​/c34553)errorThe source code 'ICAO097' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[96]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c34724)errorThe target code 'XM1AU2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c8481)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c8768)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c9026)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[2] (l1​/c9284)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c9571)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c9829)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[2] (l1​/c10087)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[3] (l1​/c10345)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c10632)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[1] (l1​/c10890)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c11115)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c11402)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[1] (l1​/c11660)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c7507)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c7766)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c8054)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c8311)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[2] (l1​/c8567)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[3] (l1​/c8824)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c9053)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c9336)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[1] (l1​/c9592)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[2] (l1​/c9849)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c10077)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c51561)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c51817)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c52073)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[3] (l1​/c52329)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[4] (l1​/c52585)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[5] (l1​/c52841)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[6] (l1​/c53097)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[7] (l1​/c53353)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c53638)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c53894)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[2] (l1​/c54150)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[3] (l1​/c54406)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c54691)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c54947)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c55232)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[1] (l1​/c55488)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[2] (l1​/c55744)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[3] (l1​/c56000)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[4] (l1​/c56256)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c56541)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[1] (l1​/c56797)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[2] (l1​/c57053)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[3] (l1​/c57309)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[4] (l1​/c57565)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c57850)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[1] (l1​/c58106)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[2] (l1​/c58362)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c58647)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[1] (l1​/c58903)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c59188)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[1] (l1​/c59444)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c59729)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[1] (l1​/c59985)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[0] (l1​/c60270)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[1] (l1​/c60526)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[2] (l1​/c60782)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0] (l1​/c61067)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[1] (l1​/c61323)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[2] (l1​/c61579)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[3] (l1​/c61835)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[4] (l1​/c62091)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.target[0] (l1​/c62376)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[0] (l1​/c62661)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[1] (l1​/c62917)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[2] (l1​/c63173)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[3] (l1​/c63429)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[4] (l1​/c63685)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[5] (l1​/c63941)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[6] (l1​/c64197)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[0] (l1​/c64482)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[1] (l1​/c64738)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[2] (l1​/c64994)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[3] (l1​/c65250)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[4] (l1​/c65506)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[0] (l1​/c65791)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[1] (l1​/c66047)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[2] (l1​/c66303)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[3] (l1​/c66559)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[15]​.target[0] (l1​/c66844)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[15]​.target[1] (l1​/c67100)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[15]​.target[2] (l1​/c67356)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[0] (l1​/c67641)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[1] (l1​/c67897)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[2] (l1​/c68153)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[3] (l1​/c68409)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[17]​.target[0] (l1​/c68694)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[17]​.target[1] (l1​/c68950)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.target[0] (l1​/c69235)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.target[1] (l1​/c69491)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.target[2] (l1​/c69747)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.target[0] (l1​/c70032)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.target[1] (l1​/c70288)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.target[2] (l1​/c70544)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.target[3] (l1​/c70800)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[19]​.target[4] (l1​/c71056)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[20]​.target[0] (l1​/c71341)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[20]​.target[1] (l1​/c71597)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[20]​.target[2] (l1​/c71853)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[21]​.target[0] (l1​/c72138)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[21]​.target[1] (l1​/c72394)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[21]​.target[2] (l1​/c72650)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[22]​.target[0] (l1​/c72935)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[22]​.target[1] (l1​/c73191)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[22]​.target[2] (l1​/c73447)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[23]​.target[0] (l1​/c73732)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[23]​.target[1] (l1​/c73988)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[24]​.target[0] (l1​/c74273)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[24]​.target[1] (l1​/c74529)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[24]​.target[2] (l1​/c74785)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[25]​.target[0] (l1​/c75070)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[25]​.target[1] (l1​/c75326)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[26]​.target[0] (l1​/c75611)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[26]​.target[1] (l1​/c75867)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[26]​.target[2] (l1​/c76123)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.target[0] (l1​/c76408)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.target[1] (l1​/c76664)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.target[2] (l1​/c76920)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icd10-disease-targeted.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c1850)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c4170)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c4385)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c4600)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c4815)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c5030)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c5245)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c5460)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c5675)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c5890)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[9]​.target[0] (l1​/c6105)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0] (l1​/c6320)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.target[0] (l1​/c6535)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-disease-targeted.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c1825)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c1797)errorThe target code '840539006' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-test-result.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2025)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2256)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c1997)errorThe target code '1240581000000104' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c2228)errorThe target code '1240591000000102' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-vaccines.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2293)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2520)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c2747)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c2978)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c2265)errorThe target code '28531000087107' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c2492)errorThe target code '1119349007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c2719)errorThe target code '1157024006' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c2950)errorThe target code '29061000087103' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-loinc-type-of-test.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c2040)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2271)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c3042)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c3267)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c3486)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c3715)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c3944)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c4163)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c4382)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c4601)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c4820)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c3014)errorThe target code '258500001' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c3244)errorThe target code '461911000124106' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c3463)errorThe target code '472881004' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c3687)errorThe target code '472901003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c3916)errorThe target code '119342007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c4140)errorThe target code '119297000' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c4359)errorThe target code '119361006' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c4578)errorThe target code '119364003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c4797)errorThe target code '122592007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-type-of-test.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c1952)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2182)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c1924)errorThe target code '2056159157' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.code (l1​/c1975)errorThe source code 'LP217198-3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c2154)errorThe target code '414464004' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-loinc-sct-type-of-test.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c1949)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c2179)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c1921)errorThe target code '117244003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c2151)errorThe target code '414464004' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c3042)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c3277)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c3506)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c3735)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c3964)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c4193)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c4422)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c4651)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c4880)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.code (l1​/c2835)errorThe source code '258500001' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.code (l1​/c3070)errorThe source code '461911000124106' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.code (l1​/c3299)errorThe source code '472881004' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.code (l1​/c3528)errorThe source code '472901003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.code (l1​/c3757)errorThe source code '119342007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.code (l1​/c3986)errorThe source code '119297000' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.code (l1​/c4215)errorThe source code '119361006' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.code (l1​/c4444)errorThe source code '119364003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.code (l1​/c4673)errorThe source code '122592007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-DDCCHCIDRegistrationQuestionnaire.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire​.item[2]​.item[0] (l1​/c14981)errorThe extension is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:Questionnaire, e:Questionnaire.item, e:ElementDefinition; this element is [BackboneElement, Questionnaire.item.item])
Questionnaire​.item[2]​.item[0] (l1​/c14981)errorThe extension is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:Questionnaire, e:Questionnaire.item, e:ElementDefinition; this element is [BackboneElement, Questionnaire.item.item])

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-CertICAO.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/ddcc​/StructureDefinition​/CertICAOVDS')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-CertICAO.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
StructureDefinition.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: CertICAO/
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureDefinition-CertICAOerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCCoreDataSet.TR.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.type (l1/c28185)errorThe type DDCCCoreDataSet is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCCoreDataSet.VS.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.type (l1/c42213)errorThe type DDCCCoreDataSet is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[18]​.constraint[0] (l1​/c56823)errorError in constraint 'who-ddcc-data-1' with expression 'manufacturer.exists() or maholder.exists()': Unknown context evaluating FHIRPath expression: DDCCCoreDataSet.vaccination (@char 3)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCCoreDataSet.VS.CoC.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.type (l1/c13501)errorThe type DDCCCoreDataSet is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
StructureDefinitionerrorThe type DDCCCoreDataSet must not be the same as the type in the base structure DDCCCoreDataSet that is being specialised

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCCoreDataSet.VS.PoV.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.type (l1/c8275)errorThe type DDCCCoreDataSet is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
StructureDefinitionerrorThe type DDCCCoreDataSet must not be the same as the type in the base structure DDCCCoreDataSet that is being specialised

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCFolder.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[21]errorThe element List.extension:designationType/ddccDesignation.value[x]:valueCodeableConcept launches straight into slicing without the slicing being set up properly first
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[15]errorThe slice definition for List.extension has a minimum of 1 but the slices add up to a minimum of 2

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCImmunization.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[32]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c96199)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[98]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c176721)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[108]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c187925)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[32]​.bindingwarningThe valueSet reference on element Immunization.vaccineCode could not be resolved
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[98]​.bindingwarningThe valueSet reference on element Immunization.protocolApplied.targetDisease could not be resolved
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[108]​.bindingwarningThe valueSet reference on element Immunization.protocolApplied.targetDisease could not be resolved

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCQuestionnaireSDC.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[50]errorThe slice definition for Questionnaire.item.extension:contextExpression.extension has a minimum of 0 but the slices add up to a minimum of 2

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-HCertDCC.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[1] (l1​/c81528)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[2] (l1​/c82115)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[3] (l1​/c83846)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[4] (l1​/c86494)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[5] (l1​/c86693)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[6] (l1​/c87153)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[7] (l1​/c87748)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[8] (l1​/c89487)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[9] (l1​/c92143)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[10] (l1​/c92487)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[11] (l1​/c93062)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[12] (l1​/c93372)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[13] (l1​/c93689)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[14] (l1​/c94040)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[15] (l1​/c95158)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[16] (l1​/c95749)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[17] (l1​/c97484)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[18] (l1​/c100136)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[19] (l1​/c100697)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[20] (l1​/c101309)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[21] (l1​/c102142)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[22] (l1​/c102858)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[23] (l1​/c103091)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[24] (l1​/c103352)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[25] (l1​/c103600)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[26] (l1​/c103983)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[27] (l1​/c104233)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[28] (l1​/c104479)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[29] (l1​/c105295)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[30] (l1​/c105886)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[31] (l1​/c107621)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[32] (l1​/c110273)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[33] (l1​/c110953)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[34] (l1​/c111566)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[35] (l1​/c112044)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[36] (l1​/c112346)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[37] (l1​/c112648)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[38] (l1​/c113315)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[39] (l1​/c113636)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[40] (l1​/c113973)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[41] (l1​/c114183)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[42] (l1​/c114429)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[43] (l1​/c115264)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[44] (l1​/c115855)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[45] (l1​/c117590)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[46] (l1​/c120242)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[47] (l1​/c120556)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[48] (l1​/c121004)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[49] (l1​/c121341)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[50] (l1​/c121551)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[51] (l1​/c121957)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[52] (l1​/c122433)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[53] (l1​/c122679)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[1] (l1​/c123407)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[2] (l1​/c123555)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3] (l1​/c123706)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4] (l1​/c123996)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[5] (l1​/c124516)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[6] (l1​/c124772)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[7] (l1​/c125034)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[8] (l1​/c125334)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[9] (l1​/c126160)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[10] (l1​/c126669)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[11] (l1​/c127229)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[12] (l1​/c128010)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[13] (l1​/c128674)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[14] (l1​/c128855)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[15] (l1​/c129064)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[16] (l1​/c129260)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[17] (l1​/c129591)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[18] (l1​/c129789)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[19] (l1​/c129983)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[20] (l1​/c130507)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[21] (l1​/c131135)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[22] (l1​/c131696)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[23] (l1​/c132122)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[24] (l1​/c132372)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[25] (l1​/c132622)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[26] (l1​/c133237)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[27] (l1​/c133506)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[28] (l1​/c133791)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[29] (l1​/c133949)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[30] (l1​/c134143)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[31] (l1​/c134686)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[32] (l1​/c134948)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[33] (l1​/c135344)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[34] (l1​/c135629)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[35] (l1​/c135787)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[36] (l1​/c136141)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[37] (l1​/c136565)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[38] (l1​/c136759)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DDCC-Composition-Category-ValueSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c959)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DDCC-Device-Property-ValueSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c916)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DDCC-Folder-DesignationType.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c936)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DDCC-QR-Format-ValueSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c887)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DDCC-QR-Type-ValueSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c874)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DIVOC-ValueSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c837)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-ICAOVaccineListV1.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c839)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-lab-test-type-loinc.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[0]warningThe code 'LP6464-4' is not valid in the system
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[0]informationUnknown code 'LP6464-4' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.77' (from Tx-Server)
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[1]warningThe code 'LP217198-3' is not valid in the system

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-vaccine-covid19-cvx.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet​.compose​.include[0]​.concept[2]​.display (l1​/c5160)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'COVID-19 vaccine, vector-nr, rS-ChAdOx1, PF, 0.5 mL '

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-vaccine-covid19-icd11.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c7766)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-vaccines-covid-19-names.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c870)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-agent-targeted-covid-19.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c3462)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-brands-covid-19.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c4319)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-disease-targeted-covid-19.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1201)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-sample-origin-covid-19.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1959)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-test-result-covid-19.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1324)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-type-of-test-covid-19.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1465)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-vaccines-covid-19.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c6786)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

input/resources/Immunization-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xml Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​/fhir​/uv​/ips​/StructureDefinition​/Immunization-pre-uv-ips')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/Immunization-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xml - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[13]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c67912)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[73]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c138514)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c144918)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[16]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c148664)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureDefinition (l1/c148669)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.bindingwarningThe valueSet reference on element Immunization.vaccineCode could not be resolved
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[16]​.bindingwarningThe valueSet reference on element Immunization.protocolApplied.targetDisease could not be resolved
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[13]​.bindingwarningThe valueSet reference on element Immunization.vaccineCode could not be resolved
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[73]​.bindingwarningThe valueSet reference on element Immunization.protocolApplied.targetDisease could not be resolved
input​/resources​/Immunization-pre-uv-ips​.StructureDefinitionerrorURL Mismatch vs

input/resources/Library-AnyDosePass-1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

Library​.where(url = 'http:​/​/localhost​/Library​/AnyDosePass|1​.0​.0')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/Library-AnyDosePass-1.0.0.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://localhost/Library/AnyDosePass|1.0.0)
Library (l1/c313491)warningConstraint failed: lib-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
input​/resources​/Library-AnyDosePass-1​.0​.0errorURL Mismatch vs http://localhost/Library/AnyDosePass|1.0.0

input/resources/Library-DDCCPass-1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

Library​.where(url = 'http:​/​/localhost​/Library​/DDCCPass|1​.0​.0')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/Library-DDCCPass-1.0.0.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://localhost/Library/DDCCPass|1.0.0)
Library (l1/c132576)warningConstraint failed: lib-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
input/resources/Library-DDCCPass-1.0.0errorURL Mismatch vs http://localhost/Library/DDCCPass|1.0.0

input/resources/Library-ModernaOrPfizerPass-1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

Library​.where(url = 'http:​/​/localhost​/Library​/ModernaOrPfizerPass|1​.0​.0')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/Library-ModernaOrPfizerPass-1.0.0.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://localhost/Library/ModernaOrPfizerPass|1.0.0)
Library (l1/c208875)warningConstraint failed: lib-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
input​/resources​/Library-ModernaOrPfizerPass-1​.0​.0errorURL Mismatch vs http://localhost/Library/ModernaOrPfizerPass|1.0.0

input/resources/Patient-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xml Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​/fhir​/uv​/ips​/StructureDefinition​/Patient-pre-uv-ips')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/Patient-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xml - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
StructureDefinition (l1/c116777)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
input​/resources​/Patient-pre-uv-ips​.StructureDefinitionerrorURL Mismatch vs

input/resources/StructureMap-BundleVSToAddBundle.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c1734)errorid value 'get first entry from bundle' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c1997)errorThe name get first entry from bundle is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c1984)errorThe parameter 'ddcc' refers to the variable 'source ddcc' but it's type is 'DDCCVS' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'CoreDataSetVSToAddBundle', which is 'DDCCVS' (from map '|1.0.0')

input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8681)errorid value 'eu_DCC_v1' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9112)errorid value 'set DDCC' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c9234)errorid value 'set certificate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c9492)errorid value 'set vaccination' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c9720)errorid value 'set outentry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10243)errorid value 'set DDCC' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10365)errorid value 'set certificate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c10616)errorid value 'set test' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c10823)errorid value 'set outentry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11155)errorid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11467)errorid value 'set given name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c11715)errorid value 'add family name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12261)errorid value 'set period' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c12539)errorid value 'set version' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c12754)errorid value 'set hcid' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c13043)errorid value 'set issuer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13567)errorid value 'set period start' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0]​.parameter[1]​.value​.ofType(string) (l1​/c13760)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' seconds'
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c13958)errorid value 'set period end' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.target[0]​.parameter[1]​.value​.ofType(string) (l1​/c14151)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' seconds'
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14484)errorid value 'set target disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c14919)errorid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c15479)errorid value 'set default brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16169)errorid value 'translate COVID19 brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c16561)errorid value 'set maholder' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c17022)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c17233)errorid value 'set dose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c17450)errorid value 'set totalDoses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c17682)errorid value 'set country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18329)errorid value 'set default pathogen' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18941)errorid value 'translate COVID19 pathogen' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c19428)errorid value 'set default type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c20020)errorid value 'translate COVID19 type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c20415)errorid value 'set brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c20867)errorid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c21328)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21621)errorid value 'set default result' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22229)errorid value 'translate COVID19 result' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c22627)errorid value 'set centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c22915)errorid value 'set country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c8505)errorThe type CWTPayload which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10987)errorThe name eu_DCC_v1 is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9208)errorThe name set DDCC is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c9204)errorThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c9466)errorThe name set certificate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c9364)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[3] (l1​/c9462)errorThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c9697)errorThe name set vaccination is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c9622)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c9693)errorThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c9880)errorThe name set outentry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10339)errorThe name set DDCC is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c10335)errorThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c10597)errorThe name set certificate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c10495)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[3] (l1​/c10593)errorThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c10800)errorThe name set test is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c10732)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c10796)errorThe target parameter 'test' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c10983)errorThe name set outentry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c13484)errorThe type CWTPayload which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13933)errorThe name set period start is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c13929)errorThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'epoch' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 3)
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c14322)errorThe name set period end is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c14318)errorThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'epoch' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 3)[1] (l1/c12012)informationThe group DCCtoCoreDataSet is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[0] (l1​/c11076)warningGroup DCCtoCoreDataSet parameter dcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c11122)errorThe type 'DDCC' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11358)errorThe name set birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11689)errorThe name set given name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c12008)errorThe name add family name is not valid[2] (l1/c13384)informationThe group CertDCCtoCoreDataSetCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[0] (l1​/c12132)errorThe type CWTPayload which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c12163)warningGroup CertDCCtoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter dcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[2] (l1​/c12192)warningGroup CertDCCtoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter g has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[3] (l1​/c12231)warningGroup CertDCCtoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12517)errorThe name set period is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c12513)errorThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c12735)errorThe name set version is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c13022)errorThe name set hcid is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c13020)errorThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c13382)errorThe name set issuer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.target[1] (l1​/c13380)errorThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point[4] (l1/c18095)informationThe group VtoCoreDataSetVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[0] (l1​/c14407)warningGroup VtoCoreDataSetVS parameter v has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[1] (l1​/c14446)warningGroup VtoCoreDataSetVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14897)errorThe name set target disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c14782)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c14895)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1] (l1​/c15372)errorThe name set vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c15257)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.target[2] (l1​/c15370)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c15897)errorThe name set default brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c15782)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c15895)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16534)errorThe name translate COVID19 brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3] (l1​/c17003)errorThe name set maholder is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.target[1] (l1​/c16888)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.target[2] (l1​/c17001)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[4] (l1​/c17214)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5] (l1​/c17425)errorThe name set dose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6] (l1​/c17660)errorThe name set totalDoses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7] (l1​/c18093)errorThe name set country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.target[1] (l1​/c17954)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.target[2] (l1​/c18091)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point[5] (l1/c23321)informationThe group TtoCoreDataSetTR is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[0] (l1​/c18178)warningGroup TtoCoreDataSetTR parameter t has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[1] (l1​/c18210)warningGroup TtoCoreDataSetTR parameter test has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18706)errorThe name set default pathogen is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c18591)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c18704)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19318)errorThe name translate COVID19 pathogen is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19795)errorThe name set default type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c19680)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c19793)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c20391)errorThe name translate COVID19 type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2] (l1​/c20840)errorThe name set brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c20725)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2]​.target[2] (l1​/c20838)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[3] (l1​/c21309)errorThe name set manufacturer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[3]​.target[1] (l1​/c21194)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[3]​.target[2] (l1​/c21307)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[4] (l1​/c21513)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21996)errorThe name set default result is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c21881)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c21994)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c22602)errorThe name translate COVID19 result is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[6] (l1​/c22893)errorThe name set centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[6]​.target[1] (l1​/c22891)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[7] (l1​/c23319)errorThe name set country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[7]​.target[1] (l1​/c23180)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[7]​.target[2] (l1​/c23317)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point

input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10083)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10296)errorid value 'set certificate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c10559)errorid value 'set vaccination' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c10808)errorid value 'set outentry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11501)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c11714)errorid value 'set certificate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c11970)errorid value 'set test' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c12198)errorid value 'set outentry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12560)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c12787)errorid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13376)errorid value 'set identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13765)errorid value 'set hcid' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14191)errorid value 'set version' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14660)errorid value 'set period start' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c14912)errorid value 'set period end' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c15160)errorid value 'set issuer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c15682)errorid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c16148)errorid value 'set brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c16469)errorid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c16803)errorid value 'set lot' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c17025)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c17245)errorid value 'set dose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c17471)errorid value 'set totalDoses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17923)errorid value 'set country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[7]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c18399)errorid value 'set centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[8]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18735)errorid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c19315)errorid value 'set COVID-19 pathogen' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c19773)errorid value 'set other pathogen' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c20197)errorid value 'set default type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c20718)errorid value 'translate DIVOC type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21228)errorid value 'set default origin' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21778)errorid value 'translate DIVOC origin' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22294)errorid value 'set default result' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22817)errorid value 'translate DIVOC result' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c23215)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c23450)errorid value 'set brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c23767)errorid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c24303)errorid value 'set country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c24772)errorid value 'set centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10270)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c10266)errorThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c10533)errorThe name set certificate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c10428)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c10529)errorThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c10785)errorThe name set vaccination is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c10696)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c10781)errorThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c10975)errorThe name set outentry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11688)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c11684)errorThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c11951)errorThe name set certificate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c11846)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c11947)errorThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c12175)errorThe name set test is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c12093)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c12171)errorThe target parameter 'test' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c12365)errorThe name set outentry is not valid[1] (l1/c13545)informationThe group CredentialSubjecttoCoreDataSet is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[0] (l1​/c12486)warningGroup CredentialSubjecttoCoreDataSet parameter credentialSubject has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c12532)errorThe type 'DDCC' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12763)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c13004)errorThe name set birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c13342)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13541)errorThe name set identifier is not valid[2] (l1/c15515)informationThe group CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSetCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c13698)warningGroup CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter evidence has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[2] (l1​/c13737)warningGroup CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14073)errorThe name set hcid is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c14071)errorThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14411)errorThe name set version is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14887)errorThe name set period start is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c14885)errorThe target context 'period' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c15137)errorThe name set period end is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c15135)errorThe target context 'period' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c15513)errorThe name set issuer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.target[1] (l1​/c15511)errorThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point[3] (l1/c19044)informationThe group EvidencetoCoreDataSetVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c15612)warningGroup EvidencetoCoreDataSetVS parameter evidence has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[1] (l1​/c15651)warningGroup EvidencetoCoreDataSetVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16128)errorThe name set vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c16006)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c16126)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c16442)errorThe name set brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c16440)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2] (l1​/c16785)errorThe name set manufacturer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c16783)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3] (l1​/c17006)errorThe name set lot is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[4] (l1​/c17226)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[5] (l1​/c17446)errorThe name set dose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[6] (l1​/c17696)errorThe name set totalDoses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18376)errorThe name set country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c18249)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c18374)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[7]​.rule[1] (l1​/c18602)errorThe name set centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[8]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19040)errorThe name set practitioner is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[8]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c19038)errorThe target context 'practitioner' is not known at this point[4] (l1/c25055)informationThe group EvidencetoCoreDataSetTR is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[0] (l1​/c19141)warningGroup EvidencetoCoreDataSetTR parameter evidence has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[1] (l1​/c19173)warningGroup EvidencetoCoreDataSetTR parameter test has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19744)errorThe name set COVID-19 pathogen is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c19622)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c19742)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c20064)errorThe name set other pathogen is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c20062)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c20443)errorThe name set default type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c20441)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21079)errorThe name translate DIVOC type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21484)errorThe name set default origin is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c21482)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c22163)errorThe name translate DIVOC origin is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c22538)errorThe name set default result is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c22536)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23192)errorThe name translate DIVOC result is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[4] (l1​/c23430)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5] (l1​/c23740)errorThe name set brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.target[1] (l1​/c23738)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6] (l1​/c24076)errorThe name set manufacturer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.target[1] (l1​/c24074)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c24749)errorThe name set country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c24622)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c24747)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[1] (l1​/c25051)errorThe name set centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c25049)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point

input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9862)errorid value 'set certificate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10144)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c10299)errorid value 'set vaccination' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c10532)errorid value 'set outentry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11068)errorid value 'set certificate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c11350)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11579)errorid value 'set test' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c11830)errorid value 'set outentry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12196)errorid value 'set version' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c12415)errorid value 'set hcid from uvci' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c12720)errorid value 'set hcid from utci' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c13017)errorid value 'set issuer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13517)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c13727)errorid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c13963)errorid value 'set priorityIdentifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c14310)errorid value 'set Document Type Number' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14725)errorid value 'set doc number' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c14953)errorid value 'set doc number P' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c15208)errorid value 'set doc number A' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c15506)errorid value 'set doc number C' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c15803)errorid value 'set doc number I' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c16101)errorid value 'set doc number AC' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c16398)errorid value 'set doc number V' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c16714)errorid value 'set doc number D' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17165)errorid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c17607)errorid value 'set brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c17982)errorid value 'set target disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c18423)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c18634)errorid value 'set dose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c18849)errorid value 'set nextDose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c19252)errorid value 'set country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c19373)errorid value 'set centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[8]​.name (l1​/c19585)errorid value 'set lot' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c19982)errorid value 'set pathogen' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c20478)errorid value 'set default type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c20973)errorid value 'translate ICAO type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21436)errorid value 'set default origin' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21940)errorid value 'translate ICAO origin' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c22335)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22628)errorid value 'set default result' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23130)errorid value 'translate ICAO result' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c23523)errorid value 'set centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[6]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23993)errorid value 'set country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c24255)errorid value 'set default country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c24747)errorid value 'set country with system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10122)errorThe name set certificate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c10028)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c10118)errorThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c10273)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c10269)errorThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c10509)errorThe name set vaccination is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c10430)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c10505)errorThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c10693)errorThe name set outentry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11328)errorThe name set certificate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c11234)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c11324)errorThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c11479)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c11475)errorThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11805)errorThe name set test is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c11730)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[3] (l1​/c11801)errorThe target parameter 'test' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c11991)errorThe name set outentry is not valid[1] (l1/c13360)informationThe group VDStoCoreDataSetCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[0] (l1​/c12095)warningGroup VDStoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter hdr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c12126)warningGroup VDStoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter msg has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[2] (l1​/c12165)warningGroup VDStoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12386)errorThe name set version is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c12691)errorThe name set hcid from uvci is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c12689)errorThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c12996)errorThe name set hcid from utci is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c12994)errorThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c13358)errorThe name set issuer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.target[1] (l1​/c13356)errorThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point[2] (l1/c14542)informationThe group ExtractPatient is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[0] (l1​/c13443)warningGroup ExtractPatient parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c13489)errorThe type 'DDCC' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13703)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c13930)errorThe name set birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c14275)errorThe name set priorityIdentifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c14273)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c14540)errorThe name set Document Type Number is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c14536)errorThe target parameter 'identif' was not found[3] (l1/c16983)informationThe group ExtractDocumentTypeNumber is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c14636)warningGroup ExtractDocumentTypeNumber parameter src has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14926)errorThe name set doc number is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c15181)errorThe name set doc number P is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2] (l1​/c15479)errorThe name set doc number A is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3] (l1​/c15776)errorThe name set doc number C is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[4] (l1​/c16073)errorThe name set doc number I is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[5] (l1​/c16371)errorThe name set doc number AC is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[6] (l1​/c16687)errorThe name set doc number V is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[7] (l1​/c16981)errorThe name set doc number D is not valid[4] (l1/c19778)informationThe group ExtractVaccine is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[0] (l1​/c17065)warningGroup ExtractVaccine parameter ve has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[1] (l1​/c17095)warningGroup ExtractVaccine parameter vd has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[2] (l1​/c17134)warningGroup ExtractVaccine parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17587)errorThe name set vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c17471)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c17585)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1] (l1​/c17953)errorThe name set brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c17881)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2] (l1​/c18404)errorThe name set target disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c18288)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.target[2] (l1​/c18402)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3] (l1​/c18615)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[4] (l1​/c18826)errorThe name set dose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5] (l1​/c19045)errorThe name set nextDose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19350)errorThe name set country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c19346)errorThe target parameter 'coding' was not found
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7] (l1​/c19567)errorThe name set centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[8] (l1​/c19776)errorThe name set lot is not valid[5] (l1/c24095)informationThe group ExtractTest is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[0] (l1​/c19857)warningGroup ExtractTest parameter sp has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[1] (l1​/c19888)warningGroup ExtractTest parameter dat has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[2] (l1​/c19918)warningGroup ExtractTest parameter tr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[3] (l1​/c19950)warningGroup ExtractTest parameter test has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c20371)errorThe name set pathogen is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c20249)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c20369)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c20712)errorThe name set default type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c20710)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21326)errorThe name translate ICAO type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21670)errorThe name set default origin is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c21668)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c22312)errorThe name translate ICAO origin is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[3] (l1​/c22522)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c22862)errorThe name set default result is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c22860)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23498)errorThe name translate ICAO result is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[5] (l1​/c23793)errorThe name set centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[5]​.target[1] (l1​/c23791)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[6]​.rule[0] (l1​/c24091)errorThe name set country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[6]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c24087)errorThe target parameter 'coding' was not found[6] (l1/c25124)informationThe group ExtractCountry is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[6]​.input[0] (l1​/c24182)warningGroup ExtractCountry parameter country has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[6]​.input[1] (l1​/c24216)warningGroup ExtractCountry parameter coding has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[0] (l1​/c24508)errorThe name set default country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c25120)errorThe name set country with system is not valid

input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c5452)errorid value 'find patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c5565)errorid value 'get patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6209)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c6345)errorid value 'set vaccination' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c6593)errorid value 'set ddcc' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c6727)errorid value 'set outentry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7299)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c7419)errorid value 'set test' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c7619)errorid value 'set ddcc' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c7744)errorid value 'set outentry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8490)errorid value 'set issuer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8914)errorid value 'set period' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9211)errorid value 'set period start to notBefore' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0]​.parameter[1]​.value​.ofType(string) (l1​/c9406)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' seconds'
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c9619)errorid value 'set period start to issuedAt' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.target[0]​.parameter[1]​.value​.ofType(string) (l1​/c9814)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' seconds'
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c10012)errorid value 'set period end' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.target[0]​.parameter[1]​.value​.ofType(string) (l1​/c10207)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' seconds'
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7914)errorThe name find patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7912)errorThe name get patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c5683)errorThe type Patient is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c5914)errorThe type Immunization is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c6319)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c6308)errorThe parameter 'patient' refers to the variable 'source Patient patient' but it's type is 'SHCPatientDM' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'PatientToDDCCVS', which is 'SHCPatientDM' (from map '|1.0.0')
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c6315)errorThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c6574)errorThe name set vaccination is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c6486)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c6556)errorThe parameter 'immunization' refers to the variable 'source Immunization immunization' but it's type is 'SHCImmunizationDM' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'ImmunizationToDDCC', which is 'SHCImmunizationDM' (from map '|1.0.0')
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c6570)errorThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c6704)errorThe name set ddcc is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c6700)errorThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c6898)errorThe name set outentry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c7004)errorThe type Observation is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7400)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c7389)errorThe parameter 'patient' refers to the variable 'source Patient patient' but it's type is 'SHCPatientDM' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'PatientToDDCCTR', which is 'SHCPatientDM' (from map '|1.0.0')
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c7396)errorThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c7600)errorThe name set test is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c7537)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c7589)errorThe parameter 'lab' refers to the variable 'source Observation lab' but it's type is 'SHCLabDM' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'LabToDDCC', which is 'SHCLabDM' (from map '|1.0.0')
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c7596)errorThe target parameter 'test' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c7721)errorThe name set ddcc is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c7717)errorThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c7906)errorThe name set outentry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c8077)errorThe type 'DDCC' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c8303)informationThe source statement doesn''t assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c8460)errorThe target context 'cert' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8683)errorThe name set issuer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c8681)errorThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c8884)errorThe target context 'cert' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9009)errorThe name set period is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c9005)errorThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9579)errorThe name set period start to notBefore is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c9575)errorThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'epoch' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 3)
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c9987)errorThe name set period start to issuedAt is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c9983)errorThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'epoch' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 3)
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c10378)errorThe name set period end is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c10374)errorThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'epoch' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 3)

input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c5047)errorid value 'set id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c5225)errorid value 'set full name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c5410)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c5592)errorid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c5829)errorid value 'set identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6295)errorid value 'set id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c6464)errorid value 'set status' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c6648)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c6955)errorid value 'set serialized content' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7113)errorid value 'set contentType' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c7416)errorid value 'set format code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c7877)errorid value 'set image content' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8035)errorid value 'set contentType' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c8331)errorid value 'set format code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c8785)errorid value 'set pdf content' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8943)errorid value 'set contentType' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c9245)errorid value 'set format code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9919)errorid value 'set id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10090)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c10384)errorid value 'set type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10620)errorid value 'set type coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c10944)errorid value 'set certificate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11232)errorid value 'set event period' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c11463)errorid value 'set author ref' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11717)errorid value 'set author identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11919)errorid value 'set pha' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[1] (l1​/c4990)errorThe type 'DDCCPatient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[2] (l1​/c5021)warningGroup DDCCToPatient parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c5201)errorThe name set id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c5568)errorThe name set full name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c5566)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c5564)errorThe target context 'tName' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c5804)errorThe name set birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c6045)errorThe name set identifier is not valid[1] (l1/c9673)informationThe group DDCCToDocumentReference is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c6208)errorThe type 'DDCCDocRefQR' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[2] (l1​/c6238)warningGroup DDCCToDocumentReference parameter id has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[3] (l1​/c6269)warningGroup DDCCToDocumentReference parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c6443)errorThe name set id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c6626)errorThe name set status is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c6922)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c6920)errorThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c7849)errorThe name set serialized content is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7390)errorThe name set contentType is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c7246)errorThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c7388)errorThe target context 'attachment' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c7847)errorThe name set format code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c7541)errorThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c7720)errorThe target context 'format' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[2] (l1​/c7845)errorThe target context 'format' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4] (l1​/c8759)errorThe name set image content is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8305)errorThe name set contentType is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c8168)errorThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c8303)errorThe target context 'attachment' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[1] (l1​/c8757)errorThe name set format code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c8456)errorThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c8635)errorThe target context 'format' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[1]​.target[2] (l1​/c8755)errorThe target context 'format' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5] (l1​/c9671)errorThe name set pdf content is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9219)errorThe name set contentType is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c9076)errorThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c9217)errorThe target context 'attachment' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[1] (l1​/c9669)errorThe name set format code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c9370)errorThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c9549)errorThe target context 'format' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[1]​.target[2] (l1​/c9667)errorThe target context 'format' is not known at this point[2] (l1/c12126)informationThe group DDCCToComposition is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c9832)errorThe type 'DDCCComposition' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[2] (l1​/c9862)warningGroup DDCCToComposition parameter id has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[3] (l1​/c9893)warningGroup DDCCToComposition parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10068)errorThe name set id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c10365)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c10363)errorThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c10918)errorThe name set type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c10585)errorThe target context 'type' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10916)errorThe name set type coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c10792)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c10914)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c12124)errorThe name set certificate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11438)errorThe name set event period is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c11436)errorThe target context 'event' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c12122)errorThe name set author ref is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c11676)errorThe target context 'author' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12120)errorThe name set author identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c11892)errorThe target context 'author' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12118)errorThe name set pha is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c12116)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point

input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14870)errorid value 'set bundle type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c15058)errorid value 'set uuids' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c15531)errorid value 'create patient resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16342)errorid value 'setup patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c16479)errorid value 'set patient resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c16682)errorid value 'create composition resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17510)errorid value 'setup composition' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c17649)errorid value 'set category' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c18197)errorid value 'set title' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c18430)errorid value 'set section' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18583)errorid value 'set code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c19071)errorid value 'set certificate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c19179)errorid value 'set author' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c19409)errorid value 'set focus' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c20167)errorid value 'add Immunization entry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c20492)errorid value 'add ImmunizationRecommendation entry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c20812)errorid value 'add WHO QR entry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c21126)errorid value 'add DCC QR entry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c21450)errorid value 'set composition resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c21644)errorid value 'create WHO QR Doc Ref' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22483)errorid value 'setup WHO DocRef' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c22627)errorid value 'set category' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c23172)errorid value 'set description' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c23397)errorid value 'set WHO QR' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c23589)errorid value 'create DCC QR Doc Ref' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c24428)errorid value 'setup DCC DocRef' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c24572)errorid value 'set category' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c25117)errorid value 'set description' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c25342)errorid value 'set DCC QR' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c25541)errorid value 'create immunization resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c26440)errorid value 'setup immunization' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c26668)errorid value 'set immunization resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c26892)errorid value 'create immunization recommendation resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c27830)errorid value 'setup immunization recommendation' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c28012)errorid value 'set immunization recommendation resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c28460)errorid value 'set id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c28649)errorid value 'set brand extension' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c28862)errorid value 'set brand extension values' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c29227)errorid value 'set maholder extension' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c29450)errorid value 'set MA Holder extension values' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c29834)errorid value 'set country extension' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c30053)errorid value 'set country extension values' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c30467)errorid value 'set vaccine valid extension' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c30693)errorid value 'set valid from extension values' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c31058)errorid value 'set status' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c31253)errorid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c31575)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.name (l1​/c31896)errorid value 'set manufacturer identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c32197)errorid value 'set system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c32424)errorid value 'set value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[9]​.name (l1​/c32651)errorid value 'set lot number' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[10]​.name (l1​/c32880)errorid value 'set occurrence date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[11]​.name (l1​/c33106)errorid value 'set location' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[11]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c33319)errorid value 'set location display' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12]​.name (l1​/c33514)errorid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c33734)errorid value 'set performer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c33931)errorid value 'set actor' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c34224)errorid value 'set hw identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.name (l1​/c34418)errorid value 'set protocolApplied' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c34592)errorid value 'set authority' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c34754)errorid value 'set issuer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c35011)errorid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c35216)errorid value 'set pha' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c35450)errorid value 'set target disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c35669)errorid value 'set target disease code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c35864)errorid value 'set dose number' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c36089)errorid value 'set total doses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c36588)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c36801)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c37107)errorid value 'set recommendation' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c37272)errorid value 'set vaccine code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c37487)errorid value 'set vaccine code coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c37688)errorid value 'set target disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c37909)errorid value 'set target disease coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c38113)errorid value 'set forecast status' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c38290)errorid value 'set forecast status coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c38455)errorid value 'set forecast system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c38724)errorid value 'set forecast code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c38916)errorid value 'set date criterion' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.target[0]​.variable (l1​/c39045)errorid value 'due_date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c39083)errorid value 'set due date code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0]​.context (l1​/c39144)errorid value 'due_date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c39249)errorid value 'set due date code coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c39415)errorid value 'set due date code system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c39622)errorid value 'set due date code code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c39818)errorid value 'set due date value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[0]​.context (l1​/c39922)errorid value 'due_date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c40052)errorid value 'set dose number' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c40296)errorid value 'set total doses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c40547)errorid value 'set supporting immunization' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c15038)errorThe name set bundle type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c28178)errorThe name set uuids is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16644)errorThe name create patient resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16448)errorThe name setup patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c16438)errorThe target parameter 'patient' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c16444)errorThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c16642)errorThe name set patient resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c21612)errorThe name create composition resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17626)errorThe name setup composition is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c17607)errorThe target parameter 'comp' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c17616)errorThe source parameter 'id' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[3] (l1​/c17622)errorThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c18177)errorThe name set category is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c17776)errorThe target context 'comp' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c17863)errorThe target context 'category' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.target[2] (l1​/c18053)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.target[3] (l1​/c18175)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c18408)errorThe name set title is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c18406)errorThe target context 'comp' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c21415)errorThe name set section is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c18555)errorThe target context 'comp' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19045)errorThe name set code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c18705)errorThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c18788)errorThe target context 'code' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c18921)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[3] (l1​/c19043)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c19389)errorThe name set certificate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19387)errorThe name set author is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c19385)errorThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[2] (l1​/c20134)errorThe name set focus is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c19533)errorThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c19685)errorThe target context 'focus' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[3] (l1​/c20445)errorThe name add Immunization entry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c20291)errorThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[3]​.target[1] (l1​/c20443)errorThe target path entry.reference refers to the path Bundle.entry.reference which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[4] (l1​/c20785)errorThe name add ImmunizationRecommendation entry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c20616)errorThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[4]​.target[1] (l1​/c20783)errorThe target path entry.reference refers to the path Bundle.entry.reference which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[5] (l1​/c21099)errorThe name add WHO QR entry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c20936)errorThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[5]​.target[1] (l1​/c21097)errorThe target path entry.reference refers to the path Bundle.entry.reference which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[6] (l1​/c21413)errorThe name add DCC QR entry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c21250)errorThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[6]​.target[1] (l1​/c21411)errorThe target path entry.reference refers to the path Bundle.entry.reference which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[4] (l1​/c21610)errorThe name set composition resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c23557)errorThe name create WHO QR Doc Ref is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c22604)errorThe name setup WHO DocRef is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c22584)errorThe target parameter 'ref' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c22594)errorThe source parameter 'id' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[3] (l1​/c22600)errorThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c23146)errorThe name set category is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c22752)errorThe target context 'qr' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c22839)errorThe target context 'category' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.target[2] (l1​/c23026)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.target[3] (l1​/c23144)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c23376)errorThe name set description is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c23374)errorThe target context 'qr' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c23555)errorThe name set WHO QR is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c25502)errorThe name create DCC QR Doc Ref is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c24549)errorThe name setup DCC DocRef is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c24529)errorThe target parameter 'ref' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c24539)errorThe source parameter 'id' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[3] (l1​/c24545)errorThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c25091)errorThe name set category is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c24697)errorThe target context 'qr' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c24784)errorThe target context 'category' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[2] (l1​/c24971)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[3] (l1​/c25089)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[2] (l1​/c25321)errorThe name set description is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c25319)errorThe target context 'qr' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[3] (l1​/c25500)errorThe name set DCC QR is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[4] (l1​/c26838)errorThe name create immunization resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c26632)errorThe name setup immunization is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c26602)errorThe target parameter 'immunization' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[3] (l1​/c26622)errorThe source parameter 'iid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[4] (l1​/c26628)errorThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[1] (l1​/c26836)errorThe name set immunization resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[5] (l1​/c28176)errorThe name create immunization recommendation resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c27961)errorThe name setup immunization recommendation is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c27938)errorThe target parameter 'immrec' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c27945)errorThe source parameter 'irid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[3] (l1​/c27951)errorThe source parameter 'iid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[4] (l1​/c27957)errorThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[1] (l1​/c28174)errorThe name set immunization recommendation resource is not valid[1] (l1/c36311)informationThe group DDCCToImmunization is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[0] (l1​/c28267)warningGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter src has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c28333)errorThe type 'DDCCImmunization' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[2] (l1​/c28372)warningGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[3] (l1​/c28403)warningGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter iid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[4] (l1​/c28434)warningGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c28619)errorThe name set id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c29194)errorThe name set brand extension is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c29192)errorThe name set brand extension values is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c29076)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c29190)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c29802)errorThe name set maholder extension is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c29800)errorThe name set MA Holder extension values is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c29681)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c29798)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c30429)errorThe name set country extension is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c30427)errorThe name set country extension values is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c30312)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c30425)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4] (l1​/c31037)errorThe name set vaccine valid extension is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c31035)errorThe name set valid from extension values is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c30915)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c31033)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5] (l1​/c31231)errorThe name set status is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[6] (l1​/c31553)errorThe name set vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[6]​.target[1] (l1​/c31551)errorThe target context 'vacCode' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[7] (l1​/c31858)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[7]​.target[1] (l1​/c31856)errorThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8] (l1​/c32626)errorThe name set manufacturer identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.target[1] (l1​/c32167)errorThe target context 'tman' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.rule[0] (l1​/c32404)errorThe name set system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c32402)errorThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.rule[1] (l1​/c32624)errorThe name set value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c32622)errorThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[9] (l1​/c32850)errorThe name set lot number is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[10] (l1​/c33083)errorThe name set occurrence date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[11] (l1​/c33487)errorThe name set location is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[11]​.rule[0] (l1​/c33485)errorThe name set location display is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[11]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c33483)errorThe target context 'location' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12] (l1​/c34388)errorThe name set practitioner is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12]​.rule[0] (l1​/c34386)errorThe name set performer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c33902)errorThe target context 'performer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c34384)errorThe name set actor is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c34095)errorThe target context 'actor' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c34187)errorThe target context 'actor' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c34382)errorThe name set hw identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c34380)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13] (l1​/c36309)errorThe name set protocolApplied is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0] (l1​/c35421)errorThe name set authority is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c34724)errorThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c35419)errorThe name set issuer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c34970)errorThe target context 'authority' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c35417)errorThe name set issuer identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c35189)errorThe target context 'authority' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c35415)errorThe name set pha is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c35413)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[1] (l1​/c35838)errorThe name set target disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c35626)errorThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c35836)errorThe name set target disease code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c35834)errorThe target context 'tdisease' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[2] (l1​/c36063)errorThe name set dose number is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c36061)errorThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[3] (l1​/c36307)errorThe name set total doses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[13]​.rule[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c36305)errorThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point[2] (l1/c40837)informationThe group DDCCToImmRec is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[0] (l1​/c36392)warningGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter src has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c36466)errorThe type DDCCImmunizationRecommendation is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[2] (l1​/c36498)warningGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter irid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[3] (l1​/c36529)warningGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter iid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[4] (l1​/c36560)warningGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c36779)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c37078)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c37076)errorThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c40835)errorThe name set recommendation is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c37659)errorThe name set vaccine code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c37444)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c37657)errorThe name set vaccine code coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c37655)errorThe target context 'vaccineCode' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c38083)errorThe name set target disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c37864)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c38081)errorThe name set target disease coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c38079)errorThe target context 'targetDisease' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c38887)errorThe name set forecast status is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c38244)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c38885)errorThe name set forecast status coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c38416)errorThe target context 'forecast' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c38696)errorThe name set forecast system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c38694)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c38883)errorThe name set forecast code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c38881)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c40026)errorThe name set date criterion is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c39046)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c39789)errorThe name set due date code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c39205)errorThe name due_date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c39787)errorThe name set due date code coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c39371)errorThe target context 'code' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c39589)errorThe name set due date code system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c39587)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c39785)errorThe name set due date code code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c39783)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c40024)errorThe name set due date value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c40022)errorThe name due_date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[4] (l1​/c40270)errorThe name set dose number is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c40268)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[5] (l1​/c40509)errorThe name set total doses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c40507)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[6] (l1​/c40833)errorThe name set supporting immunization is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c40681)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[6]​.target[1] (l1​/c40831)errorThe target context 'imm' is not known at this point

input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToAddBundle.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c1710)errorid value 'setup add bundle' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c1901)errorThe name setup add bundle is not valid

input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.structure[1]​.url (l1​/c4630)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureMap​.structure[2]​.url (l1​/c4771)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureMap​.structure[3]​.url (l1​/c4900)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c5148)errorid value 'set bundle type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c5341)errorid value 'set bundle entries' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c5502)errorid value 'create patient resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c5965)errorid value 'setup patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c6096)errorid value 'set patient resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c6300)errorid value 'create immunization resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6837)errorid value 'setup immunization' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c6997)errorid value 'set immunization resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7359)errorid value 'set full name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7544)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c7750)errorid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8164)errorid value 'set status' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c8359)errorid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8673)errorid value 'set vaccine code system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c8903)errorid value 'set vaccine code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c9122)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c9410)errorid value 'set maholder' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9746)errorid value 'set system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c9969)errorid value 'set value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c10200)errorid value 'if maholder code empty' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10336)errorid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10640)errorid value 'set system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10867)errorid value 'set value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c11096)errorid value 'set lot number' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c11325)errorid value 'set occurrence date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c11552)errorid value 'set performer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11850)errorid value 'set actor display' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[1] (l1​/c5113)errorThe type SHCVaccinationBundleDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c5312)errorThe name set bundle type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c7169)errorThe name set bundle entries is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c6261)errorThe name create patient resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c5749)errorThe target context 'entry' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c6065)errorThe name setup patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c6061)errorThe target parameter 'patient' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c6259)errorThe name set patient resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c6257)errorThe target context 'entry' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c7167)errorThe name create immunization resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c6615)errorThe target context 'entry' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c6961)errorThe name setup immunization is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c6957)errorThe target parameter 'immunization' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c7165)errorThe name set immunization resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c7163)errorThe target context 'entry' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c7326)errorThe type SHCPatientDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c7326)errorThe type 'SHCPatientDM' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7726)errorThe name set full name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7724)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c7722)errorThe target context 'tName' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c7962)errorThe name set birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c8134)errorThe type SHCImmunizationDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c8134)errorThe type 'SHCImmunizationDM' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8337)errorThe name set status is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c9100)errorThe name set vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c8428)errorThe source path src.vaccine refers to the path DDCCCoreDataSet.vaccine which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c8630)errorThe target context 'vaccineCode' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8876)errorThe name set vaccine code system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c8874)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c9098)errorThe name set vaccine code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c9096)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c9387)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c9385)errorThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c10167)errorThe name set maholder is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c9524)errorThe source path src.maholder refers to the path DDCCCoreDataSet.maholder which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.target[1] (l1​/c9716)errorThe target context 'tman' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9949)errorThe name set system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c9947)errorThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c10165)errorThe name set value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c10163)errorThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4] (l1​/c11071)errorThe name if maholder code empty is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11069)errorThe name set manufacturer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c10418)errorThe source context ddccvs is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c10610)errorThe target context 'tman' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10847)errorThe name set system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c10716)errorThe source context manufacturer is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c10845)errorThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c11067)errorThe name set value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c10939)errorThe source context manufacturer is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c11065)errorThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[5] (l1​/c11295)errorThe name set lot number is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[5]​.source[0] (l1​/c11157)errorThe source path src.lot refers to the path DDCCCoreDataSet.lot which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[6] (l1​/c11528)errorThe name set occurrence date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[6]​.source[0] (l1​/c11388)errorThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[7] (l1​/c12015)errorThe name set performer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[7]​.source[0] (l1​/c11619)errorThe source path src.centre refers to the path DDCCCoreDataSet.centre which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[7]​.target[1] (l1​/c11813)errorThe target context 'performer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[7]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12013)errorThe name set actor display is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c12011)errorThe target context 'actor' is not known at this point

input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[1] (l1​/c5901)errorThe type DDCCCoreDataSetPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c5992)warningThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c6323)warningThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c6745)errorThe type DDCCCoreDataSetPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c7067)warningThe target path refers to the path which could be a reference to multiple elements (, No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[2] (l1​/c7521)errorThe type DDCCCoreDataSetPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c7879)warningThe target path immunization.protocolApplied refers to the path Immunization.protocolApplied which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.protocolApplied, Immunization.protocolApplied:protocolAppliedAuthority). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c8133)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c8394)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c8799)errorThe name Target-Disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c8795)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c8916)errorThe source path immunization.occurrenceDateTime refers to the path Immunization.occurrenceDateTime which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c9044)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c9233)warningThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c9493)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c9608)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c9765)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c10327)errorThe name Vaccine-Brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c10015)warningThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c10261)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4] (l1​/c10674)errorThe name Vaccine-Code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.source[0] (l1​/c10436)warningThe target path immunization.vaccineCode refers to the path Immunization.vaccineCode which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.vaccineCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:vaccineGPSCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:atcClass, Immunization.vaccineCode:absentOrUnknownImmunization). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c10670)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5] (l1​/c11199)errorThe name Vaccination-Centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.source[0] (l1​/c10769)warningThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11197)errorThe name Centre-Name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c11125)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6] (l1​/c11751)errorThe name Vaccination-Event is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.source[0] (l1​/c11293)warningThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11749)errorThe name Vaccination-Event-ID is not valid

input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[1] (l1​/c6293)errorThe type EUDCC which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c6559)warningThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c6843)warningThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c7224)errorThe type EUDCC which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c7540)warningThe target path refers to the path which could be a reference to multiple elements (, No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[2] (l1​/c7980)errorThe type EUDCC which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c8353)warningThe target path immunization.protocolApplied refers to the path Immunization.protocolApplied which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.protocolApplied, Immunization.protocolApplied:protocolAppliedAuthority). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c8605)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c8858)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c9313)errorThe name Protocol-Disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9311)errorThe name Protocol-Disease-Code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c9307)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c9430)errorThe source path immunization.occurrenceDateTime refers to the path Immunization.occurrenceDateTime which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c9556)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c9745)warningThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c9972)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c10650)errorThe name Vaccine-Brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c10244)warningThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10586)errorThe name Vaccine-Brand-Code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c10582)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4] (l1​/c11164)errorThe name Vaccine-Coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.source[0] (l1​/c10761)warningThe target path immunization.vaccineCode refers to the path Immunization.vaccineCode which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.vaccineCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:vaccineGPSCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:atcClass, Immunization.vaccineCode:absentOrUnknownImmunization). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11088)errorThe name Vaccine-Code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c11084)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5] (l1​/c11685)errorThe name Vaccination-Centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.source[0] (l1​/c11259)warningThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11683)errorThe name Centre-Name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c11611)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6] (l1​/c12345)errorThe name Vaccination-Event is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.source[0] (l1​/c11779)warningThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12343)errorThe name Vaccination-Event-ID is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12273)errorThe name Vaccination-Event-ID-Value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c12269)errorThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point

input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6322)errorid value 'set id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c6535)errorid value 'get first entry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6658)errorid value 'get composition' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6790)errorid value 'get subject' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6908)errorid value 'get subject reference' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7017)errorid value 'find patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7257)errorid value 'get patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7971)errorid value 'set patient info' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c8105)errorid value 'set vaccination' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c8367)errorid value 'set certificate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c8631)errorid value 'set outentry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8993)errorid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9107)errorid value 'copy vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9296)errorid value 'set coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c9502)errorid value 'translate vaccine coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9701)errorid value 'translate code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c9978)errorid value 'translate brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10287)errorid value 'set country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c10517)errorid value 'set lot' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c10743)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c10993)errorid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11120)errorid value 'set manufacturer id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11352)errorid value 'set manufacturer system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c11589)errorid value 'set manufactutuer code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11996)errorid value 'set ddccid' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c12300)errorid value 'set hcid' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c12599)errorid value 'set issuer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12978)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c13134)errorid value 'set birthdate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c13372)errorid value 'set identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13852)errorid value 'set first name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c14201)errorid value 'set other names' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c14806)errorid value 'add family name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c15128)errorid value 'set full name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c6509)errorThe name set id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c8818)errorThe name get first entry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8816)errorThe name get composition is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c6759)errorThe type Composition is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8814)errorThe name get subject is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c6867)errorThe source path composition.subject refers to the path Bundle.entry.resource.subject which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8812)errorThe name get subject reference is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8810)errorThe name find patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8808)errorThe name get patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c7667)errorThe type Immunization is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8079)errorThe name set patient info is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c8075)errorThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c8341)errorThe name set vaccination is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c8246)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c8337)errorThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c8608)errorThe name set certificate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c8508)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c8589)errorThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c8802)errorThe name set outentry is not valid[1] (l1/c11794)informationThe group ImmunizationToVaccination is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[0] (l1​/c8923)warningGroup ImmunizationToVaccination parameter immunization has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c8962)warningGroup ImmunizationToVaccination parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10265)errorThe name set vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9467)errorThe name copy vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9465)errorThe name set coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c9952)errorThe name translate vaccine coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9950)errorThe name translate code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c10263)errorThe name translate brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c10499)errorThe name set country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c10724)errorThe name set lot is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c10966)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4] (l1​/c11792)errorThe name set manufacturer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11790)errorThe name set manufacturer id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11556)errorThe name set manufacturer system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c11554)errorThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c11788)errorThe name set manufactutuer code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c11786)errorThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point[2] (l1/c12832)informationThe group IPSToCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[0] (l1​/c11887)warningGroup IPSToCertificate parameter composition has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c11926)warningGroup IPSToCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[2] (l1​/c11966)warningGroup IPSToCertificate parameter immunization has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12281)errorThe name set ddccid is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c12279)errorThe target context 'ddccid' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c12578)errorThe name set hcid is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c12576)errorThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c12830)errorThe name set issuer is not valid[3] (l1/c13687)informationThe group PatientToDDCC is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c12918)warningGroup PatientToDDCC parameter patient has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[1] (l1​/c12950)warningGroup PatientToDDCC parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13110)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c13347)errorThe name set birthdate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2] (l1​/c13685)errorThe name set identifier is not valid[4] (l1/c15320)informationThe group NameToText is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[1] (l1​/c13818)warningGroup NameToText parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14175)errorThe name set first name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1] (l1​/c14780)errorThe name set other names is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2] (l1​/c15104)errorThe name add family name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3] (l1​/c15318)errorThe name set full name is not valid

input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7570)errorid value 'set header content' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c7715)errorid value 'set vaccination content' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c7976)errorid value 'set certificate content' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8350)errorid value 'header items' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8454)errorid value 'first answser for name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8604)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c8848)errorid value 'first answer for birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9008)errorid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c9256)errorid value 'first answer for identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9520)errorid value 'set identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c9765)errorid value 'first answer for sex' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9920)errorid value 'process coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10022)errorid value 'set sex' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10389)errorid value 'vaccination items' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10495)errorid value 'first answer for vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10651)errorid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10901)errorid value 'first answer for brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11053)errorid value 'set brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c11308)errorid value 'first answer for manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11474)errorid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c11732)errorid value 'first answer for maholder' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11891)errorid value 'set maholder' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c12141)errorid value 'first answser for lot' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12289)errorid value 'set lot' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c12534)errorid value 'first answer for date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12684)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c12933)errorid value 'first answer for validFrom' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13097)errorid value 'set validFrom' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c13346)errorid value 'first answer for dose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13496)errorid value 'set dose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[8]​.name (l1​/c13749)errorid value 'first answer for totalDoses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[8]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13912)errorid value 'set totalDoses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[9]​.name (l1​/c14168)errorid value 'first answer for country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[9]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14324)errorid value 'set country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[10]​.name (l1​/c14576)errorid value 'first answser for centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[10]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14730)errorid value 'set centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[11]​.name (l1​/c14987)errorid value 'first answser for practitioner' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[11]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c15254)errorid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[12]​.name (l1​/c15503)errorid value 'first answer for disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c15659)errorid value 'set disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[13]​.name (l1​/c15912)errorid value 'first answer for nextDose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16070)errorid value 'set nextDose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16451)errorid value 'vaccination validity items' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16560)errorid value 'first answer for valid_from' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16722)errorid value 'set valid_from' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c16969)errorid value 'first answer for valid_until' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17133)errorid value 'set valid_until' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17505)errorid value 'certificate items' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17609)errorid value 'first answser for hcid' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17861)errorid value 'set issuer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18082)errorid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c18304)errorid value 'first answser for hcid' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18563)errorid value 'set hcid and version' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c18932)errorid value 'set vaccination period' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7681)errorThe name set header content is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c7670)errorThe source parameter 'qr' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c7942)errorThe name set vaccination content is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c7924)errorThe source parameter 'qr' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c8203)errorThe name set certificate content is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c8185)errorThe source parameter 'qr' was not found[1] (l1/c10227)informationThe group QRespToHeader is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[0] (l1​/c8286)warningGroup QRespToHeader parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c8318)warningGroup QRespToHeader parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10225)errorThe name header items is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8811)errorThe name first answser for name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8809)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c9218)errorThe name first answer for birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9216)errorThe name set birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c9734)errorThe name first answer for identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9732)errorThe name set identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c9730)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c10223)errorThe name first answer for sex is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10221)errorThe name process coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10219)errorThe name set sex is not valid[2] (l1/c16290)informationThe group QRespToVaccination is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[0] (l1​/c10313)warningGroup QRespToVaccination parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c10352)warningGroup QRespToVaccination parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16288)errorThe name vaccination items is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10868)errorThe name first answer for vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10866)errorThe name set vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c11268)errorThe name first answer for brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11266)errorThe name set brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c11696)errorThe name first answer for manufacturer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11694)errorThe name set manufacturer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c12109)errorThe name first answer for maholder is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12107)errorThe name set maholder is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4] (l1​/c12502)errorThe name first answser for lot is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12500)errorThe name set lot is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5] (l1​/c12896)errorThe name first answer for date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12894)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6] (l1​/c13314)errorThe name first answer for validFrom is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13312)errorThe name set validFrom is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[7] (l1​/c13711)errorThe name first answer for dose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[7]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13709)errorThe name set dose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[8] (l1​/c14133)errorThe name first answer for totalDoses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[8]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14131)errorThe name set totalDoses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[9] (l1​/c14541)errorThe name first answer for country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[9]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14539)errorThe name set country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[10] (l1​/c14946)errorThe name first answser for centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[10]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14944)errorThe name set centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[11] (l1​/c15468)errorThe name first answser for practitioner is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[11]​.rule[0] (l1​/c15466)errorThe name set practitioner is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[11]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c15464)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[12] (l1​/c15876)errorThe name first answer for disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[12]​.rule[0] (l1​/c15874)errorThe name set disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[13] (l1​/c16286)errorThe name first answer for nextDose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[13]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16284)errorThe name set nextDose is not valid[3] (l1/c17343)informationThe group QRespToPeriod is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c16371)warningGroup QRespToPeriod parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[1] (l1​/c16405)warningGroup QRespToPeriod parameter period has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17341)errorThe name vaccination validity items is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16930)errorThe name first answer for valid_from is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16928)errorThe name set valid_from is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c17339)errorThe name first answer for valid_until is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17337)errorThe name set valid_until is not valid[4] (l1/c19148)informationThe group QRespToCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[0] (l1​/c17429)warningGroup QRespToCertificate parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[1] (l1​/c17468)warningGroup QRespToCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18899)errorThe name certificate items is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18271)errorThe name first answser for hcid is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18269)errorThe name set issuer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c18041)errorThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18267)errorThe name set issuer identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c18265)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c18897)errorThe name first answser for hcid is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18895)errorThe name set hcid and version is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c18767)errorThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1] (l1​/c19146)errorThe name set vaccination period is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c19142)errorThe target parameter 'period' was not found

input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9759)errorid value 'setup ddcc' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10015)errorid value 'set hcid' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10231)errorid value 'set hcid value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10570)errorid value 'set ddcc id value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c10883)errorid value 'set header from patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10990)errorid value 'set patient details' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c11198)errorid value 'set immunization' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c11462)errorid value 'set immunization recommendation' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c11692)errorid value 'set composition' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12093)errorid value 'set version' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c12301)errorid value 'set certificate period' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12423)errorid value 'set period' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12630)errorid value 'set period start' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c12854)errorid value 'set period end' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13237)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c13394)errorid value 'set birth date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c13630)errorid value 'set identifier from id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c13956)errorid value 'set identifier from identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14189)errorid value 'set identifier value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c14473)errorid value 'set sex' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14838)errorid value 'set first name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c15187)errorid value 'set other names' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c15792)errorid value 'add family name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c16114)errorid value 'set full name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16544)errorid value 'set vaccine code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16654)errorid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c16906)errorid value 'set extensions' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17011)errorid value 'set brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17200)errorid value 'set brand code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c17435)errorid value 'set maholder' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17644)errorid value 'set maholder code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c17886)errorid value 'set validFrom' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18083)errorid value 'set validFrom date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c18319)errorid value 'set country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18520)errorid value 'set country code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c18985)errorid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c19112)errorid value 'set manufacturer id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c19344)errorid value 'set manufacturer system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c19581)errorid value 'set manufactutuer code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c19809)errorid value 'set lot number' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c20035)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c20277)errorid value 'set protocol applied' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c20411)errorid value 'set dose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c20643)errorid value 'set totalDoses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c20891)errorid value 'set disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21028)errorid value 'set disease coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c21279)errorid value 'set issuer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21503)errorid value 'set issuer from reference' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21719)errorid value 'set reference' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c21925)errorid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c22192)errorid value 'set vaccination centre location' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22329)errorid value 'set vaccination centre from reference' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c22580)errorid value 'set vaccination centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c22816)errorid value 'set performer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22946)errorid value 'set actor' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23053)errorid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23486)errorid value 'get recommendation' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23599)errorid value 'get date criterion' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0]​.variable (l1​/c23693)errorid value 'due_date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23726)errorid value 'set due date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0]​.context (l1​/c23758)errorid value 'due_date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11900)errorThe name setup ddcc is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10542)errorThe name set hcid is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10540)errorThe name set hcid value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c10476)errorThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'url' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 2)
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c10849)errorThe name set ddcc id value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c11898)errorThe name set header from patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11171)errorThe name set patient details is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c11098)errorThe type Patient is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c11160)errorThe parameter 'patient' refers to the variable 'source Patient patient' but it's type is 'DDCCPatient' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'PatientToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCPatient' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c11420)errorThe name set immunization is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c11316)errorThe type Immunization is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c11388)errorThe parameter 'immunization' refers to the variable 'source Immunization immunization' but it's type is 'DDCCImmunization' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'ImmunizationToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCImmunization' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c11666)errorThe name set immunization recommendation is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c11588)errorThe type ImmunizationRecommendation is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c11648)errorThe parameter 'immRec' refers to the variable 'source ImmunizationRecommendation immRec' but it's type is 'DDCCImmunizationRecommendation' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'ImmRecToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCImmunizationRecommendation' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c11896)errorThe name set composition is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c11808)errorThe type Composition is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c11878)errorThe parameter 'composition' refers to the variable 'source Composition composition' but it's type is 'DDCCComposition' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'CompositionToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCComposition' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13369)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c13304)warningThe target path refers to the path which could be a reference to multiple elements (, No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c13597)errorThe name set birth date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c13915)errorThe name set identifier from id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c14455)errorThe name set identifier from identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14382)errorThe name set identifier value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4] (l1​/c14671)errorThe name set sex is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c14669)errorThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c14772)errorThe type 'HumanName' has mode 'source' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c15161)errorThe name set first name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c15079)errorThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Unknown context evaluating FHIRPath expression: DDCCCoreDataSet (@char 2)
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c15766)errorThe name set other names is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2] (l1​/c16090)errorThe name add family name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3] (l1​/c16304)errorThe name set full name is not valid[1] (l1/c13051)informationThe group CompositionToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c12062)warningGroup CompositionToDDCCVS parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12268)errorThe name set version is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c13049)errorThe name set certificate period is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13047)errorThe name set period is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12829)errorThe name set period start is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c12827)errorThe target context 'tPeriod' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c13045)errorThe name set period end is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c13043)errorThe target context 'tPeriod' is not known at this point[4] (l1/c23283)informationThe group ImmunizationToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[1] (l1​/c16469)warningGroup ImmunizationToDDCCVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[2] (l1​/c16508)warningGroup ImmunizationToDDCCVS parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16881)errorThe name set vaccine code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c16623)warningThe target path immunization.vaccineCode refers to the path Immunization.vaccineCode which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.vaccineCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:vaccineGPSCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:atcClass, Immunization.vaccineCode:absentOrUnknownImmunization). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16879)errorThe name set vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1] (l1​/c18958)errorThe name set extensions is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c16982)warningThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17412)errorThe name set brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17410)errorThe name set brand code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c17862)errorThe name set maholder is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17860)errorThe name set maholder code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c18297)errorThe name set validFrom is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18295)errorThe name set validFrom date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c18956)errorThe name set country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18954)errorThe name set country code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c18835)errorThe target context 'vCountry' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c18952)errorThe target context 'vCountry' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2] (l1​/c19784)errorThe name set manufacturer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19782)errorThe name set manufacturer id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19548)errorThe name set manufacturer system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c19546)errorThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c19780)errorThe name set manufactutuer code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c19778)errorThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3] (l1​/c20016)errorThe name set lot number is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[4] (l1​/c20246)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5] (l1​/c22150)errorThe name set protocol applied is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.source[0] (l1​/c20383)warningThe target path immunization.protocolApplied refers to the path Immunization.protocolApplied which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.protocolApplied, Immunization.protocolApplied:protocolAppliedAuthority). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c20618)errorThe name set dose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[1] (l1​/c20869)errorThe name set totalDoses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[2] (l1​/c21258)errorThe name set disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21256)errorThe name set disease coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3] (l1​/c22148)errorThe name set issuer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21893)errorThe name set issuer from reference is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c21686)errorThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21891)errorThe name set reference is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c21889)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c22146)errorThe name set issuer identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c22144)errorThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6] (l1​/c22792)errorThe name set vaccination centre location is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.rule[0] (l1​/c22547)errorThe name set vaccination centre from reference is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.rule[1] (l1​/c22790)errorThe name set vaccination centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7] (l1​/c23281)errorThe name set performer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23279)errorThe name set actor is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23277)errorThe name set practitioner is not valid[5] (l1/c23938)informationThe group ImmRecToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[1] (l1​/c23448)warningGroup ImmRecToDDCCVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23936)errorThe name get recommendation is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23934)errorThe name get date criterion is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c23694)errorThe name due_date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23932)errorThe name set due date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c23795)errorThe name due_date is not valid
ResourceerrorThe URL '' is also used by ddcc-resources-to-coredataset in /github/workspace/input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset

input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9779)errorid value 'setup ddcc' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10035)errorid value 'set hcid' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10251)errorid value 'set hcid value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10590)errorid value 'set ddcc id value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c10903)errorid value 'set header from patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11010)errorid value 'set patient details' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c11218)errorid value 'set immunization' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c11482)errorid value 'set immunization recommendation' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c11712)errorid value 'set composition' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12115)errorid value 'set version' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c12323)errorid value 'set certificate period' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12445)errorid value 'set period' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12652)errorid value 'set period start' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c12876)errorid value 'set period end' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13259)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c13416)errorid value 'set birth date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c13652)errorid value 'set identifier from id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c13978)errorid value 'set identifier from identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14211)errorid value 'set identifier value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c14495)errorid value 'set sex' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14860)errorid value 'set first name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c15209)errorid value 'set other names' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c15814)errorid value 'add family name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c16136)errorid value 'set full name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16566)errorid value 'set vaccine code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16676)errorid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c16928)errorid value 'set extensions' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17033)errorid value 'set brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17222)errorid value 'set brand code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c17457)errorid value 'set maholder' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17666)errorid value 'set maholder code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c17908)errorid value 'set validFrom' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18105)errorid value 'set validFrom date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c18341)errorid value 'set country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18542)errorid value 'set country code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c19007)errorid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c19134)errorid value 'set manufacturer id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c19366)errorid value 'set manufacturer system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c19603)errorid value 'set manufactutuer code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c19831)errorid value 'set lot number' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c20057)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c20299)errorid value 'set protocol applied' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c20433)errorid value 'set dose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c20665)errorid value 'set totalDoses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c20913)errorid value 'set disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21050)errorid value 'set disease coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c21301)errorid value 'set issuer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21525)errorid value 'set issuer from reference' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21741)errorid value 'set reference' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c21947)errorid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c22214)errorid value 'set vaccination centre location' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22351)errorid value 'set vaccination centre from reference' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c22602)errorid value 'set vaccination centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c22838)errorid value 'set performer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22968)errorid value 'set actor' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23075)errorid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23508)errorid value 'get recommendation' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23621)errorid value 'get date criterion' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0]​.variable (l1​/c23715)errorid value 'due_date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23748)errorid value 'set due date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0]​.context (l1​/c23780)errorid value 'due_date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11920)errorThe name setup ddcc is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10562)errorThe name set hcid is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10560)errorThe name set hcid value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c10496)errorThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'url' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 2)
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c10869)errorThe name set ddcc id value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c11918)errorThe name set header from patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11191)errorThe name set patient details is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c11118)errorThe type Patient is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c11180)errorThe parameter 'patient' refers to the variable 'source Patient patient' but it's type is 'DDCCPatient' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'PatientToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCPatient' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c11440)errorThe name set immunization is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c11336)errorThe type Immunization is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c11408)errorThe parameter 'immunization' refers to the variable 'source Immunization immunization' but it's type is 'DDCCImmunization' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'ImmunizationToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCImmunization' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c11686)errorThe name set immunization recommendation is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c11608)errorThe type ImmunizationRecommendation is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c11668)errorThe parameter 'immRec' refers to the variable 'source ImmunizationRecommendation immRec' but it's type is 'DDCCImmunizationRecommendation' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'ImmRecToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCImmunizationRecommendation' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c11916)errorThe name set composition is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c11828)errorThe type Composition is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c11898)errorThe parameter 'composition' refers to the variable 'source Composition composition' but it's type is 'DDCCVSComposition' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'CompositionToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCVSComposition' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13391)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c13326)warningThe target path refers to the path which could be a reference to multiple elements (, No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c13619)errorThe name set birth date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c13937)errorThe name set identifier from id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c14477)errorThe name set identifier from identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14404)errorThe name set identifier value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4] (l1​/c14693)errorThe name set sex is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c14691)errorThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c14794)errorThe type 'HumanName' has mode 'source' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c15183)errorThe name set first name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c15101)errorThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Unknown context evaluating FHIRPath expression: DDCCCoreDataSet (@char 2)
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c15788)errorThe name set other names is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2] (l1​/c16112)errorThe name add family name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3] (l1​/c16326)errorThe name set full name is not valid[1] (l1/c13073)informationThe group CompositionToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c12084)warningGroup CompositionToDDCCVS parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12290)errorThe name set version is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c13071)errorThe name set certificate period is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13069)errorThe name set period is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12851)errorThe name set period start is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c12849)errorThe target context 'tPeriod' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c13067)errorThe name set period end is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c13065)errorThe target context 'tPeriod' is not known at this point[4] (l1/c23305)informationThe group ImmunizationToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[1] (l1​/c16491)warningGroup ImmunizationToDDCCVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[2] (l1​/c16530)warningGroup ImmunizationToDDCCVS parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16903)errorThe name set vaccine code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c16645)warningThe target path immunization.vaccineCode refers to the path Immunization.vaccineCode which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.vaccineCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:vaccineGPSCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:atcClass, Immunization.vaccineCode:absentOrUnknownImmunization). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16901)errorThe name set vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1] (l1​/c18980)errorThe name set extensions is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c17004)warningThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17434)errorThe name set brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17432)errorThe name set brand code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c17884)errorThe name set maholder is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17882)errorThe name set maholder code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c18319)errorThe name set validFrom is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18317)errorThe name set validFrom date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c18978)errorThe name set country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18976)errorThe name set country code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c18857)errorThe target context 'vCountry' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[2] (l1​/c18974)errorThe target context 'vCountry' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2] (l1​/c19806)errorThe name set manufacturer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19804)errorThe name set manufacturer id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19570)errorThe name set manufacturer system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c19568)errorThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c19802)errorThe name set manufactutuer code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c19800)errorThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[3] (l1​/c20038)errorThe name set lot number is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[4] (l1​/c20268)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5] (l1​/c22172)errorThe name set protocol applied is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.source[0] (l1​/c20405)warningThe target path immunization.protocolApplied refers to the path Immunization.protocolApplied which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.protocolApplied, Immunization.protocolApplied:protocolAppliedAuthority). No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c20640)errorThe name set dose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[1] (l1​/c20891)errorThe name set totalDoses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[2] (l1​/c21280)errorThe name set disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21278)errorThe name set disease coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3] (l1​/c22170)errorThe name set issuer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21915)errorThe name set issuer from reference is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c21708)errorThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21913)errorThe name set reference is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c21911)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c22168)errorThe name set issuer identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[5]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c22166)errorThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6] (l1​/c22814)errorThe name set vaccination centre location is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.rule[0] (l1​/c22569)errorThe name set vaccination centre from reference is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[6]​.rule[1] (l1​/c22812)errorThe name set vaccination centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7] (l1​/c23303)errorThe name set performer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23301)errorThe name set actor is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23299)errorThe name set practitioner is not valid[5] (l1/c23960)informationThe group ImmRecToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[1] (l1​/c23470)warningGroup ImmRecToDDCCVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23958)errorThe name get recommendation is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23956)errorThe name get date criterion is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c23716)errorThe name due_date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23954)errorThe name set due date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c23817)errorThe name due_date is not valid

input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.structure[0]​.url (l1​/c4855)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureMap​.structure[1]​.url (l1​/c4988)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureMap​.structure[2]​.url (l1​/c5152)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c5592)errorid value 'find patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c5698)errorid value 'get patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6316)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c6436)errorid value 'set test' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c6640)errorid value 'set outentry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7286)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c7441)errorid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c7678)errorid value 'set identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8080)errorid value 'set first name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c8412)errorid value 'set other names' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c9017)errorid value 'add family name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c9339)errorid value 'set full name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9896)errorid value 'set default type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10088)errorid value 'translate loinc type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c10500)errorid value 'set pathogen to COVID' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10830)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11295)errorid value 'set default result' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c11490)errorid value 'translate snomed result' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c5502)errorThe type SHCLabBundleDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7099)errorThe name find patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7097)errorThe name get patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c6417)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c6413)errorThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c6617)errorThe name set test is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c6554)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c6613)errorThe target parameter 'test' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c6802)errorThe name set outentry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[0] (l1​/c7211)errorThe type SHCPatientDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c7258)errorThe type 'DDCCTR' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7417)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c7653)errorThe name set birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c7913)errorThe name set identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c8046)warningGroup NameToText parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8386)errorThe name set first name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c8991)errorThe name set other names is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c9315)errorThe name add family name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c9529)errorThe name set full name is not valid[3] (l1/c11850)informationThe group LabToDDCC is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c9627)errorThe type SHCLabDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[1] (l1​/c9659)warningGroup LabToDDCC parameter test has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10057)errorThe name set default type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c10468)errorThe name translate loinc type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c10807)errorThe name set pathogen to COVID is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c11032)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11456)errorThe name set default result is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c11844)errorThe name translate snomed result is not valid

input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.structure[0]​.url (l1​/c5354)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureMap​.structure[1]​.url (l1​/c5495)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureMap​.structure[2]​.url (l1​/c5622)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6079)errorid value 'find patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6185)errorid value 'get patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6822)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c6958)errorid value 'set vaccination' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c7210)errorid value 'set outentry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7865)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c8020)errorid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c8257)errorid value 'set identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8659)errorid value 'set first name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c8991)errorid value 'set other names' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c9596)errorid value 'add family name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c9918)errorid value 'set full name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10521)errorid value 'set default vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10718)errorid value 'set default brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c10923)errorid value 'translate COVID CVX vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c11335)errorid value 'translate COVID SNOMED vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11858)errorid value 'set manufacturer id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12090)errorid value 'set manufacturer system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c12335)errorid value 'set manufacturer value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c12564)errorid value 'set lot' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c12790)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13229)errorid value 'set centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c5989)errorThe type SHCVaccinationBundleDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7678)errorThe name find patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7676)errorThe name get patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c6932)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c6928)errorThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c7187)errorThe name set vaccination is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c7099)errorThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c7183)errorThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c7381)errorThe name set outentry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[0] (l1​/c7790)errorThe type SHCPatientDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c7837)errorThe type 'DDCCVS' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7996)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c8232)errorThe name set birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c8492)errorThe name set identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c8625)warningGroup NameToText parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8965)errorThe name set first name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c9570)errorThe name set other names is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c9894)errorThe name add family name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c10108)errorThe name set full name is not valid[3] (l1/c13442)informationThe group ImmunizationToDDCC is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c10233)errorThe type SHCImmunizationDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[1] (l1​/c10272)warningGroup ImmunizationToDDCC parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10690)errorThe name set default vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c10885)errorThe name set default brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c11294)errorThe name translate COVID CVX vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c11712)errorThe name translate COVID SNOMED vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12544)errorThe name set manufacturer id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12302)errorThe name set manufacturer system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c12300)errorThe target context 'manufacturer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c12542)errorThe name set manufacturer value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c12540)errorThe target context 'manufacturer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2] (l1​/c12771)errorThe name set lot is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3] (l1​/c13001)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13436)errorThe name set centre is not valid

input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/ddcc​/StructureMap​/CoreDataSetToAddBundle')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
StructureMap.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: coredataset-to-addbundle/
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10629)errorid value 'set bundle type' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10817)errorid value 'set uuids' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11090)errorid value 'create patient resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11901)errorid value 'setup patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c12038)errorid value 'set patient resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c12242)errorid value 'create immunization resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13141)errorid value 'setup immunization' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c13369)errorid value 'set immunization resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c13593)errorid value 'create immunization recommendation resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14531)errorid value 'setup immunization recommendation' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c14713)errorid value 'set immunization recommendation resource' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c15093)errorid value 'set id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c15271)errorid value 'set full name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c15456)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c15662)errorid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c15895)errorid value 'set gender' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c16111)errorid value 'set identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16609)errorid value 'set id' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c16798)errorid value 'set brand extension' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17011)errorid value 'set brand extension values' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c17377)errorid value 'set maholder extension' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17600)errorid value 'set MA Holder extension values' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c17985)errorid value 'set country extension' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18204)errorid value 'set country extension values' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c18619)errorid value 'set vaccine valid extension' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18845)errorid value 'set valid from extension values' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c19211)errorid value 'set status' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c19406)errorid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c19728)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[8]​.name (l1​/c20049)errorid value 'set manufacturer identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[8]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c20350)errorid value 'set system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[8]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c20577)errorid value 'set value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[9]​.name (l1​/c20804)errorid value 'set lot number' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[10]​.name (l1​/c21033)errorid value 'set occurrence date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[11]​.name (l1​/c21259)errorid value 'set location' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[11]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21472)errorid value 'set location display' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12]​.name (l1​/c21667)errorid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c21887)errorid value 'set performer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22084)errorid value 'set actor' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22377)errorid value 'set hw identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.name (l1​/c22571)errorid value 'set protocolApplied' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22745)errorid value 'set authority' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c22907)errorid value 'set issuer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23164)errorid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23369)errorid value 'set pha' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c23603)errorid value 'set target disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c23822)errorid value 'set target disease code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c24017)errorid value 'set dose number' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c24242)errorid value 'set total doses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c24741)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c24954)errorid value 'set patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c25260)errorid value 'set recommendation' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c25425)errorid value 'set vaccine code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c25640)errorid value 'set vaccine code coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c25841)errorid value 'set target disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c26062)errorid value 'set target disease coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c26266)errorid value 'set forecast status' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c26443)errorid value 'set forecast status coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c26608)errorid value 'set forecast system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c26877)errorid value 'set forecast code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c27069)errorid value 'set date criterion' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.target[0]​.variable (l1​/c27198)errorid value 'due_date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c27236)errorid value 'set due date code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0]​.context (l1​/c27297)errorid value 'due_date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c27402)errorid value 'set due date code coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c27568)errorid value 'set due date code system' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c27775)errorid value 'set due date code code' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c27971)errorid value 'set due date value' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[0]​.context (l1​/c28075)errorid value 'due_date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c28205)errorid value 'set dose number' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c28449)errorid value 'set total doses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c28700)errorid value 'set supporting immunization' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c10541)errorThe type DDCCPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10797)errorThe name set bundle type is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c14879)errorThe name set uuids is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12203)errorThe name create patient resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12007)errorThe name setup patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c11997)errorThe target parameter 'patient' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c12003)errorThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c12201)errorThe name set patient resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c13539)errorThe name create immunization resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13333)errorThe name setup immunization is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c13303)errorThe target parameter 'immunization' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[3] (l1​/c13323)errorThe source parameter 'iid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[4] (l1​/c13329)errorThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c13537)errorThe name set immunization resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c14877)errorThe name create immunization recommendation resource is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14662)errorThe name setup immunization recommendation is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c14639)errorThe target parameter 'immrec' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[2] (l1​/c14646)errorThe source parameter 'irid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[3] (l1​/c14652)errorThe source parameter 'iid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[4] (l1​/c14658)errorThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c14875)errorThe name set immunization recommendation resource is not valid[1] (l1/c16329)informationThe group DDCCToPatient is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[0] (l1​/c14980)errorThe type DDCCPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c15036)errorThe type 'DDCCPatient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[2] (l1​/c15067)warningGroup DDCCToPatient parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c15247)errorThe name set id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c15638)errorThe name set full name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c15636)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c15634)errorThe target context 'tName' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c15874)errorThe name set birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3] (l1​/c16086)errorThe name set gender is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4] (l1​/c16327)errorThe name set identifier is not valid[2] (l1/c24464)informationThe group DDCCToImmunization is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[0] (l1​/c16416)warningGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter src has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c16482)errorThe type 'DDCCImmunization' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[2] (l1​/c16521)warningGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[3] (l1​/c16552)warningGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter iid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[4] (l1​/c16583)warningGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16768)errorThe name set id is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c17344)errorThe name set brand extension is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17342)errorThe name set brand extension values is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c17226)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c17340)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c17953)errorThe name set maholder extension is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17951)errorThe name set MA Holder extension values is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c17832)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c17949)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c18581)errorThe name set country extension is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18579)errorThe name set country extension values is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c18464)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c18577)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4] (l1​/c19190)errorThe name set vaccine valid extension is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19188)errorThe name set valid from extension values is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c19068)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c19186)errorThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[5] (l1​/c19384)errorThe name set status is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[6] (l1​/c19706)errorThe name set vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[6]​.target[1] (l1​/c19704)errorThe target context 'vacCode' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[7] (l1​/c20011)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[7]​.target[1] (l1​/c20009)errorThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[8] (l1​/c20779)errorThe name set manufacturer identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[8]​.target[1] (l1​/c20320)errorThe target context 'tman' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[8]​.rule[0] (l1​/c20557)errorThe name set system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[8]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c20555)errorThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[8]​.rule[1] (l1​/c20777)errorThe name set value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[8]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c20775)errorThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[9] (l1​/c21003)errorThe name set lot number is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[10] (l1​/c21236)errorThe name set occurrence date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[11] (l1​/c21640)errorThe name set location is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[11]​.rule[0] (l1​/c21638)errorThe name set location display is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[11]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c21636)errorThe target context 'location' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12] (l1​/c22541)errorThe name set practitioner is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12]​.rule[0] (l1​/c22539)errorThe name set performer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c22055)errorThe target context 'performer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c22537)errorThe name set actor is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c22248)errorThe target context 'actor' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c22340)errorThe target context 'actor' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c22535)errorThe name set hw identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c22533)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13] (l1​/c24462)errorThe name set protocolApplied is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23574)errorThe name set authority is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c22877)errorThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23572)errorThe name set issuer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c23123)errorThe target context 'authority' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23570)errorThe name set issuer identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c23342)errorThe target context 'authority' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23568)errorThe name set pha is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c23566)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[1] (l1​/c23991)errorThe name set target disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c23779)errorThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c23989)errorThe name set target disease code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c23987)errorThe target context 'tdisease' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[2] (l1​/c24216)errorThe name set dose number is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c24214)errorThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[3] (l1​/c24460)errorThe name set total doses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[13]​.rule[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c24458)errorThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point[3] (l1/c28990)informationThe group DDCCToImmRec is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c24545)warningGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter src has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[1] (l1​/c24619)errorThe type DDCCImmunizationRecommendation is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[2] (l1​/c24651)warningGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter irid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[3] (l1​/c24682)warningGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter iid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[4] (l1​/c24713)warningGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c24932)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c25231)errorThe name set patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.target[1] (l1​/c25229)errorThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2] (l1​/c28988)errorThe name set recommendation is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c25812)errorThe name set vaccine code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c25597)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c25810)errorThe name set vaccine code coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c25808)errorThe target context 'vaccineCode' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c26236)errorThe name set target disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c26017)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c26234)errorThe name set target disease coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c26232)errorThe target context 'targetDisease' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2] (l1​/c27040)errorThe name set forecast status is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c26397)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c27038)errorThe name set forecast status coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c26569)errorThe target context 'forecast' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c26849)errorThe name set forecast system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c26847)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c27036)errorThe name set forecast code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c27034)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c28179)errorThe name set date criterion is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c27199)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c27942)errorThe name set due date code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c27358)errorThe name due_date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c27940)errorThe name set due date code coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c27524)errorThe target context 'code' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c27742)errorThe name set due date code system is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c27740)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c27938)errorThe name set due date code code is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c27936)errorThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c28177)errorThe name set due date value is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[3]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c28175)errorThe name due_date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[4] (l1​/c28423)errorThe name set dose number is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c28421)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[5] (l1​/c28662)errorThe name set total doses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c28660)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[6] (l1​/c28986)errorThe name set supporting immunization is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c28834)errorThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.rule[6]​.target[1] (l1​/c28984)errorThe target context 'imm' is not known at this point
input​/resources​/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundleerrorURL Mismatch vs

input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/ddcc​/StructureMap​/QRespToCoreDataSet')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
StructureMap.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset/
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7783)errorid value 'set header content' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c8115)errorid value 'set vaccination content' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c8376)errorid value 'set certificate content' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8750)errorid value 'header items' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c8854)errorid value 'first answser for name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9004)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c9248)errorid value 'first answer for birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9408)errorid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c9656)errorid value 'first answer for identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9920)errorid value 'set identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c10165)errorid value 'first answer for sex' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10320)errorid value 'process coding' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10422)errorid value 'set sex' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10789)errorid value 'vaccination items' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10895)errorid value 'first answer for vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11051)errorid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c11301)errorid value 'first answer for brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11453)errorid value 'set brand' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c11708)errorid value 'first answer for manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c11874)errorid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c12132)errorid value 'first answer for maholder' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12291)errorid value 'set maholder' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c12541)errorid value 'first answser for lot' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c12689)errorid value 'set lot' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c12934)errorid value 'first answer for date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13084)errorid value 'set date' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c13333)errorid value 'first answer for validFrom' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13497)errorid value 'set validFrom' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c13746)errorid value 'first answer for dose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c13896)errorid value 'set dose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[8]​.name (l1​/c14149)errorid value 'first answer for totalDoses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[8]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14312)errorid value 'set totalDoses' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[9]​.name (l1​/c14568)errorid value 'first answer for country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[9]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c14724)errorid value 'set country' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[10]​.name (l1​/c14976)errorid value 'first answser for centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[10]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c15130)errorid value 'set centre' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[11]​.name (l1​/c15387)errorid value 'first answser for practitioner' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[11]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c15654)errorid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[12]​.name (l1​/c15903)errorid value 'first answer for disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[12]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16059)errorid value 'set disease' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[13]​.name (l1​/c16312)errorid value 'first answer for nextDose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[13]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c16470)errorid value 'set nextDose' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c16721)errorid value 'set vaccination period' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17112)errorid value 'vaccination validity items' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17221)errorid value 'first answer for valid_from' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17383)errorid value 'set valid_from' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c17630)errorid value 'first answer for valid_until' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c17794)errorid value 'set valid_until' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18166)errorid value 'certificate items' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18270)errorid value 'first answser for hcid' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18522)errorid value 'set issuer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c18743)errorid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c18965)errorid value 'first answser for hcid' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c19224)errorid value 'set hcid and version' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[1] (l1​/c7745)errorThe type DDCCPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c8081)errorThe name set header content is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c7883)errorThe source parameter 'qr' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c8342)errorThe name set vaccination content is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c8324)errorThe source parameter 'qr' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c8338)errorThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c8603)errorThe name set certificate content is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c8585)errorThe source parameter 'qr' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c8599)errorThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found[1] (l1/c10627)informationThe group QRespToHeader is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[0] (l1​/c8686)warningGroup QRespToHeader parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c8718)warningGroup QRespToHeader parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10625)errorThe name header items is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9211)errorThe name first answser for name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9209)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c9618)errorThe name first answer for birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9616)errorThe name set birthDate is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c10134)errorThe name first answer for identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10132)errorThe name set identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c10130)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c10623)errorThe name first answer for sex is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10621)errorThe name process coding is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c10619)errorThe name set sex is not valid[2] (l1/c16944)informationThe group QRespToVaccination is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[0] (l1​/c10713)warningGroup QRespToVaccination parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c10752)warningGroup QRespToVaccination parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16688)errorThe name vaccination items is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11268)errorThe name first answer for vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11266)errorThe name set vaccine is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c11668)errorThe name first answer for brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c11666)errorThe name set brand is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2] (l1​/c12096)errorThe name first answer for manufacturer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12094)errorThe name set manufacturer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3] (l1​/c12509)errorThe name first answer for maholder is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12507)errorThe name set maholder is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4] (l1​/c12902)errorThe name first answser for lot is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c12900)errorThe name set lot is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5] (l1​/c13296)errorThe name first answer for date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13294)errorThe name set date is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6] (l1​/c13714)errorThe name first answer for validFrom is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[6]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13712)errorThe name set validFrom is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[7] (l1​/c14111)errorThe name first answer for dose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[7]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14109)errorThe name set dose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[8] (l1​/c14533)errorThe name first answer for totalDoses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[8]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14531)errorThe name set totalDoses is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[9] (l1​/c14941)errorThe name first answer for country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[9]​.rule[0] (l1​/c14939)errorThe name set country is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[10] (l1​/c15346)errorThe name first answser for centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[10]​.rule[0] (l1​/c15344)errorThe name set centre is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[11] (l1​/c15868)errorThe name first answser for practitioner is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[11]​.rule[0] (l1​/c15866)errorThe name set practitioner is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[11]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c15864)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[12] (l1​/c16276)errorThe name first answer for disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[12]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16274)errorThe name set disease is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[13] (l1​/c16686)errorThe name first answer for nextDose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[13]​.rule[0] (l1​/c16684)errorThe name set nextDose is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1] (l1​/c16942)errorThe name set vaccination period is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c16938)errorThe target parameter 'period' was not found[3] (l1/c18004)informationThe group QRespToVaccinePeriod is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c17032)warningGroup QRespToVaccinePeriod parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[1] (l1​/c17066)warningGroup QRespToVaccinePeriod parameter period has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18002)errorThe name vaccination validity items is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17591)errorThe name first answer for valid_from is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17589)errorThe name set valid_from is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c18000)errorThe name first answer for valid_until is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c17998)errorThe name set valid_until is not valid[4] (l1/c19562)informationThe group QRespToCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[0] (l1​/c18090)warningGroup QRespToCertificate parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[1] (l1​/c18129)warningGroup QRespToCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19560)errorThe name certificate items is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18932)errorThe name first answser for hcid is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18930)errorThe name set issuer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c18702)errorThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c18928)errorThe name set issuer identifier is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c18926)errorThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1] (l1​/c19558)errorThe name first answser for hcid is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c19556)errorThe name set hcid and version is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c19428)errorThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
input​/resources​/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataseterrorURL Mismatch vs

input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/ddcc​/StructureMap​/ResourcesToCoreDataSet')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
StructureMap.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: ddcc-resources-to-coredataset/
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c2941)errorid value 'set header from patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c3039)errorid value 'set header' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c3391)errorid value 'set name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c3490)errorid value 'setting name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c3867)errorid value 'set here' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[1] (l1​/c2898)errorThe type DDCCPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c3203)errorThe name set header from patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c3201)errorThe name set header is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c3128)errorThe type Patient is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c3190)errorThe parameter 'patient' refers to the variable 'source Patient patient' but it's type is 'DDCCPatient' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'PatientToHeader', which is 'DDCCPatient' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c3363)errorThe type DDCCPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c3708)errorThe name set name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c3458)warningThe target path refers to the path which could be a reference to multiple elements (, No further checking can be performed
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c3706)errorThe name setting name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c3702)errorThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found[2] (l1/c4060)informationThe group NameToText is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[0] (l1​/c3808)errorThe type 'HumanName' has mode 'source' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c3839)warningGroup NameToText parameter tgt has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c4058)errorThe name set here is not valid
ResourceerrorThe URL '' has already been used by ResourcesToCoreDataSet in /github/workspace/input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet
input​/resources​/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataseterrorURL Mismatch vs

input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.old Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap​.where(url = 'http:​/​/who-int​.github​.io​/svc​/StructureMap​/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.old - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL ([0].name (l1/c5237)errorid value 'Decode_QR' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c5395)errorid value 'Create resources and process bundle' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.name (l1​/c5711)errorid value 'Decode_QR_Patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[1]​.name (l1​/c5773)errorid value 'Decode_QR_Organization' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[2]​.name (l1​/c5834)errorid value 'Decode_QR_Bundle' is not valid[1].name (l1/c5918)errorid value 'Decode_QR_Patient' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c6072)errorid value 'Load Name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c6477)errorid value 'Load Patient Identifer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c6736)errorid value 'Load Birth Date' is not valid[2].name (l1/c6982)errorid value 'Decode_QR_Organization' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7148)errorid value 'Load PHA ID' is not valid[3].name (l1/c7421)errorid value 'Decode_QR_Bundle' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c7639)errorid value 'Set Bundle Metadata' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c7952)errorid value 'Load Paper SVC ID' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c8221)errorid value 'Load Signature' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c8900)errorid value 'Process Composition Entry' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3]​.dependent[0]​.name (l1​/c9218)errorid value 'Decode_QR_Composition' is not valid[4].name (l1/c9296)errorid value 'Decode_QR_Composition' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[1]​.name (l1​/c9377)errorid value ',' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c9674)errorid value 'Set Composition Meta' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c10010)errorid value 'Load Digital SVC ID' is not valid[5].name (l1/c10298)errorid value 'Decode_QR_Provenance' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c10757)errorid value 'Set provenance' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.source[1]​.variable (l1​/c10850)errorid value 'e_digital' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[3]​.context (l1​/c11442)errorid value 'e_digital' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[4]​.context (l1​/c11566)errorid value 'e_digital' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[5]​.context (l1​/c11696)errorid value 'e_digital' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[6]​.context (l1​/c11826)errorid value 'e_paper' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[7]​.context (l1​/c11948)errorid value 'e_paper' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[8]​.context (l1​/c12071)errorid value 'e_paper' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[1]​.variable (l1​/c12999)errorid value '"Set who"' is not valid
StructureMap (l1/c13068)warningConstraint failed: smp-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'[1] (l1/c6949)errorThe name Decode_QR_Patient is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[0] (l1​/c5987)errorThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c6043)errorThe type SVC_Patient which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[1]​.input[1] (l1​/c6043)errorThe type 'SVC_Patient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0] (l1​/c6444)errorThe name Load Name is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.source[1] (l1​/c6194)errorThe source context patient is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c6321)errorThe target context 'pname' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c6442)errorThe target context 'pname' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1] (l1​/c6710)errorThe name Load Patient Identifer is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2] (l1​/c6947)errorThe name Load Birth Date is not valid[2] (l1/c7394)errorThe name Decode_QR_Organization is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[0] (l1​/c7051)errorThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c7117)errorThe type SVC_Organization which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[1] (l1​/c7117)errorThe type 'SVC_Organization' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7392)errorThe name Load PHA ID is not valid[3] (l1/c9264)errorThe name Decode_QR_Bundle is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c7490)errorThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[1] (l1​/c7546)errorThe type SVC_Patient which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[1] (l1​/c7546)errorThe type 'SVC_Patient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[2] (l1​/c7600)errorThe type SVC_Bundle which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c7924)errorThe name Set Bundle Metadata is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c8196)errorThe name Load Paper SVC ID is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2] (l1​/c8864)errorThe name Load Signature is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.source[1] (l1​/c8350)errorThe source context bundle is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c8475)errorThe target context 'bsig' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.target[1] (l1​/c8611)errorThe target context 'bsig' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.target[2] (l1​/c8737)errorThe target context 'bsig' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.target[3] (l1​/c8862)errorThe target context 'bsig' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3] (l1​/c9262)errorThe name Process Composition Entry is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3]​.target[1] (l1​/c9172)errorThe target context 'e' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3]​.dependent[0] (l1​/c9260)errorThe group Decode_QR_Composition is invoked using 3 parameters, but it actually takes 6 instead[5] (l1/c13066)errorThe name Decode_QR_Provenance is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[0] (l1​/c10367)errorThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[1] (l1​/c10421)errorThe type SVC_Bundle which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[2] (l1​/c10477)errorThe type SVC_Patient which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[2] (l1​/c10477)errorThe type 'SVC_Patient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[3] (l1​/c10543)errorThe type SVC_Organization which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[3] (l1​/c10543)errorThe type 'SVC_Organization' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[4] (l1​/c10601)errorThe type SVC_Composition which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[4] (l1​/c10601)errorThe type 'SVC_Composition' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[5] (l1​/c10661)errorThe type SVC_Composition which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[5] (l1​/c10661)errorThe type 'SVC_Composition' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[6] (l1​/c10723)errorThe type SVC_Provenance which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[5]​.input[6] (l1​/c10723)errorThe type 'SVC_Provenance' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0] (l1​/c13064)errorThe name Set provenance is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.source[1] (l1​/c10851)errorThe source context provenance is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.source[2] (l1​/c10913)errorThe source context provenance is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.source[3] (l1​/c10978)errorThe source context provenance is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[3] (l1​/c11543)errorThe name e_digital is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[4] (l1​/c11673)errorThe name e_digital is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[5] (l1​/c11805)errorThe name e_digital is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[6] (l1​/c11927)errorThe name e_paper is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[7] (l1​/c12050)errorThe name e_paper is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[8] (l1​/c12180)errorThe name e_paper is not valid
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[9] (l1​/c12304)errorThe target context 'psig' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[10] (l1​/c12429)errorThe target context 'psig' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[11] (l1​/c12564)errorThe target context 'psg' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.target[12] (l1​/c12682)errorThe target context 'psig' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c12768)errorThe source context agent is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c12909)errorThe target context 'who' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[1] (l1​/c13060)errorThe target context 'who' is not known at this point[0] (l1/c5890)informationThe group Decode_QR is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible[0] (l1/c5890)errorThe name Decode_QR is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c5306)errorThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[1] (l1​/c5340)warningGroup Decode_QR parameter bundle has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c5888)errorThe name Create resources and process bundle is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c5738)errorThe target parameter 'patient' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[1]​.variable[1] (l1​/c5805)errorThe target parameter 'organization' was not found
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.dependent[2] (l1​/c5886)errorThe group Decode_QR_Bundle is invoked using 4 parameters, but it actually takes 3 instead[4] (l1/c10267)informationThe group Decode_QR_Composition is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible[4] (l1/c10267)errorThe name Decode_QR_Composition is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[0] (l1​/c9365)errorThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[1] (l1​/c9394)errorThe name , is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[2] (l1​/c9448)errorThe type SVC_Bundle which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[3] (l1​/c9504)errorThe type SVC_Patient which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[3] (l1​/c9504)errorThe type 'SVC_Patient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[4] (l1​/c9570)errorThe type SVC_Organization which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[4] (l1​/c9570)errorThe type 'SVC_Organization' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[5] (l1​/c9634)errorThe type SVC_Composition which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[5] (l1​/c9634)errorThe type 'SVC_Composition' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c9980)errorThe name Set Composition Meta is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1] (l1​/c10265)errorThe name Load Digital SVC ID is not valid
input​/resources​/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle​.xmlerrorURL Mismatch vs

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

Removed code system errors that can't be validated

Removed errors due to the feedback link

Removed missing examples warning

This error seems to be incorrect, answerExpression isn't used at all

Errors sorted by type


fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO001' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO002' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO004' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO005' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO006' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO008' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO009' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO010' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO011' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO012' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO013' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO014' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO015' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO016' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO017' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO018' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO019' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO020' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO021' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO022' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO023' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO024' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO025' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO026' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO027' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO028' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO029' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO030' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO031' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO032' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO033' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO034' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO035' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO036' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO037' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO038' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO039' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO040' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO041' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO042' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO043' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO044' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO045' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO046' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO047' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO048' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO049' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO050' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO051' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO052' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO053' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO054' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO055' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO056' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO057' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO058' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO059' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO060' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO061' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO062' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO063' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO064' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO065' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO066' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO067' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO068' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO069' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO070' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO071' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO072' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO073' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO074' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO075' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO076' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO077' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO078' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO079' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO080' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO081' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO082' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO083' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO084' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO085' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO086' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO087' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO088' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO089' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO090' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO091' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO092' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO093' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO094' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO095' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO096' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe source code 'ICAO097' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-type-of-test.jsonThe source code 'LP217198-3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe source code '258500001' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe source code '461911000124106' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe source code '472881004' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe source code '472901003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe source code '119342007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe source code '119297000' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe source code '119361006' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe source code '119364003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe source code '122592007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0


fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM68M6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3DT5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3DT5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3DT5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3DT5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM52P3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM52P3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3CT4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3CT4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3CT4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3CT4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3CT4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3PG0' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3PG0' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3PG0' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3PG0' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3PG0' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM4EC8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM4EC8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM4EC8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM6SZ8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM6SZ8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM0RV9' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM0RV9' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3SK8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM3SK8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9P21' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9P21' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9P21' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9T65' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9T65' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9T65' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9T65' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9T65' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9N08' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM4YL8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM97T2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM97T2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM97T2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM97T2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM97T2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM6QV1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM6QV1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM6QV1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM6QV1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM1AG7' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM1AG7' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM1AG7' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM5ZJ4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM5ZJ4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM5ZJ4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM5ZJ4' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM5QM6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM5QM6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM7HT3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM7HT3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM7HT3' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM8866' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM8866' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM8866' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM8866' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM8866' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9TQ1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9TQ1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9TQ1' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM1G90' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM1G90' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM1G90' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM85P5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM85P5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM85P5' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9FQ7' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM9FQ7' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM97N6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM97N6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM97N6' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM2YG8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM2YG8' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM0K39' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM0K39' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM0K39' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM1AU2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM1AU2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe target code 'XM1AU2' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-disease-targeted.jsonThe target code '840539006' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-test-result.jsonThe target code '1240581000000104' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-test-result.jsonThe target code '1240591000000102' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-vaccines.jsonThe target code '28531000087107' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-vaccines.jsonThe target code '1119349007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-vaccines.jsonThe target code '1157024006' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-vaccines.jsonThe target code '29061000087103' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe target code '258500001' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe target code '461911000124106' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe target code '472881004' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe target code '472901003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe target code '119342007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe target code '119297000' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe target code '119361006' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe target code '119364003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe target code '122592007' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-type-of-test.jsonThe target code '2056159157' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-type-of-test.jsonThe target code '414464004' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-loinc-sct-type-of-test.jsonThe target code '117244003' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-loinc-sct-type-of-test.jsonThe target code '414464004' is not valid in the code system|1.0.0


fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'ZvCov-D' is not valid. Possible displays [ZyCov-D]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'Comirnaty' is not valid. Possible displays [Comirnaty®]
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe target display 'ZvCov-D' is not valid. Possible displays [ZyCov-D]


fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-pathogen-divoc-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-pathogen-snomed-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-divoc-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-icao-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-snomed-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-divoc-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-icao-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-divoc-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-icao-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-snomed-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonPublished concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCCoreDataSet.VS.jsonError in constraint 'who-ddcc-data-1' with expression 'manufacturer.exists() or maholder.exists()': Unknown context evaluating FHIRPath expression: DDCCCoreDataSet.vaccination (@char 3)


fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-pathogen-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-pathogen-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-pathogen-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-icao-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-icao-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-qual-result-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-icao-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-icao-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-icao-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-sample-origin-icao-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-covid19-loinc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-divoc-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-icao-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-icao-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-lab-test-type-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-euur-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-snomed-to-icd11.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-cvx-icd11-brands.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-cvx-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-divoc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-eudcc-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icao-icd11-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-divoc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-eudcc-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icao-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-icd10-disease-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-agent-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-disease-targeted.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-test-result.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-test-result.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-icd11-sct-vaccines.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-loinc-type-of-test.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-loinc-type-of-test.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-type-of-test.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-ichi-sct-type-of-test.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-loinc-sct-type-of-test.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-loinc-sct-type-of-test.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-who-ddcc-map-sct-ichi-specimen-origin.jsonThe modifier extension from FHIR version {3} is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)


fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-DDCCHCIDRegistrationQuestionnaire.jsonThe extension is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:Questionnaire, e:Questionnaire.item, e:ElementDefinition; this element is [BackboneElement, Questionnaire.item.item])
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-DDCCHCIDRegistrationQuestionnaire.jsonThe extension is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:Questionnaire, e:Questionnaire.item, e:ElementDefinition; this element is [BackboneElement, Questionnaire.item.item])


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-cvx.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-cvx.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-origin.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-origin.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-pathogen.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-pathogen.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-result.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-result.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-type.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-type.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-origin.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-origin.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-result.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-result.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-type.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-type.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-loinc.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-loinc.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-snomed.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-snomed.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-CertICAO.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-CertICAO.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
input/resources/Immunization-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xmlConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/Immunization-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xml - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
input/resources/Library-AnyDosePass-1.0.0.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/Library-AnyDosePass-1.0.0.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://localhost/Library/AnyDosePass|1.0.0)
input/resources/Library-DDCCPass-1.0.0.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/Library-DDCCPass-1.0.0.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://localhost/Library/DDCCPass|1.0.0)
input/resources/Library-ModernaOrPfizerPass-1.0.0.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/Library-ModernaOrPfizerPass-1.0.0.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://localhost/Library/ModernaOrPfizerPass|1.0.0)
input/resources/Patient-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xmlConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/Patient-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xml - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldConformance resource /github/workspace/input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.old - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-origin.jsonResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-origin/
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-pathogen.jsonResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-pathogen/
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-result.jsonResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-result/
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-type.jsonResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-divoc-lab-test-type/
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-origin.jsonResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-origin/
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-result.jsonResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-result/
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-type.jsonResource id/url mismatch: WHO-DDCC-icao-lab-test-type/
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-CertICAO.jsonResource id/url mismatch: CertICAO/
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonResource id/url mismatch: coredataset-to-addbundle/
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonResource id/url mismatch: ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset/
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonResource id/url mismatch: ddcc-resources-to-coredataset/


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCCoreDataSet.VS.CoC.jsonThe type DDCCCoreDataSet must not be the same as the type in the base structure DDCCCoreDataSet that is being specialised
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCCoreDataSet.VS.PoV.jsonThe type DDCCCoreDataSet must not be the same as the type in the base structure DDCCCoreDataSet that is being specialised


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCCoreDataSet.TR.jsonThe type DDCCCoreDataSet is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCCoreDataSet.VS.jsonThe type DDCCCoreDataSet is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCCoreDataSet.VS.CoC.jsonThe type DDCCCoreDataSet is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCCoreDataSet.VS.PoV.jsonThe type DDCCCoreDataSet is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them


input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'test' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'test' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'test' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'identif' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'coding' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'coding' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'test' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target parameter 'patient' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target parameter 'comp' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'id' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target parameter 'ref' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'id' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target parameter 'ref' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'id' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target parameter 'immunization' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'iid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target parameter 'immrec' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'irid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'iid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target parameter 'patient' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target parameter 'immunization' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target parameter 'ddcc' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe source parameter 'qr' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe source parameter 'qr' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe source parameter 'qr' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target parameter 'period' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonThe target parameter 'test' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target parameter 'patient' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target parameter 'immunization' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe source parameter 'iid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target parameter 'immrec' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe source parameter 'irid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe source parameter 'iid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe source parameter 'pid' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe source parameter 'qr' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe source parameter 'qr' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe target parameter 'vaccination' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe source parameter 'qr' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe target parameter 'certificate' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe target parameter 'period' was not found
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe target parameter 'tgt' was not found
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target parameter 'patient' was not found
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target parameter 'organization' was not found


input/resources/StructureMap-BundleVSToAddBundle.jsonThe parameter 'ddcc' refers to the variable 'source ddcc' but it's type is 'DDCCVS' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'CoreDataSetVSToAddBundle', which is 'DDCCVS' (from map '|1.0.0')
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'patient' refers to the variable 'source Patient patient' but it's type is 'SHCPatientDM' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'PatientToDDCCVS', which is 'SHCPatientDM' (from map '|1.0.0')
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'immunization' refers to the variable 'source Immunization immunization' but it's type is 'SHCImmunizationDM' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'ImmunizationToDDCC', which is 'SHCImmunizationDM' (from map '|1.0.0')
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'patient' refers to the variable 'source Patient patient' but it's type is 'SHCPatientDM' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'PatientToDDCCTR', which is 'SHCPatientDM' (from map '|1.0.0')
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'lab' refers to the variable 'source Observation lab' but it's type is 'SHCLabDM' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'LabToDDCC', which is 'SHCLabDM' (from map '|1.0.0')
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'patient' refers to the variable 'source Patient patient' but it's type is 'DDCCPatient' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'PatientToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCPatient' (from map '$this')
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'immunization' refers to the variable 'source Immunization immunization' but it's type is 'DDCCImmunization' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'ImmunizationToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCImmunization' (from map '$this')
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'immRec' refers to the variable 'source ImmunizationRecommendation immRec' but it's type is 'DDCCImmunizationRecommendation' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'ImmRecToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCImmunizationRecommendation' (from map '$this')
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'composition' refers to the variable 'source Composition composition' but it's type is 'DDCCComposition' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'CompositionToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCComposition' (from map '$this')
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'patient' refers to the variable 'source Patient patient' but it's type is 'DDCCPatient' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'PatientToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCPatient' (from map '$this')
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'immunization' refers to the variable 'source Immunization immunization' but it's type is 'DDCCImmunization' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'ImmunizationToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCImmunization' (from map '$this')
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'immRec' refers to the variable 'source ImmunizationRecommendation immRec' but it's type is 'DDCCImmunizationRecommendation' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'ImmRecToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCImmunizationRecommendation' (from map '$this')
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe parameter 'composition' refers to the variable 'source Composition composition' but it's type is 'DDCCVSComposition' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'CompositionToDDCCVS', which is 'DDCCVSComposition' (from map '$this')
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe parameter 'patient' refers to the variable 'source Patient patient' but it's type is 'DDCCPatient' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'PatientToHeader', which is 'DDCCPatient' (from map '$this')


input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe type 'DDCC' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe type 'DDCC' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe type 'DDCC' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe type 'DDCC' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe type 'DDCCPatient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe type 'DDCCDocRefQR' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe type 'DDCCComposition' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe type 'DDCCImmunization' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe type 'SHCPatientDM' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe type 'SHCImmunizationDM' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe type 'HumanName' has mode 'source' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe type 'HumanName' has mode 'source' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonThe type 'DDCCTR' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe type 'DDCCVS' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe type 'DDCCPatient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe type 'DDCCImmunization' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe type 'HumanName' has mode 'source' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type 'SVC_Patient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type 'SVC_Organization' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type 'SVC_Patient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type 'SVC_Patient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type 'SVC_Organization' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type 'SVC_Composition' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type 'SVC_Composition' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type 'SVC_Provenance' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type 'SVC_Patient' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type 'SVC_Organization' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type 'SVC_Composition' has mode 'target' which doesn't match the structure definition mode of 'produced'


input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup DCCtoCoreDataSet parameter dcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup CertDCCtoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter dcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup CertDCCtoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter g has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup CertDCCtoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup VtoCoreDataSetVS parameter v has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup VtoCoreDataSetVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup TtoCoreDataSetTR parameter t has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup TtoCoreDataSetTR parameter test has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup CredentialSubjecttoCoreDataSet parameter credentialSubject has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter evidence has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup EvidencetoCoreDataSetVS parameter evidence has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup EvidencetoCoreDataSetVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup EvidencetoCoreDataSetTR parameter evidence has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup EvidencetoCoreDataSetTR parameter test has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup VDStoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter hdr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup VDStoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter msg has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup VDStoCoreDataSetCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ExtractPatient parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ExtractDocumentTypeNumber parameter src has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ExtractVaccine parameter ve has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ExtractVaccine parameter vd has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ExtractVaccine parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ExtractTest parameter sp has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ExtractTest parameter dat has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ExtractTest parameter tr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ExtractTest parameter test has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ExtractCountry parameter country has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ExtractCountry parameter coding has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToPatient parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToDocumentReference parameter id has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToDocumentReference parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToComposition parameter id has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToComposition parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter src has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter iid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter src has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter irid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter iid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonGroup ImmunizationToVaccination parameter immunization has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonGroup ImmunizationToVaccination parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonGroup IPSToCertificate parameter composition has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonGroup IPSToCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonGroup IPSToCertificate parameter immunization has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonGroup PatientToDDCC parameter patient has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonGroup PatientToDDCC parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonGroup NameToText parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup QRespToHeader parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup QRespToHeader parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup QRespToVaccination parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup QRespToVaccination parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup QRespToPeriod parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup QRespToPeriod parameter period has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup QRespToCertificate parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup QRespToCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonGroup CompositionToDDCCVS parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ImmunizationToDDCCVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ImmunizationToDDCCVS parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ImmRecToDDCCVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup CompositionToDDCCVS parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ImmunizationToDDCCVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ImmunizationToDDCCVS parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonGroup ImmRecToDDCCVS parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonGroup NameToText parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonGroup LabToDDCC parameter test has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonGroup NameToText parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonGroup ImmunizationToDDCC parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonGroup DDCCToPatient parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter src has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter iid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonGroup DDCCToImmunization parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter src has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter irid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter iid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonGroup DDCCToImmRec parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonGroup QRespToHeader parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonGroup QRespToHeader parameter ddcc has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonGroup QRespToVaccination parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonGroup QRespToVaccination parameter vaccination has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonGroup QRespToVaccinePeriod parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonGroup QRespToVaccinePeriod parameter period has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonGroup QRespToCertificate parameter qr has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonGroup QRespToCertificate parameter certificate has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonGroup NameToText parameter tgt has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldGroup Decode_QR parameter bundle has no type, so the paths cannot be validated


input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe type CWTPayload which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe type CWTPayload which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe type CWTPayload which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe type SHCVaccinationBundleDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe type SHCPatientDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe type SHCImmunizationDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe type DDCCCoreDataSetPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe type DDCCCoreDataSetPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe type DDCCCoreDataSetPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe type EUDCC which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe type EUDCC which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe type EUDCC which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonThe type SHCLabBundleDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonThe type SHCPatientDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonThe type SHCLabDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe type SHCVaccinationBundleDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe type SHCPatientDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe type SHCImmunizationDM which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe type DDCCPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe type DDCCPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe type DDCCPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe type DDCCPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe type DDCCPoV which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Patient which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Organization which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Patient which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Bundle which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Bundle which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Patient which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Organization which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Composition which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Composition which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Provenance which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type QR which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Bundle which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Patient which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Organization which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe type SVC_Composition which maps to the canonical URL is not known, so the paths cannot be validated


input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe type DDCCImmunizationRecommendation is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe type DDCCImmunizationRecommendation is not known, so the paths cannot be validated


input/resources/StructureMap-BundleVSToAddBundle.jsonThe name get first entry from bundle is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name eu_DCC_v1 is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set DDCC is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set certificate is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set vaccination is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set outentry is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set DDCC is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set certificate is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set test is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set outentry is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set period start is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set period end is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set birthDate is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set given name is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name add family name is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set period is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set version is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set hcid is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set issuer is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set target disease is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set vaccine is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set default brand is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name translate COVID19 brand is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set maholder is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set date is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set dose is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set totalDoses is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set country is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set default pathogen is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name translate COVID19 pathogen is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name set default type is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe name translate COVID19 type is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe name translate COVID SNOMED vaccine is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set dose is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name first answer for totalDoses is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set totalDoses is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name first answer for country is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set country is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name first answser for centre is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set centre is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name first answser for practitioner is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set practitioner is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name first answer for disease is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set disease is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name first answer for nextDose is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set nextDose is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set vaccination period is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name vaccination validity items is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name first answer for valid_from is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set valid_from is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name first answer for valid_until is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set valid_until is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name certificate items is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name first answser for hcid is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set issuer is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set issuer identifier is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name first answser for hcid is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set hcid and version is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set header from patient is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set header is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set name is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe name setting name is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe name set here is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Decode_QR_Patient is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Load Name is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Load Patient Identifer is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Load Birth Date is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Decode_QR_Organization is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Load PHA ID is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Decode_QR_Bundle is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Set Bundle Metadata is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Load Paper SVC ID is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Load Signature is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Process Composition Entry is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Decode_QR_Provenance is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Set provenance is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name e_digital is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name e_digital is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name e_digital is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name e_paper is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name e_paper is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name e_paper is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Decode_QR is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Create resources and process bundle is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Decode_QR_Composition is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name , is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Set Composition Meta is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe name Load Digital SVC ID is not valid


input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group DCCtoCoreDataSet is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group CertDCCtoCoreDataSetCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group VtoCoreDataSetVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group TtoCoreDataSetTR is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group CredentialSubjecttoCoreDataSet is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSetCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group EvidencetoCoreDataSetVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group EvidencetoCoreDataSetTR is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group VDStoCoreDataSetCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group ExtractPatient is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group ExtractDocumentTypeNumber is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group ExtractVaccine is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group ExtractTest is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe group ExtractCountry is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe group DDCCToDocumentReference is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe group DDCCToComposition is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe group DDCCToImmunization is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe group DDCCToImmRec is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe group ImmunizationToVaccination is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe group IPSToCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe group PatientToDDCC is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe group NameToText is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe group QRespToHeader is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe group QRespToVaccination is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe group QRespToPeriod is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe group QRespToCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe group CompositionToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe group ImmunizationToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe group ImmRecToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe group CompositionToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe group ImmunizationToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe group ImmRecToDDCCVS is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonThe group LabToDDCC is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe group ImmunizationToDDCC is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe group DDCCToPatient is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe group DDCCToImmunization is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe group DDCCToImmRec is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe group QRespToHeader is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe group QRespToVaccination is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe group QRespToVaccinePeriod is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe group QRespToCertificate is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe group NameToText is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe group Decode_QR is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe group Decode_QR_Composition is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible


input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe group Decode_QR_Composition is invoked using 3 parameters, but it actually takes 6 instead
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe group Decode_QR_Bundle is invoked using 4 parameters, but it actually takes 3 instead


input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe source statement doesn''t assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended


input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe source context ddccvs is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe source context manufacturer is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe source context manufacturer is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe source context patient is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe source context bundle is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe source context provenance is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe source context provenance is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe source context provenance is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe source context agent is not known at this point


input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe source path src.vaccine refers to the path DDCCCoreDataSet.vaccine which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe source path src.maholder refers to the path DDCCCoreDataSet.maholder which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe source path src.lot refers to the path DDCCCoreDataSet.lot which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe source path src.centre refers to the path DDCCCoreDataSet.centre which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe source path immunization.occurrenceDateTime refers to the path Immunization.occurrenceDateTime which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe source path immunization.occurrenceDateTime refers to the path Immunization.occurrenceDateTime which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe source path composition.subject refers to the path Bundle.entry.resource.subject which is unknown


input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe type Patient is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe type Immunization is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe type Observation is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe type Composition is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe type Immunization is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe type Patient is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe type Immunization is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe type ImmunizationRecommendation is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe type Composition is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe type Patient is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe type Immunization is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe type ImmunizationRecommendation is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe type Composition is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe type Patient is not valid in the source context Bundle.entry.resource. The possible types are [Resource]


input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'period' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'period' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'practitioner' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'cert' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'cert' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'tName' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'attachment' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'format' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'format' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'attachment' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'format' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'format' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'attachment' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'content' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'format' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'format' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'type' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'event' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'author' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'author' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'comp' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'category' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'comp' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'comp' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'code' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'focus' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'section' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'qr' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'category' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'qr' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'qr' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'category' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'qr' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'vacCode' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'tman' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'location' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'performer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'actor' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'actor' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'authority' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'authority' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'tdisease' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'vaccineCode' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'targetDisease' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'forecast' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'code' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target context 'imm' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'entry' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'entry' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'entry' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'entry' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'tName' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'vaccineCode' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'tman' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'tman' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'performer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonThe target context 'actor' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target context 'vacEvent' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target context 'ddccid' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'tPeriod' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'tPeriod' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'vCountry' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'vCountry' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'tPeriod' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'tPeriod' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'vCountry' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'vCountry' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'vMan' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target context 'ddcc' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target context 'manufacturer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonThe target context 'manufacturer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'tName' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'ext' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'vacCode' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'tman' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'ident' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'location' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'performer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'actor' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'actor' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'authority' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'authority' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'tdisease' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'protocol' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'patient' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'vaccineCode' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'targetDisease' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'forecast' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'code' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'coding' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'rec' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonThe target context 'imm' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe target context 'issuer' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe target context 'identifier' is not known at this point
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonThe target context 'hcid' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'pname' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'pname' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'bsig' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'bsig' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'bsig' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'bsig' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'e' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'psig' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'psig' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'psg' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'psig' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'who' is not known at this point
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldThe target context 'who' is not known at this point


input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target path entry.reference refers to the path Bundle.entry.reference which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target path entry.reference refers to the path Bundle.entry.reference which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target path entry.reference refers to the path Bundle.entry.reference which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonThe target path entry.reference refers to the path Bundle.entry.reference which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target path refers to the path which is unknown


input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target path refers to the path which could be a reference to multiple elements (, No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target path immunization.protocolApplied refers to the path Immunization.protocolApplied which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.protocolApplied, Immunization.protocolApplied:protocolAppliedAuthority). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target path immunization.vaccineCode refers to the path Immunization.vaccineCode which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.vaccineCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:vaccineGPSCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:atcClass, Immunization.vaccineCode:absentOrUnknownImmunization). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoCoredataset.jsonThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target path refers to the path which could be a reference to multiple elements (, No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target path immunization.protocolApplied refers to the path Immunization.protocolApplied which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.protocolApplied, Immunization.protocolApplied:protocolAppliedAuthority). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target path immunization.vaccineCode refers to the path Immunization.vaccineCode which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.vaccineCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:vaccineGPSCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:atcClass, Immunization.vaccineCode:absentOrUnknownImmunization). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-DDCCtoEUdcc.jsonThe target path ddcc.entry refers to the path Bundle.entry which could be a reference to multiple elements (Bundle.entry, Bundle.entry:ddccComposition, Bundle.entry:ddccPatient, Bundle.entry:ddccOrganization, Bundle.entry:ddccQR). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target path refers to the path which could be a reference to multiple elements (, No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target path immunization.vaccineCode refers to the path Immunization.vaccineCode which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.vaccineCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:vaccineGPSCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:atcClass, Immunization.vaccineCode:absentOrUnknownImmunization). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe target path immunization.protocolApplied refers to the path Immunization.protocolApplied which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.protocolApplied, Immunization.protocolApplied:protocolAppliedAuthority). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target path refers to the path which could be a reference to multiple elements (, No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target path immunization.vaccineCode refers to the path Immunization.vaccineCode which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.vaccineCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:vaccineGPSCode, Immunization.vaccineCode:atcClass, Immunization.vaccineCode:absentOrUnknownImmunization). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target path immunization.extension refers to the path Immunization.extension which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.extension, Immunization.extension:vaccineBrand, Immunization.extension:vaccineMarketAuthorization, Immunization.extension:country, Immunization.extension:validFrom). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe target path immunization.protocolApplied refers to the path Immunization.protocolApplied which could be a reference to multiple elements (Immunization.protocolApplied, Immunization.protocolApplied:protocolAppliedAuthority). No further checking can be performed
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonThe target path refers to the path which could be a reference to multiple elements (, No further checking can be performed


input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'epoch' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 3)
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'epoch' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 3)
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'epoch' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 3)
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'epoch' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 3)
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'epoch' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 3)
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'url' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 2)
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Unknown context evaluating FHIRPath expression: DDCCCoreDataSet (@char 2)
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name 'url' is not valid for any of the possible types: [] (@char 2)
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonThe FHIRPath expression passed as the evaluate parameter is invalid: Unknown context evaluating FHIRPath expression: DDCCCoreDataSet (@char 2)


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCImmunization.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCImmunization.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DDCCImmunization.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/Immunization-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/Immunization-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/Immunization-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/Immunization-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve


input/resources/StructureMap-BundleVSToAddBundle.jsonid value 'get first entry from bundle' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'eu_DCC_v1' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set DDCC' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set certificate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set outentry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set DDCC' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set certificate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set test' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set outentry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set given name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'add family name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set version' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set hcid' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period start' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period end' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set target disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set default brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'translate COVID19 brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set maholder' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set dose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set totalDoses' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set default pathogen' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'translate COVID19 pathogen' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set default type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'translate COVID19 type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set default result' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'translate COVID19 result' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set centre' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set certificate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set outentry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set certificate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set test' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set outentry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set hcid' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set version' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period start' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period end' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set lot' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set dose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set totalDoses' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set centre' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set COVID-19 pathogen' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set other pathogen' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set default type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'translate DIVOC type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set default origin' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'translate DIVOC origin' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set default result' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'translate DIVOC result' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDIVOCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set centre' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set certificate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set outentry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set certificate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set test' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set outentry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set version' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set hcid from uvci' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set hcid from utci' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set priorityIdentifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set Document Type Number' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set doc number' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set doc number P' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set doc number A' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set doc number C' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set doc number I' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set doc number AC' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set doc number V' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set doc number D' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set target disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set dose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set nextDose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set centre' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set lot' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set pathogen' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set default type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'translate ICAO type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set default origin' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'translate ICAO origin' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set default result' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'translate ICAO result' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set centre' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set default country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertICAOtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country with system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'find patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'get patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set ddcc' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set outentry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set test' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set ddcc' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set outentry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period start to notBefore' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period start to issuedAt' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period end' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set id' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set full name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set id' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set status' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set serialized content' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set contentType' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set format code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set image content' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set contentType' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set format code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set pdf content' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set contentType' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set format code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set id' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set type coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set certificate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set event period' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set author ref' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set author identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetLibrary.jsonid value 'set pha' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set bundle type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set uuids' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'create patient resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'setup patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set patient resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'create composition resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'setup composition' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set category' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set title' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set section' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set certificate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set author' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set focus' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'add Immunization entry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'add ImmunizationRecommendation entry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'add WHO QR entry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'add DCC QR entry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set composition resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'create WHO QR Doc Ref' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'setup WHO DocRef' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set category' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set description' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set WHO QR' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'create DCC QR Doc Ref' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'setup DCC DocRef' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set category' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set description' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set DCC QR' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'create immunization resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'setup immunization' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set immunization resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'create immunization recommendation resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'setup immunization recommendation' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set immunization recommendation resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set id' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set brand extension' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set brand extension values' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set maholder extension' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set MA Holder extension values' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set country extension' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set country extension values' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set vaccine valid extension' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set valid from extension values' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set status' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set manufacturer identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set lot number' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set occurrence date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set location' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set location display' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set performer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set actor' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set hw identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set protocolApplied' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set authority' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set issuer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set pha' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set target disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set target disease code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set dose number' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set total doses' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set recommendation' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set vaccine code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set vaccine code coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set target disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set target disease coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set forecast status' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set forecast status coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set forecast system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set forecast code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set date criterion' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'due_date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set due date code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'due_date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set due date code coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set due date code system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set due date code code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set due date value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'due_date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set dose number' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set total doses' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSLibrary.jsonid value 'set supporting immunization' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToAddBundle.jsonid value 'setup add bundle' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set bundle type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set bundle entries' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'create patient resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'setup patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set patient resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'create immunization resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'setup immunization' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set immunization resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set full name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set status' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set vaccine code system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set vaccine code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set maholder' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'if maholder code empty' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set lot number' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set occurrence date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set performer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-CoreDataSetVSToSHC.jsonid value 'set actor display' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set id' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'get first entry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'get composition' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'get subject' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'get subject reference' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'find patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'get patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set patient info' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set vaccination' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set certificate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set outentry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'copy vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'translate vaccine coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'translate code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'translate brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set lot' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set manufacturer id' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set manufacturer system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set manufactutuer code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set ddccid' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set hcid' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set issuer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set birthdate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set first name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set other names' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'add family name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-IPSToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set full name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set header content' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination content' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set certificate content' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'header items' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answser for name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for birthDate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for sex' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'process coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set sex' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'vaccination items' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for manufacturer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for maholder' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set maholder' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answser for lot' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set lot' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for validFrom' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set validFrom' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for dose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set dose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for totalDoses' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set totalDoses' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set centre' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for nextDose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set nextDose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'vaccination validity items' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for valid_from' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set valid_from' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answer for valid_until' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set valid_until' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'certificate items' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answser for hcid' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'first answser for hcid' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set hcid and version' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-QRespToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination period' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'setup ddcc' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set hcid' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set hcid value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set ddcc id value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set header from patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set patient details' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set immunization recommendation' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set version' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period end' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set identifier from identifier' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set brand code' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set maholder code' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set validFrom date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set disease coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer from reference' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set reference' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination centre location' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination centre from reference' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination centre' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'get date criterion' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'due_date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set due date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'due_date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'setup ddcc' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set hcid' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set hcid value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set ddcc id value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set header from patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set patient details' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set immunization' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set immunization recommendation' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set composition' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set version' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set certificate period' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period start' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set period end' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set birth date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set identifier from id' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set identifier from identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set identifier value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set sex' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set first name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set other names' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'add family name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set full name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccine code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set extensions' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set brand code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set maholder' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set maholder code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set validFrom' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set validFrom date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set country code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set manufacturer id' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set manufacturer system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set manufactutuer code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set lot number' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set protocol applied' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set dose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set totalDoses' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set disease coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer from reference' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set reference' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination centre location' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination centre from reference' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set vaccination centre' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set performer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set actor' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'get recommendation' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'get date criterion' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'due_date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'set due date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ResourcesToVSCoreDataSet.jsonid value 'due_date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'find patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'get patient' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'set test' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'set outentry' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'set first name' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'add family name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'set full name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'set default type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'translate loinc type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'set pathogen to COVID' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'set default result' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetTR.jsonid value 'translate snomed result' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set identifier' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set other names' is not valid
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input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set full name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set default vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set default brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'translate COVID CVX vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'translate COVID SNOMED vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set manufacturer id' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set manufacturer system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set manufacturer value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set lot' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-SHCToCoreDataSetVS.jsonid value 'set centre' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set bundle type' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set uuids' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'create patient resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'setup patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set patient resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'create immunization resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'setup immunization' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set immunization resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'create immunization recommendation resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'setup immunization recommendation' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set immunization recommendation resource' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set id' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set full name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set gender' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set id' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set brand extension' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set brand extension values' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set maholder extension' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set MA Holder extension values' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set country extension' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set country extension values' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set vaccine valid extension' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set valid from extension values' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set status' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set manufacturer identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set lot number' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set occurrence date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set location' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set location display' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set performer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set actor' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set hw identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set protocolApplied' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set authority' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set issuer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set pha' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set target disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set target disease code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set dose number' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set total doses' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set recommendation' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set vaccine code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set vaccine code coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set target disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set target disease coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set forecast status' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set forecast status coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set forecast system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set forecast code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set date criterion' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'due_date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set due date code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'due_date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set due date code coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set due date code system' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set due date code code' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set due date value' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'due_date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set dose number' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set total doses' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-coredataset-to-addbundle.jsonid value 'set supporting immunization' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set header content' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set vaccination content' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set certificate content' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'header items' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answser for name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for birthDate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set birthDate' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for sex' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'process coding' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set sex' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'vaccination items' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set vaccine' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set brand' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for manufacturer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set manufacturer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for maholder' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set maholder' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answser for lot' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set lot' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set date' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for validFrom' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set validFrom' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for dose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set dose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for totalDoses' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set totalDoses' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set country' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answser for centre' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set centre' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answser for practitioner' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set practitioner' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set disease' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for nextDose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set nextDose' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set vaccination period' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'vaccination validity items' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for valid_from' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set valid_from' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answer for valid_until' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set valid_until' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'certificate items' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answser for hcid' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set issuer' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set issuer identifier' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'first answser for hcid' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-qresp-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set hcid and version' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set header from patient' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set header' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'setting name' is not valid
input/resources/StructureMap-ddcc-resources-to-coredataset.jsonid value 'set here' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Decode_QR' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Create resources and process bundle' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Decode_QR_Patient' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Decode_QR_Organization' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Decode_QR_Bundle' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Decode_QR_Patient' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Load Name' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Load Patient Identifer' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Load Birth Date' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Decode_QR_Organization' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Load PHA ID' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Decode_QR_Bundle' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Set Bundle Metadata' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Load Paper SVC ID' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Load Signature' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Process Composition Entry' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Decode_QR_Composition' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Decode_QR_Composition' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value ',' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Set Composition Meta' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Load Digital SVC ID' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Decode_QR_Provenance' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'Set provenance' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'e_digital' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'e_digital' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'e_digital' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'e_digital' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'e_paper' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'e_paper' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value 'e_paper' is not valid
input/resources/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle.xml.oldid value '"Set who"' is not valid


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-cvx.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'COVID-19 vaccine, vector-nr, rS-ChAdOx1, PF, 0.5 mL '
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-vaccine-covid19-cvx-to-icd11.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'COVID-19 vaccine, vector-nr, rS-ChAdOx1, PF, 0.5 mL '
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-vaccine-covid19-cvx.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'COVID-19 vaccine, vector-nr, rS-ChAdOx1, PF, 0.5 mL '
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' seconds'
input/resources/StructureMap-CertDCCtoCoreDataSet.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' seconds'
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' seconds'
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' seconds'
input/resources/StructureMap-CertSHCtoCoreDataSet.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' seconds'


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-WHO-DDCC-cvx.jsonWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
input/resources/Immunization-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xmlWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
input/resources/Patient-pre-uv-ips.StructureDefinition.xmlWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension


fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-vaccine-covid19-snomed.jsonThis SNOMED-CT based include has some concepts with semantic tags (FSN terms) and some without (preferred terms) - check that this is what is intended (examples for FSN: [vacuna COVID-19 virus entero inactivado 1 dosis/0,5 ml, suspensión inyectable, vial de 0,5 ml (1 dosis), vacuna COVID-19 vector no replicante adenovirus de chimpancé 1 dosis/0,5 ml, solución inyectable, vial de 5 ml (10 dosis), vacuna COVID-19 vector no replicante Adenovirus humano 5 1 dosis/0,5 ml, solución inyectable, vial de 3 ml (5 dosis), vacuna COVID-19 vector no replicante Adenovirus humano 26 1 dosis/0,5 ml, solución inyectable, vial de 3 ml (5 dosis), vacuna COVID-19 vector no replicante Adenovirus humano 26 1 dosis/0,5 ml, suspensión inyectable, vial de 3 ml (5 dosis)] and examples for no FSN: [COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (BNT162b2) of Pfizer-BioNTech, COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (mRNA-1273) of Moderna, COVID-19 viral vector vaccine (AZD1222 (ChAdOx1-S recombinant)) of AstraZeneca, Oxford, COVID-19 viral vector vaccine (JNJ-78436735( Ad26.COV2-S recombinant)) of Johnson and Johnson, Janssens, COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Pfizer-BioNTech 10 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection])


fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DDCC-Composition-Category-ValueSet.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DDCC-Device-Property-ValueSet.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DDCC-Folder-DesignationType.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DDCC-QR-Format-ValueSet.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DDCC-QR-Type-ValueSet.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DIVOC-ValueSet.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-ICAOVaccineListV1.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-vaccine-covid19-icd11.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-vaccines-covid-19-names.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-agent-targeted-covid-19.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-brands-covid-19.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-disease-targeted-covid-19.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-sample-origin-covid-19.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-test-result-covid-19.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-type-of-test-covid-19.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-who-ddcc-vaccines-covid-19.jsonPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present