WHO Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC)
1.0.0 - CI Build International flag

WHO Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC), published by WHO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/ddcc/tree/main and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions


Official URL: http://smart.who.int/ddcc/StructureMap/CertDIVOCtoDDCC Version: 1.0.0
Draft as of 2024-10-17 Computable Name: DIVOCtoDDCC

Generated Narrative: StructureMap DIVOCtoDDCC

map "http://smart.who.int/ddcc/StructureMap/CertDIVOCtoDDCC" = "DIVOCtoDDCC"

uses "http://smart.who.int/ddcc/StructureDefinition/CertDIVOC" alias W3CVC as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/ig/divoc/StructureDefinition/CredentialSubject" alias CredentialSubject as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/ig/divoc/StructureDefinition/Proof" alias Proof as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/ig/divoc/StructureDefinition/Address" alias Address as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/ig/divoc/StructureDefinition/Evidence" alias Evidence as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/ig/divoc/StructureDefinition/Verifier" alias Verifier as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/ig/divoc/StructureDefinition/Facility" alias Facility as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle" alias Bundle as target

group DIVOCtoDDCC(source src : W3CVC, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src -> bundle.type = 'transaction' "set bundle type";
  src ->  bundle,  bundle.entry as entry,  entry.resource = create('Composition') as comp then {
    src -> bundle then ExtractCert(src, bundle, comp) "Certificate";
    src -> bundle then ExtractComposition(src, comp) "Composition";
  } "Patient and Composition Create";

group ExtractCert(source src : W3CVC, target bundle : Bundle, target comp : Composition) {
  src ->  comp,  bundle.entry as entry,  entry.resource = create('Patient') as patient,  uuid() as pid then {
    src -> patient then ExtractPatient(src, pid, patient) "extract patient";
    src ->  comp.subject as subj,  subj.reference = append('Patient/', pid) "Set patient";
    src where (src.evidence.count() > 0) -> comp.section as section then {
      src ->  section.code as code,  code.coding as coding,  coding.system = 'http://loinc.org',  coding.code = '11369-6',  coding.display = 'History of Immunization Narrative' "add section";
      src.evidence as ev ->  comp,  bundle.entry as entryImm,  entryImm.resource = create('Immunization') as immunization,  uuid() as iid,  bundle.entry as entryOrg,  entryOrg.resource = create('Organization') as org,  uuid() as oid,  bundle.entry as entryManuf,  entryOrg.resource = create('Organization') as manuf,  uuid() as mid then {
        src -> immunization.id = iid "Immunization ID";
        src -> org.id = oid "Organization ID";
        src -> manuf.id = mid "Organization ID";
        src ->  section.entry as entry,  entry.reference = append('Immunization/', iid),  section.author as author,  author.reference = append('Organization/', oid) "add entry/author to section";
        src ->  comp.author as author,  author.reference = append('Organization/', oid) "Set org";
        src ->  immunization.patient as subj,  subj.reference = append('Patient/', pid) "Set patient";
        ev.facility as facility then {
          facility.name as name -> org.name = name "Set Organization name";
        ev.manufacturer as manufName -> manuf.name = manufName "Set Manufacturer name";
        ev.verifier as practitioner then {
          practitioner.name as practName ->  bundle.entry as entry,  entry.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner,  practitioner.id = uuid() as pracid,  practitioner.name = create('HumanName') as humanName,  humanName.text = practName,  immunization.performer as performer,  performer.actor as actor,  actor.reference = append('Practitioner/', pracid) "set pract name";
        } "create practitioner";
        src -> bundle then ExtractVaccine(ev, oid, mid, immunization, bundle) "extract vaccine info";
      } "Immunization Create";
    } "Vaccination List";
  } "Patient Create";

group ExtractVaccine(source ev : Evidence, source oid, source mid, target immunization : Immunization, target bundle : Bundle) {
  ev.date as dt -> immunization.occurrence = dt "set occurrence date";
  ev.batch as lot -> immunization.lotNumber = lot "set lot number";
  ev.icd11Code as icd11Code then {
    ev.prophylaxis as prophylaxis ->  immunization.vaccineCode as type,  type.coding as coding,  coding.system = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-11',  coding.code = icd11Code,  coding.display = prophylaxis "set vaccine coding";
  } "Parse ICD11Code and Prophylaxis";
  ev.certificateId as ci ->  immunization.identifier as identif,  identif.value = ci "set identifier ci";
  ev.vaccine as mp ->  immunization.extension as ext,  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  ext.url = 'https://smart.who.int/ddcc/StructureDefinition/DDCCVaccineBrand',  coding.display = mp "set brand";
  ev.facility as facility then {
    facility.address as address then {
      address.addressCountry as contry ->  immunization.extension as ext,  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  ext.url = 'https://smart.who.int/ddcc/StructureDefinition/DDCCCountryOfVaccination',  coding.code = contry,  coding.system = 'urn:iso:std:iso:3166' "set country";
  } "facility rule";
  ev.effectiveUntil as validFrom ->  immunization.extension as ext,  ext.value = validFrom,  ext.url = 'https://smart.who.int/ddcc/StructureDefinition/DDCCVaccineValidFrom' "effectiveUntil rule";
  oid ->  immunization.manufacturer as manuf,  manuf.reference = append('Organization/', oid) "set manuf";
  ev.facility as w3cFacility ->  bundle.entry as entry,  entry.resource = create('Location') as location,  location.id = uuid() as locid,  immunization.location as loc,  loc.reference = append('Location/', locid) then ExtractLocation(w3cFacility, location) "Extracting Immunization Location";
  ev -> immunization.protocolApplied as protocolApplied then ExtractProtocolApplied(ev, oid, protocolApplied) "set protocol applied";

group ExtractProtocolApplied(source ev : Evidence, source oid, target protocol : ProtocolApplied) {
  ev.dose as dn -> protocol.doseNumber = dn "set dose number";
  ev.totalDoses as sd -> protocol.seriesDoses = sd "set series doses";
  ev ->  protocol.targetDisease as codeable,  codeable.coding as coding,  coding.system = 'http://snomed.info/sct',  coding.code = '840539006' "set target disease type";
  ev ->  protocol.authority as authority,  authority.reference = append('Organization/', oid) "set authority";

group ExtractPatient(source src : W3CVC, source pid, target patient : Patient) {
  pid -> patient.id = pid "Patient ID";
  src.credentialSubject as credentialSubject -> patient then ExtractPatientFromSubj(credentialSubject, patient) "Patient Data from Subj";
  src.credentialSubject as credSubj then {
    src.issuanceDate as issuanceDate then {
      credSubj.age as age -> patient.birthDate = evaluate(issuanceDate, (($this - age).toString().substring(0, 4))) "set age";
    } "set age issuance date";
  } "set cred age";

group ExtractPatientFromSubj(source src : CredentialSubject, target patient : Patient) {
  src.name as patientName ->  patient.name = create('HumanName') as humanName,  humanName.text = patientName "Patient Name";
  src.id as id ->  patient.identifier as identif,  identif.value = id "set patient identifier";
  src.dob as birthDate -> patient.birthDate = birthDate "set birthDate";
  src.gender as gender -> patient then ExtractGender(gender, patient) "Extract Gender";
  src.sex as sex -> patient then ExtractGender(sex, patient) "Extract Sex";
  src.address as w3cAddress -> patient.address as fhirAddress then ExtractAddress(w3cAddress, fhirAddress) "Extracting Patient Address";

group ExtractLocation(source facility : Facility, target location : Address) {
  facility.name as name -> location.name = name "facility name";
  facility.address as w3cAddress -> location.address as fhirAddress then ExtractAddress(w3cAddress, fhirAddress) "facility address";

group ExtractAddress(source w3cAddress : Address, target fhirAddress : Address) {
  w3cAddress.streetAddress as line1 -> fhirAddress.line = line1 "Line 1";
  w3cAddress.streetAddress2 as line2 -> fhirAddress.line = line2 "Line 2";
  w3cAddress.city as city -> fhirAddress.city = city "City";
  w3cAddress.district as district -> fhirAddress.district = district "District";
  w3cAddress.postalCode as postal -> fhirAddress.postalCode = postal "Postal";
  w3cAddress.addressRegion as region -> fhirAddress.state = region "Region";
  w3cAddress.addressCountry as country -> fhirAddress.country = country "Country";

group ExtractGender(source gender, target patient : Patient) {
  gender where (gender = 'M') -> patient.gender = 'male' "set male";
  gender where (gender = 'F') -> patient.gender = 'female' "set female";
  gender where (gender = 'Male') -> patient.gender = 'male' "set male";
  gender where (gender = 'Female') -> patient.gender = 'female' "set female";

group ExtractComposition(source src : W3CVC, target composition : Composition) {
  src -> composition.title = 'International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis' "Title";
  src ->  composition.category as category,  category.coding as coding then {
    src -> coding.code = 'ddcc-vs' "Category";
  } "set category";
  src ->  composition.type as type,  type.coding as coding then {
    src ->  coding.system = 'http://loinc.org',  coding.code = '82593-5',  coding.display = 'Immunization summary report' "set type coding";
  } "set type";
  src ->  composition.event as event,  event.period = create('Period') as period then ExtractPeriod(src, period) "Extract Period";
  src.credentialSubject as credentialSubject -> composition then {
    credentialSubject.refId as refId ->  composition.identifier as identif,  identif.value = refId "set comp identifier";
  } "set comp identifier parent";

group ExtractPeriod(source src : W3CVC, target tgt : Period) {
  src.issuanceDate as issuanceDate -> tgt.start = issuanceDate "Start issuedAt";