WHO Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC)
1.0.0 - CI Build International flag

WHO Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC), published by WHO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/ddcc and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions


Business process diagrams for each of the Use Cases are included in the Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC): Vaccination Status (DDCC:VS) and Test Result (DDCC:TR) — Technical Specifications and Implementation Guidance.

This page includes sequence diagrams with DDCC actors (described in the Actors) and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) references, and includes options, such as the use of QR codes and a DDCC Repository Service.

Workflows and Transactions

The following diagram illustrates the business requirement workflows as realized through the system level transactions. As the DDCC:TR has preconditions and does not include the test event, its process starts when the certificate is generated and it is not included in the Continuity of Care scenario. DDCC Sequence DiagramsPublic Health Authority (PHA)Vaccinated orTested PersonVaccinated orTested PersonDDCC Holder(usually Vaccinatedor Tested Person)DDCC Holder(usually Vaccinatedor Tested Person)Health Workeror Data EntryPersonnelHealth Workeror Data EntryPersonnelVerifierVerifierDigital HealthSolution (DHS)(e.g. openSRP or an LIS)Digital HealthSolution (DHS)(e.g. openSRP or an LIS)DDCC VerifierApplicationDDCC VerifierApplicationDDCC GenerationService (e.g. DDCCTransactions Mediator)DDCC GenerationService (e.g. DDCCTransactions Mediator)Data Transformation/Extraction ServiceData Transformation/Extraction ServiceDocument ConstructorDocument ConstructorPublic Key Infrastructure(PKI) Gateway(e.g. DGCG)Public Key Infrastructure(PKI) Gateway(e.g. DGCG)Knowledge RepositoryFHIR ServerKnowledge RepositoryFHIR ServerData Store - Trusted FHIR Server(DDCC Registry Service& Repository Service)Data Store - Trusted FHIR Server(DDCC Registry Service& Repository Service)DDCC Certificate Generation01:Establish PKI trust network(unspecified, referenceimplementationis DDCC Gateway)alt[DDCC:VS Vaccination]02:Record Person demographic informationThis is a simplified example.See processes in DDCC:VSguidance document.03:Vaccinate client04:Record vaccination event[DDCC:TR Test]05:Record core data setdata elements for a DDCC:TRProcess starts aftera test report was generated.See full list of pre-conditionsfor a DDCC:TR in guidance document.06:DDCC: Submit Health Event /Generate Health Certificate07:Ensure DHS has node levelauthenticationIHE: ATNA08:Log transaction / audit trailIHE: ATNA (RESTful?)FHIR: Create Bundle:DDCC Document09:Send input data10:Return transaction Bundleof FHIR resources11:Send transaction Bundle12:Create DDCC DocumentComposition/$document13:Return DDCC Document14:Create signed QR code(s)15:Sign DDCC Documentopt[store online content]16:DDCC: Store Health CertificateFHIR: DDCC Document17:DDCC: Register Health CertificateMHDS: ITI-65 Provide Document BundleFHIR: create Bundle:SubmissionSet & DocumentReference18:DDCC: Generate Health Certificate responseFHIR Bundle: DDCC Document19:Share HCID and/or QR codes (paper or wallet, unspecified)DDCC:VS-Continuity of Care scenario20:Client registration21:Share QR code22:Scan QR code23:Identify QR code typeDeserializeopt[retrieve online content]24:Authenticate and authorize usage (unspecified, reference implementation is KeyCloak)25:DDCC: Retrieve Health FolderMHD: ITI-66 Find Document ListsFHIR: query Listloop[DocumentReference]26:DDCC: Retrieve Health CertificateMHD: ITI-68 Retrieve DocumentFHIR: retrieve Bundle: DDCC Document27:Review immunization history28:Determine if any actionsare needed and provide careDDCC Certificate Verification & Validationopt[refresh cache]29:Refresh FHIR ValueSet & Library resources (CQL/ELM) for validation business rules30:Refresh trust network public keys &document signer certificate revocation list31:Share QR code32:Scan QR code33:Identify QR code typeDeserializeopt[retrieve online content]34:Authenticate and authorize usage (unspecified, reference implementation is KeyCloak)alt[Validate HCID/Folder]35:DDCC: Retrieve Health FolderMHD: ITI-66 Find Document ListsFHIR: query Listloop[DocumentReference]36:DDCC: Retrieve Health CertificateMHD: ITI-68 Retrieve DocumentFHIR: retrieve Bundle: DDCC Document[Validate Document]37:DDCC: Retrieve Health CertificateMHD: ITI-68 Retrieve DocumentFHIR: retrieve Bundle: DDCC Document38:Execute CQL/ELM validationstatus business rulesagainst DDCC Document39:Review validation status40:Indicate resultof validation check