WHO Immunization Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - CI Build International flag

WHO Immunization Implementation Guide, published by World Health Organization (WHO). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/smart-immunizations and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Questionnaire: Capture Client History Questionnaire - Polio

LinkIDTextCardinalityTypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Immunization - Capture Client History Questionnaire for Polio ImmunizationQuestionnairehttp://smart.who.int/ig/smart-immunizations/Questionnaire/IMMZD1ClientHistoryPolio#0.1.0
... birthIndicates if the client received a dose within 24 hours of birth. Whether a birth dose is counted as part of the primary series will depend on the antigen.1..1boolean
... typeThe type of dose in a series that the client received1..1choiceValue Set: IMMZ.D1.DE103 ValueSet for Type of dose
... boosterIndicates if the client has completed the booster series of a product/antigen0..1boolean
... completedPrimarySeriesIndicates if the client has completed the primary vaccination series of a product/antigen. If the client has not yet completed their primary series, it means they may be expected to receive more doses to complete their vaccination regimen for the respective product/antigen.0..1boolean
... dateSeriesCompletedThe date when the client completed the primary vaccination series - per product/antigen0..1date
... hivStatusThe current human immunodeficiency virus HIV status of the client0..1choiceValue Set: IMMZ.D1.DE10 ValueSet for HIV status
... pretermBirthThe infant was preterm; the mother gave birth to the infant when gestational age was less than 37 weeks0..1boolean
... immunocompromisedThe client is known to be immunocompromised. This means the client has a weakened immune system and having a reduced ability to fight infections and other diseases1..1boolean
... onARTThe client is currently receiving antiretroviral therapy - ART0..1boolean
... poliotypeThe type of the polio vaccine dose administered to the client1..1choiceValue Set: IMMZ.D1.DE35 ValueSet for Type of polio dose
... artStartDateThe date on which the client started or restarted antiretroviral therapy ART0..1date
... vaccineHistoryVaccine History0..*group
.... vaccineTypeVaccine type/category that was administered or was to be administered. Any vaccine code available in the IMMZ.Z Vaccine Library list of codes applies in this data element1..1choiceValue Set: IMMZ.Z.DE23 Yellow fever containing vaccines
.... vaccineDateRepresents the visit/encounter date, which is the date and time when the vaccine was administered to the client1..1date

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