WHO Immunization Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - CI Build
WHO Immunization Implementation Guide, published by World Health Organization (WHO). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/smart-immunizations and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
Official URL: http://smart.who.int/ig/smart-immunizations/Library/IMMZD2DTMeaslesLowTx | Version: 0.1.0 | |||
Draft as of 2024-05-30 | Computable Name: IMMZD2DTMeaslesLowTx |
depends-on | FHIR model information | http://fhir.org/guides/cqf/common/Library/FHIR-ModelInfo|4.0.1 |
depends-on | Library FHIRHelpers | http://smart.who.int/ig/smart-immunizations/Library/FHIRHelpers|4.0.1 |
depends-on | Library IMMZCom | IMMZCommon |
depends-on | Library IMMZc | IMMZConcepts |
depends-on | Library IMMZCon | IMMZConfig |
depends-on | Library IMMZvl | IMMZVaccineLibrary |
depends-on | Library FC | FHIRCommon |
depends-on | Library input | IMMZD2DTMeaslesInput |
depends-on | Value set MCV Vaccine | IMMZ.Z.DE9 ValueSet for Measles Vaccines |
depends-on | Value set Live Attenuated | Set of live attenuated vaccines |
Patient | out | 0 | 1 | Patient |
Client is due for MCV1 | out | 0 | 1 | boolean |
Client is due for MCV2 | out | 0 | 1 | boolean |
Due date of the dose | out | 0 | 1 | date |
Routine immunization schedule complete | out | 0 | 1 | boolean |
Routine immunization schedule complete Guidance | out | 0 | 1 | string |
Client is due for MCV1 Guidance | out | 0 | 1 | string |
Client is due for MCV2 Guidance | out | 0 | 1 | string |
Client is not due for MCV1 Case 1 | out | 0 | 1 | boolean |
Client is not due for MCV1 Case 2 | out | 0 | 1 | boolean |
Client is not due for MCV1 | out | 0 | 1 | boolean |
Client is not due for MCV1 Guidance | out | 0 | 1 | string |
Client is not due for MCV2 Case 1 | out | 0 | 1 | boolean |
Client is not due for MCV2 Case 2 | out | 0 | 1 | boolean |
Client is not due for MCV2 | out | 0 | 1 | boolean |
Client is not due for MCV2 Guidance | out | 0 | 1 | string |
Guidance | out | 0 | 1 | string |
Type: Patient (Patient) |
Type: Immunization (Immunization) |
* Library: IMMZD2DTMeaslesLowTx (IMMZ.D2.DT.Measles.Low transmission)
* Rule: Determine if the client is due for a measles vaccination according to the national immunization schedule
* Decision Table: Countries with low levels of measles transmission
* Trigger: IMMZ.D2 Determine required vaccination(s) if any
library IMMZD2DTMeaslesLowTx
// Start Skeleton CQL
using FHIR version '4.0.1'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1'
include IMMZCommon called IMMZCom
include IMMZConcepts called IMMZc
include IMMZConfig called IMMZCon
include IMMZVaccineLibrary called IMMZvl
include FHIRCommon called FC
include IMMZD2DTMeaslesInput called input
// End Skeleton CQL
context Patient
@dynamicValue: Due date of the dose
define "Due date of the dose":
if "Client is due for MCV1" then Patient.birthDate + 12 months
else if "Client is due for MCV2" then Patient.birthDate + 15 months
else null
@dynamicValue: Guidance
define "Guidance":
when "Routine immunization schedule complete" then "Routine immunization schedule complete Guidance"
when "Client is due for MCV1" then "Client is due for MCV1 Guidance"
when "Client is due for MCV2" then "Client is due for MCV2 Guidance"
when "Client is not due for MCV1" then "Client is not due for MCV1 Guidance"
when "Client is not due for MCV2" then "Client is not due for MCV2 Guidance"
else null
@output: Client is not due for MCV1
@pseudocode: "Immunization recommendation status" = 'Not due'"
define "Client is not due for MCV1":
"Client is not due for MCV1 Case 1" or "Client is not due for MCV1 Case 2"
@output: Client is not due for MCV1 Guidance
@guidance: Should not vaccinate client for MCV1 as client's age is less than 12 months. Check for any vaccines due, and inform the caregiver of when to come back for MCV1.
@guidance: Should not vaccinate client for MCV1 as live vaccine was administered in the last 4 weeks. Check for any vaccines due, and inform the caregiver of when to come back for MCV1.
define "Client is not due for MCV1 Guidance":
when "Client is not due for MCV1 Case 1" then 'Should not vaccinate client for MCV1 as client\'s age is less than 12 months. Check for any vaccines due, and inform the caregiver of when to come back for MCV1.'
when "Client is not due for MCV1 Case 2" then 'Should not vaccinate client for MCV1 as live vaccine was administered in the last 4 weeks. Check for any vaccines due, and inform the caregiver of when to come back for MCV1.'
else ''
@output: Client is not due for MCV1 Case 1
@pseudocode: "Immunization recommendation status" = 'Not due'"
define "Client is not due for MCV1 Case 1":
input."Client's age is less than 12 months"
@output: Client is not due for MCV1 Case 2
@pseudocode: "Immunization recommendation status" = 'Not due'
define "Client is not due for MCV1 Case 2":
input."No measles primary series doses were administered"
and input."Client's age is more than or equal to 12 months"
and input."Live vaccine was administered in the last 4 weeks"
@output: Client is due for MCV1
@pseudocode: "Immunization recommendation status" = 'Due'
define "Client is due for MCV1":
input."No measles primary series doses were administered"
and input."Client's age is more than or equal to 12 months"
and input."No live vaccine was administered in the last 4 weeks"
@output: Client is due for MCV1 Guidance
@guidance: Should vaccinate client for MCV1 as no measles doses were administered, client is within appropriate age range and no live vaccine was administered in the last 4 weeks. Check for contraindications.
define "Client is due for MCV1 Guidance":
if "Client is due for MCV1" then 'Should vaccinate client for MCV1 as no measles doses were administered, client is within appropriate age range and no live vaccine was administered in the last 4 weeks. Check for contraindications.'
else ''
@output: Client is not due for MCV2 Case 1
@pseudocode: "Immunization recommendation status" = 'Not due'
define "Client is not due for MCV2 Case 1":
input."Client's age is less than 15 months"
@output: Client is not due for MCV2
@pseudocode: "Immunization recommendation status" = 'Not due'
define "Client is not due for MCV2":
"Client is not due for MCV2 Case 1" or "Client is not due for MCV2 Case 2"
@output: Client is not due for MCV2 Guidance
@guidance: Should not vaccinate client for MCV2 as client's age is less than 15 months. Check for any vaccines due, and inform the caregiver of when to come back for MCV2.
@guidance: Should not vaccinate client for MCV2 as live vaccine was administered in the last 4 weeks. Check for any vaccines due, and inform the caregiver of when to come back for MCV2.
define "Client is not due for MCV2 Guidance":
when "Client is not due for MCV2 Case 1" then 'Should not vaccinate client for MCV2 as client\'s age is less than 15 months. Check for any vaccines due, and inform the caregiver of when to come back for MCV2.'
when "Client is not due for MCV2 Case 2" then 'Should not vaccinate client for MCV2 as live vaccine was administered in the last 4 weeks. Check for any vaccines due, and inform the caregiver of when to come back for MCV2.'
else ''
@output: Client is due for MCV2
@pseudocode: "Immunization recommendation status" = 'Due'
@guidance: MCV2 was NOT administered for the client. No live vaccine administered in the last 4 weeks. Client is due for MCV2.
define "Client is due for MCV2":
input."MCV1 was administered Low Tx"
and input."Client's age is more than or equal to 15 months"
and input."No live vaccine was administered in the last 4 weeks"
@output: Client is due for MCV2 Guidance
@guidance: Should vaccinate client for MCV2 as client is within appropriate age range and no live vaccine administered in the last 4 weeks. Check for contraindications.
define "Client is due for MCV2 Guidance":
if "Client is due for MCV2" then 'Should vaccinate client for MCV2 as client is within appropriate age range and no live vaccine administered in the last 4 weeks. Check for contraindications.'
else ''
@output: Client is not due for MCV2 Case 2
@pseudocode: "Immunization recommendation status" = 'Not due'
define "Client is not due for MCV2 Case 2":
input."MCV1 was administered Low Tx"
and input."Client's age is more than or equal to 15 months"
and input."Live vaccine was administered in the last 4 weeks"
@output: Routine immunization schedule complete
@pseudocode: "Completed the primary vaccination series" = TRUE (where "Vaccine type" = "Measles containing vaccines")
define "Routine immunization schedule complete":
input."MCV2 was administered Low Tx"
@output: Routine immunization schedule complete Guidance
@guidance: Measles primary series is complete. Two measles primary series doses were administered. Check if a measles supplementary dose is appropriate for the client.
define "Routine immunization schedule complete Guidance":
if "Routine immunization schedule complete" then 'Measles primary series is complete. Two measles primary series doses were administered. Check if a measles supplementary dose is appropriate for the client.'
else ''
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