WHO Immunization Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - CI Build International flag

WHO Immunization Implementation Guide, published by World Health Organization (WHO). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/smart-immunizations and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Library: IMMZD18SMeaslesDose0HighTx

Official URL: http://smart.who.int/ig/smart-immunizations/Library/IMMZD18SMeaslesDose0HighTx Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2024-05-30 Computable Name: IMMZD18SMeaslesDose0HighTx

Related Artifacts

depends-onFHIR model informationhttp://fhir.org/guides/cqf/common/Library/FHIR-ModelInfo|4.0.1
depends-onLibrary FHIRHelpershttp://smart.who.int/ig/smart-immunizations/Library/FHIRHelpers|4.0.1
depends-onLibrary IMMZComIMMZCommon
depends-onLibrary IMMZcIMMZConcepts
depends-onLibrary IMMZConIMMZConfig
depends-onLibrary IMMZvlIMMZVaccineLibrary
depends-onLibrary FCFHIRCommon
depends-onLibrary inputIMMZD2DTMeaslesInput
depends-onValue set MCV VaccineIMMZ.Z.DE9 ValueSet for Measles Vaccines


Measles MCV0 dose Expirationout01date
Measles MCV0 doseout01boolean
Measles MCV0 dose Due Dateout01date
Measles MCV0 dose Createout01string
Measles MCV0 dose Overdueout01Resource

Data Requirements

Type: Patient (Patient)
Type: Immunization (Immunization)



 * Library: IMMZD18SMeaslesDose0HighTx (IMMZ.D18.S.Measles.MCV dose 0 schedule.HighTx)
 * Schedule Table: MCV dose 0 (MCV0) schedule
library IMMZD18SMeaslesDose0HighTx
// Start Skeleton CQL
using FHIR version '4.0.1'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1'
include IMMZCommon called IMMZCom
include IMMZConcepts called IMMZc
include IMMZConfig called IMMZCon
include IMMZVaccineLibrary called IMMZvl
include FHIRCommon called FC
include IMMZD2DTMeaslesInput called input

// End Skeleton CQL
context Patient

@output: Measles MCV0 dose
@trigger: Child's birth
define "Measles MCV0 dose":
	Count(input."MCV Doses Administered to Patient") = 0 and Now() <= "Measles MCV0 dose Expiration"

@output: Measles MCV0 dose Create
@create: In the following situations, a supplementary dose of MCV should be given to infants from 6 months of age: 
-	(1) during a measles outbreak as part of intensified service delivery;
-	(2) during campaigns in settings where the risk of measles among infants < 9 months of age remains high (e.g. in endemic countries experiencing regular outbreaks);
-	(3) for internally displaced populations and refugees, and populations in conflict zones;
-	(4) for individual infants at high risk of contracting measles (e.g. contacts of known measles cases or in settings with increased risk of exposure during outbreaks such as day-care facilities);
-	(5) for infants travelling to countries experiencing measles outbreaks;
-	(6) for infants known to be HIV-infected or exposed (i.e. born to an HIV-infected woman).
define "Measles MCV0 dose Create":
	if "Measles MCV0 dose" then 	'In the following situations, a supplementary dose of MCV should be given to infants from 6 months of age: \n-	(1) during a measles outbreak as part of intensified service delivery;\n-	(2) during campaigns in settings where the risk of measles among infants < 9 months of age remains high (e.g. in endemic countries experiencing regular outbreaks);\n-	(3) for internally displaced populations and refugees, and populations in conflict zones;\n-	(4) for individual infants at high risk of contracting measles (e.g. contacts of known measles cases or in settings with increased risk of exposure during outbreaks such as day-care facilities);\n-	(5) for infants travelling to countries experiencing measles outbreaks;\n-	(6) for infants known to be HIV-infected or exposed (i.e. born to an HIV-infected woman).\nDue Date is '
		+ ToString("Measles MCV0 dose Due Date")
	else ''

@dynamicValue: Measles MCV0 dose Due Date
@pseudocode: "Date of birth" + 6 'month'
define "Measles MCV0 dose Due Date":
	if "Measles MCV0 dose" then Patient.birthDate + 6 months
	else null

@dynamicValue: Measles MCV0 dose Overdue
@pseudocode: To be determined by Member States however there is no recommended overdue date and individuals are always eligible to be vaccinated
define "Measles MCV0 dose Overdue":

@dynamicValue: Measles MCV0 dose Expiration
@pseudocode: "Date of birth" + 9 'month' for countries with ongoing transmission in which the risk of measles mortality remains high OR "Date of birth" + 12 'month' for countries with low levels of measles transmission
define "Measles MCV0 dose Expiration":
	Patient.birthDate + 9 months

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