WHO Immunization Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - CI Build International flag

WHO Immunization Implementation Guide, published by World Health Organization (WHO). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/smart-immunizations and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: ConceptMap to and from IMMZ.D1 DataElements

Official URL: http://smart.who.int/ig/smart-immunizations/ConceptMap/IMMZ.D1.ConceptMap Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2024-01-19 Computable Name: IMMZ_D1_ConceptMap

Mapping to and from IMMZ.D1 Data Dictionary to other codesystems.

Mapping from (not specified) to (not specified)

ACTIVE. Published on 2024-01-19 by World Health Organization (WHO) (World Health Organization (WHO): https://www.who.int).

Mapping to and from IMMZ.D1 Data Dictionary to other codesystems.

Group 1 Mapping from IMMZ.D1 CodeSystem for Data Elements to http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-11

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
DE11 (HIV-positive)narrower1C62.Z
DE12 (HIV-negative)is related toQA02.Y
DE15 (Preterm birth)is equivalent toKA21.4
DE16 (Immunocompromised)maps to wider concept4B4Z
DE86 (TST)is equivalent toXM0EK6
DE88 (Positive)is related to1B1Z
DE89 (Negative)is related toQA02.0
DE29 (Birth weight in grams)is related toKA21
DE35 (Type of polio dose)is related toXM0N50
DE36 (IPV)is equivalent toXM5V19
DE37 (bOPV)is equivalent toXM79H3
DE53 (Inactivated Vero cell-derived vaccine)maps to wider conceptXM0LB5
DE54 (Live attenuated vaccine)is equivalent toXM47S0
DE57 (FSME-Immun)maps to wider conceptXM8MP6
DE58 (Encepur)maps to wider conceptXM8MP6
DE59 (TBE-Moscow)maps to wider conceptXM8MP6
DE60 (EnceVir)maps to wider conceptXM8MP6
DE62 (Typbar-TCV)maps to wider conceptXM8BU8
DE63 (ViPS)maps to wider conceptXM3SF6
DE64 (Ty21a)maps to wider conceptXM33K4
DE66 (WC vaccine)is equivalent toXM3Z26
DE67 (WC-rBS vaccine)maps to wider conceptXM29K4
DE69 (MenA conjugate vaccine (5µg))is equivalent toXM2280
DE70 (Monovalent MenC conjugate)is equivalent toXM18Y8
DE71 (Quadrivalent conjugate)is equivalent toXM2EH7
DE97 (Polysaccharide vaccine)narrowerXM92B2
DE74 (Live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine)maps to wider conceptXM6LL6
DE75 (Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine)is equivalent toXM2A12
DE100 (Hepatitis B monovalent vaccine)is related toXM9V38

Group 2 Mapping from http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-11 to IMMZ.D1 CodeSystem for Data Elements

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
1C62.Zmaps to wider conceptDE11 (HIV-positive)
QA02.Yis related toDE12 (HIV-negative)
KA21.4is equivalent toDE15 (Preterm birth)
4B4ZnarrowerDE16 (Immunocompromised)
XM0EK6is equivalent toDE86 (TST)
1B1Zis related toDE88 (Positive)
QA02.0is related toDE89 (Negative)
KA21is related toDE29 (Birth weight in grams)
XM0N50is related toDE35 (Type of polio dose)
XM5V19is equivalent toDE36 (IPV)
XM79H3is equivalent toDE37 (bOPV)
XM0LB5narrowerDE53 (Inactivated Vero cell-derived vaccine)
XM47S0is equivalent toDE54 (Live attenuated vaccine)
XM8MP6narrowerDE57 (FSME-Immun)
XM8MP6narrowerDE58 (Encepur)
XM8MP6narrowerDE59 (TBE-Moscow)
XM8MP6narrowerDE60 (EnceVir)
XM8BU8narrowerDE62 (Typbar-TCV)
XM3SF6narrowerDE63 (ViPS)
XM33K4narrowerDE64 (Ty21a)
XM3Z26is equivalent toDE66 (WC vaccine)
XM29K4narrowerDE67 (WC-rBS vaccine)
XM2280is equivalent toDE69 (MenA conjugate vaccine (5µg))
XM18Y8is equivalent toDE70 (Monovalent MenC conjugate)
XM2EH7is equivalent toDE71 (Quadrivalent conjugate)
XM92B2maps to wider conceptDE97 (Polysaccharide vaccine)
XM6LL6narrowerDE74 (Live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine)
XM2A12is equivalent toDE75 (Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine)
XM9V38is related toDE100 (Hepatitis B monovalent vaccine)

Group 3 Mapping from IMMZ.D1 CodeSystem for Data Elements to Logical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC)

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
DE10 (HIV status)is equivalent to55277-8 (HIV status)
DE11 (HIV-positive)is equivalent to45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])
DE15 (Preterm birth)is equivalent to76517-2 (Premature infant)
DE16 (Immunocompromised)is related to96381-9 (Immune status)
DE85 (IGRA)maps to wider concept27415-9 (Interferon gamma [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma)
DE86 (TST)is equivalent to39263-9 (Tuberculin screen test status CPHS)
DE88 (Positive)is related to45241-7 (Tuberculosis status)
DE29 (Birth weight in grams)is equivalent to8339-4 (Birth weight Measured)
DE92 (Severely immunosuppressed)is related to96381-9 (Immune status)

Group 4 Mapping from Logical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC) to IMMZ.D1 CodeSystem for Data Elements

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
55277-8 (HIV status)is equivalent toDE10 (HIV status)
45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])is equivalent toDE11 (HIV-positive)
76517-2 (Premature infant)is equivalent toDE15 (Preterm birth)
96381-9 (Immune status)is related toDE16 (Immunocompromised)
27415-9 (Interferon gamma [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma)narrowerDE85 (IGRA)
39263-9 (Tuberculin screen test status CPHS)is equivalent toDE86 (TST)
45241-7 (Tuberculosis status)is related toDE88 (Positive)
8339-4 (Birth weight Measured)is equivalent toDE29 (Birth weight in grams)
96381-9 (Immune status)is related toDE92 (Severely immunosuppressed)

Group 5 Mapping from IMMZ.D1 CodeSystem for Data Elements to SNOMED CT (all versions)

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
DE10 (HIV status)is equivalent to278977008 (HIV status)
DE11 (HIV-positive)is equivalent to165816005 (HIV positive)
DE12 (HIV-negative)is equivalent to165815009 (HIV negative)
DE13 (Unknown)maps to wider concept261665006 (Unknown)
DE15 (Preterm birth)is equivalent to395507008 (Premature infant (finding))
DE16 (Immunocompromised)is equivalent to370388006 (Patient immunocompromised)
DE85 (IGRA)is equivalent to68311008 (Interferon assay)
DE86 (TST)is equivalent to28163009 (Skin test for tuberculosis, Tine test)
DE88 (Positive)maps to wider concept10828004 (Positive)
DE89 (Negative)maps to wider concept260385009 (Negative)
DE36 (IPV)is equivalent to871740006 (Inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigen only vaccine product)

Group 6 Mapping from SNOMED CT (all versions) to IMMZ.D1 CodeSystem for Data Elements

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
278977008 (HIV status)is equivalent toDE10 (HIV status)
165816005 (HIV positive)is equivalent toDE11 (HIV-positive)
165815009 (HIV negative)is equivalent toDE12 (HIV-negative)
261665006 (Unknown)narrowerDE13 (Unknown)
395507008 (Premature infant (finding))is equivalent toDE15 (Preterm birth)
370388006 (Patient immunocompromised)is equivalent toDE16 (Immunocompromised)
68311008 (Interferon assay)is equivalent toDE85 (IGRA)
28163009 (Skin test for tuberculosis, Tine test)is equivalent toDE86 (TST)
10828004 (Positive)narrowerDE88 (Positive)
260385009 (Negative)narrowerDE89 (Negative)
871740006 (Inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigen only vaccine product)is equivalent toDE36 (IPV)