WHO Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC)
1.0.0 - CI Build International flag

This is the continuous build for version 1.0.0. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/ddcc and changes regularly.


Official URL: http://who-int.github.io/svc/StructureMap/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle Version: 1.0.0
Draft as of 2024-04-24 Computable Name: svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle
map "http://who-int.github.io/svc/StructureMap/svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle" = "svc-map-qr-uvci-bundle"

uses "http://who-int.github.io/svc/refs/heads/qr-encoding/StructureDefinition/svc-qr-uvci" alias QR as source
uses "http://who-int.github.io/svc/StructureDefinition/svc-bundle" alias SVC_Bundle as target
uses "http://who-int.github.io/svc/StructureDefinition/svc-composition" alias SVC_Composition as produced
uses "http://who-int.github.io/svc/StructureDefinition/svc-patient" alias SVC_Patient as produced
uses "http://who-int.github.io/svc/StructureDefinition/svc-organization" alias SVC_Organization as produced
uses "http://who-int.github.io/svc/StructureDefinition/svc-provenance" alias SVC_Provenance as produced

group Decode_QR(source qr : QR, target bundle) {
  qr ->  create('SVC_Patient') as patient,  create('SVC_Organization') as organization then Decode_QR_Patient(qr, patient), Decode_QR_Organization(qr, organization), Decode_QR_Bundle(qr, patient, organzation, bundle) "Create resources and process bundle";

group Decode_QR_Patient(source qr : QR, target patient : SVC_Patient) {
  qr.name as qrname, patient.name as pname ->  pname.text = qrname,  pname.use = 'official' "Load Name";
  qr.pid as pid -> patient.identifier = id('XXXXXurn:uetf:rfc:3986', pid) "Load Patient Identifer";
  qr.birthDate as birthDate -> patient.birthDate = birthDate "Load Birth Date";

group Decode_QR_Organization(source qr : QR, target organization : SVC_Organization) {
  qr.phaid as phaid -> organization.identifier = id('XXXXXurn:ietf:rfc:3986', phaid) "Load PHA ID";

group Decode_QR_Bundle(source qr : QR, target patient : SVC_Patient, target bundle : SVC_Bundle) {
  qr ->  bundle.status = 'final',  bundle.type = 'document' "Set Bundle Metadata";
  qr.paperid as paperid -> bundle.identifier = id('XXXXXurn:ietf:rfc:3986', paperid) "Load Paper SVC ID";
  qr.signature as qrsig, bundle.signature as bsig ->  bsig.data = qrsig,  bsig.type = '1.2.840.10065.',  bsig.format = 'XXXXXXX TBD',  bsig.who = reference(organization) "Load Signature";
  qr ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('SVC_Composition') as compostion then Decode_QR_Composition(qr, bundle, composition) "Process Composition Entry";

group Decode_QR_Composition(source qr : QR, source ,, target bundle : SVC_Bundle, target patient : SVC_Patient, target organization : SVC_Organization, target composition : SVC_Composition) {
  qr ->  composition.subject = reference(patient),  composition.author = reference(organization) "Set Composition Meta";
  qr.digitalid as digitalid -> composition.identifier = id('XXXXXurn:ietf:rfc:3986', digitalid) "Load Digital SVC ID";

group Decode_QR_Provenance(source qr : QR, target bundle : SVC_Bundle, target patient : SVC_Patient, target organization : SVC_Organization, target paper : SVC_Composition, target digital : SVC_Composition, target provenance : SVC_Provenance) {
  qr, provenance.entity as e_digital, provenance.agent as agent, provenance.signature as psig ->  provenance.reason = 'PUBHLTH',  provenance.policy = 'XXXXXXX urn:example:who:smart:vaccine-certificate:RC1',  provenance.target = reference(bundle),  e_digital.role = 'source',  e_digital.what = reference(composition),  e_digital.agent = reference(organization),  e_paper.role = 'source',  e_paper.what = reference(bundle),  e_paper.agent = reference(organization),  psig.format = 'XXXXX TBD',  psig.who = reference(organization),  psg.type = '1.2.840.10065.',  psig.data = signature then {
    agent.who as who ->  who.reference = reference(organization),  who.onBehalfOf = reference(patient) as "Set who";
  } "Set provenance";