Validation Results for ICVP

Generated Wed Dec 11 15:45:35 UTC 2024, FHIR version 4.0.1 for (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.8.1
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId =, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Publication Request:
  • Version 0.1.0 has already been published
  • This is not the first publication, so first must not be true
  • Publication Request is for version v0.1.0 which is already published
Supressed Messages:No Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
... hl7.terminology.r46.1.0 MR4http://terminology.hl7.org
... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r45.1.0 MR4
... MR4
.... hl7.terminology5.5.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 6.1.0
..... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r41.0.0 OR4 Release is 5.1.0
.... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r45.1.0 MR4 above
.... hl7.fhir.uv.cql1.0.0 MR4
..... hl7.terminology5.5.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org above. Latest Release is 6.1.0
..... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r45.1.0 MR4 above
.... hl7.fhir.uv.crmi1.0.0 MR4
..... hl7.terminology5.5.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org above. Latest Release is 6.1.0
..... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r45.1.0 MR4 above
.... hl7.fhir.uv.sdc3.0.0 MR4
..... hl7.fhir.r4.examples4.0.1 OR4 Release is 5.0.0
... hl7.fhir.uv.ips2.0.0-ballot IR4
.... hl7.terminology.r46.0.2 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 6.1.0
.... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r45.1.0 MR4 above
... hl7.fhir.uv.sdc3.0.0 MR4 above
... ihe.iti.mcsd3.8.0 MR4
.... hl7.terminology.r43.1.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 6.1.0
.... ihe.iti.balp1.1.0 OR4 Release is 1.1.3
... MR4
.... hl7.terminology.r46.0.2 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org above. Latest Release is 6.1.0
.... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r45.1.0 MR4 above
.... MR4 above
Templates: who.template.root#current -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.3.0
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
Terminology Server(s): (details)
HTA Analysis:Non-HL7 Igs are exempt from terminology dependency analysis
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison:
IPA Comparison: n/a
IPS Comparison: n/a
Validation Flags: On: autoLoad; Off: hintAboutNonMustSupport, anyExtensionsAllowed, checkAggregation, showReferenceMessages, noExperimentalContent, displayWarnings
Summary: errors = 112, warn = 45, info = 112, broken links = 5
Build Errors11100

n/a Show Validation Information

errorUnable to find for the resource StructureMap/DVCClaimtoDVCLM. Name is mandatory if it cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/DVCClaimtoDVCLM. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
errorUnable to find for the resource StructureMap/DVCClaimtoIPS. Name is mandatory if it cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/DVCClaimtoIPS. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
errorUnable to find for the resource StructureMap/DVCLMToIPS. Name is mandatory if it cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/DVCLMToIPS. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
errorUnable to find for the resource StructureMap/DVCLMtoDVCClaim. Name is mandatory if it cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/DVCLMtoDVCClaim. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
errorUnable to find for the resource StructureMap/DVCQRtoDVCClaim. Name is mandatory if it cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/DVCQRtoDVCClaim. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
errorUnable to find for the resource StructureMap/DVCQRtoDVCLM. Name is mandatory if it cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/DVCQRtoDVCLM. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
output​/Questionnaire-Questionnaire-DVCModel-form​.htmlerrorunexpected non-end of element null::div at line 343 column 237
output​/Questionnaire-Questionnaire-ICVPModel-form​.htmlerrorunexpected non-end of element null::div at line 343 column 238
output​/StructureDefinition-DVC-ImmunizationUvIps-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/ul​/li​/a at Line 479, column 6errorThe link '' for "targetDiseases-uv-ips" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DVC-ImmunizationUvIps-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/ul​/li​/a at Line 786, column 30errorThe link '' for "targetDiseases-uv-ips" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-DVC-ImmunizationUvIps-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/ul​/li​/a at Line 824, column 30errorThe link '' for "targetDiseases-uv-ips" cannot be resolved
1warningThe HTML fragment 'ip-statements.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
2warningAn HTML fragment from the set [cross-version-analysis.xhtml, cross-version-analysis-inline.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
3warningAn HTML fragment from the set [dependency-table.xhtml, dependency-table-short.xhtml, dependency-table-nontech.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
4warningThe HTML fragment 'globals-table.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide

fsh-generated/resources/Binary-IVCP123455.json Show Validation Information (1)

ModelICVP​.vaccineDetails[0]​.doseNumber​.coding[0]​.code (l24​/c8)errorUnknown code 'FirstDose' in the CodeSystem '' version '0.1.0'
ModelICVP​.vaccineDetails[0]​.doseNumber (l24​/c8)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Dose Number' (|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
ModelICVP​.vaccineDetails[0]​.disease (l34​/c8)informationReference to experimental CodeSystem|0.1.0
ModelICVP​.vaccineDetails[0]​.vaccineClassification​.coding[0] (l9​/c8)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Binary-ModelDVCExample.json Show Validation Information (1)

ModelDVC​.vaccineDetails[0]​.doseNumber​.coding[0]​.code (l30​/c8)errorUnknown code 'FirstDose' in the CodeSystem '' version '0.1.0'
ModelDVC​.vaccineDetails[0]​.doseNumber (l30​/c8)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Dose Number' (|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
ModelDVC​.vaccineDetails[0]​.disease (l9​/c8)informationReference to experimental CodeSystem|0.1.0
ModelDVC​.vaccineDetails[0]​.vaccineClassification (l14​/c8)informationReference to experimental CodeSystem|0.1.0

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-DVCRelationshipStatus.json Show Validation Information (2)

CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c1384)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
CodeSystem (l1/c1384)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-doseNumber.json Show Validation Information (2)

CodeSystem (l1/c2763)warningConstraint failed: csd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c2763)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
CodeSystem (l1/c2763)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ Show Validation Information (2)

ImplementationGuide (l1/c28099)errorImplementationGuide.experimental: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|0.1.0)
ImplementationGuide.license (l1/c1124)errorValue is 'CC0-1.0' but is fixed to 'CC-BY-SA-3.0-IGO' in the profile|0.1.0#ImplementationGuide.license
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[0] (l1​/c11627)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[1] (l1​/c11968)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[2] (l1​/c12231)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[3] (l1​/c12479)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[4] (l1​/c12733)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[5] (l1​/c13031)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[6] (l1​/c13328)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[7] (l1​/c13666)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[8] (l1​/c13935)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[9] (l1​/c14281)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[10] (l1​/c14648)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[11] (l1​/c14989)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[12] (l1​/c15339)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[13] (l1​/c15635)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[14] (l1​/c15904)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[15] (l1​/c16366)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[16] (l1​/c16699)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[17] (l1​/c16980)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[18] (l1​/c17353)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[19] (l1​/c17640)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[20] (l1​/c17931)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[21] (l1​/c18230)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[22] (l1​/c18646)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[23] (l1​/c19076)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[24] (l1​/c19387)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[25] (l1​/c19702)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[26] (l1​/c19881)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[27] (l1​/c20058)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[28] (l1​/c20232)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[29] (l1​/c20411)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[30] (l1​/c20590)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[31] (l1​/c20766)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-Questionnaire-DVCModel.json Show Validation Information (10)

Questionnaire​.contained[0]​/*ValueSet​/v2-0001*​/ (l1​/c69778)warningConstraint failed: vsd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
Questionnaire​.contained[3]​/*ValueSet​/DVCVaccines*​/​.compose​.include[0]​.concept[96]​.display (l1​/c80221)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Varicella, live attenuated \u00a0 \u00a0'
Questionnaire​.contained[4]​/*ValueSet​/doseNumber*​/ (l1​/c81314)warningConstraint failed: vsd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
Questionnaire.contained[0] (l1/c69778)errorThe contained resource 'v2-0001' is not referenced to from elsewhere in the containing resource nor does it refer to the containing resource (dom-3)
Questionnaire.contained[1] (l1/c71345)errorThe contained resource 'v3-Country' is not referenced to from elsewhere in the containing resource nor does it refer to the containing resource (dom-3)

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-Questionnaire-ICVPModel.json Show Validation Information (10)

Questionnaire​.contained[0]​/*ValueSet​/v2-0001*​/ (l1​/c47298)warningConstraint failed: vsd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
Questionnaire​.contained[4]​/*ValueSet​/doseNumber*​/ (l1​/c51211)warningConstraint failed: vsd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
Questionnaire.contained[0] (l1/c47298)errorThe contained resource 'v2-0001' is not referenced to from elsewhere in the containing resource nor does it refer to the containing resource (dom-3)
Questionnaire.contained[1] (l1/c48865)errorThe contained resource 'v3-Country' is not referenced to from elsewhere in the containing resource nor does it refer to the containing resource (dom-3)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DVC-ImmunizationUvIps.json Show Validation Information (3)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/icvp​/StructureDefinition​/DVC-ImmunizationUvIps')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DVCBundle.json Show Validation Information (3)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/icvp​/StructureDefinition​/DVCBundle')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DVCComposition.json Show Validation Information (3)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/icvp​/StructureDefinition​/DVCComposition')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DVCIPS.json Show Validation Information (3)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/icvp​/StructureDefinition​/DVCIPS')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DVCIPSComposition.json Show Validation Information (3)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[39]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c75106)informationThe discriminator type 'pattern' is deprecated in R5+. For future compatibility, you could consider using type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[53]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c95301)informationThe discriminator type 'pattern' is deprecated in R5+. For future compatibility, you could consider using type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/icvp​/StructureDefinition​/DVCIPSComposition')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DVCPatient.json Show Validation Information (3)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/icvp​/StructureDefinition​/DVCPatient')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ICVPEvent.json Show Validation Information (3)

StructureDefinitionwarningThe definition builds on '' which is experimental, but this definition is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-doseNumberCodeableConcept.json Show Validation Information (3)

StructureDefinition (l1/c15939)warningConstraint failed: sdf-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
StructureDefinition.context[0]warningReview the extension type for doseNumberCodeableConcept: extensions should not have a context of Element unless it's really intended that they can be used anywhere
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/smart​.who​.int​/icvp​/StructureDefinition​/doseNumberCodeableConcept')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DVCRelationshipStatus.json Show Validation Information (2)

ValueSet (l1/c1005)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DVCVaccines.json Show Validation Information (2)

ValueSet​.compose​.include[0]​.concept[96]​.display (l1​/c31036)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Varicella, live attenuated \u00a0 \u00a0'
ValueSet (l1/c31847)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DiseaseTargeted.json Show Validation Information (2)

ValueSet (l1/c5691)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-ICVPDiseaseTargeted.json Show Validation Information (2)

ValueSet (l1/c1465)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-ICVPVaccineCodes.json Show Validation Information (2)

ValueSet (l1/c5923)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-doseNumber.json Show Validation Information (2)

ValueSet (l1/c843)warningConstraint failed: vsd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ValueSet (l1/c843)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

input/maps/ Show Validation Information (2)

StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.target[0]​.parameter[0]​.value​.ofType(string) (l1​/c22770)informationThe string value contains text that looks like embedded HTML tags. If this content is rendered to HTML without appropriate post-processing, it may be a security risk
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c24905)errorid value 'set period start' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c25140)errorid value 'set period end' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c17278)errorThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c17856)errorThe source path src.vp refers to the path BackboneElement.vp which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c18678)errorThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c19106)errorThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.source[0] (l1​/c19315)errorThe source path src.mid refers to the path BackboneElement.mid which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.source[0] (l1​/c19742)errorThe source path src.dt refers to the path BackboneElement.dt which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[6]​.source[0] (l1​/c19941)errorThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[7]​.source[0] (l1​/c20112)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[7]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c20319)errorThe source path src.vls refers to the path BackboneElement.vls which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[7]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c20527)errorThe source path src.vle refers to the path BackboneElement.vle which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[7]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c20698)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.source[0] (l1​/c20913)errorThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[9]​.source[0] (l1​/c21121)errorThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[10]​.source[0] (l1​/c21444)errorThe source path src.dn refers to the path BackboneElement.dn which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[2]​.input[0] (l1​/c22333)errorThe type Section is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c22569)errorThe target path text.status refers to the path string.status which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c22773)errorThe target path text.div refers to the path string.div which is unknown[3] (l1/c24721)informationThe group humanNameToHumanName is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[3]​.input[0] (l1​/c22873)warningGroup humanNameToHumanName parameter sourceName has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[6]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c24632)errorThe target context 'sourcePeriod' is not known at this point[4] (l1/c25344)informationThe group periodToPeriod is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[4]​.input[0] (l1​/c24813)warningGroup periodToPeriod parameter sourcePeriod has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[0] (l1​/c25115)errorThe name set period start is not valid
StructureMap​.group[4]​.rule[1] (l1​/c25342)errorThe name set period end is not valid

input/maps/ Show Validation Information (2)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c45737)errorid value 'set LmToComposition' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c52070)errorid value 'Patient Gender' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c53115)errorid value 'set male' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c53325)errorid value 'set female' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.name (l1​/c53535)errorid value 'set male' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3]​.name (l1​/c53745)errorid value 'set female' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[4]​.name (l1​/c53955)errorid value 'set male' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[5]​.name (l1​/c54168)errorid value 'set female' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c54383)errorid value 'set male' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[7]​.name (l1​/c54596)errorid value 'set female' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[9]​.rule[6]​.name (l1​/c67823)errorid value 'set Manufacturer' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[10]​.rule[1]​.target[0]​.parameter[0]​.value​.ofType(string) (l1​/c68887)informationThe string value contains text that looks like embedded HTML tags. If this content is rendered to HTML without appropriate post-processing, it may be a security risk
StructureMap​.group[11]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c69074)errorid value 'Patient Name' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[13]​.rule[0]​.name (l1​/c71340)errorid value 'set period start' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[13]​.rule[1]​.name (l1​/c71575)errorid value 'set period end' is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c44207)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c44383)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c44843)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c45305)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c45885)errorThe name set LmToComposition is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c45764)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c45941)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c46347)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c46483)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c47230)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c47428)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c48073)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c48250)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c48436)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c48644)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.source[0] (l1​/c49418)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c49578)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c50079)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[6]​.source[0] (l1​/c50298)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[7]​.source[0] (l1​/c50546)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.source[0] (l1​/c50789)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[9]​.source[0] (l1​/c51036)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c51434)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[3] (l1​/c52200)errorThe name Patient Gender is not valid
StructureMap​.group[2]​.rule[5]​.dependent[0] (l1​/c52889)warningThe group nameToHumanName has already been used with different parameters, so the type checking may be incorrect (other = [sourceName : string (source), targetName : HumanName (target)]; this = [sourceName : string (source), targetName : HumanName (target)])
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0] (l1​/c53304)errorThe name set male is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c53169)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1] (l1​/c53516)errorThe name set female is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c53379)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2] (l1​/c53724)errorThe name set male is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c53589)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3] (l1​/c53936)errorThe name set female is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c53799)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[4] (l1​/c54147)errorThe name set male is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[4]​.source[0] (l1​/c54012)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[5] (l1​/c54364)errorThe name set female is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[5]​.source[0] (l1​/c54227)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[6] (l1​/c54575)errorThe name set male is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[6]​.source[0] (l1​/c54440)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[7] (l1​/c54792)errorThe name set female is not valid
StructureMap​.group[3]​.rule[7]​.source[0] (l1​/c54655)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c55491)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c55669)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c55819)errorThe target path med.title refers to the path BackboneElement.title which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c55866)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c55955)errorThe target path med.text refers to the path BackboneElement.text which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c56019)errorThe parameter 'src' refers to the variable 'med : BackboneElement (target)' but it's type is 'Section' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'generateNarrativeText', which is 'Section' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c56075)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[3]​.target[5] (l1​/c56791)errorThe target path med.code refers to the path BackboneElement.code which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[4]​.source[0] (l1​/c56838)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[5]​.rule[4]​.target[5] (l1​/c57595)errorThe target path med.emptyReason refers to the path BackboneElement.emptyReason which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c57903)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c58078)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c58219)errorThe target path all.title refers to the path BackboneElement.title which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c58266)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c58355)errorThe target path all.text refers to the path BackboneElement.text which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c58419)errorThe parameter 'src' refers to the variable 'all : BackboneElement (target)' but it's type is 'Section' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'generateNarrativeText', which is 'Section' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c58475)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[3]​.target[5] (l1​/c59191)errorThe target path all.code refers to the path BackboneElement.code which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[4]​.source[0] (l1​/c59238)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[6]​.rule[4]​.target[5] (l1​/c59995)errorThe target path all.emptyReason refers to the path BackboneElement.emptyReason which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[7]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c60306)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[7]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c60483)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[7]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c60623)errorThe target path prb.title refers to the path BackboneElement.title which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[7]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c60670)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[7]​.rule[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c60759)errorThe target path prb.text refers to the path BackboneElement.text which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[7]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c60823)errorThe parameter 'src' refers to the variable 'prb : BackboneElement (target)' but it's type is 'Section' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'generateNarrativeText', which is 'Section' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[7]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c60879)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[7]​.rule[3]​.target[5] (l1​/c61595)errorThe target path prb.code refers to the path BackboneElement.code which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[7]​.rule[4]​.source[0] (l1​/c61642)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[7]​.rule[4]​.target[5] (l1​/c62399)errorThe target path prb.emptyReason refers to the path BackboneElement.emptyReason which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[8]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c62792)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[8]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c62959)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[8]​.rule[0]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c63141)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[8]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c63333)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[8]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c63486)errorThe parameter 'src' refers to the variable 'imm : BackboneElement (target)' but it's type is 'Section' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'generateNarrativeText', which is 'Section' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[8]​.rule[0]​.rule[2]​.dependent[0]​.variable[1] (l1​/c63493)errorThe parameter 'text' refers to the variable 'text : Narrative (target)' but it's type is 'string' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'generateNarrativeText', which is 'string' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[8]​.rule[0]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c63542)informationThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
StructureMap​.group[8]​.rule[0]​.rule[4]​.dependent[0]​.variable[0] (l1​/c65235)errorThe parameter 'vax' refers to the variable 'vax : (source)' but it's type is 'vaccineDetails' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'createImmunizationResource', which is 'vaccineDetails' (from map '$this')
StructureMap​.group[10]​.input[0] (l1​/c68411)errorThe type Section is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[10]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c68647)errorThe target path text.status refers to the path string.status which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[10]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c68890)errorThe target path text.div refers to the path string.div which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[11]​.rule[0] (l1​/c69273)errorThe name Patient Name is not valid[9] (l1/c68270)informationThe group createImmunizationResource is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[9]​.input[0] (l1​/c65383)errorThe type vaccineDetails is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[9]​.input[2] (l1​/c65476)warningGroup createImmunizationResource parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[9]​.rule[6] (l1​/c68268)errorThe name set Manufacturer is not valid[12] (l1/c71156)informationThe group humanNameToHumanName is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[12]​.input[0] (l1​/c69371)warningGroup humanNameToHumanName parameter sourceName has no type, so the paths cannot be validated[13] (l1/c71779)informationThe group periodToPeriod is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
StructureMap​.group[13]​.input[0] (l1​/c71248)warningGroup periodToPeriod parameter sourcePeriod has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[13]​.rule[0] (l1​/c71550)errorThe name set period start is not valid
StructureMap​.group[13]​.rule[1] (l1​/c71777)errorThe name set period end is not valid

input/maps/ Show Validation Information (2)

StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c10833)errorThe source path sex.code refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c11148)errorThe source path nationality.code refers to the path ModelDVC.nationality.code which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c12315)errorThe source path dn.Coding refers to the path ModelVaccineDetails.doseNumber.Coding which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c12540)errorThe target path tVax.dn refers to the path BackboneElement.dn which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c12848)errorThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c13039)errorThe source path vc.Coding refers to the path ModelVaccineDetails.vaccineClassification.Coding which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.rule[0]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c13260)errorThe target context 'mtVax' is not known at this point
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c13578)errorThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c13806)errorThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c14121)errorThe target path tVax.mid refers to the path BackboneElement.mid which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c14325)errorThe target path tVax.dt refers to the path BackboneElement.dt which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c14532)errorThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c14843)errorThe target path tVax.vls refers to the path BackboneElement.vls which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.rule[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c15048)errorThe target path tVax.vle refers to the path BackboneElement.vle which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[9]​.target[0] (l1​/c15279)errorThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[10]​.rule[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c15586)errorThe target path refers to the path which is unknown

input/maps/ Show Validation Information (2)

StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c20269)errorThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[1]​.source[0] (l1​/c20720)errorThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[2]​.source[0] (l1​/c21176)errorThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[3]​.source[0] (l1​/c21642)errorThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[4]​.source[0] (l1​/c22093)errorThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[5]​.source[0] (l1​/c22535)errorThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[6]​.source[0] (l1​/c23005)errorThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[7]​.source[0] (l1​/c23454)errorThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[8]​.source[0] (l1​/c23914)errorThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
StructureMap​.group[1]​.rule[9]​.source[0] (l1​/c24365)errorThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

No suppressed messsages

Errors sorted by type


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-DVCRelationshipStatus.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-DVCRelationshipStatus.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-doseNumber.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-doseNumber.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present


fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-Questionnaire-DVCModel.jsonThe contained resource 'v2-0001' is not referenced to from elsewhere in the containing resource nor does it refer to the containing resource (dom-3)
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-Questionnaire-DVCModel.jsonThe contained resource 'v3-Country' is not referenced to from elsewhere in the containing resource nor does it refer to the containing resource (dom-3)
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-Questionnaire-ICVPModel.jsonThe contained resource 'v2-0001' is not referenced to from elsewhere in the containing resource nor does it refer to the containing resource (dom-3)
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-Questionnaire-ICVPModel.jsonThe contained resource 'v3-Country' is not referenced to from elsewhere in the containing resource nor does it refer to the containing resource (dom-3)


fsh-generated/resources/Binary-IVCP123455.jsonReference to experimental CodeSystem|0.1.0
fsh-generated/resources/Binary-ModelDVCExample.jsonReference to experimental CodeSystem|0.1.0
fsh-generated/resources/Binary-ModelDVCExample.jsonReference to experimental CodeSystem|0.1.0


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DVCIPSComposition.jsonThe discriminator type 'pattern' is deprecated in R5+. For future compatibility, you could consider using type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DVCIPSComposition.jsonThe discriminator type 'pattern' is deprecated in R5+. For future compatibility, you could consider using type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)


input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe string value contains text that looks like embedded HTML tags. If this content is rendered to HTML without appropriate post-processing, it may be a security risk
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe string value contains text that looks like embedded HTML tags. If this content is rendered to HTML without appropriate post-processing, it may be a security risk


input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe parameter 'src' refers to the variable 'med : BackboneElement (target)' but it's type is 'Section' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'generateNarrativeText', which is 'Section' (from map '$this')
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe parameter 'src' refers to the variable 'all : BackboneElement (target)' but it's type is 'Section' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'generateNarrativeText', which is 'Section' (from map '$this')
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe parameter 'src' refers to the variable 'prb : BackboneElement (target)' but it's type is 'Section' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'generateNarrativeText', which is 'Section' (from map '$this')
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe parameter 'src' refers to the variable 'imm : BackboneElement (target)' but it's type is 'Section' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'generateNarrativeText', which is 'Section' (from map '$this')
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe parameter 'text' refers to the variable 'text : Narrative (target)' but it's type is 'string' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'generateNarrativeText', which is 'string' (from map '$this')
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe parameter 'vax' refers to the variable 'vax : (source)' but it's type is 'vaccineDetails' which is not compatible with the type required for the group 'createImmunizationResource', which is 'vaccineDetails' (from map '$this')


input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe group nameToHumanName has already been used with different parameters, so the type checking may be incorrect (other = [sourceName : string (source), targetName : HumanName (target)]; this = [sourceName : string (source), targetName : HumanName (target)])


input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapGroup humanNameToHumanName parameter sourceName has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapGroup periodToPeriod parameter sourcePeriod has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapGroup createImmunizationResource parameter pid has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapGroup humanNameToHumanName parameter sourceName has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapGroup periodToPeriod parameter sourcePeriod has no type, so the paths cannot be validated


input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe type Section is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe type Section is not known, so the paths cannot be validated
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe type vaccineDetails is not known, so the paths cannot be validated


input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe name set period start is not valid
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe name set period end is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set LmToComposition is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name Patient Gender is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set male is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set female is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set male is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set female is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set male is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set female is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set male is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set female is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name Patient Name is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set Manufacturer is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set period start is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe name set period end is not valid


input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe group humanNameToHumanName is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe group periodToPeriod is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe group createImmunizationResource is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe group humanNameToHumanName is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe group periodToPeriod is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it's inputs, so type verification is not possible


input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCClaimtoIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCClaimtoIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCClaimtoIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCClaim.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCClaim.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCClaim.mapThe source statement doesn't assign a variable to the source - check that this is what is intended


input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path src.vp refers to the path BackboneElement.vp which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path src.mid refers to the path BackboneElement.mid which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path src.dt refers to the path BackboneElement.dt which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path src.vls refers to the path BackboneElement.vls which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path src.vle refers to the path BackboneElement.vle which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe source path src.dn refers to the path BackboneElement.dn which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe source path sex.code refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe source path nationality.code refers to the path ModelDVC.nationality.code which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe source path dn.Coding refers to the path ModelVaccineDetails.doseNumber.Coding which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe source path vc.Coding refers to the path ModelVaccineDetails.vaccineClassification.Coding which is unknown
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCLM.mapThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCLM.mapThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCLM.mapThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCLM.mapThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCLM.mapThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCLM.mapThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCLM.mapThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCLM.mapThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCLM.mapThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown
input/maps/DVCQRtoDVCLM.mapThe source path s.item refers to the path BackboneElement.item which is unknown


input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe target context 'sourcePeriod' is not known at this point
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target context 'mtVax' is not known at this point


input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe target path text.status refers to the path string.status which is unknown
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapThe target path text.div refers to the path string.div which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path med.title refers to the path BackboneElement.title which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path med.text refers to the path BackboneElement.text which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path med.code refers to the path BackboneElement.code which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path med.emptyReason refers to the path BackboneElement.emptyReason which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path all.title refers to the path BackboneElement.title which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path all.text refers to the path BackboneElement.text which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path all.code refers to the path BackboneElement.code which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path all.emptyReason refers to the path BackboneElement.emptyReason which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path prb.title refers to the path BackboneElement.title which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path prb.text refers to the path BackboneElement.text which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path prb.code refers to the path BackboneElement.code which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path prb.emptyReason refers to the path BackboneElement.emptyReason which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path text.status refers to the path string.status which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapThe target path text.div refers to the path string.div which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target path tVax.dn refers to the path BackboneElement.dn which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target path tVax.mid refers to the path BackboneElement.mid which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target path tVax.dt refers to the path BackboneElement.dt which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target path tVax.vls refers to the path BackboneElement.vls which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target path tVax.vle refers to the path BackboneElement.vle which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target path refers to the path which is unknown
input/maps/DVCLMtoDVCClaim.mapThe target path refers to the path which is unknown


fsh-generated/resources/Binary-IVCP123455.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Dose Number' (|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Binary-ModelDVCExample.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Dose Number' (|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =


fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/ element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ModelDVC.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ModelDVC.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ModelICVP.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ModelICVP.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ModelICVPVaccineDetails.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ModelICVPVaccineDetails.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ModelVaccineDetails.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ModelVaccineDetails.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)


input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapid value 'set period start' is not valid
input/maps/DVCClaimtoDVCLM.mapid value 'set period end' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set LmToComposition' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'Patient Gender' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set male' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set female' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set male' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set female' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set male' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set female' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set male' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set female' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set Manufacturer' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'Patient Name' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set period start' is not valid
input/maps/DVCLMToIPS.mapid value 'set period end' is not valid


fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-Questionnaire-DVCModel.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Varicella, live attenuated \u00a0 \u00a0'
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-DVCVaccines.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Varicella, live attenuated \u00a0 \u00a0'


fsh-generated/resources/ minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|0.1.0)


fsh-generated/resources/ is 'CC0-1.0' but is fixed to 'CC-BY-SA-3.0-IGO' in the profile|0.1.0#ImplementationGuide.license