0.1.0 - ci-build
SMART ICVP, published by WHO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 0.1.0 | |||
Draft as of 2024-12-11 | Computable Name: DVCLMToIPS |
Generated Narrative: StructureMap DVCLMToIPS
map "" = "DVCLMToIPS" uses "" alias DVCLogicalModel as source uses "" alias IPS as target // create Bundle group DVCLMToIPS(source lm : DVCLogicalModel, target ips : IPS) { lm -> ips.type = 'document' "setIPSType"; lm -> uuid() as bid, ips.identifier as id, id.value = bid, id.system = 'urn:oid:2.16.724.' "setId"; lm -> uuid() as cid, uuid() as pid, uuid() as mid, uuid() as aid, uuid() as proid, uuid() as immid then { lm -> ips.entry as entry, entry.resource = create('Composition') as composition, entry.fullUrl = append('urn:uuid:', cid) then { lm then LmToComposition(lm, ips, composition, cid, pid, mid, aid, proid, immid) "set LmToComposition"; lm -> ips.entry as entry, entry.fullUrl = append('urn:uuid:', pid), create('Patient') as patient then { lm then DemographicsToPatient(lm, patient, pid) "createPatient"; lm -> entry.resource = patient "setPatientEntry"; } "mapPatientResource"; lm.issuer as issuer then { issuer.reference as id -> ips.entry as entry, entry.fullUrl = append('urn:uuid:', id), create('Organization') as organization then { lm -> organization then createAuthor(issuer, organization) "createOrganization"; lm -> entry.resource = organization "setOrganizationEntry"; } "mapOrganizationResource"; } "ss"; } "mapCompositionResource"; } "setEntries"; } // create Composition group LmToComposition(source lm : DVCLogicalModel, target ips : Bundle, target composition : Composition, source cid, source pid, source mid, source aid, source proid, source immid) { cid -> = cid "setCid"; lm -> composition.status = 'final' "setStatus"; lm -> composition.title = 'International Patient Summary' "setTitle"; lm -> create('Coding') as coding, coding.code = '60591-5', coding.system = '', create('CodeableConcept') as code, code.coding = coding, composition.type = code "setType"; lm -> composition.subject as subject then { lm -> subject.reference = append('urn:uuid:', pid) "setSubject"; } "setSubject"; lm.issuer as issuer then { issuer.reference as id -> as author then { id -> author.reference = append('urn:uuid:', id) "setAuthor"; } "setauthr"; } "setid"; lm -> composition.section as medication then createSectionMedications(lm, medication, mid) "createMedication"; lm -> composition.section as allergies then createSectionAllergies(lm, allergies, aid) "createAllergies"; lm -> composition.section as problems then createSectionProblems(lm, problems, proid) "createProblems"; lm then createSectionImmunizations(lm, ips, composition, immid, pid) "createImmunizations"; } // create Patient group DemographicsToPatient(source lm : DVCLogicalModel, target patient : Patient, source pid) { pid -> = pid "setPatientId"; as sourceName -> as targetName then nameToHumanName(sourceName, targetName) "Setname"; lm.dob as dob -> patient.birthDate = dob "setDateofBirth"; as sex then ExtractGender(sex, patient) "Patient Gender"; // as sex -> patient.gender = sex "setSex"; lm.nid as id -> patient.identifier as identifier, identifier.value = id "setNationalIdentifier"; as guardian -> as parentContact, as parentName then nameToHumanName(guardian, parentName) "setGuardianName"; } // deals with short and case sensitive codes group ExtractGender(source sex, target patient : Patient) { sex where (sex = 'M') -> patient.gender = 'male' "set male"; sex where (sex = 'F') -> patient.gender = 'female' "set female"; sex where (sex = 'm') -> patient.gender = 'male' "set male"; sex where (sex = 'f') -> patient.gender = 'female' "set female"; sex where (sex = 'Male') -> patient.gender = 'male' "set male"; sex where (sex = 'Female') -> patient.gender = 'female' "set female"; sex where (sex = 'male') -> patient.gender = 'male' "set male"; sex where (sex = 'female') -> patient.gender = 'female' "set female"; } // create author group createAuthor(source issuer, target org : Organization) { issuer.reference as id -> = id "setID"; } // create sectionMedications group createSectionMedications(source lm : DVCLogicalModel, target med : BackboneElement, source mid) { mid -> = mid "setmedicationid"; lm -> med.title = 'Medication Summary Section' "setMedicationTitle"; lm -> med.text as text then generateNarrativeText(med, text) "setText"; lm -> create('Coding') as coding, coding.code = '10160-0', coding.system = '', create('CodeableConcept') as code, code.coding = coding, med.code = code "setCode"; lm -> create('Coding') as coding, coding.code = 'unavailable', coding.system = '', create('CodeableConcept') as code, code.coding = coding, med.emptyReason = code "setCode"; } // create sectionAllergies group createSectionAllergies(source lm : DVCLogicalModel, target all : BackboneElement, source aid) { aid -> = aid "setAllergyId"; lm -> all.title = 'Allergies Section' "setAllergyTitle"; lm -> all.text as text then generateNarrativeText(all, text) "setText"; lm -> create('Coding') as coding, coding.code = '48765-2', coding.system = '', create('CodeableConcept') as code, code.coding = coding, all.code = code "setCode"; lm -> create('Coding') as coding, coding.code = 'unavailable', coding.system = '', create('CodeableConcept') as code, code.coding = coding, all.emptyReason = code "setCode"; } // create sectionProblems group createSectionProblems(source lm : DVCLogicalModel, target prb : BackboneElement, source proid) { proid -> = proid "setProblemsId"; lm -> prb.title = 'Problems Section' "setProblemTitle"; lm -> prb.text as text then generateNarrativeText(prb, text) "setText"; lm -> create('Coding') as coding, coding.code = '11450-4', coding.system = '', create('CodeableConcept') as code, code.coding = coding, prb.code = code "setCode"; lm -> create('Coding') as coding, coding.code = 'unavailable', coding.system = '', create('CodeableConcept') as code, code.coding = coding, prb.emptyReason = code "setCode"; } // create sectionImmunizations group createSectionImmunizations(source lm : DVCLogicalModel, target bundle : Bundle, target composition : Composition, source immid, source pid) { lm -> composition.section as imm then { immid -> = immid "setImmunizationsId"; lm -> imm.title = 'Immunizations Section' "setImmunizationTitle"; lm -> imm.text as text then generateNarrativeText(imm, text) "setText"; lm -> create('Coding') as coding, coding.code = '11369-6', coding.system = '', create('CodeableConcept') as code, code.coding = coding, imm.code = code "setCode"; lm.vaccineDetails as vax -> uuid() as id, bundle.entry as entry, entry.fullUrl = append('urn:uuid:', id), imm.entry as sectionEntry, sectionEntry.reference = append('urn:uuid:', id), entry.resource = create('Immunization') as immunization, = id then createImmunizationResource(vax, immunization, pid) "setImmz"; } "set"; } group createImmunizationResource(source vax : vaccineDetails, target immunization : Immunization, source pid) { vax -> immunization.status = 'completed' "setStatus"; vax.vaccineClassification as vaccine -> immunization.vaccineCode = vaccine "setvaccinecode"; as date -> immunization.occurrence = append(date, 'T00:00:00.000Z') "setDate"; vax.batchNo as batchNo -> immunization.lotNumber = batchNo "setBatchNo"; vax -> immunization.protocolApplied as protocol then { vax.doseNumber as doseNo then { doseNo.coding as coding then { coding.code as code -> protocol.doseNumber = code "setDoseNo"; } "setDoseNo"; } "setDoseNo"; vax.disease as disease -> create('CodeableConcept') as code, code.coding = disease, protocol.targetDisease = code "setTargetDisease"; } "setProtocolApplied"; vax -> immunization.patient as subject, subject.reference = append('urn:uuid:', pid) "setSubject"; vax.manufacturerId as maId -> create('Reference') as maRef, maRef.identifier = maId, immunization.manufacturer = maRef "set Manufacturer"; } // helper function group generateNarrativeText(source src : Section, target text : string) { src -> text.status = 'empty' "setstatus"; src -> text.div = '<div xmlns=\"\">Narrative not available</div>' "setdiv"; } group nameToHumanName(source sourceName, target targetName : HumanName) { sourceName as patientName -> targetName.text = patientName "Patient Name"; } group humanNameToHumanName(source sourceName, target targetName : HumanName) { sourceName.use as use -> targetName.use = use "CopyUse"; sourceName.text as text -> targetName.text = text "CopyText"; as family -> = family "CopyFamily"; sourceName.given as given -> targetName.given = given "CopyGiven"; sourceName.prefix as prefix -> targetName.prefix = prefix "CopyPrefix"; sourceName.suffix as suffix -> targetName.suffix = suffix "CopySuffix"; // Copy the period using the previously defined group function sourceName.period as sourcePeriod -> targetName.period as targetPeriod then { sourcePeriod then periodToPeriod(sourcePeriod, targetPeriod) "CopyPeriod"; } "copyPeriod"; } group periodToPeriod(source sourcePeriod, target targetPeriod : Period) { sourcePeriod.start as start -> targetPeriod.start = start "set period start"; sourcePeriod.end as end -> targetPeriod.end = end "set period end"; }