* Library: HIV.IND.24 Logic
* Ref No: HTS.7
* Short Name: HTS linkage to prevention
* Definition: Among those testing HIV-negative and identified as being at elevated risk for HIV acquisition, % of people who receive an HIV prevention intervention within defined period
* Numerator: Number of people who receive an HIV prevention intervention within a defined period after receiving a negative HIV test result
* Numerator Calculation: COUNT of clients with "At elevated risk for HIV acquisition"=True and with "Date accessed HIV prevention intervention" within X days of "HIV test date" in the reporting period with "HIV test result"='HIV-negative' | | where X is 7, 14, or 28 days
* Numerator Exclusions:
* Denominator: Number of people testing negative for HIV in the reporting period and identified as being at elevated risk for HIV acquisition (includes people requesting/receiving any HIV prevention intervention, people from key populations, people with known risk factors or those assessed as being at risk of HIV acquisition)
* Denominator Calculation: COUNT of clients with "At elevated risk for HIV acquisition"=True AND with an "HIV test date" in the reporting period with "HIV test result"='HIV-negative'
* Denominator Exclusions:
* Disaggregations:
* • Gender (female, male, other*)
* • Age (<15, 15–19, 20–24, 25–49, 50+ years)**
* • Key populations (men who have sex with men, people living in prisons and other closed settings, people who inject drugs, sex workers, trans and gender diverse people)***
* • HIV prevention intervention (including PrEP, OAMT, NSP, STI services, VMMC)
* • Provider type (key population-led or community-led organization, public sector provider, other entities such as private for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, including faith-based, international, nongovernmental)
* • Cities and other administrative regions of epidemiologic importance
* Disaggregation Elements: Gender | Age | Key population member type | HIV prevention intervention
* Numerator and Denominator Elements:
* At elevated risk for HIV acquisition
* Date accessed HIV prevention intervention
* HIV test date
* HIV test result
* Reference: Consolidated guidelines on person-centred HIV strategic information: strengthening routine data for impact. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2022
* Data Concepts:
* HIV.A.DE17: Age | Calculated age (number of years) of the client based on date of birth
* HIV.A.DE18: Gender* | Gender of the client*
* HIV.A.DE19: Female | Client identifies as female
* HIV.A.DE20: Male | Client identifies as male
* HIV.A.DE21: Transgender male | Client identifies as transgender male
* HIV.A.DE22: Transgender female | Client identifies as transgender female
* HIV.A.DE23: Other | Additional category
* HIV.B.DE50: Key population member type* | The type of key population that the client is included in
* HIV.B.DE51: Sex worker | Client is a sex worker
* HIV.B.DE52: Men who have sex with men | Client is a man who has sex with men
* HIV.B.DE53: Trans and gender-diverse people | Client identifies as trans and gender-diverse
* HIV.B.DE54: People who inject drugs | Client is a person who injects drugs
* HIV.B.DE55: People living in prisons and other closed settings | Client lives in a prison or another closed setting
* HIV.B.DE110: HIV test date | Date of the HIV test
* HIV.B.DE111: HIV test result | The result from HIV testing after applying the testing algorithm
* HIV.B.DE112: HIV-positive | Test result is HIV-positive
* HIV.B.DE113: HIV-negative | Test result is HIV-negative
* HIV.B.DE114: HIV-inconclusive | Test result is HIV-inconclusive
* HIV.B.DE225: At elevated risk for HIV acquisition | Client is at elevated risk for HIV acquisition
* HIV.E.DE114: Key population member type* | The type of key population that the infant's mother is included in
* HIV.E.DE115: Sex worker | Infant's mother is a sex worker
* HIV.E.DE116: People who inject drugs | Infant's mother is a person who injects drugs
* HIV.E.DE117: Trans and gender-diverse people | Infant's mother identifies as trans and gender-diverse
* HIV.E.DE118: People living in prisons and other closed setting | Infant's mother is in a prison or closed setting
* HIV.E.DE224: HIV test date | Date of the HIV test
* HIV.PRV.DE1: At elevated risk for HIV acquisition | Client is at elevated risk for HIV acquisition, defined according to country/programme context
* HIV.PRV.DE2: HIV prevention intervention | HIV prevention intervention that client accessed
* HIV.PRV.DE3: PrEP service | Client accessed PrEP services
* HIV.PRV.DE4: OAMT | Client accessed opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT) services
* HIV.PRV.DE5: NSP | Client accessed needle-syringe programme (NSP) services
* HIV.PRV.DE6: STI services | Client accessed sexually transmitted infection (STI) services
* HIV.PRV.DE7: VMMC | Client accessed voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) services
* HIV.PRV.DE8: Other | Client accessed other HIV prevention services
* HIV.PRV.DE10: Date accessed HIV prevention intervention | Date the client accessed HIV prevention intervention
* HIV.SRV.DE1: HIV test date | Date of the HIV test
* HIV.SRV.DE2: HIV test result | The result from HIV testing after applying the testing algorithm
* Additional Context
* - what it measures: Measures the proportion of people receiving HIV prevention within set period (for example, same day, 7, 14 or 28 days) after receiving a negative HIV test result.
* - rationale: Access to HIV prevention interventions is important to reduce the risk of HIV acquisition among individuals testing HIV-negative. Ensuring individuals at ongoing risk are successfully linked to relevant HIV prevention is an important outcome following HIV testing.
* - method: Individual-level data obtained from programme records | | The indicator should exclude current PrEP recipients, as they are tested on a regular basis. As ongoing PrEP recipients are engaged in prevention, the number of days to intervention uptake is 0.
* Suggested Scoring Method: proportion | http://hl7.org/fhir/us/cqfmeasures/StructureDefinition/proportion-measure-cqfm
library HIVIND24Logic
// Included Libraries
using FHIR version '4.0.1'
include HIVCommon version '0.0.1' called HIC
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1'
include WHOCommon called WCom
include HIVElements called HE
include HIVIndicatorElements called HIE
// Indicator Definition
parameter "Measurement Period" Interval<Date> default Interval[@2023-01-01, @2023-01-30]
parameter "Intervention Interval" System.Quantity default 7 days
context Patient
/* Populations */
*Initial Population
define "Initial Population":
* Numerator
* Definition: Number of people who receive an HIV prevention intervention within a defined period after receiving a negative HIV test result
* Calculation: COUNT of clients with "At elevated risk for HIV acquisition"=True and with "Date accessed HIV prevention intervention" within X days of "HIV test date" in the reporting period with "HIV test result"='HIV-negative' | | where X is 7, 14, or 28 days
define "Numerator":
(exists(HE."PrEP service" prep
where prep.effective.toInterval() starts before (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval() + "Intervention Interval")
and prep.effective.toInterval() starts after (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval())
exists(HE."OAMT" t where t starts before (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval() + "Intervention Interval")
and t starts after (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval()))
exists(HE."NSP" DUS where DUS.timing.toInterval() starts before (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval() + "Intervention Interval")
and DUS.timing.toInterval() starts after (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval()))
exists(HE."STI services" STI where STI.performed.toInterval() starts before (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval() + "Intervention Interval")
and STI.performed.toInterval() starts after (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval()))
exists(HE."VMMC" V where V.performed.toInterval() starts before (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval() + "Intervention Interval")
and V.performed.toInterval() starts after (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval()))
exists(HE."Other PRV.DE8" O
where O.effective.toInterval() starts before (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval() + "Intervention Interval")
and O.effective.toInterval() starts after (start of HIE."First Negative Test within Measurement Period".effective.toInterval())))
HIE."At elevated risk for HIV acquisition B.DE225"
* Denominator
* Definition: Number of people testing negative for HIV in the reporting period and identified as being at elevated risk for HIV acquisition (includes people requesting/receiving any HIV prevention intervention, people from key populations, people with known risk factors or those assessed as being at risk of HIV acquisition)
* Calculation: COUNT of clients with "At elevated risk for HIV acquisition"=True AND with an "HIV test date" in the reporting period with "HIV test result"='HIV-negative'
define "Denominator":
exists(HIE."Negative Tests within Measurement Period")
and HIE."At elevated risk for HIV acquisition B.DE225"
/* end Populations */
* Disaggregators
define "Administrative Gender Stratifier":
HIE."By Administrative Gender Stratifier"
define "Age Stratifier":
HIE."By Age Stratifier 5"
define "Geographic Region Stratifier":
HIE."By Geographic Region Stratifier"
define "patientGroups Stratifier":
define "HIV prevention intervention":
HIE."HIV prevention intervention"
define "Stratification":
HIE."By Administrative Gender Stratifier".code
+ ':' + HIE."By Age Stratifier 5"
+ ':' + HIE."By Geographic Region Stratifier"
+ Combine(HIE.patientGroups, ':')
+ Combine(HIE."HIV prevention intervention", ':')