WHO SMART Guidelines - HIV
0.4.3 - ci-build

WHO SMART Guidelines - HIV - Local Development build (v0.4.3) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: WHO SMART HIV Concepts CodeSystem (Experimental)

Official URL: http://smart.who.int/hiv/CodeSystem/HIVConcepts Version: 0.4.3
Draft as of 2025-02-02 Computable Name: HIVConcepts

This code system defines the concepts used in the World Health Organization SMART HIV DAK

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem HIVConcepts

This case-insensitive code system http://smart.who.int/hiv/CodeSystem/HIVConcepts defines the following codes:

HIV.A.DE1 First name

Client's first or given name

HIV.A.DE2 Family name

Client's family name or last name

HIV.A.DE3 Visit date

The date and time of the client's visit

HIV.A.DE4 Referral

If client was referred for care

HIV.A.DE5 Referred by

How the client was referred

HIV.A.DE6 Community

Referred by the community level services

HIV.A.DE7 Facility

Referred by the health facility

HIV.A.DE8 Unique identifier

Unique identifier generated for new clients or a universal ID, if used in the country

HIV.A.DE9 National ID

National unique identifier assigned to the client, if used in the country

HIV.A.DE10 National health ID

National health unique identifier assigned to the client, if used in the country

HIV.A.DE11 National programme ID

National programme unique identifier assigned to the client, if used in the country

HIV.A.DE12 National health insurance ID

National health insurance unique identifier assigned to the client, if used in the country

HIV.A.DE13 Country of birth

Country where the client was born

HIV.A.DE14 Date of birth

The client's date of birth (DOB) if known

HIV.A.DE15 Date of birth unknown

Is the client's DOB is unknown?

HIV.A.DE16 Estimated age

If DOB is unknown, enter the client's estimated age. Display client's age in number of years.

HIV.A.DE17 Age

Calculated age (number of years) of the client based on date of birth

HIV.A.DE18 Gender

Gender of the client

HIV.A.DE19 Female

Client identifies as female

HIV.A.DE20 Male

Client identifies as male

HIV.A.DE21 Transgender male

Client identifies as transgender male

HIV.A.DE22 Transgender female

Client identifies as transgender female

HIV.A.DE23 Other

Additional category

HIV.A.DE24 Other (specify)

Additional category (please specify)

HIV.A.DE25 Sex

Sex of the client assigned at birth

HIV.A.DE26 Female

Client identifies as female

HIV.A.DE27 Male

Client identifies as male

HIV.A.DE28 Other

Client identifies in non-binary way or as a sexual and gender minority (or minorities)

HIV.A.DE29 Address

Client's home address or address which the client is consenting to disclose

HIV.A.DE30 Marital Status

Client's current marital status

HIV.A.DE31 Unmarried

Client does not have an active marriage contract

HIV.A.DE32 Never married

Client has never entered into a marriage contract

HIV.A.DE33 Married

A current marriage contract is active

HIV.A.DE34 Polygamous

Client is in a polygamous union

HIV.A.DE35 Divorced

Client is divorced, whereby marriage contract has been declared dissolved and inactive

HIV.A.DE36 Widowed

Client's spouse has died

HIV.A.DE37 Unknown

Client does not wish to disclose marital status

HIV.A.DE38 Domestic partner

Client reports that they are in a domestic partnership

HIV.A.DE39 Annulled

Client's marriage contract has been declared null and to have not existed

HIV.A.DE40 Legally separated

Client is legally separated from their spouse

HIV.A.DE41 Interlocutory

Client is subject to an interlocutory decree

HIV.A.DE42 Telephone number

Client's telephone number (a landline or a mobile phone number)

HIV.A.DE43 Administrative Area

This should be a context-specific list of administrative areas, such as villages, districts, etc. The purpose of this data element is to allow for grouping and flagging of client data to a particular facility's catchment area. This can be input into the system by the end user OR it can be automated in the database based on the end user's attributes.

HIV.A.DE44 Communication consent

Indication that client gave consent to be contacted

HIV.A.DE45 Reminder messages

Whether client wants to receive text or other messages as follow-up for HIV services

HIV.A.DE46 Communication preference(s)

How the client would like to receive family planning communications

HIV.A.DE47 Text message/SMS

The client would like to receive communications via Text message/SMS

HIV.A.DE48 Voice call

Client would like to receive communications via voice call

HIV.A.DE49 Client's email

Client's primary email account where the client can be contacted

HIV.A.DE50 Alternate contact's name

Name of an alternate contact, which could be next of kin (e.g. partner, husband, mother, sibling, etc.). The alternate contact would be used in the case of an emergency situation.

HIV.A.DE51 Alternate contact's phone number

Phone number of the alternate contact

HIV.A.DE52 Alternate contact's address

Alternate contact's home address or address which the client is consenting to disclose

HIV.A.DE53 Alternate contact relationship

The alternate contact's relationship to the client (e.g. partner, husband, mother, sibling, etc.)

HIV.B.DE1 Reason for visit

Reason for HIV testing services visit

HIV.B.DE2 First-time HIV test

First encounter for screening for human immunodeficiency virus

HIV.B.DE3 Retesting for HIV

Retesting for human immunodeficiency virus

HIV.B.DE4 HIV testing services visit

Client attending facility for HIV testing services visit

HIV.B.DE5 Referred through partner services

Client reported coming to the facility after receiving a provider-assisted referral or patient referral from a contact or partner

HIV.B.DE6 Partner or contact of an index case

The client is a contact or partner of a person diagnosed with HIV (an index case)

HIV.B.DE7 Partner or contact of an HIV testing client (non-index case)

The client is a contact or partner identified through partner or social network services, but is not known to be a partner of an index-case

HIV.B.DE8 Type of contact or partner for partner services

Client's relationship to the person that referred the client for partner services or family services

HIV.B.DE9 Biological child

Client is the biological child of the person that referred the client for family services

HIV.B.DE10 Drug-injecting partner

Client is a drug-injecting partner of the person that referred the client for partner services

HIV.B.DE11 Sexual partner

Client is a sexual partner of the person that referred the client for partner services

HIV.B.DE12 Social contact

Client is a social contact of the person that referred the client for social-network services

HIV.B.DE13 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to HIV

When the client is reported to have had suspected exposure to HIV

HIV.B.DE14 Date/time of suspected exposure to HIV

Date and time when the client had suspected exposure to HIV

HIV.B.DE15 Testing entry point

Whether testing is happening in the community or at a facility

HIV.B.DE16 Community-level testing

Testing is happening in the community, which includes mobile testing

HIV.B.DE17 Facility-level testing

Testing is happening at a facility

HIV.B.DE18 Entry point for community-level testing

Specific point in the community where testing is happening

HIV.B.DE19 Mobile testing (e.g. through vans or temporary testing facilities)

The client tested through mobile testing, such as through vans or temporary testing facilities

HIV.B.DE20 Voluntary counselling and testing centres (not within a health facility setting)

The client tested at a voluntary counselling and testing centre (not in a health facility setting)

HIV.B.DE21 Other community-based testing

The client tested through another type of community-based testing

HIV.B.DE22 Entry point for facility-level testing

Specific point where testing is happening at a facility

HIV.B.DE23 Provider-initiated tested in a clinic or emergency facility

The client tested though provider-initiated HIV testing & counselling, which could be at an emergency facility

HIV.B.DE24 Antenatal care clinic

The client tested at an antenatal care clinic, including labour and delivery

HIV.B.DE25 Voluntary counselling and testing (within a health facility setting)

The client tested through voluntary counselling and testing (within a health facility setting)

HIV.B.DE26 Family planning clinic

The client tested at a family planning clinic

HIV.B.DE27 Other facility-level testing

The client tested at another type of facility

HIV.B.DE28 Tuberculosis (TB) clinic

The client tested at a TB clinic

HIV.B.DE29 Currently pregnant

Client is currently pregnant

HIV.B.DE30 Gestational age

Gestational age in weeks and/or days depending on the source of gestational age

HIV.B.DE31 Expected date of delivery (EDD)

Expected date of delivery based on gestational age

HIV.B.DE32 Breastfeeding

Infant is being breastfed by mother

HIV.B.DE33 Partner HIV status (reported)

The HIV status of the client's partner.

HIV.B.DE34 HIV-positive

Client's partner is HIV-positive

HIV.B.DE35 HIV-negative

Client's partner is HIV-negative

HIV.B.DE36 Unknown

Don't know HIV status - client does not know partner's HIV status

HIV.B.DE37 Partner is from a key population

Client's partner is a member of a key population, that has an increased risk of HIV

HIV.B.DE38 Sex worker

Client's partner is a sex worker

HIV.B.DE39 Men who have sex with men

Client's partner is a man who has sex with men

HIV.B.DE40 Trans and gender-diverse people

Client's partner identifies as trans and gender-diverse

HIV.B.DE41 People who inject drugs

Client's partner is a person who injects drugs

HIV.B.DE42 People living in prisons and other closed settings

Client's partner lives in a prison or other closed setting

HIV.B.DE43 Has used an HIV self-test before (reported)

The client reported having used an HIV self-test before

HIV.B.DE44 HIV self-test result

Results from the reported HIV self-test

HIV.B.DE45 Reactive

The HIV self-test was reactive

HIV.B.DE46 Non-reactive

The HIV self-test was non-reactive

HIV.B.DE47 Invalid

The HIV self-test was invalid

HIV.B.DE48 Date of HIV self-test

Date when the HIV self-test was conducted

HIV.B.DE49 Key population member

Client is a member of a key population that has an increased risk of HIV

HIV.B.DE50 Key population member type

The type of key population that the client is included in

HIV.B.DE51 Sex worker

Client is a sex worker

HIV.B.DE52 Men who have sex with men

Client is a man who has sex with men

HIV.B.DE53 Trans and gender-diverse people

Client identifies as trans and gender-diverse

HIV.B.DE54 People who inject drugs

Client is a person who injects drugs

HIV.B.DE55 People living in prisons and other closed settings

Client lives in a prison or another closed setting

HIV.B.DE56 Adolescent girl

Calculated field based on age and gender, if client is 10 years or older and under 20 years old

HIV.B.DE57 Young woman

Calculated field based on age and gender, if client is 20 years or older and under 25 years old

HIV.B.DE58 Orphan or vulnerable child

Client considered an orphan or vulnerable child

HIV.B.DE59 Informed of HIV test result

Client has been informed of their HIV test result

HIV.B.DE60 Date HIV test results returned

Date HIV test result returned to client

HIV.B.DE61 HIV exposure type

Ways in which the client was exposed to HIV

HIV.B.DE62 Occupational

Occupational exposure to HIV

HIV.B.DE63 Non-occupational violent

Non-occupational violent exposure to HIV

HIV.B.DE64 Non-occupational consensual sex

Exposure to HIV through non-occupational consensual sex

HIV.B.DE65 Date informed of HIV-positive diagnosis

The date on which the client was diagnosed with HIV

HIV.B.DE66 HIV diagnosing facility

The facility where the client received an HIV-positive diagnosis

HIV.B.DE67 Date of first positive test indicative of HIV diagnosis

Earliest date of HIV diagnosis determined according to the national HIV testing algorithm

HIV.B.DE68 HIV serotype

The client's HIV serotype


The client has HIV-1


The client has HIV-2

HIV.B.DE71 HIV diagnosis date

Date diagnosis was returned to client

HIV.B.DE72 ART start date

The date on which the client started or restarted antiretroviral therapy (ART)

HIV.B.DE73 Age at diagnosis

The client's age (in years) when given an HIV diagnosis

HIV.B.DE74 Type of contact elicited

Client's relationship to the contact identified for voluntary partner services or family services

HIV.B.DE75 Biological child

Contact identified for family services is the biological child of the client

HIV.B.DE76 Drug-injecting partner

Contact identified for partner services is a drug-injecting partner of the client

HIV.B.DE77 Sexual partner

Contact identified for partner services is a sexual partner of the client

HIV.B.DE78 Social contact

Contact identified for social-network services is a social contact of the client

HIV.B.DE79 HIV test ordered

An HIV test of the client was ordered by the provider

HIV.B.DE80 HIV test conducted

An HIV test was performed on the client during the visit

HIV.B.DE81 HIV test type

Type of HIV test

HIV.B.DE82 Rapid diagnostic test for HIV

Antibody test for HIV performed with a rapid diagnostic

HIV.B.DE83 Enzyme immunoassay for HIV

Antibody test for HIV performed with an enzyme immunoassay

HIV.B.DE84 Nucleic acid test for HIV

Virological test, which includes testing for early infant diagnosis

HIV.B.DE85 Dual HIV/syphilis rapid diagnostic test

Antibody test for HIV and syphilis performed with a rapid diagnostic

HIV.B.DE86 HIV self-test

Antibody test for HIV performed by self-tester using a rapid diagnostic

HIV.B.DE87 Date HIV test sent

Date HIV specimen was sent to lab

HIV.B.DE88 Assay number in testing strategy

The number of the assay (test kit) in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.B.DE89 Assay 0

A community outreach test-for-triage or self-test which is not included in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.B.DE90 Assay 1

The first test in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.B.DE91 Assay 2

The second test in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.B.DE92 Assay 3

The third test in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.B.DE93 Assay 1 repeated

The first test in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.B.DE94 Test result of HIV assay 1

The result of the first HIV assay in the testing strategy

HIV.B.DE95 Reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was reactive

HIV.B.DE96 Non-reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was non-reactive

HIV.B.DE97 Invalid

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was invalid

HIV.B.DE98 Test result of HIV assay 2

The result of the second HIV assay in the testing strategy

HIV.B.DE99 Reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was reactive

HIV.B.DE100 Non-reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was non-reactive

HIV.B.DE101 Invalid

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was invalid

HIV.B.DE102 Test result of HIV assay 3

The result of the third HIV assay in the testing strategy

HIV.B.DE103 Reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was reactive

HIV.B.DE104 Non-reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was non-reactive

HIV.B.DE105 Invalid

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was invalid

HIV.B.DE106 Test result of HIV assay 1 repeated

The result of the repeated first HIV assay in the testing strategy

HIV.B.DE107 Reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was reactive

HIV.B.DE108 Non-reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was non-reactive

HIV.B.DE109 Invalid

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was invalid

HIV.B.DE110 HIV test date

Date of the HIV test

HIV.B.DE111 HIV test result

The result from HIV testing after applying the testing algorithm

HIV.B.DE112 HIV-positive

Test result is HIV-positive

HIV.B.DE113 HIV-negative

Test result is HIV-negative

HIV.B.DE114 HIV-inconclusive

Test result is HIV-inconclusive

HIV.B.DE115 HIV status

HIV status reported after applying the national HIV testing algorithm. No single HIV test can provide an HIV-positive diagnosis.

HIV.B.DE116 HIV-positive

Client is HIV-positive

HIV.B.DE117 HIV-negative

Client is HIV-negative

HIV.B.DE118 Unknown

Client has unknown HIV status

HIV.B.DE119 Date positive HIV test confirmed

Date patient received positive HIV test confirmation (with written documentation)

HIV.B.DE120 Site where positive HIV test confirmed

Name or identifier of health facility where HIV test was confirmed

HIV.B.DE121 Probable route of transmission

Probable route(s) of transmission of HIV to client

HIV.B.DE122 Heterosexual sex

Probable route of HIV transmission was through heterosexual sex

HIV.B.DE123 Sex between men

Probable route of HIV transmission was through sex between men

HIV.B.DE124 Unprotected intercourse during sex work

Probable route of HIV transmission was through unprotected intercourse during sex work

HIV.B.DE125 Injecting drug use with unsterile equipment

Probable route of HIV transmission was through injecting drug use with unsterile equipment

HIV.B.DE126 Nosocomial

Probable route of HIV transmission was nosocomial

HIV.B.DE127 Vertical

Probable route of HIV transmission to an infant was during pregnancy, labour, delivery and breastfeeding (vertical transmission)

HIV.B.DE128 Other

Probable route of HIV transmission was other and may include needle accidents, blood transfusion, blood products or organ/tissue donations, tattoos, piercings, circumcision, or acupuncture.

HIV.B.DE129 Partner HIV test conducted

If the client does not know the HIV status of the client's partner(s), offer to test and add results here

HIV.B.DE130 Partner HIV test ordered

An HIV test for the client's partner has been ordered

HIV.B.DE131 Partner HIV test date

Date of client's partner's HIV test

HIV.B.DE132 Partner HIV test result

The HIV test result of the client's partner

HIV.B.DE133 HIV-positive

Test result is HIV-positive

HIV.B.DE134 HIV-negative

Test result is HIV-negative

HIV.B.DE135 HIV-inconclusive

Test result is HIV-inconclusive

HIV.B.DE136 Partner HIV status (confirmed)

The HIV status of a sexual or drug-injecting partner of the client, based on a confirmed test result

HIV.B.DE137 HIV-positive

Client's partner is HIV-positive

HIV.B.DE138 HIV-negative

Client's partner is HIV-negative

HIV.B.DE139 Unknown

Client's partner HIV status is unknown

HIV.B.DE140 Partner on ART

Partner of the client is on ART

HIV.B.DE141 Partner virally suppressed on ART

ART and virally suppression status of a partner of the client

HIV.B.DE142 Counselling provided

Whether counselling was provided to a client during the visit

HIV.B.DE143 HIV-positive counselling conducted

Whether counselling was provided to a client who has been diagnosed with HIV

HIV.B.DE144 Hepatitis B positive counselling conducted

Whether counselling was provided to a client who has been diagnosed with hepatitis B

HIV.B.DE145 Hepatitis C positive counselling conducted

Whether counselling was provided to a client who has been diagnosed with hepatitis C

HIV.B.DE146 Syphilis counselling, treatment and further testing

Whether counselling and treatment was provided to a client who has been diagnosed with syphilis. Additional testing (RPR test) recommended.

HIV.B.DE147 Linked to enrolment in care and ART initiation

Linkage made from HIV testing to enrolment in care following an HIV diagnosis

HIV.B.DE148 VMMC counselling provided

Whether counselling for voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) was provided following an HIV-negative test

HIV.B.DE149 Prevention services offered and referrals

Offer or refer to prevention services

HIV.B.DE150 Offer male and female condoms and condom-compatible lubricants

Offer male and female condoms and condom-compatible lubricants

HIV.B.DE151 Offer pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for people at elevated risk for HIV acquisition

Offer pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to people with substantial ongoing risk of HIV infection

HIV.B.DE152 Offer post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) following suspected exposure

Offer or refer client for PEP following suspected exposure

HIV.B.DE153 Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC)

Offer referral for VMMC services

HIV.B.DE154 Harm reduction for people who inject drugs

Offer or refer to harm reduction services for people who inject drugs (needle and syringe programmes, opioid substitution therapy, other drug-dependence treatment and opioid overdose prevention and management)

HIV.B.DE155 Behavioural interventions to support risk reduction, particularly for people with HIV and members of key populations

Offer or refer to behavioural interventions to support risk reduction, particularly for people with HIV and members of key populations

HIV.B.DE156 HIV testing for partners and biological children

Offer voluntary testing for all partners and biological children of positive cases (includes partner services and index case testing), as welll as partners and social contacts of people from key populations, where appropriate

HIV.B.DE157 HIV testing for partners and social contacts of people from key populations, where appropriate

Offer voluntary testing for partners and social contacts of people from key populations, where appropriate

HIV.B.DE158 Sexual and reproductive health integrated services

Offer or refer to sexual and reproductive health services

HIV.B.DE159 Contraception and family planning

Offer contraception and family planning services

HIV.B.DE160 Check pregnancy status

Check women's pregnancy status

HIV.B.DE161 Prevention of mother-to-child transmission counselling

Offer services for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (counselling)

HIV.B.DE162 Cervical cancer screening and treatment counselling

Offer cervical cancer screening and treatment counselling and services

HIV.B.DE163 Anal cancer screening (for men who have sex with men)

Offer services for anal cancer screening (for men who have sex with men)

HIV.B.DE164 STI testing and treatment services

Offer sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment services

HIV.B.DE165 Offer other clinical services

Other clinical services offered or referrals given to the client

HIV.B.DE166 Assessment and provision of vaccinations

Assessment and provision of vaccinations, such as for people from key populations, pregnant women and infants; and, where appropriate, tetanus vaccination for adolescent boys and men receiving VMMC

HIV.B.DE167 Hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing and treatment provided

Offer or refer for HBV and/or HCV testing and treatment

HIV.B.DE168 Co-trimoxazole chemoprophylaxis to prevent Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia provided

Offer or refer for co-trimoxazole chemoprophylaxis to prevent pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

HIV.B.DE169 Intensified TB case finding and linkage to TB treatment provided

Offer or refer for intensified TB case finding and linkage to TB treatment

HIV.B.DE170 Provision of isoniazid preventive therapy if person does not have TB

Offer or refer for provision of isoniazid preventive therapy if person does not have TB

HIV.B.DE171 Malaria prevention (such as bed nets and prophylaxis), depending on epidemiology

Offer or refer for malaria prevention (such as bed nets and prophylaxis), depending on epidemiology

HIV.B.DE172 Other support services

Offer or refer for other support services

HIV.B.DE173 Mental health services

Offer or refer for mental health services

HIV.B.DE174 Psychosocial counselling, support and treatment adherence counselling

Offer or refer for psychosocial counselling, support and treatment adherence counselling

HIV.B.DE175 Support for disclosure and partner services

Offer or refer for support for disclosure and partner services

HIV.B.DE176 Legal and social services

Offer or refer for legal and social services

HIV.B.DE177 Services for responding to violence against women

Offer or refer for services for responding to violence against women, including first-line support and psychosocial support, post-rape care and other support services including shelters, legal services and women and child protection services

HIV.B.DE178 Clinical enquiry for intimate partner violence (IPV) done

Whether a clinical enquiry for intimate partner violence was conducted

HIV.B.DE179 Intimate partner violence enquiry results

Result of medical inquiry for intimate partner violence

HIV.B.DE180 Client received treatment and/or counselling as needed

Client received treatment and/or counselling as needed

HIV.B.DE181 Client was referred

Client was referred to another provider/facility

HIV.B.DE182 No action necessary

No additional action was deemed necessary

HIV.B.DE183 Other IPV result

Other intimate partner violence (IPV) result not described above

HIV.B.DE184 Other IPV result (specify)

Other intimate partner violence (IPV) result not described above (specify)

HIV.B.DE185 Offered voluntary partner services

Whether the client was offered voluntary partner services or family services

HIV.B.DE186 Count of contacts or partners given for social network-based/partner services

The quantity of contacts or partners given by a client that accepts social network-based/partner services for follow-up

HIV.B.DE187 Offered social network-based/partner services

Whether the client was offered social network-based partner services

HIV.B.DE188 Accepted social network-based/partner services

Whether the client accepted social network-based partner services

HIV.B.DE189 Contact first name to offer social network-based/partner services

First name of each contact given by the client to offer social network-based/partner services

HIV.B.DE190 Contact last name to offer social network-based/partner services

Last or family name of each contact given by the client to offer social network-based/partner services

HIV.B.DE191 Type of follow-up appointment

Type of follow-up appointment for testing services

HIV.B.DE192 Retesting for HIV

Retesting follow-up appointment

HIV.B.DE193 Other

Other reason for the follow-up appointment

HIV.B.DE194 Other reason for the follow-up appointment (specify)

Other reason for the follow-up appointment (specify)

HIV.B.DE195 Date/time of follow-up appointment

Date the patient is to return for monitoring, re-supply or any other reason

HIV.B.DE196 Recommended follow-up date

Date when follow-up is recommended based on follow up requirements

HIV.B.DE197 VMMC procedure

Whether a voluntary medical male circumcision procedure was performed

HIV.B.DE198 VMMC procedure date

Date on which a voluntary medical male circumcision procedure was performed

HIV.B.DE199 Adverse event reported from a VMMC

Whether an adverse event was reported associated with a voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) procedure

HIV.B.DE200 Serious adverse event

Complications from voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) procedure resulted in death or hospitalization within 30 days of the procedure or permanent disability

HIV.B.DE201 Adverse event severity

Severity of the adverse event associated with voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) procedure

HIV.B.DE202 Moderate

Severity of the adverse event associated with VMMC procedure was moderate

HIV.B.DE203 Severe

Severity of the adverse event associated with VMMC procedure was severe

HIV.B.DE204 Timing of adverse event

When the adverse event associated with VMMC procedure occurred

HIV.B.DE205 Intraoperative

The adverse event associated with VMMC procedure occurred during the procedure

HIV.B.DE206 Postoperative

The adverse event associated with VMMC procedure occurred within the first 30 days after the procedure

HIV.B.DE207 Type of adverse VMMC event

Type of adverse event associated with voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) procedure

HIV.B.DE208 Abnormal pain

Client experienced abnormal pain

HIV.B.DE209 Anaesthesia-related effects

Client had anaesthesia-related effects

HIV.B.DE210 Bleeding

Client had bleeding

HIV.B.DE211 Damage to the penis

Client had damage to the penis

HIV.B.DE212 Difficulty urinating

Client had difficulty urinating

HIV.B.DE213 Excessive bleeding

Client experienced excessive bleeding

HIV.B.DE214 Excessive skin removal

Client experienced excessive skin removal

HIV.B.DE215 Excessive swelling

Client experienced excessive swelling

HIV.B.DE216 Haematoma

Client experienced haematoma

HIV.B.DE217 Infection

Client experienced infection

HIV.B.DE218 Injury to glans

Client experienced injury to glans

HIV.B.DE219 Scar or disfigurement

Client experienced scar or disfigurement

HIV.B.DE220 Sharps injury to personnel

During VMMC procedure there was sharps injury to personnel

HIV.B.DE221 Wound disruption

Client experienced wound disruption

HIV.B.DE222 Other

Client experienced other adverse VMMC event

HIV.B.DE223 Other (specify)

Client experienced other adverse VMMC event (specify)

HIV.B.DE224 HIV retest prior to starting ART conducted

HIV retest prior to starting ART conducted

HIV.B.DE225 At elevated risk for HIV acquisition

Client is at elevated risk for HIV acquisition

HIV.B.DE226 Syndrome/STI diagnosed

Syndrome or STI for which client is diagnosed

HIV.B.DE227 Urethral discharge syndrome

Client diagnosed with urethral discharge syndrome

HIV.B.DE228 Vaginal discharge syndrome

Client diagnosed with vaginal discharge syndrome

HIV.B.DE229 Lower Abdominal pain

Client diagnosed with lower abdominal pain

HIV.B.DE230 Genital ulcer disease syndrome

Client diagnosed with genital ulcer disease syndrome

HIV.B.DE231 Anorectal discharge

Client diagnosed with anorectal discharge

HIV.B.DE232 Sent for testing

Specimen sent for testing

HIV.B.DE233 Other

Other syndrome/STI diagnosed

HIV.B.DE234 Other (specify)

Other syndrome/STI diagnosed (specify)

HIV.B.DE235 Any STI syndrome diagnosed

Was the client diagnosed with any of the five STI syndromes during this visit?

HIV.B.DE236 Date of STI test

Date on which the STI test was conducted

HIV.B.DE237 STI tested for

STI for which the client was tested

HIV.B.DE238 Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Client tested for Neisseria gonorrhoeae

HIV.B.DE239 Chlamydia trachomatis

Client tested for Chlamydia trachomatis

HIV.B.DE240 Trichomonas vaginalis

Client tested for Trichomonas vaginalis

HIV.B.DE241 Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)

Client tested for Syphilis (treponema pallidum)

HIV.B.DE242 Herpes simplex virus (HSV1, HSV2)

Client tested for herpes simplex virus (HSV1, HSV2)

HIV.B.DE243 Mycoplasma genitalium

Client tested for Mycoplasma genitalium

HIV.B.DE244 Mpox

Client tested for Mpox

HIV.B.DE245 Hepatitis B

Client tested for Hepatitis B

HIV.B.DE246 Hepatitis C

Client tested for Hepatitis C

HIV.B.DE247 Other

Client tested for other STI

HIV.B.DE248 Other (specify)

Client tested for other STI (specify)

HIV.B.DE249 Syphilis test date

Date of syphilis test

HIV.B.DE250 Syphilis test result

Result from syphilis test

HIV.B.DE251 Positive

Test result is positive for syphilis

HIV.B.DE252 Negative

Test result is negative for syphilis

HIV.B.DE253 Inconclusive

Test result is inconclusive

HIV.B.DE254 Syphilis treatment start date

Date of initiation of syphilis treatment

HIV.B.DE255 Gonorrhoea test date

Date of Gonorrhoea test

HIV.B.DE256 Gonorrhoea test result

Result from Gonorrhoea test

HIV.B.DE257 Positive

Test result is positive for Neisseria gonorrhoeae

HIV.B.DE258 Negative

Test result is negative for Neisseria gonorrhoeae

HIV.B.DE259 Inconclusive

Test result is inconclusive

HIV.B.DE260 Gonorrhoea treatment start date

Date of initiation of Gonorrhoea treatment

HIV.B.DE261 Type of specimen

Type of specimen to be collected

HIV.B.DE262 Blood

Blood specimen to be collected

HIV.B.DE263 Urine

Urine specimen to be collected

HIV.B.DE264 Cervical or vaginal swab

Cervical or vaginal swab to be collected

HIV.B.DE265 Urethral or penile swab

Urethral or penile swab to be collected

HIV.B.DE266 Rectal swab

Rectal swab to be collected

HIV.B.DE267 Other

Other specimen type to be collected

HIV.B.DE268 Other type of specimen (specify)

Other specimen type to be collected (specify)

HIV.B.DE269 Syphilis test type

Type of diagnostic test used for syphilis (treponema pallidum)

HIV.B.DE270 Treponemal

Treponemal test used

HIV.B.DE271 Non-treponemal

Non-treponemal test used

HIV.B.DE272 POC Test

Point-of-care (POC) test used


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.B.DE274 Other

Other test used

HIV.B.DE275 Other syphilis test type (specify)

Other test used (specify)

HIV.B.DE276 Neisseria gonorrhoeae test type

Type of diagnostic test used for Neisseria gonorrhoeae


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.B.DE278 POC Test

Point-of-care (POC) test used

HIV.B.DE279 Culture

Culture test used

HIV.B.DE280 Microscopy

Microscopy test used

HIV.B.DE281 Other

Other type of test used

HIV.B.DE282 Other (specify)

Other type of test used (specify)

HIV.B.DE283 POC Test for Neisseria gonorrhoeae (specify)

Point-of-care (POC) test used for Neisseria gonorrhoeae (specify)

HIV.B.DE284 Chlamydia trachomatis test type

Type of diagnostic test used for Chlamydia trachomatis


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.B.DE286 POC Test

Point-of-care (POC) test used

HIV.B.DE287 Culture

Culture test used


ELISA test used

HIV.B.DE289 Microscopy

Microscopy test used

HIV.B.DE290 Other

Other type of test used

HIV.B.DE291 Other test for Chlamydia (specify)

Other type of test used for Chlaymdia (specify)

HIV.B.DE292 POC Test type for Chlamydia test (specify)

Point-of-care (POC) test used for Chlamydia (specify)

HIV.B.DE293 Trichomonas vaginalis test type

Type of diagnostic test used for Trichomonas vaginalis


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.B.DE295 POC Test

Point-of-care (POC) test used

HIV.B.DE296 Culture

Culture test used

HIV.B.DE297 Microscopy

Microscopy test used

HIV.B.DE298 Other

Other type of test used

HIV.B.DE299 Other (specify)

Other type of test used (specify)

HIV.B.DE300 POC Test type for Trichomonas vaginalis test (specify)

Point-of-care (POC) test used (specify)

HIV.B.DE301 Herpes simplex virus (HSV) test type

Type of diagnostic test used for herpes simplex virus (HSV)


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.B.DE303 Antibody test

Antibody test used

HIV.B.DE304 Other

Other type of test used

HIV.B.DE305 Other (specify)

Other type of test used for Herpes simplex virus (HSV) test (specify)

HIV.B.DE306 Mycoplasma genitalium test type

Type of diagnostic test used for Mycoplasma genitalium


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.B.DE308 Microscopy

Microscopy test used

HIV.B.DE309 Other

Other type of test used

HIV.B.DE310 Other (specify)

Other type of test used for Mycoplasma genitalium test (specify)

HIV.B.DE311 Test type for other STI tested for (specify)

Test type used for the other specified STI

HIV.B.DE312 STI test result

Result from STI test

HIV.B.DE313 Positive

Test result is positive

HIV.B.DE314 Negative

Test result is negative

HIV.B.DE315 Inconclusive

Test result is inconclusive

HIV.B.DE316 Date of STI confirmatory test

Date of STI confirmatory test

HIV.B.DE317 Confirmatory syphilis test type

Type of test ued for confirmatory syphilis test

HIV.B.DE318 Treponemal

Treponemal test used

HIV.B.DE319 Non-treponemal

Non-treponemal test used

HIV.B.DE320 POC Test

Point-of-care (POC) test used


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.B.DE322 Other

Other test used

HIV.B.DE323 Other (specify)

Other test used for confirmatory syphilis test (specify)

HIV.B.DE324 Confirmatory test type for other STI (specify)

Confirmatory test type for other STI

HIV.B.DE325 Confirmatory STI test result

Result from confirmatory STI test

HIV.B.DE326 Positive

Test result is positive

HIV.B.DE327 Negative

Test result is negative

HIV.B.DE328 Inconclusive

Test result is inconclusive

HIV.B.DE329 Date STI treatment prescribed

Date STI treatment was prescribed to the client

HIV.B.DE330 Date STI treatment dispensed

Date STI treatment dispensed to the client

HIV.B.DE331 STI treatment dispensed (specify)

STI treatment dispensed to the client

HIV.C.DE1 Reason for PrEP visit

Client's reason for the prevention visit

HIV.C.DE2 First time counselling on PrEP

The client is interested in discussing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for the first time

HIV.C.DE3 Follow-up appointment for PrEP or PEP

Client is at a follow-up or refill pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) appointment

HIV.C.DE4 Restarting PrEP

Client has previously taken pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and may like to restart taking it

HIV.C.DE5 Counselling on PEP

Counselling on post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)

HIV.C.DE6 Unscheduled visit for side effects

Patient visit for management of side effects related to PrEP

HIV.C.DE7 3-month PrEP visit

Client is visiting for the recommended 3-month pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) visit

HIV.C.DE8 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to HIV

The client had suspected or known exposure to HIV

HIV.C.DE9 Date/time of suspected exposure to HIV

When the suspect exposure to HIV took place

HIV.C.DE10 Currently on PrEP

The client is currently taking PrEP. Oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) of HIV is the use of ARV drugs by people who are not infected with HIV to block the acquisition of HIV.

HIV.C.DE11 PrEP dosing type

Way in which pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is taken (daily or event-driven)

HIV.C.DE12 Daily oral PrEP

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is taken every day

HIV.C.DE13 Event-driven PrEP (2+1+1)

Event-driven pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is taken on an even-driven basis (2+1+1)

HIV.C.DE14 Other PrEP dosing type

Other PrEP dosing type

HIV.C.DE15 Other PrEP dosing type (specify)

Other PrEP dosing type (specify)

HIV.C.DE16 Used event-driven PrEP for at risk exposures over the past 3 months

Client reports taking ED-PrEP for at risk exposures over a 3-month period

HIV.C.DE17 Current PrEP regimen

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimen


Treated with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) and emtricitabine (FTC) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimen (oral PrEP)


Treated with single-agent tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimen (oral PrEP)


Treated with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) and lamivudine (3TC) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimen (oral PrEP)

HIV.C.DE21 Other TDF-based regimen

Treated with other tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF)-based regimen (oral PrEP)

HIV.C.DE22 Dapivirine vaginal ring (DVR)

Dapivirine vaginal ring (DVR) for HIV prevention


Long-acting injectable cabotegravir

HIV.C.DE24 Experience with PrEP

The client's experience in taking PrEP

HIV.C.DE25 First-time user

The client has never used pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) before (naive)

HIV.C.DE26 Continuing user

The client has used PrEP before and is continuing to use PrEP

HIV.C.DE27 Restarting following a period of not taking PrEP

The client is restarting PrEP following a period of not taking PrEP

HIV.C.DE28 PrEP start date

The date on which the client started or restarted pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

HIV.C.DE29 Stopped PrEP

Client stopped taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

HIV.C.DE30 Date PrEP stopped

Date client stopped taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

HIV.C.DE31 PEP history

The client's history in taking post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV prevention

HIV.C.DE32 First-time user

The client has never used post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) before

HIV.C.DE33 Repeat user

The client has used post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) before

HIV.C.DE34 Date(s) of past PEP use

Dates when the client previously used post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)

HIV.C.DE35 Date client completes PEP course

Date client completes PEP course

HIV.C.DE36 Signs of substantial risk of HIV infection

Signs the client is at a substantial risk of HIV infection

HIV.C.DE37 No condom use during sex with more than one partner in the past 6 months

Recent vaginal or anal sexual intercourse without a condom with more than one partner

HIV.C.DE38 STI in the past 6 months

A recent history (in the last 6 months) of a sexually transmitted infection (STI ) by laboratory testing, self-report or syndromic STI treatment

HIV.C.DE39 A sexual partner in the past 6 months had one or more HIV risk factors

A recent sex partner of the client had HIV risk factors

HIV.C.DE40 PrEP requested by client

Client is requesting PrEP, reflecting a decision-making process has already taken place and suggesting of substantial risk of HIV

HIV.C.DE41 Pregnancy intention in serodiscordant partnerships

Client's intention or desire in the next year to either become pregnant or prevent a future pregnancy (in serodiscordant partnerships)

HIV.C.DE42 Yes, I want to become pregnant

Client intends to become pregnant

HIV.C.DE43 I'm OK either way

Client is not intending to become pregnant, but would not be adverse to becoming pregnant

HIV.C.DE44 No, I don't want to become pregnant

Client does not intend to become pregnant

HIV.C.DE45 Unsure

Client is unsure or undecided about her pregnancy intentions

HIV.C.DE46 Acute HIV infection symptoms

Symptoms that could suggest an acute HIV infection

HIV.C.DE47 Fever

Client's symptoms include a fever

HIV.C.DE48 Sore throat

Client's symptoms include a sore throat

HIV.C.DE49 Aches

Client's symptoms include aches

HIV.C.DE50 Pains

Client's symptoms include pains

HIV.C.DE51 Swollen glands

Client's symptoms include swollen glands

HIV.C.DE52 Mouth sores

Client's symptoms include a mouth sores

HIV.C.DE53 Headaches

Client's symptoms include a headaches

HIV.C.DE54 Rash

Client's symptoms include a rash

HIV.C.DE55 Sex partner's HIV treatment status

Treatment adherence of client's sex partner for partners that are HIV-positive

HIV.C.DE56 Not on ART

Sex partner is HIV-positive and not on ART

HIV.C.DE57 On ART less than 6 months

Sex partner is HIV-positive and is on ART less than 6 months. ART may take up to 6 months to suppress viral load. In studies of serodiscordant couples, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has provided a useful bridge to full viral suppression by the partner during that time.

HIV.C.DE58 Partner has suspected low adherence to ART

Sex partner is HIV-positive and is suspected to have low adherence to ART. There have been gaps in the partner's treatment adherence or the couple is not communicating openly about treatment adherence and viral load test results.

HIV.C.DE59 Partner is not virally suppressed

Sex partner is HIV-positive and not virally suppressed

HIV.C.DE60 Partner is virally suppressed and has been on ART for 6 months or more

Sex partner is HIV-positive and virally suppressed with 6 months or more on ART

HIV.C.DE61 Suitable for PrEP

The client is suitable for PrEP

HIV.C.DE62 Offered PrEP

After being evaluated as suitable for PrEP, the client was offered PrEP

HIV.C.DE63 Screenings and diagnostics for PrEP users

Listing of tests for clients on or starting pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) that may be recommended or should be considered

HIV.C.DE64 Serum creatinine test

Test serum creatinine to identify pre-existing renal disease (estimated creatinine clearance less than 60 ml/min)

HIV.C.DE65 Hepatitis B test

Hepatitis B test recommended for client

HIV.C.DE66 Hepatitis C test

Hepatitis C test recommended for client

HIV.C.DE67 Syphilis test

Syphilis test recommended for client

HIV.C.DE68 Other screening for STIs

Other STI screening recommended for client

HIV.C.DE69 Pregnancy testing

Pregnancy testing for client

HIV.C.DE70 Review vaccination history

Review vaccination history recommended for client

HIV.C.DE71 Serum creatinine test date

Test serum creatinine to identify pre-existing renal disease (estimated creatinine clearance less than 60 ml/min)

HIV.C.DE72 Serum creatinine test result

Test serum creatinine to identify pre-existing renal disease (estimated creatinine clearance less than 60 ml/min).

HIV.C.DE73 Date medications dispensed

Date the client was dispensed medications

HIV.C.DE74 Date medications prescribed

Date the client was prescribed medications

HIV.C.DE75 Medications prescribed

Medications the client was prescribed

HIV.C.DE76 PrEP for HIV prevention

Client was prescribed pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention

HIV.C.DE77 PEP for HIV prevention

Client was prescribed post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV prevention

HIV.C.DE78 Other

Client was prescribed other medications

HIV.C.DE79 Other (specify)

Client was prescribed other medications (specify)

HIV.C.DE80 PrEP product prescribed

PrEP product that the client was prescribed

HIV.C.DE81 Oral PrEP

Client was prescribed oral PrEP

HIV.C.DE82 Dapivirine vaginal ring (DVR)

Client was prescribed dapivirine vaginal ring (DVR)


Client was prescribed long-acting cabotegravir (CAB-LA)

HIV.C.DE84 Other

Client was prescribed other PrEP product

HIV.C.DE85 Other (specify)

Client was prescribed other PrEP product (specify)

HIV.C.DE86 Date PrEP prescribed

Date client was prescribed PrEP, including initial prescription and repeats

HIV.C.DE87 Date PrEP dispensed

Date client was dispensed PrEP

HIV.C.DE88 Volume of PrEP product prescribed/dispensed

Volume of PrEP product the client was prescribed or dispensed (for example, number of pills, number of devices)

HIV.C.DE89 Date PEP prescribed

Date the client was prescribed PEP

HIV.C.DE90 Date PEP course completion

Date client completes PEP course

HIV.C.DE91 Preferred PEP backbone regimen

Preferred backbone regimen for PEP


Preferred backbone containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and lamivudine


Preferred backbone containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine


Preferred backbone containing zidovudine and lamivudine

HIV.C.DE95 Alternative PEP backbone regimen

Alternative backbone regimen for PEP


Alternative backbone containing abacavir and lamivudine


Alternative backbone containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and lamivudine


Alternative backbone containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine

HIV.C.DE99 Preferred third PEP drug

Preferred third drug for PEP


Preferred third drug of dolutegravir

HIV.C.DE101 Alternative third PEP drug

Alternative third drug for PEP


Alternative third drug of atazanavir/ritonavir (ATV/r)


Alternative third drug of darunavir/ritonavir (DRV/r)


Alternative third drug of lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r)


Alternative third drug of raltegravir (RAL)

HIV.C.DE106 Estimated creatinine clearance

Estimated creatinine clearance of the client returned from lab in mL/min

HIV.C.DE107 Sex factor for estimating creatinine clearance

Value used for gender for calculating creatinine clearance if required. For transgender populations, the sex at birth is used in the Cockcroft-Gault equation if the person is not using hormone therapy; among transgender populations using hormone therapy for more than three months, the current gender can be used.

HIV.C.DE108 Male

Male client

HIV.C.DE109 Female

Female client

HIV.C.DE110 Estimated creatinine clearance (Cockcroft–Gault equation)

If the laboratory does not have the capacity to estimate creatinine clearance, the provider can use the Cockcroft–Gault equation to calculate estimated creatinine clearance based on measured serum creatinine, the client’s sex at birth, age and estimated lean body weight.

HIV.C.DE111 Date of sample collection

Date when the specimen was collected

HIV.C.DE112 Contraindications to PrEP usage

Listing of contraindications to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

HIV.C.DE113 Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) allergy or contraindication

Allergy to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF)

HIV.C.DE114 HIV-positive

Client is HIV-positive

HIV.C.DE115 Low estimated creatinine clearance

Estimated creatinine clearance of less than 60 ml/min (if known)

HIV.C.DE116 Acute HIV infection symptoms

Symptoms that could suggest an acute HIV infection

HIV.C.DE117 Probable recent exposure to HIV

When the client is reported to have had probable recent exposure to HIV

HIV.C.DE118 Other allergy or contraindication to a medicine in the PrEP regimen

Client has another allergy or contraindication to a medicine in the pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimen

HIV.C.DE119 Other allergy or contraindication to a medicine in the PrEP regimen (specify)

Client has another allergy or contraindication to a medicine in the pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimen (specify)

HIV.C.DE120 Prescribed PrEP at initial visit

Client was prescribed pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) on a first visit

HIV.C.DE121 Number of days prescribed

Days of medication client has been prescribed

HIV.C.DE122 PrEP regimen prescribed

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimen prescribed

HIV.C.DE123 Adherence counselling provided

Whether adherence counselling was provided

HIV.C.DE124 Date/time of follow-up appointment

Date the client is to return for monitoring, re-supply, or any other reason

HIV.C.DE125 Type of follow-up appointment

Type of follow-up appointment for testing services

HIV.C.DE126 Retesting for HIV

Retesting follow-up appointment

HIV.C.DE127 Follow-up appointment for PrEP

Retesting follow-up appointment

HIV.C.DE128 Other

Other reason for the follow-up appointment

HIV.C.DE129 Other (specify)

Other reason for the follow-up appointment (specify)

HIV.C.DE130 Linked to enrolment in care and ART initiation

Linkage made from HIV testing to enrolment in care following an HIV diagnosis

HIV.C.DE131 Prevention services offered and referrals

Offer or refer to prevention services

HIV.C.DE132 Male and female condoms and condom-compatible lubricants offered

Offer male and female condoms and condom-compatible lubricants

HIV.C.DE133 Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) referral

Offer referral for VMMC services

HIV.C.DE134 Harm reduction for people who inject drugs

Offer or refer to harm reduction for people who inject drugs (needle and syringe programmes, opioid substitution therapy, other drug-dependence treatment and opioid overdose prevention and management) services

HIV.C.DE135 Behavioural interventions to support risk reduction

Offer or refer to services for behavioural interventions to support risk reduction, particularly for people with HIV and members of key populations

HIV.C.DE136 Date provided condoms

Date client was provided with condoms

HIV.C.DE137 Condoms distributed

Number of condoms given to the client, if any were distributed

HIV.C.DE138 Condom type

Type of condom provided to client

HIV.C.DE139 Male condom

Male condoms were provided to the client

HIV.C.DE140 Female condom

Female condoms were provided to the client

HIV.C.DE141 HIV self-test kits accepted

Whether any HIV self-test kits were given to the client

HIV.C.DE142 Number of HIV self-test kits distributed

Number of HIV self-test kits distributed to the client

HIV.C.DE143 HIV self-test distributed for use by

Whom the client plans to give the HIV self-test kit (self, sexual partner, social contact, etc.)

HIV.C.DE144 Self

Client plans to use the self-test kit

HIV.C.DE145 Family member

Client plans to give the self-test kit to a family member to use

HIV.C.DE146 Drug-injecting partner

Client plans to give the self-test kit to a drug-injecting partner

HIV.C.DE147 Sexual partner

Client plans to give the self-test kit to a sexual partner

HIV.C.DE148 Social contact

Client plans to give the self-test kit to a social contact

HIV.C.DE149 Sexual and reproductive health integrated services

Offer or refer to sexual and reproductive health services

HIV.C.DE150 Contraception and family planning

Offer contraception and family planning services

HIV.C.DE151 Check pregnancy status

Check woman's pregnancy status

HIV.C.DE152 Prevent mother-to-child transmission

Offer services (counselling) to help prevent of mother-to-child transmission

HIV.C.DE153 Cervical cancer screening and treatment

Offer cervical cancer screening and treatment services

HIV.C.DE154 Anal cancer screening (for men who have sex with men)

Offer anal cancer screening (for men who have sex with men) services

HIV.C.DE155 STI testing and treatment

Offer STI testing and treatment services

HIV.C.DE156 HIV testing for partners and biological children

Offer testing for all partners and biological children of positive cases (includes partner services and index case testing), as well as partners and social contacts of people from key populations, where appropriate

HIV.C.DE157 Offer other clinical services

Other clinical services offered or referrals given to the client

HIV.C.DE158 Assessment and provision of vaccinations

Assessment and provision of vaccinations, such as for people from key populations, pregnant women and infants; and, where appropriate, tetanus vaccination for adolescent boys and men receiving VMMC

HIV.C.DE159 Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing and treatment

Offer or refer for HBV testing and vaccination and HCV testing and treatment

HIV.C.DE160 Co-trimoxazole chemoprophylaxis to prevent pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

Offer or refer for co-trimoxazole chemoprophylaxis to prevent pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

HIV.C.DE161 Intensified TB case finding and linkage to TB treatment

Offer or refer for TB case finding and linkage to TB treatment

HIV.C.DE162 Provision of isoniazid preventive therapy if person does not have TB

Offer or refer for provision of isoniazid preventive therapy if person does not have TB

HIV.C.DE163 Malaria prevention (such as bed nets and prophylaxis), depending on epidemiology

Offer or refer for malaria prevention (such as bed nets and prophylaxis), depending on epidemiology

HIV.C.DE164 Other support services

Offer or refer for other support services

HIV.C.DE165 Mental health services

Offer or refer for mental health services

HIV.C.DE166 Psychosocial counselling, support and treatment adherence counselling

Offer or refer for psychosocial counselling, support and treatment adherence counselling

HIV.C.DE167 Support for disclosure and partner services

Offer or refer for support for disclosure and partner services

HIV.C.DE168 Legal and social services

Offer or refer for legal and social services

HIV.C.DE169 Services for responding to violence against women

Offer or refer for services for responding to violence against women, including first-line support and psychosocial support, post-rape care and other support services including shelters, legal services and women and child protection services

HIV.D.DE1 Reason for visit

Whether visit was scheduled or unscheduled, clinical only, or for ARV drug pick-up

HIV.D.DE2 First clinical visit

The client's first appointment for clinical care by a provider at the facility

HIV.D.DE3 Clinical visit

Appointment for clinical care by a provider

HIV.D.DE4 ART initiation

Appointment for initiation of ART

HIV.D.DE5 ART drug pick up

Appointment for an antiretroviral drug pick up

HIV.D.DE6 Issues and concerns

Visit to address issues and concerns

HIV.D.DE7 Post-treatment follow-up visit for cervical precancer lesions or invasive cervical cancer

Appointment for a post-treatment follow-up visit for cervical precancer lesions or invasive cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE8 Scheduled visit

Is this is a scheduled visit?

HIV.D.DE9 Body temperature

Temperature of the client in Celsius

HIV.D.DE10 Respiratory rate

The number of breaths per minute

HIV.D.DE11 Heart rate

The number of heartbeats per minute

HIV.D.DE12 Body height

The client's height in centimetres

HIV.D.DE13 Body weight

The client's current weight in kilograms

HIV.D.DE14 Systolic blood pressure

Systolic blood pressure (SBP) in mmHg

HIV.D.DE15 Diastolic blood pressure

Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in mmHg

HIV.D.DE16 Blood pressure cannot be taken

If the client's blood pressure cannot be taken, this should be indicated here. Otherwise, blood pressure should be measured.

HIV.D.DE17 Signs of serious illness

Signs that may indicate the client has a serious illness and needs triage or an emergency referral

HIV.D.DE18 Fever of 39 C or greater

Client has a fever with a measured temperature of 102.2 F/39 C or greater

HIV.D.DE19 Tachycardia

Heart rate above a rate per minute based on age

HIV.D.DE20 Tachypnea

Respiratory rate above a number of breaths per minute based on age

HIV.D.DE21 Unable to walk unaided

Client is not able to walk without help

HIV.D.DE22 Lethargy

Client is exhibiting lethargy as a sign of serious illness

HIV.D.DE23 Unconsciousness

Client is currently unconscious

HIV.D.DE24 Convulsions

Client is convulsing

HIV.D.DE25 Unable to drink

Child is not able to drink

HIV.D.DE26 Unable to breastfeed

Infant or child is not able to breastfeed

HIV.D.DE27 Repeated vomiting

Client is repeatedly vomiting

HIV.D.DE28 Headache

Client is exhibiting a headache

HIV.D.DE29 Other sign of serious illness

Client is exhibiting another sign of a serious illness

HIV.D.DE30 Other sign of serious illness (specify)

Client is exhibiting another sign of a serious illness (specify)

HIV.D.DE31 Currently pregnant

Client is currently pregnant

HIV.D.DE32 Breastfeeding

Client is giving infant breast milk

HIV.D.DE33 Number of pregnancies (gravida)

Total number of times the woman has been pregnant (gravida)

HIV.D.DE34 Number of miscarriages and/or abortions

Total number of pregnancies lost/ended due to miscarriages and/or abortions before 22 weeks/5 months

HIV.D.DE35 Number of live births

Total number of live births after 22 weeks

HIV.D.DE36 Parity

Calculated parity is the total number of live and stillbirths

HIV.D.DE37 Serodiscordant partner

Client's HIV status is different from a current partner's HIV status


Client is currently taking ART

HIV.D.DE39 ART start date

The date on which the client started or restarted ART

HIV.D.DE40 Stopped ART

Client stopped taking ART

HIV.D.DE41 Date ART stopped

Date on which client stopped ART

HIV.D.DE42 Established on ART

Is the client successfully established on ART?

HIV.D.DE43 ART start type

Whether the client is ART naive or is restarting ART

HIV.D.DE44 First-time user of ART

Client is ART naive, having never taken ART to treat HIV before

HIV.D.DE45 Restarting ART

Client is restarting ART after stopping treatment for any reason

HIV.D.DE46 Date of initiation on ART

The date on which the client was first initiated on ART

HIV.D.DE47 Time on ART

Time the client has been on ART since starting or restarting it in years and months

HIV.D.DE48 Date(s) ART restarted

Date(s) client restarted ART after stopping (intentionally interrupting) for any number of reasons (see 'Reason ART stopped')

HIV.D.DE49 ART cohort

Month and year client originally started ART (documented) at a health facility in the system. The cohort is a group of patients who started ART in the same month (or quarter) and year, whose status is followed over time, using the ART register.

HIV.D.DE50 Transfer in for HIV care

Client is transferring in with records or known ART drugs and ART start date

HIV.D.DE51 Date of transfer in

Date client presented at facility (with transfer/referral slip) from another facility (and on ART) within the system

HIV.D.DE52 Facility transferred from

Name of health facility client was transferred from

HIV.D.DE53 Date enrolled in HIV care

Date client first enrols in HIV care at the facility. Begins when a person with a confirmed HIV diagnosis presents to a facility where HIV care is provided and a medical record, patient card, file or chart is opened for the first time. This could be at an HIV care/ART, MNCH or TB clinic.

HIV.D.DE54 Age at enrolment

Client's age when the client was enrolled in ART care

HIV.D.DE55 Facility where client first enrolled in HIV care

Facility where the client first enrolled in HIV care

HIV.D.DE56 Antiretroviral (ARV) drugs received prior to enrolment

Whether or not the client received ARV drugs prior to enrolling into HIV care

HIV.D.DE57 No prior ARVs

Client received no prior ARVs

HIV.D.DE58 Received ARVs prior without records/documentation

Client received ARVs prior without records/documentation

HIV.D.DE59 Received ARVs during pregnancy or breastfeeding

Client received ARVs during pregnancy or breastfeeding

HIV.D.DE60 Received ARVs for PEP or PrEP

Client received ARVs for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) or PrEP

HIV.D.DE61 ARV prophylaxis for an HIV-exposed infant

Client received ARV prophylaxis for an HIV-exposed infant

HIV.D.DE62 Date ARV drugs received prior to enrolment

Date ARV drugs were started prior to enrolment into HIV care/ART

HIV.D.DE63 Location ARV drugs received prior to enrolment

Health facility (or other location) where ARV drugs were received prior to enrolment into HIV care/ART

HIV.D.DE64 ARV drug regimen received prior to enrolment

ARV drug regimen received prior to enrolment into HIV care/ART

HIV.D.DE65 Existing chronic health conditions

Does the client have any current chronic health conditions or problems?

HIV.D.DE66 No chronic or past health conditions

Client does not have chronic diseases or any past health conditions

HIV.D.DE67 Don't know

Client does not know whether she has any chronic diseases or past health conditions

HIV.D.DE68 Diabetes other or unspecified

Client has diabetes of other or unspecified type

HIV.D.DE69 Diabetes pre-existing type 1

Client has pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus

HIV.D.DE70 Diabetes pre-existing type 2

Client has pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus

HIV.D.DE71 Hypertension

High blood pressure

HIV.D.DE72 Other

Other health conditions not included in the list

HIV.D.DE73 Other (specify)

Other health conditions not included in the list (specify)

HIV.D.DE74 Original first-line ART regimen

Original full, first-line ARV drug regimen patient started on at this facility

HIV.D.DE75 Current ART regimen

The current ART regimen the client is taking

HIV.D.DE76 Current ART regimen start date

The date on which the client started taking the current ART regimen

HIV.D.DE77 Preferred first-line ART regimen

The preferred first-line ART regimen for the client according to WHO (or national) guidelines

HIV.D.DE78 Alternative first-line ART regimen

The alternative first-line ART regimen for the client according to WHO (or national) guidelines

HIV.D.DE79 First-line ART regimen under special circumstances

The first-line ART regimen for the client under special circumstances according to WHO (or national) guidelines

HIV.D.DE80 Preferred second-line ART regimen

The preferred second-line ART regimen for the client according to WHO (or national) guidelines

HIV.D.DE81 Alternative second-line ART regimen

The alternative second-line ART regimen for the client according to WHO (or national) guidelines

HIV.D.DE82 Optimal regimen for transition

The optimal regimen for transition to DTG-based regimens for children established on ART

HIV.D.DE83 Current ART regimen (first-, second-, or third-line)

ART regimen for treating clients living with HIV, based on national guidance

HIV.D.DE84 First-line ART regimen for adults and adolescents

First-line ART regimen for adults and adolescents living with HIV

HIV.D.DE85 First-line ART regimen for children

First-line ART regimen for children living with HIV

HIV.D.DE86 First-line ART regimen for neonates

First-line ART regimen for neonates living with HIV

HIV.D.DE87 Second-line ART regimen for adults and adolescents

Second-line ART regimen for adults and adolescents living with HIV

HIV.D.DE88 Second-line ART regimen for children

Second-line ART regimen for children living with HIV

HIV.D.DE89 Third-line ART regimen

Third-line ART regimen for people living with HIV (Not defined by WHO. National programmes should develop policies for third-line ART)

HIV.D.DE90 ART regimen

List of ART regimens

HIV.D.DE91 ABC + 3TC + ATV/r

Regimen containing abacavir, lamivudine, and atazanavir/ritonavir


Regimen containing abacavir, lamivudine, and dolutegravir


Regimen containing abacavir, lamivudine, and efavarinez

HIV.D.DE94 ABC + 3TC + LPV/r

Regimen containing abacavir, lamivudine, and lopinavir/ritonavir


Regimen containing abacavir, lamivudine, and nevirapine


Regimen containing abacavir, lamivudine, and raltegravir

HIV.D.DE97 AZT + 3TC + ATV/r

Regimen containing zidovudine, lamivudine, and atazanavir/ritonavir

HIV.D.DE98 AZT + 3TC + DRV/r

Regimen containing zidovudine, lamivudine, and darunavir/ritonavir


Regimen containing zidovudine, lamivudine, and dolutegravir


Regimen containing zidovudine, lamivudine, and efavirenz

HIV.D.DE101 AZT + 3TC + EFV 600 mg

Regimen containing zidovudine, lamivudine, and efavirenz 600 mg

HIV.D.DE102 AZT + 3TC + LPV/r

Regimen containing zidovudine, lamivudine, and lopinavir/ritonavir


Regimen containing zidovudine, lamivudine, and nevirapine


Regimen containing zidovudine, lamivudine, and raltegravir


Regimen containing tenofovir alafenamide, lamivudine, and dolutegravir


Regimen containing tenofovir alafenamide, emtricitabine, and dolutegravir

HIV.D.DE107 TDF + 3TC + ATV/r

Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine, and atazanavir/ritonavir

HIV.D.DE108 TDF + 3TC + DRV/r

Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine, and darunavir/ritonavir


Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine, and dolutegravir


Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine, and efavirenz

HIV.D.DE111 TDF + 3TC + EFV 400 mg

Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine, and efavirenz (400 mg)

HIV.D.DE112 TDF + 3TC + EFV 600 mg

Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine, and efavirenz (600 mg)

HIV.D.DE113 TDF + 3TC + LPV/r

Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine, and lopinavir/ritonavir


Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine, and nevirapine

HIV.D.DE115 TDF + 3TC + PI/r

Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine, and a boosted protease inhibitor


Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine, and raltegravir


Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, and atazanavir/ritonavir


Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, and darunavir/ritonavir


Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, and dolutegravir


Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, and efavirenz

HIV.D.DE121 TDF + FTC + EFV 600 mg

Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, and efavirenz (600 mg)


Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, and lopinavir/ritonavir


Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, and nevirapine

HIV.D.DE124 TDF + FTC + PI/r

Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, and a boosted protease inhibitor


Regimen containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, and raltegravir

HIV.D.DE126 Other

Other regimen based upon WHO recommendations

HIV.D.DE127 Other (specify)

Other regimen based upon WHO recommendations (specify)

HIV.D.DE128 ART regimen composition

Drug composition of client's current ART regimen


Treated with abacavir (ABC)


Treated with emtricitabine (FTC)


Treated with lamivudine (3TC)


Treated with zidovudine (AZT)


Treated with didanosine (DDI)


Treated with stavudine (D4T)


Treated with tenofovir (TDF)


Treated with efavirenz (EFV)


Treated with etravirine (ETV)


Treated with nevirapine (NVP)


Treated with rilpivirine (RIL)


Treated with atazanavir/ritonavir (ATV/r)


Treated with lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r)


Treated with darunavir/ritonavir (DRV/r)


Treated with ritonavir (RTV)


Treated with dolutegravir (DTG)


Treated with raltegravir (RAL)

HIV.D.DE146 ART regimen drug class

Drug class of current ART regimen


Treated with nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs)


Treated with nucleotide reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NtRTIs)


Treated with non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs)


Treated with protease inhibitors (PIs)


Treated with integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs)

HIV.D.DE152 Prevention services offered and referrals

Offer or refer for prevention services

HIV.D.DE153 Offer male and female condoms and condom-compatible lubricants

Offer male and female condoms and condom-compatible lubricants

HIV.D.DE154 Harm reduction for people who inject drugs

Offer or refer people who inject drugs to harm reduction services (needle and syringe programmes, opioid substitution therapy, other drug-dependence treatment and opioid overdose prevention and management)

HIV.D.DE155 Behavioural interventions to support risk reduction

Offer or refer to services for behavioural interventions to support risk reduction, particularly for people with HIV and members of key populations

HIV.D.DE156 Sexual and reproductive health integrated services

Offer or refer to sexual and reproductive health services

HIV.D.DE157 Contraception and family planning

Offer contraception and family planning services

HIV.D.DE158 Check pregnancy status

Check woman's pregnancy status

HIV.D.DE159 Prevention of mother-to-child transmission

Offer prevention of mother-to-child transmission services (counselling)

HIV.D.DE160 STI testing and treatment

Offer STI testing and treatment services

HIV.D.DE161 HBsAg test date

Date client was tested for hepatitis B virus (HBV)

HIV.D.DE162 HBsAg test result

Hepatitis B virus test result (HBsAg)

HIV.D.DE163 Positive

HBsAg test result was positive

HIV.D.DE164 Negative

HBsAg test result was negative

HIV.D.DE165 Indeterminate

HBsAg test result was indeterminate

HIV.D.DE166 Date HBV test result returned to client

Date HBV test result (HBsAG) was returned to client

HIV.D.DE167 HBV treatment (TDF) start date

Date when client started treatment (TDF) for hepatitis B virus (HBV)

HIV.D.DE168 HBV treatment regimen prescribed

Hepatitis B virus treatment regimen prescribed

HIV.D.DE169 HCV test date

Date client was tested for hepatitis C virus (HCV antibody, HCV RNA or HCV core antigen)

HIV.D.DE170 HCV test result

Hepatitis C virus test result (HCV antibody, HCV RNA or HCV core antigen)

HIV.D.DE171 Positive

HCV test result was positive

HIV.D.DE172 Negative

HCV test result was negative

HIV.D.DE173 Indeterminate

HCV test result was indeterminate

HIV.D.DE174 Date HCV test result returned to client

Date HCV test result was returned to client

HIV.D.DE175 HCV treatment start date

Date when client started treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV)

HIV.D.DE176 HCV treatment completion date

Date when client completed treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV)

HIV.D.DE177 HCV treatment regimen prescribed

Hepatitis C virus treatment regimen prescribed

HIV.D.DE178 HCV viral load test date

Hepatitis C viral load test date

HIV.D.DE179 HCV viral load test result

Hepatitis C viral load test result (qualitative)

HIV.D.DE180 Detected

HCV was detected

HIV.D.DE181 Not detected

HCV was not detected

HIV.D.DE182 HCV medicine type

Type of medicine client is prescribed

HIV.D.DE183 Interferon

Client is prescribed interferon

HIV.D.DE184 Direct acting antivirals

Client is prescribed direct acting antivirals

HIV.D.DE185 Currently on TDF-based ART

Client is currently on TDF-based ART regimen

HIV.D.DE186 HIV clinical stage

WHO clinical stage of client based on signs and symptoms. WHO clinical staging is a way to categorize HIV disease severity based on new or recurrent clinical events. There are 4 WHO clinical stages that range from mild symptoms (WHO clinical stage 1) to severe symptoms (WHO clinical stage 4).

HIV.D.DE187 WHO HIV clinical stage 1

Client is currently assessed to be at a clinical stage 1, based on clinical assessment and diagnostics

HIV.D.DE188 WHO HIV clinical stage 2

Client is currently assessed to be at a clinical stage 2, based on clinical assessment and diagnostics

HIV.D.DE189 WHO HIV clinical stage 3

Client is currently assessed to be at a clinical stage 3, based on clinical assessment and diagnostics

HIV.D.DE190 WHO HIV clinical stage 4

Client is currently assessed to be at a clinical stage 4, based on clinical assessment and diagnostics

HIV.D.DE191 Number of missed doses

Number of doses of antiretroviral therapy (ART) the client missed since the last visit, used for monitoring adherence

HIV.D.DE192 Received viral load test result

Client received results from viral load test

HIV.D.DE193 Date viral load test results received by client

The date on which the client received results from viral load test

HIV.D.DE194 Date of viral load sample collection

Date and time when the sample was collected to test the client's HIV viral load

HIV.D.DE195 Date of scheduled review of viral load test results

Expected date when client's viral load test results will be returned and reviewed

HIV.D.DE196 Date of ART interruption

Date of client's ART interruption (ART stop or missed drug pick-up)

HIV.D.DE197 Reason(s) for adherence problem

Reason why client was not adherent

HIV.D.DE198 Forgot

Client reported not being adherent because they forgot

HIV.D.DE199 Toxicity/side effects

Client reported not being adherent because of toxicity/side effects

HIV.D.DE200 Busy

Client reported not being adherent because they were busy

HIV.D.DE201 Change of routine

Client reported not being adherent because of a change of routine

HIV.D.DE202 Travel cost

Client reported not being adherent because of travel cost

HIV.D.DE203 Distance to clinic

Client reported not being adherent because of distance to clinic

HIV.D.DE204 Client lost/ran out of pills

Client reported not being adherent because client lost/ran out of pills

HIV.D.DE205 Stock-out

Client reported not being adherent because of a stock-out

HIV.D.DE206 Too ill

Client reported not being adherent because of being too ill

HIV.D.DE207 Pill burden

Client reported not being adherent because of the pill burden

HIV.D.DE208 Felt well

Client reported not being adherent because they felt well

HIV.D.DE209 Depression

Client reported not being adherent because of depression

HIV.D.DE210 Alcohol use

Client reported not being adherent because of alcohol use

HIV.D.DE211 Substance use

Client reported not being adherent because of substance use (i.e. drugs)

HIV.D.DE212 Stigma/disclosure concerns

Client reported not being adherent because of stigma/disclosure concerns

HIV.D.DE213 Lack of food

Client reported not being adherent because of a lack of food

HIV.D.DE214 Poor palatability

Client reported not being adherent because of poor palatability

HIV.D.DE215 Other reason for nonadherence

Client reported not being adherent because of other reason for nonadherence

HIV.D.DE216 Other reason for nonadherence (specify)

Client reported not being adherent because of other reason for nonadherence (specify)

HIV.D.DE217 Reason ART stopped

Reason client intentionally stopped ART

HIV.D.DE218 Toxicity/side effects

Client stopped ART because of toxicity/side effects

HIV.D.DE219 Severe illness, hospitalization

Client stopped ART because of severe illness, hospitalization

HIV.D.DE220 Drugs out of stock

Client stopped ART because drugs were out of stock

HIV.D.DE221 Client lacks finances

Client stopped ART because of lack of finances

HIV.D.DE222 Excluded HIV infection in infant

Client stopped ART because HIV infection in infant was excluded

HIV.D.DE223 Other reason for stopping ART

Client stopped ART because of other reason

HIV.D.DE224 Other reason for stopping ART (specify)

Client stopped ART because of other reason (specify)

HIV.D.DE225 Treatment failure

ART treatment failure

HIV.D.DE226 Clinical failure

New or recurrent clinical event indicating severe immunodeficiency in adults or advanced or severe immunodeficiency in children

HIV.D.DE227 Immunological failure

CD4 count at or below 250 cells/mm3 following clinical failure

HIV.D.DE228 Virological failure

The inability to achieve or maintain viral suppression below a certain threshold indicated by viral load above 1000 copies/mL based on two consecutive viral load measurements in 3 months, with adherence support following the first viral load test

HIV.D.DE229 General care activities recommended

General care activities to be performed during the care visit

HIV.D.DE230 Determine WHO clinical stage

Determine WHO clinical stage based on past and current HIV-related conditions

HIV.D.DE231 Determine if advanced disease

Determine if client is in an advanced stage of HIV, as a special package of services may be provided

HIV.D.DE232 Prepare for ART

Prepare client new to ART

HIV.D.DE233 Prepare, assess and support adherence

Prepare, assess and support adherence

HIV.D.DE234 Manage current medications

Manage current medications being taken by the client

HIV.D.DE235 Check pregnancy status

Check woman's pregnancy status

HIV.D.DE236 Provide family planning and contraception

Provide family planning and contraception counselling

HIV.D.DE237 Support disclosure and partner notification

Support disclosure and partner notification

HIV.D.DE238 Counsel on risk reduction and prevention

Counsel on risk reduction and combination HIV prevention approaches

HIV.D.DE239 Assess, prevent and manage noncommunicable diseases

Assess, prevent and manage noncommunicable diseases

HIV.D.DE240 Screen for and manage mental health problems

Screen for and manage mental health problems

HIV.D.DE241 Screen for and manage and substance use issues

Screen for and manage and substance use issues

HIV.D.DE242 Provide psychosocial counselling and support

Provide psychosocial counselling and support

HIV.D.DE243 Manage pain and symptoms

Manage pain and symptoms client is experiencing

HIV.D.DE244 Conduct a nutritional assessment and counsel on nutrition

Conduct a nutritional assessment and counsel on nutrition

HIV.D.DE245 Conduct a growth and development assessment

Conduct a growth and development assessment

HIV.D.DE246 Provide support on infant and child feeding

Provide support on infant and child feeding to mother or care giver

HIV.D.DE247 Preventing and treating coinfections

Coinfection prevention and treatment activities performed during the care visit

HIV.D.DE248 Provide co-trimoxazole preventive therapy (CPT)

Provide co-trimoxazole prophylaxis for clients new to ART or identified as taking it

HIV.D.DE249 Intensified TB case finding and linkage to TB treatment

Offer or refer for intensified TB case finding and linkage to TB treatment

HIV.D.DE250 Provide isoniazid preventive therapy

Provide isoniazid preventive therapy

HIV.D.DE251 Screen for cryptococcal infection and fungal prophylaxis

Screen for cryptococcal infection and fungal prophylaxis

HIV.D.DE252 Screen for hepatitis B

Screen for hepatitis B virus

HIV.D.DE253 Screen for hepatitis C

Screen for hepatitis C virus

HIV.D.DE254 Prevent malaria

Prevent malaria including with insecticide-treated bed-nets and prophylaxis

HIV.D.DE255 Screen for STIs

Screen for STIs

HIV.D.DE256 Prevent and screen for cervical cancer

Prevent and screen for cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE257 Anal cancer screening (for men who have sex with men)

Offer anal cancer screening (for men who have sex with men)

HIV.D.DE258 Assessment and provision of vaccinations

Assessment and provision of vaccinations, such as for people from key populations, pregnant women and infants; and, where appropriate, tetanus vaccination for adolescent boys and men receiving VMMC

HIV.D.DE259 Risk factors, comorbidities and coinfections signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of opportunistic infections or other comorbidities experienced by client

HIV.D.DE260 Oral candidiasis

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include oral candidiasis (after the first 6-8 weeks of life)

HIV.D.DE261 Vaginal candidiasis

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include vaginal candidiasis

HIV.D.DE262 Cough

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include cough

HIV.D.DE263 Prolonged fever

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include prolonged fever

HIV.D.DE264 Night sweats

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include night sweats

HIV.D.DE265 Weight loss

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include weight loss

HIV.D.DE266 Difficulty breathing

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include difficulty breathing

HIV.D.DE267 Pneumonia

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include pneumonia

HIV.D.DE268 Urethral discharge

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include urethral discharge

HIV.D.DE269 Syphilis

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include syphilis

HIV.D.DE270 Pelvic inflammatory disease

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include pelvic inflammatory disease

HIV.D.DE271 Ulcers - skin

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include ulcers - skin

HIV.D.DE272 Ulcers - mouth or other

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include ulcers - mouth or other

HIV.D.DE273 Ulcers - male genital

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include ulcers - male genital

HIV.D.DE274 Vaginal discharge

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include vaginal discharge

HIV.D.DE275 Malaria

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include malaria

HIV.D.DE276 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

HIV.D.DE277 Hypertension

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include hypertension

HIV.D.DE278 Diabetes

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include diabetes

HIV.D.DE279 Gestational diabetes

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include gestational diabetes

HIV.D.DE280 Mental health disorders

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include mental health disorders (including depression, dementia, encephalitis, seizures)

HIV.D.DE281 Diarrhoea or abdominal pain

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include diarrhoea or abdominal pain

HIV.D.DE282 Presumptive TB

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include presumptive TB

HIV.D.DE283 Severe or complicated malnutrition

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include severe or complicated malnutrition

HIV.D.DE284 Poor growth or development

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include poor growth or development

HIV.D.DE285 Oedema

Client's comorbidities or coinfections or symptoms of these include oedema

HIV.D.DE286 Previously treated for TB

Client has previously been treated for tuberculosis (TB)

HIV.D.DE287 Other

Other comorbidities or coinfection signs or symptoms

HIV.D.DE288 Other (specify)

Other comorbidities or coinfection signs or symptoms (specify)

HIV.D.DE289 WHO HIV clinical stage condition or symptom

New or recurrent clinical events used to categorize HIV disease severity based at baseline and follow up

HIV.D.DE290 Asymptomatic

No HIV-related symptoms reported and no clinical signs on examination

HIV.D.DE291 Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy

Persistent enlarged lymph nodes >1 cm at two or more non-contiguous sites (excluding inguinal) without known cause

HIV.D.DE292 Moderate unexplained weight loss

Moderate unexplained weight loss (<10% of presumed or measured body weight)

HIV.D.DE293 Recurrent respiratory tract infections

Client's symptoms include recurrent respiratory tract infections including sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media or pharyngitis

HIV.D.DE294 Unexplained persistent hepatosplenomegaly

Client's symptoms include unexplained persistent hepatosplenomegaly

HIV.D.DE295 Herpes zoster

Client's symptoms include herpes zoster

HIV.D.DE296 Angular cheilitis

Client's symptoms include angular cheilitis

HIV.D.DE297 Linear gingival erythema

Client's symptoms include linear gingival erythema

HIV.D.DE298 Recurrent oral ulceration

Client's symptoms include recurrent oral ulceration

HIV.D.DE299 Papular pruritic eruption

Client's symptoms include papular pruritic eruption

HIV.D.DE300 Fungal nail infections

Client's symptoms include fungal nail infections

HIV.D.DE301 Seborrhoeic dermatitis

Client's symptoms include seborrhoeic dermatitis

HIV.D.DE302 Extensive wart virus infection

Client's symptoms include extensive wart virus infection

HIV.D.DE303 Extensive molluscum contagiosum

Client's symptoms include extensive molluscum contagiosum

HIV.D.DE304 Unexplained persistent parotid enlargement

Client's symptoms include unexplained persistent parotid enlargement

HIV.D.DE305 Unexplained severe weight loss in adults

Unexplained severe weight loss (>10% of presumed or measured body weight)

HIV.D.DE306 Unexplained moderate malnutrition not adequately responding to standard therapy

Defined as weight-for-height < - 2 z-score or mid-upper arm circumference 115 mm to <125 mm. For children younger than five years of age: stunting is defined as severe acute malnutrition - either weight for height < -3 z-score or mid-upper arm circumference <115 mm or the presence of oedema.

HIV.D.DE307 Unexplained chronic diarrhoea for longer than 1 month

Client's symptoms include unexplained chronic diarrhoea for longer than 1 month

HIV.D.DE308 Unexplained persistent diarrhoea (14 days or more)

Client's symptoms include unexplained persistent diarrhoea (14 days or more)

HIV.D.DE309 Unexplained persistent fever (above 37.5 C, intermittent or constant, for longer than one 1 month)

Client's symptoms include unexplained persistent fever (above 37.5 C, intermittent or constant, for longer than one 1 month)

HIV.D.DE310 Persistent oral candidiasis

Client's symptoms include persistent oral candidiasis

HIV.D.DE311 Oral hairy leukoplakia

Client has fine white small linear or corrugated lesions on lateral borders of the tongue that do not scrape off

HIV.D.DE312 Pulmonary TB

Client's symptoms include pulmonary TB

HIV.D.DE313 Lymph node TB

Client's symptoms include lymph node TB

HIV.D.DE314 Severe bacterial infections (such as pneumonia, empyema, pyomyositis, bone or joint infection, meningitis, bacteraemia)

Client's symptoms include severe bacterial infections (such as pneumonia, empyema, pyomyositis, bone or joint infection, meningitis, bacteraemia)

HIV.D.DE315 Severe recurrent bacterial pneumonia

Client's symptoms include severe recurrent bacterial pneumonia

HIV.D.DE316 Acute necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis

Client's symptoms include acute necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis

HIV.D.DE317 Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

Client's symptoms include acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

HIV.D.DE318 Acute necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis

Client's symptoms include acute necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis

HIV.D.DE319 Unexplained anaemia (<8 g/dL)

Client's symptoms include unexplained anaemia (<8 g/dL)

HIV.D.DE320 Neutropaenia (<0.5 x 10^9/L)

Client's symptoms include neutropaenia (<0.5 x 10^9/L)

HIV.D.DE321 Chronic thrombocytopaenia (<50 x 10^9/L)

Client's symptoms include chronic thrombocytopaenia (<50 x 10^9/L)

HIV.D.DE322 Symptomatic lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis

Client's symptoms include symptomatic lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis

HIV.D.DE323 Chronic HIV-associated lung disease, including bronchiectasis

Client's symptoms include chronic HIV-associated lung disease, including bronchiectasis

HIV.D.DE324 HIV wasting syndrome

Unexplained involuntary weight loss (>10% baseline body weight), with obvious wasting or body mass index <18.5; PLUS EITHER unexplained chronic reported for longer than one month; OR reports of fever or night sweats for more than one month without other cause and lack of response to antibiotics or antimalarial agents; malaria must be excluded in malarious areas.

HIV.D.DE325 Unexplained severe wasting not responding to standard therapy

Client has unexplained severe wasting not responding to standard therapy . For under 5 years old, defined as weight-for-height < -3 z-score

HIV.D.DE326 Unexplained stunting not responding to standard therapy

Client has unexplained stunting not responding to standard therapy . For under 5 years old, defined as length-for- age/height-for-age < -2 z-score

HIV.D.DE327 Unexplained severe malnutrition not responding to standard therapy

Client has unexplained severe malnutrition not responding to standard therapy . For under 5 years old, weight for height < -3 z-score or mid-upper arm circumference <115 mm or the presence of oedema

HIV.D.DE328 Pneumocystis (jirovecii) pneumonia

Client's symptoms include pneumocystis (jirovecii) pneumonia

HIV.D.DE329 Recurrent severe bacterial pneumonia

Client's symptoms include recurrent severe bacterial pneumonia

HIV.D.DE330 Recurrent severe bacterial infections (such as empyema, pyomyositis, bone or joint infection, meningitis, but excluding pneumonia)

Client's symptoms include recurrent severe bacterial infections (such as empyema, pyomyositis, bone or joint infection, meningitis, but excluding pneumonia)

HIV.D.DE331 Empyema

Client's symptoms include recurrent empyema

HIV.D.DE332 Pyomyositis

Client's symptoms include recurrent pyomyositis

HIV.D.DE333 Bone or joint infection

Client's symptoms include recurrent bone or joint infections

HIV.D.DE334 Meningitis

Client's symptoms include recurrent meningitis

HIV.D.DE335 Chronic herpes simplex infection (orolabial or cutaneous of more than 1 month duration or visceral at any site)

Client's symptoms include chronic herpes simplex infection (orolabial or cutaneous of more than 1 month duration or visceral at any site)

HIV.D.DE336 Chronic herpes simplex infection (orolabial, genital or anorectal of more than 1 month in duration or visceral at any site)

Client's symptoms include chronic herpes simplex infection (orolabial, genital or anorectal of more than one month in duration or visceral at any site)

HIV.D.DE337 Oesophageal candidiasis (or candidiasis of trachea, bronchi or lungs)

Client's symptoms include oesophageal candidiasis (or candidiasis of trachea, bronchi or lungs)

HIV.D.DE338 Extrapulmonary TB

Client's symptoms include extrapulmonary tuberculosis

HIV.D.DE339 Kaposi sarcoma

Client's symptoms include Kaposi sarcoma

HIV.D.DE340 Cytomegalovirus infection (retinitis or infection of other organs)

Client's symptoms include cytomegalovirus infection (retinitis or infection of other organs)

HIV.D.DE341 Central nervous system toxoplasmosis

Client's symptoms include central nervous system toxoplasmosis

HIV.D.DE342 HIV encephalopathy

Client's symptoms include HIV encephalopathy

HIV.D.DE343 Extrapulmonary cryptococcosis, including meningitis

Client's symptoms include extrapulmonary cryptococcosis, including meningitis

HIV.D.DE344 Disseminated nontuberculous mycobacterial infection

Client's symptoms include disseminated nontuberculous mycobacterial infection

HIV.D.DE345 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

Client's symptoms include progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

HIV.D.DE346 Chronic cryptosporidiosis

Client's symptoms include chronic cryptosporidiosis

HIV.D.DE347 Chronic cryptosporidiosis (with diarrhoea)

Client's symptoms include chronic cryptosporidiosis (with diarrhoea)

HIV.D.DE348 Chronic isosporiasis

Client's symptoms include chronic isosporiasis

HIV.D.DE349 Disseminated mycosis (extrapulmonary histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis)

Client's symptoms include disseminated mycosis (extrapulmonary histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis)

HIV.D.DE350 Disseminated endemic mycosis (extrapulmonary histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, penicilliosis)

Client's symptoms include disseminated endemic mycosis (extrapulmonary histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, penicilliosis)

HIV.D.DE351 Cerebral lymphoma

Client's symptoms include cerebral lymphoma

HIV.D.DE352 B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Client's symptoms include b-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma

HIV.D.DE353 HIV-associated nephropathy or cardiomyopathy

Client's symptoms include HIV- associated nephropathy or cardiomyopathy

HIV.D.DE354 Recurrent septicaemia (including nontyphoidal Salmonella)

Client's symptoms include recurrent bacteraemia (septicaemia) (including nontyphoidal salmonella)

HIV.D.DE355 Invasive cervical carcinoma

Client's symptoms include invasive cervical carcinoma

HIV.D.DE356 Atypical disseminated leishmaniasis

Client's symptoms include atypical disseminated leishmaniasis

HIV.D.DE357 Neutropenia

Client's symptoms include neutropenia, an abnormally low count of a type of white blood cell (neutrophils)

HIV.D.DE358 Clinical stage at start of ART

WHO clinical stage of client based on signs and symptoms at start of ART

HIV.D.DE359 WHO clinical stage 1

Client is assessed to be at a clinical stage of 1 at the time of starting ART, based on clinical assessment and diagnostics

HIV.D.DE360 WHO clinical stage 2

Client is assessed to be at a clinical stage of 2 at the time of starting ART, based on clinical assessment and diagnostics

HIV.D.DE361 WHO clinical stage 3

Client is assessed to be at a clinical stage of 3 at the time of starting ART, based on clinical assessment and diagnostics

HIV.D.DE362 WHO clinical stage 4

Client is assessed to be at a clinical stage of 4 at the time of starting ART, based on clinical assessment and diagnostics

HIV.D.DE363 Date of clinical status change

Date on which the client's WHO HIV clinical stage changed, including the date when the client's stage is first determined

HIV.D.DE364 CD4 count

CD4 cell count in cells/mm^3

HIV.D.DE365 CD4 cell percentage

CD4 cell percentage

HIV.D.DE366 Date of CD4 count test

Date and time when CD4 count test was conducted

HIV.D.DE367 Baseline CD4 count

CD4 count performed at HIV diagnosis

HIV.D.DE368 Date of baseline CD4 count test

Date and time when baseline CD4 count test was conducted

HIV.D.DE369 Late ART initiation

Client had late ART initiation. That is, the client's first CD4 count from baseline CD4 test performed (such as at HIV diagnosis) was a count of <200 cells/mm3

HIV.D.DE370 Reasons for delayed ART initiation

Reason why ART was not initiated at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis

HIV.D.DE371 Patient self-reported as not ready/willing

Client did not initiate ART at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis because client self-reported as not ready/willing

HIV.D.DE372 Not completed education, support and preparation for ART

Client did not initiate ART at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis because client had not completed education, support and preparation for ART

HIV.D.DE373 Fear of disclosure

Client did not initiate ART at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis because of client's fear of disclosure

HIV.D.DE374 Patient lacks finances

Client did not initiate ART at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis because client lacks finances

HIV.D.DE375 Initiated on TB treatment

Client did not initiate ART at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis because client initiated on TB treatment

HIV.D.DE376 Patient initiated on treatment for TB meningitis

Client did not initiate ART at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis because client initiated on treatment for TB meningitis

HIV.D.DE377 Patient diagnosed with cryptococcal meningitis

Client did not initiate ART at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis because client diagnosed with cryptococcal meningitis

HIV.D.DE378 Patient diagnosed with histoplasmosis

Client did not initiate ART at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis because client diagnosed with histoplasmosis

HIV.D.DE379 Patient critically/severely ill

Client did not initiate ART at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis because client critically/severely ill

HIV.D.DE380 Other

Client did not initiate ART at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis because of other reason

HIV.D.DE381 Other (specify)

Client did not initiate ART at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis because of other reason (specify)

HIV.D.DE382 ART initiated within 7 days of diagnosis

Client initiated ART within 7 days of diagnosis

HIV.D.DE383 Time to start ART

Time from HIV diagnosis to when client started ART

HIV.D.DE384 Within 7 days of HIV diagnosis

Client started ART within 7 days

HIV.D.DE385 Within 30 days of HIV diagnosis

Client started ART within 30 days of ART initiation (but over 7 days)

HIV.D.DE386 Within 90 days of HIV diagnosis

Client started ART within 90 days of ART initiation (but over 30 days)

HIV.D.DE387 Viral load test result

Result from the viral load test in number of copies/mL

HIV.D.DE388 Virally suppressed

The client is virally suppressed for HIV, based on the client's most recent viral load test result being less than 1000 copies/mL

HIV.D.DE389 Date viral load test results received

Date the viral load test result was received from the lab or completed in the facility

HIV.D.DE390 Viral load suppression date

Date on which the client tested as becoming virally suppressed, as indicated by a viral load test result under 1000 copies/mL

HIV.D.DE391 Reason for HIV viral load test

Whether the viral load is being tested for routine monitoring on a set schedule or for targeted monitoring for suspected treatment failure

HIV.D.DE392 Routine viral load test

Routine refers to viral load tests obtained at standard intervals following ART initiation to monitor viral load response to ART

HIV.D.DE393 Targeted viral load monitoring

Targeted refers to viral load tests obtained based on a specific clinical indication (such as concern about disease progression or failure to respond to ART)

HIV.D.DE394 Initial viral load test

The first viral load test of the client

HIV.D.DE395 Follow-up viral load test after receiving enhanced adherence counselling

A follow-up viral load test within 3-6 months after enhanced adherence counselling after client received a high viral load test result

HIV.D.DE396 Hepatitis B test required

Hepatitis B test is required

HIV.D.DE397 Hepatitis C test recommended

Hepatitis C test is recommended or should be considered

HIV.D.DE398 Syphilis test required

Syphilis test is required

HIV.D.DE399 Monitoring examinations

Name of examinations, test and results for any relevant investigations carried out for client

HIV.D.DE400 Haemoglobin (Hb)

Provider ordered a Haemoglobin (Hb) test, number in g/dL test

HIV.D.DE401 Pregnancy test

Provider ordered a pregnancy test for client

HIV.D.DE402 Syphilis test

Provider ordered a syphilis test

HIV.D.DE403 Chest X-ray (CXR)

Provider ordered a chest X-ray (CXR)

HIV.D.DE404 Sputum or culture for TB

Provider ordered sputum or culture for TB

HIV.D.DE405 HBsAg test (HBV)

Provider ordered an HBsAg test (HBV) test

HIV.D.DE406 HIV viral load test ordered

Provider ordered an HIV viral load test

HIV.D.DE407 HIV viral load test scheduled

Scheduled an HIV viral load test with client

HIV.D.DE408 CD4 count ordered

Provider ordered a CD4 cell count

HIV.D.DE409 CD4 count test scheduled

Scheduled a CD4 test with client

HIV.D.DE410 Cryptococcal antigen test

Provider ordered a cryptococcal antigen test

HIV.D.DE411 Histoplasmosis antigen test

Provider ordered a histoplasmosis antigen test

HIV.D.DE412 Cervical cancer screening scheduled

Scheduled cervical cancer screening with client

HIV.D.DE413 Date of scheduled monitoring examination

Date of scheduled monitoring examination

HIV.D.DE414 Hepatitis C test ordered

Hepatitis C test has been ordered

HIV.D.DE415 Syphilis test ordered

Syphilis test has been ordered

HIV.D.DE416 Received viral load test results

Client received results from viral load test

HIV.D.DE417 Date viral load test results received by client

The date on which the client received results from a viral load test

HIV.D.DE418 Reason for ARV drug regimen substitution

Reason why a substitution was made to the antiretroviral (ARV) drug regimen

HIV.D.DE419 Toxicity/side effects

A substitution was made to the regimen because of toxicity/side effects

HIV.D.DE420 Drug-drug interaction

A substitution was made to the regimen because of a drug-drug interaction

HIV.D.DE421 Pregnancy

A substitution was made to the regimen because of pregnancy

HIV.D.DE422 New TB

A substitution was made to the regimen because of new tuberculosis (TB)

HIV.D.DE423 New drug available

A substitution was made to the regimen because a new drug was available

HIV.D.DE424 Drug out of stock

A substitution was made to the regimen because drug was out of stock

HIV.D.DE425 Other reason for regimen substitution

A substitution was made for another reason

HIV.D.DE426 Other reason for regimen substitution (specify)

A substitution was made for another reason (specify)

HIV.D.DE427 Switch to second-line ART regimen recommended

A switch to second-line ART regimen is recommended

HIV.D.DE428 Switch to third-line ART regimen recommended

A switch to third-line ART regimen is recommended

HIV.D.DE429 Regimen switch made

Provider has made a regimen switch

HIV.D.DE430 Reason for regimen switch

Reason why a switch to a second- or third-line regimen was made

HIV.D.DE431 Clinical treatment failure

A switch was made to the regimen because of clinical treatment failure

HIV.D.DE432 Immunological failure

A switch was made to the regimen because of immunological failure

HIV.D.DE433 Virological failure

A switch was made to the regimen because of virological failure

HIV.D.DE434 Other

A switch was made to the regimen for another reason

HIV.D.DE435 Other (specify)

A switch was made to the regimen for another reason (specify)

HIV.D.DE436 Regimen substitution recommended

A drug substitution is recommended

HIV.D.DE437 Dose adjustment recommended

A dosage change is recommended

HIV.D.DE438 Regimen substitution made

Provider has made a regimen substitution

HIV.D.DE439 Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis start date

Date co-trimoxazole prophylaxis prescribed to client

HIV.D.DE440 Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis completion date

Completion date of co-trimoxazole prophylaxis prescribed to client

HIV.D.DE441 Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis dosage

Dose of co-trimoxazole prophylaxis prescribed to client

HIV.D.DE442 Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis number of days prescribed

Number of days of co-trimoxazole prophylaxis prescribed to client

HIV.D.DE443 Suspicion of treatment failure or interruption

Client has been on ART, but has stopped taking it or a treatment failure is suspected

HIV.D.DE444 ART regimen prescribed


HIV.D.DE445 Antiretroviral toxicity

Client is experiencing antiretroviral drug (ARV) toxicity

HIV.D.DE446 Coinfection status at ART start

Clients status of coinfections at the time when ART was initiated

HIV.D.DE447 Hepatitis B

Client was hepatitis B positive at the start of ART

HIV.D.DE448 Hepatitis C

Client was hepatitis C positive at the start of ART

HIV.D.DE449 Pregnant and breastfeeding status at ART start

ART status of women to prevent mother-to-child transmission

HIV.D.DE450 Pregnant at ART start

Client was pregnant when ART was initiated

HIV.D.DE451 Postpartum at ART start

Client was postpartum when ART was initiated

HIV.D.DE452 ART start at labour and delivery

Client initiated ART at labour and delivery

HIV.D.DE453 Breastfeeding at ART start

Client was breastfeeding when ART was initiated

HIV.D.DE454 Delivery date of infant

Date of delivery/birth of infant if breastfeeding at ART start

HIV.D.DE455 Serodiscordant partner at ART start

Client living with HIV was in an ongoing sexual relationship with an HIV-negative partner when ART was started

HIV.D.DE456 Regimen start date

The date on which the client started taking the current ART regimen

HIV.D.DE457 Medications prescribed

Name or regimen code of all other medications prescribed during the visit

HIV.D.DE458 Date medications prescribed

Date the medications were prescribed

HIV.D.DE459 Dose of medications prescribed

Number of doses (quantity taken at a single point in time) of drugs prescribed/dispensed

HIV.D.DE460 Number of days medications prescribed

Number of days supply of each medication or regimen prescribed during the visit

HIV.D.DE461 Medications dispensed

Any other medications that were dispensed to client, including preventive treatment

HIV.D.DE462 Number of days of medications dispensed

Number of days supply of each medication or regimen dispensed during the visit

HIV.D.DE463 Dosage

Prescribed dosage of the medication

HIV.D.DE464 Frequency

Prescribed frequency for taking the medication

HIV.D.DE465 Adherence counselling provided

Counselling was carried out during visit

HIV.D.DE466 Type of treatment-limiting toxicity

Type of treatment-limiting toxicity experienced by client. Treatment-limiting toxicity is defined as a serious adverse drug reaction that results in drug discontinuation or substitution. In addition, any reaction that leads to treatment interruption or requires changing the drug or regimen because of an adverse drug reaction is also considered a serious adverse drug reaction.

HIV.D.DE467 Gastrointestinal

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to GI issues (nausea, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, vomiting)

HIV.D.DE468 Skin issues

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to skin issues (rash, hypersensitivity reaction)

HIV.D.DE469 Peripheral neuropathy

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to peripheral neuropathy (burning/numbness/ tingling)

HIV.D.DE470 Central nervous system symptoms

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to central nervous system symptoms (dizzy, anxiety, nightmare, depression, seizures)

HIV.D.DE471 Weight gain

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to weight gain

HIV.D.DE472 Hepatic dysfunction

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to hepatic dysfunction (jaundice)

HIV.D.DE473 Haematological disorders

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to haematological (anaemia, neutropenia) disorders

HIV.D.DE474 Fatigue

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to fatigue

HIV.D.DE475 Headache

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to headache

HIV.D.DE476 Bone dysfunction

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to bone dysfunction (fractures, osteopenia)

HIV.D.DE477 Metabolic symptoms

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to metabolic symptoms (body fat changes, hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia)

HIV.D.DE478 Kidney dysfunction

Treatment-limiting toxicity due to kidney dysfunction (nephrolithiasis, renal insufficiency)

HIV.D.DE479 Unexpected adverse drug reaction

Client experienced an unexpected adverse drug reaction

HIV.D.DE480 Unexpected adverse drug reaction (specify)

Specify the type of unexpected adverse drug reaction the client experienced

HIV.D.DE481 Date(s) of substitution within first-line regimen

Date on which ARV drug regimen (one or more drugs) for client was changed within the first-line regimen (substitution)

HIV.D.DE482 Reason(s) for substitution within first-line regimen

Reason(s) why one ore more drugs in client's first-line ARV drug regimen was changed (substituted)

HIV.D.DE483 New antiretroviral regimen after substitution within first-line regimen

New antiretroviral (ARV) drugs after client changed regimen within the first-line regimen

HIV.D.DE484 Date of switch to second-line regimen

Date client was changed from a first-line to second-line ARV drug regimen (switch)

HIV.D.DE485 New regimen after switch to second-line regimen

New ART regimen after switch to second-line ART regimen

HIV.D.DE486 Reason for switch to second-line regimen

Reason why client was switched from first- to second-line ARV drug regimen (see 'Reason for regimen switch' for levels)

HIV.D.DE487 Date(s) of substitution within second-line regimen

Date on which ARV drug regimen for client was changed within the second-line regimen (substitution)

HIV.D.DE488 Reason(s) for substitution within second-line regimen

Reason(s) why client changed drug regimen (within the second-line)

HIV.D.DE489 New regimen(s) after substitution within second-line regimen

New ARV drugs after client changed regimen within the second- line regimen

HIV.D.DE490 Date of switch to third-line regimen

Date client was changed from a second- to third-line ARV drug regimen (switch)

HIV.D.DE491 New regimen after switch to third-line regimen

New ART regimen after switch to third-line ART regimen

HIV.D.DE492 Reason for switch to third-line regimen

Reason why client was switched from second- to third-line ARV drug regimen (see 'Reason for regimen switch' for levels)

HIV.D.DE493 Date(s) of substitution within third-line regimen

Date on which ARV drug regimen for client was changed within the third-line (substitution)

HIV.D.DE494 Reason(s) for substitution within third-line regimen

Reason(s) why client changed drug regimen (within the third-line)

HIV.D.DE495 New regimen(s) after substitution within third-line regimen

New ARV drugs after client changed regimen within the third-line regimen

HIV.D.DE496 Enhanced adherence counselling provided

Enhanced adherence counselling was provided to the client during the visit

HIV.D.DE497 First enhanced adherence counselling session completed

A first enhanced adherence counselling was provided to the client during the visit

HIV.D.DE498 Date of first enhanced adherence counselling session completed

The date on which the first enhanced adherence counselling was provided to the client

HIV.D.DE499 Second enhanced adherence counselling session completed

A second enhanced adherence counselling was provided to the client during the visit

HIV.D.DE500 Date of second enhanced adherence counselling session completed

The date on which the second enhanced adherence counselling was provided to the client

HIV.D.DE501 Third enhanced adherence counselling session completed

A third enhanced adherence counselling was provided to the client during the visit

HIV.D.DE502 Date of third enhanced adherence counselling session completed

The date on which the third enhanced adherence counselling was provided to the client

HIV.D.DE503 Name of treatment supporter

Full name of person providing support to client for adherence, care, treatment and other needs (e.g. ARV pick-up if ill)

HIV.D.DE504 Address of treatment supporter

Full address or description of home of treatment supporter

HIV.D.DE505 Telephone number of treatment supporter

Telephone number if available, or else telephone number of neighbour/friend

HIV.D.DE506 Home-based care provider

Name of individual or organization that provides home-based care to client

HIV.D.DE507 Counselling provided on diagnoses

Counselling provided on diagnoses

HIV.D.DE508 Hepatitis B positive counselling conducted

Whether counselling was provided to a client who has been diagnosed with hepatitis B

HIV.D.DE509 Hepatitis C positive counselling conducted

Whether counselling was provided to a client who has been diagnosed with hepatitis C

HIV.D.DE510 Syphilis counselling and treatment

Whether counselling and treatment was provided to a client who has been diagnosed with syphilis

HIV.D.DE511 Syphilis counselling, treatment and further testing

Whether counselling and treatment was provided to a client who has been diagnosed with syphilis. Additional testing (RPR test) recommended.

HIV.D.DE512 Accepted partner services

Client accepted offer for partner services

HIV.D.DE513 HIV testing for partners and biological children

Offer voluntary testing for all partners and biological children of positive cases (includes partner services and index case testing), as well as partners and social contacts of people from key populations, where appropriate

HIV.D.DE514 HIV status of family member

HIV status of each family member at time of patient's enrolment, including partner (for mothers)

HIV.D.DE515 Unique ID of family member

Unique ID number of each family member if enrolled in HIV care according to national guidelines (see unique ID number)

HIV.D.DE516 Date of death of family member

Date of death for each family member as appropriate

HIV.D.DE517 Offered voluntary partner services

Whether the client was offered voluntary partner services or family services

HIV.D.DE518 Provided support for disclosure and partner services

Offer or refer for support for disclosure and partner services

HIV.D.DE519 Other support services

Offer or refer for other support services

HIV.D.DE520 Mental health services

Offer or refer for mental health services

HIV.D.DE521 Psychosocial counselling, support and treatment adherence counselling

Offer or refer for psychosocial counselling, support and treatment adherence counselling

HIV.D.DE522 Legal and social services

Offer or refer for legal and social services

HIV.D.DE523 Services for responding to violence against women

Offer or refer for services for responding to violence against women, including first-line support and psychosocial support, post-rape care and other support services including shelters, legal services and women and child protection services

HIV.D.DE524 Date/time of follow-up appointment

Date the client is to return for monitoring, re-supply or any other reason

HIV.D.DE525 Type of follow-up appointment

Whether the visit will be clinical only, ARV drug pick-up or other. Client may have multiple follow-ups scheduled.

HIV.D.DE526 Clinical visit

Appointment for clinical care by a provider

HIV.D.DE527 Antiretroviral drug pick up

Appointment for a drug pick up

HIV.D.DE528 Post-treatment follow-up visit for cervical precancer lesions or invasive cervical cancer

Appointment for a post-treatment follow-up visit for cervical precancer lesions or invasive cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE529 Other

Other reason for the follow-up appointment

HIV.D.DE530 Other (specify)

Other reason for the follow-up appointment (specify)

HIV.D.DE531 Follow-up test recommended date

A test or screening recommended for the client's care plan at a future date

HIV.D.DE532 Reason blood pressure reading not done

Reason why test was not performed

HIV.D.DE533 BP cuff (sphygmomanometer) not available

Blood pressure cuff is not available

HIV.D.DE534 BP cuff (sphygmomanometer) is broken

Blood pressure cuff is broken

HIV.D.DE535 Other

Other reason blood pressure can not be taken

HIV.D.DE536 Other (specify)

Other reason blood pressure can not be taken (specify)

HIV.D.DE537 Current medications

List of all of the medications the client is currently taking

HIV.D.DE538 No medications

The client is currently not on any medications

HIV.D.DE539 Don't know of any current medications

The client does not know if she is on any medications

HIV.D.DE540 Analgesic

Analgesic medication (painkiller)

HIV.D.DE541 Antacids


HIV.D.DE542 Antibiotics (broad-spectrum)

Client is currently taking broad-spectrum antibiotics

HIV.D.DE543 Anticonvulsive

Anticonvulsive medication

HIV.D.DE544 Antidiabetic

Antidiabetic medication

HIV.D.DE545 Antifungals

Client is currently taking antifungals

HIV.D.DE546 Antihelmintic

Antihelmintic or antiparasitic medication

HIV.D.DE547 Antihypertensive

Antihypertensive medication

HIV.D.DE548 Antimalarials

Antimalarial medication

HIV.D.DE549 Antiretrovirals (ARVs)

Antiretrovirals (ARVs)

HIV.D.DE550 Antiparasitics

Client is currently taking antiparasitics

HIV.D.DE551 Antivirals

Antiviral medication

HIV.D.DE552 Buprenorphine

Opioid substitution to treat opioid dependence

HIV.D.DE553 Co-trimoxazole preventive therapy (CPT)

Combination of two antimicrobial drugs (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) that covers a variety of bacterial, fungal and protozoan infections

HIV.D.DE554 Hormonal family planning method

Hormonal family planning method

HIV.D.DE555 Methadone

Opioid substitution to treat opioid dependence

HIV.D.DE556 PrEP to prevent HIV

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medication for preventing the acquisition of HIV

HIV.D.DE557 Other antibiotics

Other antibiotics not listed above

HIV.D.DE558 Other medications

Other medications or supplements that are not listed above

HIV.D.DE559 Other medications (specify)

Other medications or supplements that are not listed above (specify)

HIV.D.DE560 Allergies

Does the client have any allergies?

HIV.D.DE561 No known allergies

Client does not have any known allergies

HIV.D.DE562 Don't know of any allergies

Client does not know whether or not she has allergies

HIV.D.DE563 Albendazole

Allergy to albendazole

HIV.D.DE564 Malaria medication (sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine)

Allergy to malaria medication (sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine)

HIV.D.DE565 Penicillin

Allergy to penicillin

HIV.D.DE566 Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF)

Allergy to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF)

HIV.D.DE567 Other allergies

Client has other allergies not listed here

HIV.D.DE568 Other allergies (specify)

Client has other allergies not listed here (specify)

HIV.D.DE569 Family planning method used

Method the client reports currently using at intake

HIV.D.DE570 Copper-bearing intrauterine device (Cu-IUD)

A copper-bearing intrauterine device is being used as a family planning method

HIV.D.DE571 Levonorgestrel intrauterine device (LNG-IUD)

A levonorgestrel intrauterine device (hormone-releasing intrauterine contraceptive device) is being used as a family planning method

HIV.D.DE572 Etonogestrel (ETG) one-rod implant

An etonogestrel one-rod implant is being used

HIV.D.DE573 Levonorgestrel (LNG) two-rod implant

A levonorgestrel two-rod implant is being used as a family planning method


Injectable depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), administered intramuscularly, is being used as a family planning method


Injectable depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), administered subcutaneously is being used

HIV.D.DE576 NET-EN norethisterone enanthate

Injectable norethisterone enanthate (NET-EN) is being used as a family planning method

HIV.D.DE577 Progestogen-only pills (POP)

Progestogen-only pills (POP) are being used as a family planning method

HIV.D.DE578 Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) pills are being used as a family planning method

HIV.D.DE579 Combined contraceptive patch

Transdermal combined contraceptive patch is being used as a family planning method

HIV.D.DE580 Combined contraceptive vaginal ring (CVR)

Combined contraceptive vaginal ring (CVR) is being used as a family planning method

HIV.D.DE581 Progesterone-releasing vaginal ring (PVR)

Progesterone-releasing vaginal ring (PVR) is being used as a family planning method

HIV.D.DE582 Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)

Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) is being used as a family planning method

HIV.D.DE583 Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)

Client uses emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)

HIV.D.DE584 Fertility awareness-based methods (FAB)

Client uses fertility awareness-based methods (FAB)

HIV.D.DE585 Male condoms

Male condoms are being used as a family planning method

HIV.D.DE586 Female condoms

Female condoms are being used as a family planning method

HIV.D.DE587 Withdrawal

Client uses withdrawal method

HIV.D.DE588 Female relying on male method

The female client is relying on her male partner for contraceptive methods (e.g. male condoms, male sterilization, withdrawal)

HIV.D.DE589 Male relying on female method

The male client is relying on his female partner for contraceptive methods

HIV.D.DE590 Male sterilization

Male surgical sterilization (a vasectomy) is the family planning method used

HIV.D.DE591 Female sterilization

Female surgical sterilization procedure is the family planning method used

HIV.D.DE592 No method

Client is not using any family planning methods

HIV.D.DE593 Medication status

Current state of the client's taking of the medication

HIV.D.DE594 Currently taking

The medication is still being taken (active)

HIV.D.DE595 Completed

The medication is no longer being taken

HIV.D.DE596 Entered in error

Entered in error

HIV.D.DE597 Intended

The medication may be taken at some time in the future

HIV.D.DE598 Stopped

Actions implied by the statement have been permanently halted, before all of them occurred. This should not be used if the statement was entered in error.

HIV.D.DE599 On hold

The client has temporarily stopped taking the medication, but is expected to continue again later. May also be called 'suspended'.

HIV.D.DE600 Unknown

The state of the medication use is not currently known

HIV.D.DE601 Did not take

The client did not take the medication

HIV.D.DE602 Hepatitis B negative counselling conducted

Hepatitis B negative counselling conducted

HIV.D.DE603 Vaccine brand

The brand or trade name used to refer to the vaccine received

HIV.D.DE604 Vaccine type

Type of vaccine received (such as IPV, OPV)

HIV.D.DE605 Date and time of vaccination

Represents the visit/encounter date, which is the date and time when the vaccine was administered to the client

HIV.D.DE606 Vaccination location

The service delivery location where the vaccine adminstration occurred

HIV.D.DE607 Dose number

Vaccine dose number within series

HIV.D.DE608 Dose quantity

The quantity of vaccine product that was administered

HIV.D.DE609 Total doses in series

The recommended number of vaccine doses for immunity according to national protocol

HIV.D.DE610 Disease targeted

Vaccine preventable disease being targeted by vaccine administered

HIV.D.DE611 Hepatitis A

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against hepatitis A

HIV.D.DE612 Hepatitis B

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against hepatitis B

HIV.D.DE613 Tetanus

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against tetanus


The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against COVID-19 due to SARS-CoV-2

HIV.D.DE615 Influenza due to influenza B virus

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against influenza due to influenza B virus

HIV.D.DE616 Tuberculosis

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against tuberculosis (e.g. BCG vaccine)

HIV.D.DE617 Acute poliomyelitis

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against acute poliomyelitis (polio)

HIV.D.DE618 Measles

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against measles

HIV.D.DE619 Diptheria

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against diptheria

HIV.D.DE620 Rabies

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against rabies

HIV.D.DE621 Cholera

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against cholera

HIV.D.DE622 Mumps

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against mumps

HIV.D.DE623 HPV infection

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against human papilloma virus (HPV) infection

HIV.D.DE624 Haemophilus influenzae type B

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib)

HIV.D.DE625 Varicella

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against varicella

HIV.D.DE626 Dengue

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against dengue

HIV.D.DE627 Yellow fever

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against yellow fever

HIV.D.DE628 Japanese Encephalitis

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against Japanese encephalitis

HIV.D.DE629 Rubella

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against rubella

HIV.D.DE630 Pertussis

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against pertussis

HIV.D.DE631 Enteritis due to rotavirus

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against enteritis due to rotavirus

HIV.D.DE632 Pneumococcal disease

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against pneumococcal disease

HIV.D.DE633 Meningococcal disease

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against meningococcal disease

HIV.D.DE634 Tick-borne encephalitis

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against tick-borne encephalitis

HIV.D.DE635 Typhoid

The client is receiving vaccination to prevent against typhoid

HIV.D.DE636 Reason immunization was not provided

Reason the vaccine dose was not given

HIV.D.DE637 Stock-out

Stock-out of vaccine

HIV.D.DE638 Client is ill

Client is ill

HIV.D.DE639 Client refused

Client refused vaccine

HIV.D.DE640 Allergy to vaccine

Client has an allergy to the vaccine

HIV.D.DE641 Other reason immunization not provided

Other reason why the immunization was not provided

HIV.D.DE642 Other reason immunization not provided (specify)

Other reason why the immunization was not provided (specify)

HIV.D.DE643 Malaria prophylaxis

Whether malaria prophylaxis was given

HIV.D.DE644 IPTp-SP dose number provided

IPTp-SP dose number that was provided

HIV.D.DE645 Date IPTp-SP dose provided

Date on which the IPTp-SP dose was provided

HIV.D.DE646 Reason malaria prophylaxis not provided

Reason why the treatment was not given

HIV.D.DE647 Client was referred

Client was referred to another provider/facility

HIV.D.DE648 Stock out

There was a stock out of malaria prophylaxis

HIV.D.DE649 Expired

Malaria prophylaxis in stock was expired

HIV.D.DE650 Other reason not provided

Other reason why the prophylaxis was not provided

HIV.D.DE651 Other reason not provided (specify)

Other reason why the prophylaxis was not provided

HIV.D.DE652 >28 days since last missed appointment

More than 28 days have passed since client's last missed appointment

HIV.D.DE653 AIDS-related death

Death of client was AIDS-related

HIV.D.DE654 Date of first AIDS diagnosis

Date of client's first AIDS diagnosis

HIV.D.DE655 Age at final HPV vaccination dose received

Client's age at date received final HPV vaccination dose

HIV.D.DE656 Date of cervical cancer screening test

Date of cervical cancer screening test

HIV.D.DE657 Lifetime screening test number

Client's lifetime number of screenings for cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE658 Cervical cancer primary screening test type

Type of cervical cancer screening test used in primary screening


Screened for cervical cancer using HPV-DNA test


Screened for cervical cancer using visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA)

HIV.D.DE661 Cervical cytology

Screened for cervical cancer using cervical cytology

HIV.D.DE662 Other

Screened for cervical cancer using other method

HIV.D.DE663 Other (specify)

Screened for cervical cancer using other method (specify)

HIV.D.DE664 HPV-DNA cervical cancer screening test result

HPV-DNA cervical cancer screening test result

HIV.D.DE665 Negative

HPV-DNA screening test was negative

HIV.D.DE666 Positive

HPV-DNA screening test was positive

HIV.D.DE667 Invalid

HPV-DNA screening test was invalid

HIV.D.DE668 VIA cervical cancer screening test result

Screening test result for VIA

HIV.D.DE669 Negative

Screening result is negative

HIV.D.DE670 Positive

Screening result is positive

HIV.D.DE671 Suspected cancer

Screening result is suspected cancer

HIV.D.DE672 Invalid

Screening result is invalid

HIV.D.DE673 Cervical cytology screening test result

Screening result for cervical cytology


Negative for Intraepithelial Lesion Malignancy (NILM)


Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS)


Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL)


High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL)

HIV.D.DE678 Cancer

Result was positive for cancer

HIV.D.DE679 Invalid/inadequate

Screening result was invalid or inadequate

HIV.D.DE680 Cervical cancer triage test date

Date of triage test for cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE681 Cervical cancer triage test type

Type of triage test for cervical cancer


Triage test for cervical cancer using visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA)

HIV.D.DE683 Colposcopy

Triage test for cervical cancer using colposcopy

HIV.D.DE684 Cervical cytology

Triage test for cervical cancer using cervical cytology

HIV.D.DE685 HPV16/18

Triage test for cervical cancer using test for HPV16/18

HIV.D.DE686 Other

Triage test for cervical cancer using another test

HIV.D.DE687 Other (specify)

Triage test for cervical cancer using another test (specify)

HIV.D.DE688 HPV16/18 test result

Test result from HPV16/18 test

HIV.D.DE689 Positive

Test is positive for HPV16/18

HIV.D.DE690 Negative

Test is negative for HPV16/18

HIV.D.DE691 Cervical cancer colposcopy result

Result of cervical cancer colposcopy

HIV.D.DE692 Normal colposcopic findings

Colposcopy has normal colposcopic findings

HIV.D.DE693 Abnormal colposcopic findings

Colposcopy has abnormal colposcopic findings

HIV.D.DE694 Suspicious for invasive cervical cancer

Colposcopy is suspicious for invasive cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE695 Miscellaneous findings

Colposcopy has miscellaneous findings

HIV.D.DE696 Inadequate

Colposcopy exam is inadequate

HIV.D.DE697 Cervical cancer histopathology result

Result of cervical cancer histopathology

HIV.D.DE698 Normal

Result of cervical cancer histopathology was normal

HIV.D.DE699 LSIL (inclusive of LSIL-CIN1)

Result of cervical cancer histopathology was low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL)

HIV.D.DE700 HSIL (inclusive of HSIL-CIN2 or HSIL-CIN3)

Result of cervical cancer histopathology was high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL)

HIV.D.DE701 Invasive cervical cancer

Result of cervical cancer histopathology is invasive cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE702 Date of additional cervical cancer triage test

Date of tertiary cervical cancer screening test

HIV.D.DE703 Additional cervical cancer triage test type (specify)

Additional cervical cancer triage test type (specify)

HIV.D.DE704 Additional cervical cancer triage test result (specify)

Additional cervical cancer triage test result (specify)

HIV.D.DE705 Date of diagnosis of cervical precancer lesions or invasive cervical cancer

Date of diagnosis of cervical precancer lesions or invasive cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE706 Cervical cancer screening outcome

Client's screening outcome for cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE707 Positive for cervical precancer lesions

Screening outcome for cervical precancer lesions is positive

HIV.D.DE708 Negative for cervical precancer lesions

Screening outcome for cervical precancer lesions is negative

HIV.D.DE709 Cervical cancer diagnosis

Type of cervical cancer diagnosis

HIV.D.DE710 Cervical precancer lesions

Client is diagnosed with cervical precancer lesions

HIV.D.DE711 Invasive cervical cancer

Client is diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer disease

HIV.D.DE712 Cervical cancer stage at diagnosis

Cervical cancer stage at diagnosis of cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE713 Stage 0

Stage 0 cervical cancer at diagnosis of cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE714 Stage I

Stage I cervical cancer at diagnosis of cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE715 Stage II

Stage II cervical cancer at diagnosis of cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE716 Stage III

Stage III cervical cancer at diagnosis of cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE717 Stage IV

Stage IV cervical cancer at diagnosis of cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE718 Date of treatment for cervical precancer lesions

Date of treatment for cervical precancer lesions

HIV.D.DE719 Treatment method for cervical precancer lesions

Treatment method for cervical precancer lesions

HIV.D.DE720 Cryotherapy

Treatment for cervical precancer lesions is cryotherapy

HIV.D.DE721 Thermal ablation

Treatment for cervical precancer lesions is Thermal ablation

HIV.D.DE722 Laser ablation

Treatment for cervical precancer lesions is Laser ablation


Treatment for cervical precancer lesions is Cold knife conization (CKC)

HIV.D.DE724 Laser cone biopsy

Treatment for cervical precancer lesions is Laser cone biopsy


Treatment for cervical precancer lesions is large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ)/loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)

HIV.D.DE726 Other

Treatment for cervical precancer lesions is not listed

HIV.D.DE727 Other (specify)

Treatment for cervical precancer lesions is not listed (specify)

HIV.D.DE728 Date of follow-up for treatment for cervical precancer lesions

Date of follow-up for treatment for cervical precancer lesions

HIV.D.DE729 Date of start of invasive cancer treatment

Date of start of invasive cancer treatment

HIV.D.DE730 Invasive cervical cancer treatment episode

Client's lifetime number of treatments for invasive cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE731 Invasive cervical cancer treatment method

Invasive cervical cancer treatment method

HIV.D.DE732 Conization

Invasive cervical cancer treatment method is a conization

HIV.D.DE733 Trachelectomy

Invasive cervical cancer treatment method is a trachelectomy

HIV.D.DE734 Hysterectomy

Invasive cervical cancer treatment method is a hysterectomy

HIV.D.DE735 Management of invasive cervical cancer

Invasive cervical cancer treatment method is management of invasive cervical cancer

HIV.D.DE736 Radiotherapy

Invasive cervical cancer treatment method is a radiotherapy

HIV.D.DE737 Chemotherapy

Invasive cervical cancer treatment method is a chemotherapy

HIV.D.DE738 Chemoradiation

Invasive cervical cancer treatment method is a chemoradiation

HIV.D.DE739 Other

Invasive cervical cancer treatment method is a not in list

HIV.D.DE740 Other (specify)

Invasive cervical cancer treatment method is a not in list (specify)

HIV.D.DE741 Treatment outcome

Treatment outcome from cervical pre-cancerous lesion treatment or invasive cancer treatment (specify)

HIV.D.DE742 Secondary/other cancers diagnosed

Secondary and other cancers that client is diagnosed with (specify)

HIV.D.DE743 Cancers at other sites (HPV- and non-HPV related)

Cancers at other sites that client has (specify)

HIV.D.DE744 Date of death

If deceased, the date that the client died

HIV.D.DE745 Cervical cancer screening interval amongst WLHIV

Country-specific interval between cancer screenings amongst women living with HIV (typically 3 or 5 years)

HIV.D.DE746 Entry point for facility-level testing

Specific point where testing is happening at a facility

HIV.D.DE747 Provider-initiated tested in a clinic or emergency facility

The client tested though provider-initiated HIV testing & counselling, which could be at an emergency facility

HIV.D.DE748 Antenatal care clinic

The client tested at an antenatal care clinic, including labour and delivery

HIV.D.DE749 Voluntary counselling and testing (within a health facility setting)

The client tested through voluntary counselling and testing (within a health facility setting)

HIV.D.DE750 Family planning clinic

The client tested at a family planning clinic

HIV.D.DE751 Other facility-level testing

The client tested at another type of facility

HIV.D.DE752 Tuberculosis (TB) clinic

The client tested at a TB clinic

HIV.D.DE753 Offer other clinical services

Other clinical services offered or referrals given to the client

HIV.D.DE754 Assessment and provision of vaccinations

Assessment and provision of vaccinations, such as for people from Key population member type, pregnant women and infants; and, where appropriate, tetanus vaccination for adolescent boys and men receiving VMMC

HIV.D.DE755 Hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing and treatment

Offer or refer for HBV and/or HCV testing and treatment

HIV.D.DE756 Co-trimoxazole chemoprophylaxis to prevent pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

Offer or refer for co-trimoxazole chemoprophylaxis to prevent pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

HIV.D.DE757 Intensified TB case finding and linkage to TB treatment

Offer or refer for intensified TB case finding and linkage to TB treatment

HIV.D.DE758 Provision of isoniazid preventive therapy if person does not have TB

Offer or refer for provision of isoniazid preventive therapy if person does not have TB

HIV.D.DE759 Malaria prevention (such as bed nets and prophylaxis), depending on epidemiology

Offer or refer for malaria prevention (such as bed nets and prophylaxis), depending on epidemiology

HIV.D.DE760 Eligible for DSD ART

Client is eligible for differentiated service delivery (DSD) for ART

HIV.D.DE761 Date DSD ART eligibility assessed

Date client was assessed for eligibility for differentiated service delivery (DSD) for ART

HIV.D.DE762 Currently enrolled in DSD ART model

Client currently enrolled in differentiated service delivery (DSD) ART model

HIV.D.DE763 DSD ART start date

Date client started on differentiated service delivery (DSD) for ART

HIV.D.DE764 DSD ART model(s)

Type of DSD ART model client is enrolled in (country-specific)

HIV.D.DE765 Fast track ART refill

Client is enrolled in fast track ART refill (DSD ART model)

HIV.D.DE766 Facility adherence club

Client is enrolled in facility adherence club (DSD ART model)

HIV.D.DE767 Community ART distribution point

Client is enrolled in community ART distribution point (DSD ART model)

HIV.D.DE768 CHW/peer educator community ART group

Client is enrolled in community health worker/peer educator community ART group (DSD ART model)

HIV.D.DE769 Patient/client community ART group

Client is enrolled in patient/client community ART group (DSD ART model)

HIV.D.DE770 Other DSD ART model

Client is enrolled in another DSD ART model

HIV.D.DE771 Other DSD ART model (specify)

Client is enrolled in another DSD ART model (specify)

HIV.D.DE772 Partner testing offered

Whether client was offered partner testing

HIV.D.DE773 Partner testing accepted

Whether partner testing was accepted

HIV.D.DE774 Date partner contacted for index testing

Date on which client's partner was contacted for index testing

HIV.D.DE775 Date partner tested for HIV

Date on which client's partner was tested for HIV

HIV.D.DE776 Date of next scheduled follow-up appointment

Date of client's next scheduled follow-up appointment

HIV.D.DE777 Type of next follow-up appointment

Type of client's next follow-up appointment (specify)

HIV.D.DE778 Syndrome/STI diagnosed

Syndrome or STI for which client is diagnosed

HIV.D.DE779 Urethral discharge syndrome

Client diagnosed with urethral discharge syndrome

HIV.D.DE780 Vaginal discharge syndrome

Client diagnosed with vaginal discharge syndrome

HIV.D.DE781 Lower Abdominal pain

Client diagnosed with lower abdominal pain

HIV.D.DE782 Genital ulcer disease syndrome

Client diagnosed with genital ulcer disease syndrome

HIV.D.DE783 Anorectal discharge

Client diagnosed with anorectal discharge

HIV.D.DE784 Sent for testing

Specimen sent for testing

HIV.D.DE785 Other

Other syndrome/STI diagnosed

HIV.D.DE786 Other (specify)

Other syndrome/STI diagnosed (specify)

HIV.D.DE787 Any STI syndrome diagnosed

Was the client diagnosed with any of the five STI syndromes during this visit?

HIV.D.DE788 Date of STI test

Date on which the STI test was conducted

HIV.D.DE789 STI tested for

STI for which the client was tested

HIV.D.DE790 Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Client tested for Neisseria gonorrhoeae

HIV.D.DE791 Chlamydia trachomatis

Client tested for Chlamydia trachomatis

HIV.D.DE792 Trichomonas vaginalis

Client tested for Trichomonas vaginalis

HIV.D.DE793 Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)

Client tested for Syphilis (treponema pallidum)

HIV.D.DE794 Herpes simplex virus (HSV1, HSV2)

Client tested for herpes simplex virus (HSV1, HSV2)

HIV.D.DE795 Mycoplasma genitalium

Client tested for Mycoplasma genitalium

HIV.D.DE796 Mpox

Client tested for Mpox

HIV.D.DE797 Hepatitis B

Client tested for Hepatitis B

HIV.D.DE798 Hepatitis C

Client tested for Hepatitis C

HIV.D.DE799 Other

Client tested for other STI

HIV.D.DE800 Other (specify)

Client tested for other STI (specify)

HIV.D.DE801 Syphilis test date

Date of syphilis test

HIV.D.DE802 Syphilis test result

Result from syphilis test

HIV.D.DE803 Positive

Test result is positive for syphilis

HIV.D.DE804 Negative

Test result is negative for syphilis

HIV.D.DE805 Inconclusive

Test result is inconclusive

HIV.D.DE806 Syphilis treatment start date

Date of initiation of syphilis treatment

HIV.D.DE807 Gonorrhoea test date

Date of Gonorrhoea test

HIV.D.DE808 Gonorrhoea test result

Result from Gonorrhoea test

HIV.D.DE809 Positive

Test result is positive for Neisseria gonorrhoeae

HIV.D.DE810 Negative

Test result is negative for Neisseria gonorrhoeae

HIV.D.DE811 Inconclusive

Test result is inconclusive

HIV.D.DE812 Gonorrhoea treatment start date

Date of initiation of Gonorrhoea treatment

HIV.D.DE813 Type of specimen

Type of specimen to be collected

HIV.D.DE814 Blood

Blood specimen to be collected

HIV.D.DE815 Urine

Urine specimen to be collected

HIV.D.DE816 Cervical or vaginal swab

Cervical or vaginal swab to be collected

HIV.D.DE817 Urethral or penile swab

Urethral or penile swab to be collected

HIV.D.DE818 Rectal swab

Rectal swab to be collected

HIV.D.DE819 Other

Other specimen type to be collected

HIV.D.DE820 Other type of specimen (specify)

Other specimen type to be collected (specify)

HIV.D.DE821 Syphilis test type

Type of diagnostic test used for syphilis (Treponema pallidum)

HIV.D.DE822 Treponemal

Treponemal test used

HIV.D.DE823 Non-treponemal

Non-treponemal test used

HIV.D.DE824 POC Test

Point-of-care (POC) test used


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.D.DE826 Other

Other test used

HIV.D.DE827 Other syphilis test type (specify)

Other test used (specify)

HIV.D.DE828 Neisseria gonorrhoeae test type

Type of diagnostic test used for Neisseria gonorrhoeae


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.D.DE830 POC Test

Point-of-care (POC) test used

HIV.D.DE831 Culture

Culture test used

HIV.D.DE832 Microscopy

Microscopy test used

HIV.D.DE833 Other

Other type of test used

HIV.D.DE834 Other (specify)

Other type of test used (specify)

HIV.D.DE835 POC Test for Neisseria gonorrhoeae (specify)

Point-of-care (POC) test used for Neisseria gonorrhoeae (specify)

HIV.D.DE836 Chlamydia trachomatis test type

Type of diagnostic test used for Chlamydia trachomatis


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.D.DE838 POC Test

Point-of-care (POC) test used

HIV.D.DE839 Culture

Culture test used


ELISA test used

HIV.D.DE841 Microscopy

Microscopy test used

HIV.D.DE842 Other

Other type of test used

HIV.D.DE843 Other test for Chlamydia (specify)

Other type of test used for Chlaymdia (specify)

HIV.D.DE844 POC Test type for Chlamydia test (specify)

Point-of-care (POC) test used for Chlamydia (specify)

HIV.D.DE845 Trichomonas vaginalis test type

Type of diagnostic test used for Trichomonas vaginalis


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.D.DE847 POC Test

Point-of-care (POC) test used

HIV.D.DE848 Culture

Culture test used

HIV.D.DE849 Microscopy

Microscopy test used

HIV.D.DE850 Other

Other type of test used

HIV.D.DE851 Other (specify)

Other type of test used (specify)

HIV.D.DE852 POC Test type for Trichomonas vaginalis test (specify)

Point-of-care (POC) test used (specify)

HIV.D.DE853 Herpes simplex virus (HSV) test type

Type of diagnostic test used for Herpes simplex virus (HSV)


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.D.DE855 Antibody test

Antibody test used

HIV.D.DE856 Other

Other type of test used

HIV.D.DE857 Other (specify)

Other type of test used for Herpes simplex virus (HSV) test (specify)

HIV.D.DE858 Mycoplasma genitalium test type

Type of diagnostic test used for Mycoplasma genitalium


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.D.DE860 Microscopy

Microscopy test used

HIV.D.DE861 Other

Other type of test used

HIV.D.DE862 Other (specify)

Other type of test used for Mycoplasma genitalium test (specify)

HIV.D.DE863 Test type for other STI tested for (specify)

Test type used for the other specified STI

HIV.D.DE864 STI test result

Result from STI test

HIV.D.DE865 Positive

Test result is positive

HIV.D.DE866 Negative

Test result is negative

HIV.D.DE867 Inconclusive

Test result is inconclusive

HIV.D.DE868 Date of STI confirmatory test

Date of STI confirmatory test

HIV.D.DE869 Confirmatory syphilis test type

Type of test ued for confirmatory syphilis test

HIV.D.DE870 Treponemal

Treponemal test used

HIV.D.DE871 Non-treponemal

Non-treponemal test used

HIV.D.DE872 POC Test

Point-of-care (POC) test used


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.D.DE874 Other

Other test used

HIV.D.DE875 Other (specify)

Other test used for confirmatory syphilis test (specify)

HIV.D.DE876 Confirmatory test type for other STI (specify)

Confirmatory test type for other STI

HIV.D.DE877 Confirmatory STI test result

Result from confirmatory STI test

HIV.D.DE878 Positive

Test result is positive

HIV.D.DE879 Negative

Test result is negative

HIV.D.DE880 Inconclusive

Test result is inconclusive

HIV.D.DE881 Date STI treatment prescribed

Date STI treatment was prescribed to the client

HIV.D.DE882 Date STI treatment dispensed

Date STI treatment dispensed to the client

HIV.D.DE883 STI treatment dispensed (specify)

STI treatment dispensed to the client

HIV.D.DE884 Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC)

Client's mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC)

HIV.D.DE885 Date of start of fluconazole prophylaxis

Date of client's start of fluconazole prophylaxis

HIV.D.DE886 Fluconazole prophylaxis

Client provided with fluconazole prophylaxis

HIV.D.DE887 Date started cryptococcal meningitis treatment induction regimen

Date client started cryptococcal meningitis treatment induction regimen

HIV.D.DE888 Date completed cryptococcal meningitis treatment induction regimen

Date client completed cryptococcal meningitis treatment induction regimen

HIV.D.DE889 Date started cryptococcal meningitis treatment maintenance regimen

Date client started cryptococcal meningitis treatment maintenance regimen

HIV.D.DE890 Date completed cryptococcal meningitis treatment maintenance regimen

Date client completed cryptococcal meningitis treatment maintenance regimen

HIV.D.DE891 Date started cryptococcal meningitis treatment consolidation regimen

Date client started cryptococcal meningitis treatment consolidation regimen

HIV.D.DE892 Date completed cryptococcal meningitis treatment consolidation regimen

Date client completed cryptococcal meningitis treatment consolidation regimen

HIV.D.DE893 Staging of liver disease

Staging of liver disease in client

HIV.D.DE894 F0-4, fibrosis staging

Fibrosis staging of liver disease

HIV.D.DE895 F4 or cirrhosis, presence of cirrhosis

Presence of cirrhosis

HIV.D.DE896 Advanced HIV disease

Client has Advanced HIV disease (AHD)

HIV.D.DE897 WHO functional status

Functional status of people with advanced HIV disease

HIV.D.DE898 Working, able to perform usual work inside and outside the home

Client is able to perform usual work inside and outside the home (working)

HIV.D.DE899 Ambulatory, able to perform activity of daily living (ADL), not able to work

Client is able to perform activity of daily living (ADL), not able to work (ambulatory)

HIV.D.DE900 Bedridden not able to perform ADL

Client is dedridden not able to perform ADL

HIV.D.DE901 Tailored adherence counselling for advanced HIV disease

Client provided with tailored adherence counselling for advanced HIV disease

HIV.D.DE902 Date(s) of tracing interventions

Date tracing interventions to support reengagement into HIV care conducted

HIV.D.DE903 Medication/drug

Current or considered medication/drug, for the purpose of determining drug interactions

HIV.D.DE904 Rifampicin

Rifampicin currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE905 Halofantrine

Halofantrine currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE906 Lovastatin

Lovastatin currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE907 Simvastatin

Simvastatin currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE908 Hormonal contraception

Hormonal contraception currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE909 Metformin

Metformin currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE910 Astemizole

Astemizole currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE911 Terfenadine

Terfenadine currently being taken by, or considered for, client


TDF currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE913 Simeprevir

Simeprevir currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE914 Ombitasvir + paritaprevir/ritonavir + dasabuvir

Ombitasvir + paritaprevir/ritonavir + dasabuvir currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE915 Methadone

Methadone currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE916 Buprenorphine

Buprenorphine currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE917 Dofetilide

Dofetilide currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE918 Carbamazepine

Carbamazepine currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE919 Phenobarbital

Phenobarbital currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE920 Phenytoin

Phenytoin currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE921 Polyvalent cation products containing Mg, Al, Fe, Ca and Zn

Polyvalent cation products containing Mg, Al, Fe, Ca and Zn currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE922 Amodiaquine

Amodiaquine currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE923 Cisapride

Cisapride currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE924 Ergotamine

Ergotamine currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE925 Dihydroergotamine

Dihydroergotamine currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE926 Midazolam

Midazolam currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE927 Triazolam

Triazolam currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE928 Estrogen-based hormonal contraception

Estrogen-based hormonal contraception currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE929 Ribavirin

Ribavirin currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE930 Peginterferon alfa-2a

Peginterferon alfa-2a currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE931 Other

Other medication currently being taken by, or considered for, client

HIV.D.DE932 Other (specify)

Other medication currently being taken by, or considered for, client (specify)

HIV.D.DE933 Medication change recommended

A medication change is recommended for the client based upon current or considered medications

HIV.D.DE934 WHO HIV clinical stage condition or symptom

New or recurrent clinical events used to categorize HIV disease severity based at baseline and follow up

HIV.D.DE935 Pulmonary TB

Client's symptoms include pulmonary TB

HIV.D.DE936 Lymph node TB

Client's symptoms include lymph node TB

HIV.D.DE937 Extrapulmonary TB

Client's symptoms include extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB)

HIV.D.DE938 TB disease

Whether the client has tuberculosis (TB) disease. Sometimes known as active TB

HIV.D.DE939 TB diagnosis result

Final result of the TB investigation (bacteriological and/or clinical)

HIV.D.DE940 Diagnosed TB

Client is diagnosed with TB disease

HIV.D.DE941 TB excluded

Client is not diagnosed with TB

HIV.D.DE942 Method of TB diagnosis

Method used to set the TB diagnosis

HIV.D.DE943 Bacteriologically confirmed

A person from whom a biological specimen is positive by smear microscopy, culture or a WHO-recommended rapid diagnostic

HIV.D.DE944 Clinically diagnosed

A person who does not fulfil the criteria for bacteriological confirmation but has been diagnosed with TB disease by a medical practitioner who has decided to give the person a full course of TB treatment

HIV.D.DE945 Presumptive TB

Client has signs or symptoms of tuberculosis (TB) without laboratory confirmation

HIV.D.DE946 Presumptive TB registration date

Date client is registered as having signs or symptoms of tuberculosis (TB) without laboratory confirmation

HIV.D.DE947 TB treatment history

History of previous TB treatment

HIV.D.DE948 New

A person with TB disease who has never been treated for TB before or has only previously ever taken TB drugs for less than 1 month

HIV.D.DE949 Recurrent

A person with TB disease who was previously treated for TB, was declared cured or treatment completed at the end of their most recent course of TB treatment and is now diagnosed with a new episode of TB.

HIV.D.DE950 Re-registered

A person with TB disease who had been notified previously as a TB case, but was not declared cured or treatment completed, and is now being registered for a new course of TB treatment.

HIV.D.DE951 Unknown

A person with TB disease who has undocumented history of TB treatment

HIV.D.DE952 Date of TB diagnosis

The date when the diagnosis was established

HIV.D.DE953 Currently on TB preventive treatment (TPT)

Client is currently taking TPT

HIV.D.DE954 TB preventive treatment (TPT) start date

The date on which the client began taking TPT

HIV.D.DE955 TB preventive treatment (TPT) completion date

The date on which the client completed TPT

HIV.D.DE956 TB screening algorithm

Screening algorithm selected for screening activities

HIV.D.DE957 Screening with cough

Client screened for TB based on cough symptom

HIV.D.DE958 Screening with any TB symptom

Client screened for TB based on any TB symptom

HIV.D.DE959 W4SS single screening algorithm

Client screened for TB based on the WHO-recommended four-symptom screen

HIV.D.DE960 CRP single screening algorithm

Client screened for TB based on C-reactive protein (CRP) testing

HIV.D.DE961 CXR single screening algorithm

Client screened for TB with a chest radiography (CXR)

HIV.D.DE962 Parallel screening algorithm with W4SS and CRP

Client screened for TB using parallel screening with WHO-recommended four-symptom screen and C-reactive protein (CRP) testing

HIV.D.DE963 Sequential positive screening algorithm with W4SS and CRP

Client screened for TB using sequential positive screening with WHO-recommended four-symptom screen and C-reactive protein (CRP) testing.

HIV.D.DE964 Sequential negative screening algorithm with W4SS and CRP

Client screened for TB using sequential negative screening with WHO-recommended four-symptom screen and C-reactive protein (CRP) testing

HIV.D.DE965 Parallel screening algorithm with W4SS and CXR

Client screened for TB using the parallel screening algorithm with W4SS and CXR

HIV.D.DE966 Sequential positive screening algorithm with W4SS and CXR

Client screened for TB using sequential positive screening with WHO-recommended four-symptom screen and chest radiography

HIV.D.DE967 Sequential negative screening algorithm with W4SS and CXR

Client screened for TB using sequential negative screening with WHO-recommended four-symptom screen and chest radiography

HIV.D.DE968 Screening with mWRD

Client screened for TB with a molecular WHO-recommended rapid diagnostic test (mWRD), such as an Xpert MTB/RIF test to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)

HIV.D.DE969 Clinical assessment

Client screened for with a clinical evaluation for tuberculosis (TB) based on national guidelines. Clinical assessment may be used as an eligibility evaluation for testing with LF-LAM or for empiric TB treatment.

HIV.D.DE970 Other TB screening algorithm

Client screened for tuberculosis (TB) with a different screening method not listed

HIV.D.DE971 Other TB screening algorithm (specify)

Client screened for tuberculosis (TB) with a different screening method not listed (specify)

HIV.D.DE972 TB screening conducted

A screening for tuberculosis (TB) was performed

HIV.D.DE973 Symptoms of TB

Symptoms that may indicate TB disease in clients living with HIV, based on a clinical algorithm

HIV.D.DE974 Current cough

Client has a cough regardless of duration

HIV.D.DE975 Prolonged cough (>=2w)

Client has a prolonged cough of 2 weeks or more

HIV.D.DE976 Fever of 39 °C or greater

Client has a fever with a measured temperature of 102.2 °F/39 °C or greater

HIV.D.DE977 Weight loss (reported)

Unexplained weight loss

HIV.D.DE978 Night sweats

Client reports experiencing night sweats

HIV.D.DE979 Poor weight gain

Client reports poor weight gain of child or infant or growth curve flattening or weight for age <-2 Z-scores.

HIV.D.DE980 Reduced playfulness

Client reports reduced playfulness of child

HIV.D.DE981 Chest pain

Client reports chest pain

HIV.D.DE982 Haemoptysis

Client reports experiencing haemoptysis

HIV.D.DE983 Lethargy

Client reports lethargy


No symptoms of TB identified

HIV.D.DE985 History of contact with a person with TB

Client had a history of a contact with a person with TB

HIV.D.DE986 TB screening result

Record the result of the tuberculosis (TB) screening

HIV.D.DE987 Screen positive for TB

Screening result was positive for tuberculosis (TB)

HIV.D.DE988 Screen negative for TB

Screening result was negative for tuberculosis (TB)

HIV.D.DE989 Inconclusive

Screening result was inconclusive for tuberculosis (TB)

HIV.D.DE990 TB screening date

Date the TB screening was conducted

HIV.D.DE991 TB screening result date

The date when the result of TB screening is available

HIV.D.DE992 TB diagnostic test category

The type of diagnostic test performed to detect tuberculosis (TB) disease


Client tested for tuberculosis with a lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan assay

HIV.D.DE994 mWRD test for TB

Client tested with a WHO-recommended molecular diagnostic test to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)

HIV.D.DE995 Microscopy - Sputum acid-fast bacilli (AFB)

Client tested for tuberculosis with a sputum acid-fast bacilli (AFB)

HIV.D.DE996 TB Culture

Client tested for tuberculosis (TB) with a culture

HIV.D.DE997 TB diagnostic test date

The date when TB diagnostic test was performed

HIV.D.DE998 Test sample collection date

The date when the test sample was collected from the client

HIV.D.DE999 TB diagnostic test result date

The date when the result of the TB diagnostic test is available

HIV.D.DE1000 TB treatment started

Indicates if TB treatment was started

HIV.D.DE1001 TB treatment start date

The date on which the client start or restarted tuberculosis (TB) treatment

HIV.D.DE1002 TB treatment outcome

Indicates patient's TB treatment outcome

HIV.D.DE1003 Treatment failed

The treatment regimen terminated or permanently changed to a new regimen or treatment strategy. Reasons for the change include:

  • no clinical response or no bacteriological response, or both (see note;
  • adverse drug reaction; or
  • evidence of additional drug-resistance to medicines in the regimen.
HIV.D.DE1004 Cured

Client with pulmonary TB with bacteriologically confirmed TB at the beginning of treatment who completed treatment as recommended by the national policy, with evidence of bacteriological response and no evidence of failure.

HIV.D.DE1005 Treatment completed

Patient completed treatment as recommended by the national policy but the outcome does not meet the definition for cure or treatment failure

HIV.D.DE1006 Died

Client died before starting treatment or during the course of treatment

HIV.D.DE1007 Lost to follow-up

Client was lost to follow-up

HIV.D.DE1008 Not evaluated

No treatment outcome was assigned. This includes cases 'transferred out' to another treatment unit and whose treatment outcome is unknown; however, it excludes those lost to follow-up.

HIV.D.DE1009 TB treatment completion date

Date client completes TB treatment

HIV.D.DE1010 TB treatment regimen composition

TB drugs currently being taken by the client

HIV.D.DE1011 Isoniazid

Client is currently taking isoniazid

HIV.D.DE1012 Rifampicin

Client is currently taking rifampicin

HIV.D.DE1013 Rifabutin

Client is currently taking rifabutin

HIV.D.DE1014 Ethambutol

Client is currently taking ethambutol

HIV.D.DE1015 Levofloxacin

Client is currently taking levofloxacin

HIV.D.DE1016 Pyrazinamide

Client is currently taking pyrazinamide, a first-line anti-tuberculosis drug

HIV.D.DE1017 Eligible for TB preventive treatment

Client is eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment (TPT)

HIV.D.DE1018 Date when eligibility for TB preventive treatment (TPT) was determined

Date when a determination of the client's eligibility for TPT was made

HIV.D.DE1019 TB status at ART start

Client's tuberculosis (TB) status when antiretroviral therapy (ART) is started

HIV.D.DE1020 Symptomatic for TB

Signs or symptoms of tuberculosis (TB) without laboratory confirmation

HIV.D.DE1021 Diagnosed TB

Laboratory confirmed tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis


Client has no signs or symptoms of tuberculosis (TB) and is not diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB)

HIV.D.DE1023 TB prevention services accepted

Indicates if the client accepts to be evaluated for TB infection and to take the treatment in case he/she is eligible

HIV.D.DE1024 TB meningitis

Type of extrapulmonary TB identified for the client is TB meningitis

HIV.D.DE1025 C reactive protein test date

The date on which the client has a test for C reactive protein

HIV.D.DE1026 C reactive protein test result

Test result of the client's C reactive protein test result in mg/L

HIV.D.DE1027 C reactive protein test result date

The date when the client's test result for C reactive protein is available

HIV.D.DE1028 TPT regimen type

Type of TPT regimen the client is currently on

HIV.D.DE1029 3HP

The client's current TPT regimen is 3HP

HIV.D.DE1030 1HP

The client's current TPT regimen is 1HP

HIV.D.DE1031 6H

The client's current TPT regimen is 6H

HIV.D.DE1032 Six months of levofloxacin daily

The client's current TPT regimen is six months of levofloxacin daily

HIV.D.DE1033 Other TB preventive treatment (TPT) regimen

The client's current TPT regimen is another regimen than those listed above

HIV.D.DE1034 TB preventive treatment (TPT) status

Indicates the current status of TB preventive treatment (TPT)

HIV.D.DE1035 Not started

The client did not start the TB preventive treatment (TPT)


The client started the TB preventive treatment (TPT) and is currently taking the medication, without treatment interruptions

HIV.D.DE1037 On TPT with interruptions

The client started the TB preventive treatment (TPT) and is currently taking the medication, with treatment interruptions

HIV.D.DE1038 On hold

The health care worker has temporarily stopped the TB preventive treatment (TPT), but TPT is expected to continue again later. May also be called 'suspended'.

HIV.D.DE1039 Completed

TB preventive treatment (TPT) was completed

HIV.E.DE1 Pregnant woman's first name

Pregnant woman's first or given name

HIV.E.DE2 Pregnant woman's surname

Pregnant woman's family name or last name

HIV.E.DE3 Pregnant woman's unique ID

Unique identifier generated for new clients or a universal ID, if used in the country

HIV.E.DE4 Antenatal care number

Identification number assigned to woman at first visit to the ANC based on national system

HIV.E.DE5 Gestational age

Gestational age in weeks and/or days depending on the source of gestational age

HIV.E.DE6 Source of gestational age

Gestational age can be calculated multiple ways. This data element describes where the gestational age above has been calculated from.

HIV.E.DE7 Last menstrual period (LMP)

Gestational age (GA) calculated from LMP

HIV.E.DE8 Ultrasound

Woman's gestational age today calculated field using ultrasound GA and ultrasound date

HIV.E.DE9 Symphysis fundal height (SFH) or abdominal palpation

If LMP is unknown and either ultrasound wasn't done or it wasn't done early enough, then show the option for health worker to enter GA in weeks based on Symphysis Fundal Height (SFH) or abdominal palpation.

HIV.E.DE10 Expected date of delivery (EDD)

Expected date of delivery based on gestational age

HIV.E.DE11 Number of pregnancies (gravida)

Total number of times the woman has been pregnant (including this pregnancy). Also referred to as gravida.

HIV.E.DE12 Number of previous pregnancies

This calculates the total number of all previous pregnancies (i.e. not including this current pregnancy). This is done for easier obstetric history calculations.

HIV.E.DE13 Number of miscarriages and/or abortions

Total number of pregnancies lost or ended due to miscarriages and/or abortions before 22 weeks / 5 months

HIV.E.DE14 Number of live births

Total number of live births after 22 weeks

HIV.E.DE15 Number of caesarian sections

Total number of caesarean sections

HIV.E.DE16 Number of stillbirths

Total number of stillbirths after 22 weeks

HIV.E.DE17 Past pregnancy complications

Whether the woman has had any complications or problems in any previous pregnancy

HIV.E.DE18 No past pregnancy complications

No known past pregnancy problems

HIV.E.DE19 Does not know of any past pregnancy complications

Don't know if there were any problems during past pregnancies

HIV.E.DE20 Pre-eclampsia

A condition specific to pregnancy, arising after the 20th week of gestation, characterized by hypertension and proteinuria. Oedema may also be present, but is no longer considered a cardinal sign because it is present to some extent in most pregnancies. If not controlled, pre-eclampsia will lead to eclampsia which is characterized by fits, followed by coma, and has a high mortality rate.

HIV.E.DE21 Eclampsia

A condition peculiar to pregnancy or a newly delivered woman, characterized by fits followed coma. The woman usually has hypertension and proteinuria. The fits may occur in the antepartum, intrapartum or early postpartum periods.

HIV.E.DE22 Alcohol use

Alcohol intake

HIV.E.DE23 Baby died within 24 hours of birth

The woman's baby died within 24 hours of childbirth

HIV.E.DE24 Prolonged labour

The woman's experienced prolonged labour

HIV.E.DE25 Convulsions

Woman had convulsions during her past pregnancy

HIV.E.DE26 Forceps

Woman required forceps delivery

HIV.E.DE27 Gestational diabetes mellitus

Hyperglycaemia first detected at any time during pregnancy

HIV.E.DE28 Heavy bleeding (during or after delivery)

Woman was bleeding heavily during or after giving birth during previous pregnancy/pregnancies

HIV.E.DE29 Macrosomia

Fetus large for gestational age

HIV.E.DE30 Perineal tear (3rd or 4th degree)

Woman experienced 3rd or 4th degree perineal tear

HIV.E.DE31 Substance use

Illicit drug use (e.g. cannabis, amphetamines, prescription stimulants, opioids, opiates, ecstasy, cocaine)

HIV.E.DE32 Tobacco use

Use of tobacco products, in any form

HIV.E.DE33 Vacuum delivery

Woman required vacuum delivery

HIV.E.DE34 Other past pregnancy problems

Woman experienced other past pregnancy problems not described above

HIV.E.DE35 Other past pregnancy problems (specify)

Woman experienced other past pregnancy problems not described above (specify)

HIV.E.DE36 Parity

Total number of live and stillbirths (calculated)

HIV.E.DE37 Pregnancy in HIV-infected woman

Any HIV diagnosis in a pregnant woman as determined by the national HIV testing algorithm, or a pregnancy in a woman previously diagnosed with HIV

HIV.E.DE38 Date new pregnancy of HIV-positive woman identified

Earliest date when a new pregnancy of an HIV-positive woman is recorded

HIV.E.DE39 ANC contact during pregnancy

Whether the mother had at least one ANC contact (visit)

HIV.E.DE40 Date of first ANC visit

Date of the pregnant woman's first ANC visit

HIV.E.DE41 Timing of ART initiation

When the pregnant woman or mother initiated ART, for women living with HIV.

HIV.E.DE42 Already on ART at first antenatal care visit

The pregnant woman was already on antiretroviral therapy (ART) at first antenatal care visit

HIV.E.DE43 Newly on ART during pregnancy

The pregnant woman started ART during her pregnancy

HIV.E.DE44 Newly on ART during labour and delivery

The woman started ART during labour and delivery

HIV.E.DE45 Maternal use of recommended ART regimen

Whether the mother is taking a recommended ART regimen

HIV.E.DE46 Delivery date

Date on which the woman delivered

HIV.E.DE47 Pregnancy outcome

Outcome of current pregnancy

HIV.E.DE48 Live birth

Outcome of pregnancy was a live birth

HIV.E.DE49 Early fetal loss/miscarriage

Outcome of pregnancy was early fetal loss/miscarriage

HIV.E.DE50 Induced abortion

Outcome of pregnancy was induced abortion

HIV.E.DE51 Stillbirth

Outcome of pregnancy was stillbirth

HIV.E.DE52 Delivery mode

Mode of delivery for current pregnancy

HIV.E.DE53 Spontaneous vaginal delivery

Mode of delivery for current pregnancy spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD)

HIV.E.DE54 Assisted vaginal delivery

Mode of delivery for current pregnancy was assisted vaginal delivery

HIV.E.DE55 Caesarian section (C/S, operative delivery)

Mode of delivery for current pregnancy was caesarian section (C/S; operative delivery)

HIV.E.DE56 Indications for caesarian section (C/S)

Indications for caesarian section

HIV.E.DE57 Obstetric complications

Serious or life-threatening obstetric complications during pregnancy, delivery or postpartum experienced by mother or her newborn

HIV.E.DE58 Live birth

The woman had a live birth

HIV.E.DE59 Live birth to an HIV-positive woman

A woman living with HIV had a live birth

HIV.E.DE60 Gestational age at birth

Best estimate of gestational age in completed weeks when infant was born (an indication of prematurity, preterm and extreme preterm)

HIV.E.DE61 Small for gestational age (SGA)

Whether the infant was small for gestational age (SGA) at birth (<10th percentile)

HIV.E.DE62 Preterm birth status

The woman gave birth when the gestational age is less than 37 weeks

HIV.E.DE63 Not preterm

The birth was not preterm

HIV.E.DE64 Preterm (<37 weeks gestation)

Gestational age at birth was <37 weeks

HIV.E.DE65 Very preterm (<32 weeks gestation)

Gestational age at birth was <32 weeks

HIV.E.DE66 Maternal ART start date

The date on which the infant was started or restarted on ART

HIV.E.DE67 Place of delivery

The type of place where the woman delivered

HIV.E.DE68 Health facility

The woman delivered at a health facility

HIV.E.DE69 Home

The woman delivered at home

HIV.E.DE70 Other

The woman delivered at another location that is not at home or at a health facility

HIV.E.DE71 Other (specify)

The woman delivered at another location that is not at home or at a health facility (specify)

HIV.E.DE72 Delivery facility

Facility where the infant or child was born

HIV.E.DE73 Date of miscarriage or abortion

Date of the miscarriage/abortion

HIV.E.DE74 Date of death of mother

Date that the woman died

HIV.E.DE75 Cause of death of mother

The woman's cause of death

HIV.E.DE76 Infant's first name

Infant's first or given name

HIV.E.DE77 Infant's surname

Infant's family name or last name

HIV.E.DE78 Infant's unique ID

Unique identifier generated for new clients or a universal ID, if used in the country

HIV.E.DE79 Mother's first name

Biological mother's first or given name

HIV.E.DE80 Mother's surname

Biological mother's family name or last name

HIV.E.DE81 Mother's unique ID

Unique identifier generated for new clients or a universal ID, if used in the country

HIV.E.DE82 Caregiver's first name

Caregiver's first or given name

HIV.E.DE83 Caregiver's surname

Caregiver's family name or last name

HIV.E.DE84 Caregiver's unique identifier

Unique identifier generated for new clients or a universal ID, if used in the country

HIV.E.DE85 ANC contact date

The date and time of the client's ANC contact (in the ANC DAK this is called 'Contact date')

HIV.E.DE86 Referral

If infant was referred for care

HIV.E.DE87 Infant date of birth

The infant's date of birth (DOB) if known

HIV.E.DE88 Date of birth of infant unknown

Is the client's DOB unknown?

HIV.E.DE89 Estimated age of infant

If DOB is unknown, enter the client's estimated age. Display client's age in number of years

HIV.E.DE90 Age of infant

Infant age calculated using date of birth

HIV.E.DE91 Gender of infant

Gender of the infant

HIV.E.DE92 Female

Client identifies as female

HIV.E.DE93 Male

Client identifies as male

HIV.E.DE94 Other

Client identifies in a non-binary way

HIV.E.DE95 Infant height

The infant's height in centimetres

HIV.E.DE96 Infant weight

The infant's current weight in kilograms

HIV.E.DE97 Birth weight

Birth weight in kg of the baby

HIV.E.DE98 Low birth weight

Note if infant </³2500 g at birth

HIV.E.DE99 Length of infant

Length of infant at birth in cm

HIV.E.DE100 Head circumference

Head circumference of infant at birth in cm

HIV.E.DE101 Mother HIV test conducted

Whether an HIV test of the mother was conducted

HIV.E.DE102 Mother HIV test ordered

Whether an HIV test of the mother was ordered

HIV.E.DE103 Mother HIV test date

Date when a mother's HIV test was conducted

HIV.E.DE104 Maternal HIV test result

Test result for mother after applying the testing strategy

HIV.E.DE105 HIV-positive

Test result is HIV-positive

HIV.E.DE106 HIV-negative

Test result is HIV-negative

HIV.E.DE107 HIV-inconclusive

Test result is HIV-inconclusive

HIV.E.DE108 Infant or child exposure to HIV

Whether the infant or child was determined to have had HIV exposure through mother

HIV.E.DE109 Not exposed

Infant or child is not known to have been exposed to HIV

HIV.E.DE110 HIV-exposed

Infant had known exposure to HIV

HIV.E.DE111 Unknown HIV exposure

Don't know whether infant or child was exposed to HIV, such as if mother's HIV status is unknown

HIV.E.DE112 HIV-exposed infant or child

Whether the infant or child was determined to have had HIV exposure

HIV.E.DE113 Key population member

Mother is a member of a key population which has an increased risk of HIV

HIV.E.DE114 Key population member type

The type of key population that the infant's mother is included in

HIV.E.DE115 Sex worker

Infant's mother is a sex worker

HIV.E.DE116 People who inject drugs

Infant's mother is a person who injects drugs

HIV.E.DE117 Trans and gender-diverse people

Infant's mother identifies as trans and gender-diverse

HIV.E.DE118 People living in prisons and other closed setting

Infant's mother is in a prison or closed setting

HIV.E.DE119 Postpartum family planning counselling conducted

Provide family planning and contraception counselling

HIV.E.DE120 Age of infant on HIV test date

Infant's age when an HIV test is performed in months and years (calculated from date of birth)

HIV.E.DE121 ARV adherence counselling

Counselling was carried out during visit

HIV.E.DE122 Infant feeding counselling provided

Support on infant and child feeding to mother or caregiver provided

HIV.E.DE123 Date infant feeding counselling provided

Date support on infant and child feeding to mother or caregiver provided

HIV.E.DE124 Malaria prevention counselling conducted

Counselling provided on how to prevent malaria

HIV.E.DE125 Insecticide treated bednet (ITN) provided or referred

An insecticide treated bednet (ITN) was provided or the client was referred

HIV.E.DE126 Maternal syphilis treatment

Whether or not mother was treated for syphilis

HIV.E.DE127 Infant feeding practice

Infant feeding practice

HIV.E.DE128 Exclusively breastfeeding

Specifies whether the infant is exclusively being breastfed by the mother

HIV.E.DE129 Replacement feeding

Infant is not receiving any breast milk with a diet that provides all the nutrients needed until they can be fully fed on family foods

HIV.E.DE130 Mixed feeding

Infant younger than 6 months of age is given other liquids and/or foods together with breast milk. This could be water, other types of milk or any type of solid food.

HIV.E.DE131 Infant feeding practice recorded date

Date on which infant feeding practice was recorded

HIV.E.DE132 Stopped breastfeeding

The mother has fully stopped breastfeeding the infant or child

HIV.E.DE133 Date stopped breastfeeding

The date on which the mother stopped breastfeeding the infant

HIV.E.DE134 Taking iron and folic acid (IFA) tablets

Is client taking her iron and folic acid (IFA) tablets? Select whether the woman is continuing to take IFA supplements

HIV.E.DE135 Amount of iron prescribed

Amount of iron supplements prescribed in milligrams for intake

HIV.E.DE136 Type of iron supplement dosage provided

Whether the amount of iron prescribed is for daily or weekly intake

HIV.E.DE137 Daily

Iron supplements prescribed for daily intake

HIV.E.DE138 Weekly

Iron supplements prescribed for daily intake

HIV.E.DE139 Amount of daily dose of folic acid prescribed

Amount of folic acid supplements prescribed in milligrams for daily intake

HIV.E.DE140 Date infant ARV prophylaxis dispensed (or started)

Date HIV-exposed infant received ARV prophylaxis (for the first time)

HIV.E.DE141 Maternal HIV status

The HIV status of the infant's mother

HIV.E.DE142 HIV-positive

Infant's mother is HIV-positive

HIV.E.DE143 HIV-negative

Infant's mother is HIV-negative

HIV.E.DE144 Unknown

Don't know HIV status - client does not know partner's HIV status

HIV.E.DE145 Maternal HIV status at first ANC visit

The HIV status of the infant's mother at first ANC visit

HIV.E.DE146 HIV-positive

Infant's mother is HIV-positive

HIV.E.DE147 HIV-negative

Infant's mother is HIV-negative

HIV.E.DE148 Unknown

Don't know HIV status - client does not know partner's HIV status

HIV.E.DE149 Maternal syphilis test result

Result from maternal syphilis test

HIV.E.DE150 Positive

Test result is positive for syphilis

HIV.E.DE151 Negative

Test result is negative for syphilis

HIV.E.DE152 Inconclusive

Test result is inconclusive

HIV.E.DE153 Hypertension

Whether the client has developed hypertension associated with pregnancy

HIV.E.DE154 Pre-eclampsia

Whether the client has pre-eclampsia

HIV.E.DE155 Signs of substantial risk of HIV infection

Signs the client is at a substantial risk of HIV infection

HIV.E.DE156 No condom use during sex with more than one partner in the past 6 months

Recent vaginal or anal sexual intercourse without a condom with more than one partner

HIV.E.DE157 STI in the past 6 months

A recent history (in the last 6 months) of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) by laboratory testing or self-report of syndromic STI treatment

HIV.E.DE158 A sexual partner in the past 6 months had one or more HIV risk factors

A recent sex partner of the client had HIV risk factors

HIV.E.DE159 PrEP requested by client

Client is requesting PrEP, reflecting a decision-making process has already taken place and suggesting of substantial risk of HIV

HIV.E.DE160 Serodiscordant partner

Mother's HIV status is different from a current partner's HIV status

HIV.E.DE161 Date woman received counselling for CPT

Date woman received counselling for co-trimoxazole preventive therapy (CPT)

HIV.E.DE162 Date woman received counselling for TPT

Date woman received counselling for TB preventive therapy

HIV.E.DE163 Infant's co-trimoxazole prophylaxis start date

Start date of co-trimoxazole prophylaxis

HIV.E.DE164 Infant's age when co-trimoxazole prophylaxis was started

The number of weeks or months infant was when started on co-trimoxazole (CTX) prophylaxis preventive therapy

HIV.E.DE165 Presumptive clinical diagnosis of severe HIV infection in infants

Presumptive clinical diagnosis of severe HIV infection in infants

HIV.E.DE166 Infant ARV prophylaxis

Infant is taking an antiretroviral prophylaxis to prevent infection from HIV exposure

HIV.E.DE167 Infant ARV prophylaxis start date

The date on which the infant was started on an antiretroviral prophylaxis

HIV.E.DE168 HIV test type

Type of HIV test

HIV.E.DE169 Rapid diagnostic test for HIV

Antibody test for HIV performed with a rapid diagnostic (RDT)

HIV.E.DE170 Enzyme immunoassay for HIV

Antibody test for HIV performed with an enzyme immunoassay (EIA)

HIV.E.DE171 Nucleic acid test for HIV

Virological test, which includes testing for early infant diagnosis

HIV.E.DE172 Dual HIV/syphilis rapid diagnostic test

Antibody test for HIV and syphilis performed with a rapid diagnostic

HIV.E.DE173 Maternal and child health service visit

Maternal and child health service visit attended by an HIV-exposed infant

HIV.E.DE174 12-month visit

HIV-exposed infant attending MCH services for a 12-month visit

HIV.E.DE175 24-month visit

HIV-exposed infants attending MCH services for a 24-month visit

HIV.E.DE176 First visit after the end of breastfeeding

HIV-exposed infant attending MCH services for a first visit after the end of breastfeeding

HIV.E.DE177 Weeks postpartum

Number of weeks postpartum on this visit date

HIV.E.DE178 Birth cohort

Month and year of infant's birth, which the infant is registered into. The cohort is a group of infants born in the same month, whose status is followed over time.

HIV.E.DE179 Registered in birth cohort

Whether the infant has been registered in a birth cohort

HIV.E.DE180 EID sample number

Early infant diagnosis (EID) sample number

HIV.E.DE181 EID sample 1

First sample used to test an infant for HIV

HIV.E.DE182 EID sample 2

Second sample used to test an infant for HIV

HIV.E.DE183 EID test number

Early infant diagnosis (EID) HIV test number using the same sample

HIV.E.DE184 EID test number 1

First test on a sample to test an infant for HIV

HIV.E.DE185 EID test number 2

Second test on a sample to test an infant for HIV

HIV.E.DE186 EID test number 1 test result

Early infant diagnosis test number 1 test result

HIV.E.DE187 Positive

Positive HIV test result from the nucleic acid test

HIV.E.DE188 Negative

Negative HIV test result from the nucleic acid test

HIV.E.DE189 Indeterminate

Indeterminate HIV test result from the nucleic acid test

HIV.E.DE190 EID test number 2 test result

Early infant diagnosis test number 2 test result

HIV.E.DE191 Positive

Positive HIV test result from the nucleic acid test

HIV.E.DE192 Negative

Negative HIV test result from the nucleic acid test

HIV.E.DE193 Indeterminate

Indeterminate HIV test result from the nucleic acid test

HIV.E.DE194 Assay number in testing strategy

The number of the assay (test kit) in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.E.DE195 Assay 0

A community outreach test-for-triage or self-test which is not included in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.E.DE196 Assay 1

The first test in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.E.DE197 Assay 2

The second test in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.E.DE198 Assay 3

The third test in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.E.DE199 Assay 1 repeated

The first test in the HIV testing strategy

HIV.E.DE200 Test result of HIV assay 1

The result of the first HIV assay in the testing strategy

HIV.E.DE201 Reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was reactive

HIV.E.DE202 Non-reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was non-reactive

HIV.E.DE203 Invalid

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was invalid

HIV.E.DE204 Test result of HIV assay 2

The result of the second HIV assay in the testing strategy

HIV.E.DE205 Reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was reactive

HIV.E.DE206 Non-reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was non-reactive

HIV.E.DE207 Invalid

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was invalid

HIV.E.DE208 Test result of HIV assay 3

The result of the third HIV assay in the testing strategy

HIV.E.DE209 Reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was reactive

HIV.E.DE210 Non-reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was non-reactive

HIV.E.DE211 Invalid

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was invalid

HIV.E.DE212 Test result of HIV assay 1 repeated

The result of the repeated first HIV assay in the testing strategy

HIV.E.DE213 Reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was reactive

HIV.E.DE214 Non-reactive

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was non-reactive

HIV.E.DE215 Invalid

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was invalid

HIV.E.DE216 Test result of syphilis assay 1

The result of the first syphilis assay in the testing strategy

HIV.E.DE217 Reactive

The result of the first syphilis assay in the testing strategy was reactive

HIV.E.DE218 Non-reactive

The result of the first syphilis assay in the testing strategy was non-reactive

HIV.E.DE219 Invalid

The result of the HIV assay in the testing strategy was invalid

HIV.E.DE220 Test result of syphilis assay 1 repeated

The result of the first syphilis assay repeated in the testing strategy

HIV.E.DE221 Reactive

The result of the first syphilis assay repeated in the testing strategy was reactive

HIV.E.DE222 Non-reactive

The result of the first syphilis assay repeated in the testing strategy was non-reactive

HIV.E.DE223 Invalid

The result of the first syphilis assay repeated in the testing strategy was invalid

HIV.E.DE224 HIV test date

Date of the HIV test

HIV.E.DE225 Infant HIV status

HIV status reported after applying the HIV testing algorithm. No single HIV test can provide an HIV-positive diagnosis.

HIV.E.DE226 HIV-positive

Infant is HIV-positive

HIV.E.DE227 HIV-negative

Infant is HIV-negative

HIV.E.DE228 Unknown

Infant has unknown HIV status

HIV.E.DE229 Infant ART start date

The date on which the infant was started or restarted on antiretroviral therapy (ART)

HIV.E.DE230 Final diagnosis of HIV-exposed infant

HIV-exposed infant final status at 18 months or 3 months after cessation of breastfeeding (whichever is later).

HIV.E.DE231 HIV-positive

The infant is HIV-positive

HIV.E.DE232 HIV-negative and no longer breastfeeding

The infant is HIV-negative and the mother has quit breastfeeding

HIV.E.DE233 HIV status unknown

The final HIV status of the child is unknown because the infant died, was lost to follow-up or transferred out without ever having an HIV-positive diagnosis or is active in care but was not tested at 18 months

HIV.E.DE234 HIV-exposed infant reason for unknown final status

The outcome for the infant does not have a final outcome, which may because of death, stopped treatment or lost to follow-up.

HIV.E.DE235 Lost to follow-up

Twenty-eight days or more since last missed appointment

HIV.E.DE236 Transferred out

The client transferred to another facility

HIV.E.DE237 Death (documented)

People living with HIV previously on ART who are confirmed to have died from any cause

HIV.E.DE238 Refused (stopped) treatment

Client was contacted and confirmed to have stopped ART

HIV.E.DE239 Date of death of infant

Date that the infant died

HIV.E.DE240 Cause of death of infant

The infant's cause of death

HIV.E.DE241 Infant died within 24 hours of childbirth

The infant died within 24 hours of childbirth

HIV.E.DE242 Action(s) needed during infant follow-up visit

Any actions needed during infant follow-up visit

HIV.E.DE243 Timing of additional infant HIV test

Age in months when additional infant HIV test is performed

HIV.E.DE244 Date of sample collection of additional infant HIV test

Date of sample collection of additional infant HIV test

HIV.E.DE245 Haemoglobin (Hb) result

Result of woman's haemoglobin test during ANC, labour or delivery. Full blood count testing is recommended, and if not available, use of haemoglobinometer over haemoglobin colour scale.

HIV.E.DE246 Blood group and Rh factor

Mother's blood type and blood Rh factor

HIV.E.DE247 A+

Mother's blood type and blood Rh factor is A+

HIV.E.DE248 A-

Mother's blood type and blood Rh factor is A-

HIV.E.DE249 B+

Mother's blood type and blood Rh factor is B+

HIV.E.DE250 B-

Mother's blood type and blood Rh factor is B-

HIV.E.DE251 O+

Mother's blood type and blood Rh factor is O+

HIV.E.DE252 O-

Mother's blood type and blood Rh factor is O-


Mother's blood type and blood Rh factor is AB+


Mother's blood type and blood Rh factor is AB-

HIV.E.DE255 Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) test result

Result of urine culture (or urine Gram-staining if not available over dipstick tests) for diagnosing asymptomatic bacteriuria

HIV.E.DE256 Positive

Result of test for asymptomatic bacteriuria is positive

HIV.E.DE257 Negative

Result of test for asymptomatic bacteriuria is negative

HIV.E.DE258 Unknown

Result of test for asymptomatic bacteriuria is unknown

HIV.E.DE259 Urine protein test result

Results of urine protein test of mother during ANC visit

HIV.E.DE260 0

Result of urine protein test of mother during ANC visit is '0'

HIV.E.DE261 +

Result of urine protein test of mother during ANC visit is '+'

HIV.E.DE262 ++

Result of urine protein test of mother during ANC visit is '++'

HIV.E.DE263 +++

Result of urine protein test of mother during ANC visit is '+++'

HIV.E.DE264 Type of hypertensive disorder

Type of hypertensive disorder of the mother

HIV.E.DE265 Chronic hypertension

Hypertension detected pre-pregnancy or before 20 weeks' gestation

HIV.E.DE266 Essential

Hypertension without a known secondary cause (pre-pregnancy or at less than 20 weeks)

HIV.E.DE267 Secondary

Hypertension with a known secondary cause (e.g. renal disease; detected pre-pregnancy or at less than 20 weeks)

HIV.E.DE268 White-coat hypertension

sBP greater than or equal to 140 and/or dBP greater than or equal to 90 mmHg when measured in the office or clinic, and BP less than 135/85 mmHg using HBPM or ABPM readings (pre-pregnancy or at less than 20 weeks)

HIV.E.DE269 Masked hypertension

BP that is less than 140/90 mmHg at a clinic/office visit, but greater then or equal to 135/85 mmHg at other times outside the clinic/ office (pre-pregnancy or at less than 20 weeks)

HIV.E.DE270 Gestational hypertension

Hypertension arising de novo at greater than or equal to 20 weeks' gestation in the absence of proteinuria or other findings suggestive of pre-eclampsia

HIV.E.DE271 Transient gestational hypertension

Hypertension arising at greater than or equal to 20 weeks' gestation in the clinic, which resolves with repeated BP readings

HIV.E.DE272 Pre-eclampsia


HIV.E.DE273 Superimposed on chronic hypertension

Among women with chronic hypertension, development of new proteinuria, another maternal organ dysfunction(s), or evidence of uteroplacental dysfunction.

HIV.G.DE1 CD4 count

CD4 cell count in cells/mm^3

HIV.G.DE2 CD4 cell percentage

CD4 cell percentage

HIV.G.DE3 Baseline CD4 count

CD4 count performed at HIV diagnosis

HIV.G.DE4 Date of baseline CD4 count sample collection

Date and time when baseline CD4 count test sample was collected

HIV.G.DE5 Late ART initiation

The client's first CD4 count from baseline CD4 test performed (such as at HIV diagnosis) was a count of <200 cells/mm3

HIV.G.DE6 Date of CD4 sample collection

Date sample to be used for CD4 count was collected

HIV.G.DE7 Viral load test conducted

A viral load test was performed

HIV.G.DE8 Date of viral load sample collection

Date and time when the sample was collected to test the client's HIV viral load

HIV.G.DE9 Date of first viral load sample collection

Date and time when the sample was collected to test the client's HIV viral load for the first time

HIV.G.DE10 Date viral load sample sent

Date viral load sample sent to the lab

HIV.G.DE11 First viral load test result

Result from the initial viral load test in number of copies/mL

HIV.G.DE12 Viral load test result

Result from the viral load test in number of copies/mL

HIV.G.DE13 HIV viral load specimen type

The type of specimen to be used to test viral load

HIV.G.DE14 Liquid plasma specimen for viral load testing

Liquid plasma and using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) or plasma preparation tubes for viral load test

HIV.G.DE15 Dried blood spot specimen

Dried blood spot specimen (DBS) for viral load test

HIV.G.DE16 Dried plasma spot from a plasma separation card

Dried plasma spot from a plasma separation card for viral load test

HIV.G.DE17 HBsAg test date

Date client was tested for hepatitis B virus (HBV)

HIV.G.DE18 HBsAg test result

Hepatitis B virus test result (HBsAg)

HIV.G.DE19 Positive

HBsAg test result was positive

HIV.G.DE20 Negative

HBsAg test result was negative

HIV.G.DE21 Indeterminate

HBsAg test result was indeterminate

HIV.G.DE22 Reason Hepatitis B test not conducted

Reason why a hepatitis B test was not done

HIV.G.DE23 Test delayed to next contact or referred

Test has been delayed to the next contact or client was referred to another provider/facility

HIV.G.DE24 Stock-out or expired

Test out of stock or stock present but expired

HIV.G.DE25 Machine or technician not available or machine not functioning

Test machine or technician is unavailable, or machine is not functioning

HIV.G.DE26 Client declined / refused test

Client declined or refused test being undertaken

HIV.G.DE27 Other

Other reason test not performed

HIV.G.DE28 Other (specify)

Other reason test not performed (specify)

HIV.G.DE29 Hepatitis B diagnosis

Client's hepatitis B diagnosis

HIV.G.DE30 Hepatitis B positive

Client is positive for Hepatitis B

HIV.G.DE31 Hepatitis B negative

Client is negative for Hepatitis B

HIV.G.DE32 Hepatitis C screening date

Date when client was screened for HCV

HIV.G.DE33 Hepatitis C test ordered

Hepatitis C test has been ordered

HIV.G.DE34 Hepatitis C test conducted

Whether a hepatitis C test was conducted

HIV.G.DE35 Reason Hepatitis C test not done

Reason why a hepatitis C test was not done

HIV.G.DE36 Test delayed to next contact or referred

Test has been delayed to the next contact or client was referred to another provider/facility

HIV.G.DE37 Stock-out or expired

Test out of stock or stock present but expired

HIV.G.DE38 Machine or technician not available or machine not functioning

Test machine or technician is unavailable, or machine is not functioning

HIV.G.DE39 Client declined / refused test

Client declined or refused test being undertaken

HIV.G.DE40 Other

Other reason test not performed

HIV.G.DE41 Other (specify)

Other reason test not performed (specify)

HIV.G.DE42 HCV test date

Date client was tested for hepatitis C virus (HCV antibody, HCV RNA or HCV core antigen)

HIV.G.DE43 HCV test result

Hepatitis C virus test result (HCV antibody, HCV RNA or HCV core antigen)

HIV.G.DE44 Positive

HCV test result was positive

HIV.G.DE45 Negative

HCV test result was negative

HIV.G.DE46 Indeterminate

HCV test result was indeterminate

HIV.G.DE47 HCV viral load test date

Hepatitis C viral load test date

HIV.G.DE48 HCV viral load test result

Hepatitis C viral load test result (qualitative)

HIV.G.DE49 Detected

HCV was detected

HIV.G.DE50 Not detected

HCV was not detected

HIV.G.DE51 Hepatitis C diagnosis

Client's hepatitis C diagnosis

HIV.G.DE52 Hepatitis C positive

Client is positive for hepatitis C

HIV.G.DE53 Hepatitis C negative

Client is negative for hepatitis C

HIV.G.DE54 Syphilis test required

Syphilis test is required

HIV.G.DE55 Syphilis test type

Type of diagnostic test used for syphilis (treponema pallidum)

HIV.G.DE56 Treponemal

Treponemal test used

HIV.G.DE57 Non-treponemal

Non-treponemal test used


Point-of-care (POC) test used


Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) used

HIV.G.DE60 Other

Other test used

HIV.G.DE61 Other syphilis test type (specify)

Other test used (specify)

HIV.G.DE62 Reason syphilis test not done

Reason why a syphilis test was not done

HIV.G.DE63 Test delayed to next contact or referred

Test has been delayed to the next contact or client was referred to another provider/facility

HIV.G.DE64 Stock-out or expired

Test out of stock or stock present but expired

HIV.G.DE65 Machine or technician not available or machine not functioning

Test machine or technician is unavailable, or machine is not functioning

HIV.G.DE66 Client declined / refused test

Client declined or refused test being undertaken

HIV.G.DE67 Other

Other reason test not performed

HIV.G.DE68 Other (specify)

Other reason test not performed (specify)

HIV.G.DE69 Syphilis test date

Date of syphilis test

HIV.G.DE70 Syphilis test result

Result from syphilis test

HIV.G.DE71 Positive

Test result is positive for syphilis

HIV.G.DE72 Negative

Test result is negative for syphilis

HIV.G.DE73 Inconclusive

Test result is inconclusive

HIV.G.DE74 Syphilis diagnosis

Client's syphilis diagnosis

HIV.G.DE75 Syphilis positive

Client is positive for syphilis

HIV.G.DE76 Syphilis negative

Client is negative for syphilis

HIV.G.DE77 Other tests conducted

If the health worker performed other tests on the woman that are not explicitly listed in the application, select 'yes' here and fill in the details below.

HIV.G.DE78 Other test(s) name

Input the name of other test(s) that were done.

HIV.G.DE79 Other test(s) date

Input the date of other test(s) that were done.

HIV.G.DE80 Other test(s) result(s)

Input the result from the test(s).

HIV.H.DE1 Reason for follow-up

The reason why the client is being followed up

HIV.H.DE2 Missed care visit

Client did not present for a care appointment as scheduled / as expected

HIV.H.DE3 Missed medication pickup

Client did not pick up medication as scheduled from pharmacy or other drug distribution point

HIV.H.DE4 Did not initiate ART

Client did not initiate ART at the same time as diagnosis (e.g., because they required additional counselling) and required follow-up for ART initiation

HIV.H.DE5 Incomplete visit

Client presented for care, but left before services were completed, e.g., due to long wait times or not staying to have labs taken

HIV.H.DE6 Inconclusive HIV status

Client has not returned for a follow-up test after an inconclusive test result

HIV.H.DE7 Test results received

Client needs to be informed of test results (e.g., viral load)

HIV.H.DE8 Other follow-up reason

Client was followed up for another reason

HIV.H.DE9 Other follow-up reason (specify)

Client was followed up for another reason (specify)

HIV.H.DE10 Client contact attempted

An attempt to locate the client was made

HIV.H.DE11 Date of contact attempt

Date of attempt to contact client

HIV.H.DE12 Contact attempted by

Who attempted to reach out to the client

HIV.H.DE13 Contact method

Method used to try to reach out to the client

HIV.H.DE14 Home visit

Contacted client at home

HIV.H.DE15 Text message

Contacted client by short message service (SMS) text

HIV.H.DE16 Phone

Contacted client by phone call

HIV.H.DE17 Source of information

Source of information about the client

HIV.H.DE18 Client

The client was the source of information

HIV.H.DE19 Informed by treatment provider

Source of information was a treatment provider of the client

HIV.H.DE20 Informed by family or partner

Source of information was a family member of partner

HIV.H.DE21 Other source of information

Information about the client's status was provided by someone else

HIV.H.DE22 Other source of information (specify)

Information about the client's status was provided by someone else (specify)

HIV.H.DE23 Outcome from outreach attempt

Detailed outcome from the attempt to locate the client

HIV.H.DE24 Returning to clinic

Client was located and agreed to return to clinic

HIV.H.DE25 Self-transferred out

Client transferred to another facility for care (client-initiated transfer, not provider-initiated transfer)

HIV.H.DE26 Hospitalized

Client was hospitalized

HIV.H.DE27 Refused to return

Client was found but declined to return to treatment

HIV.H.DE28 Not located

Attempt was made to locate client, but client was not found

HIV.H.DE29 Died (reported)

The client was reported as having died

HIV.H.DE30 Moved from catchment area

The client moved from the catchment area (may be reported from the community level)

HIV.H.DE31 Date client moved from catchment area

The date on which the client moved from the catchment area, if known

HIV.H.DE32 New catchment area

New catchment area where the client resides

HIV.H.DE33 Partner or contact of index case

The client was identified by an index case as a partner or contact

HIV.H.DE34 HIV status of partner or contact

HIV status of the partner or contact given by the index case

HIV.H.DE35 Already knew positive

The partner or contact of the index case already knew they are HIV-positive

HIV.H.DE36 Newly diagnosed

The partner or contact of the index case is newly diagnosed as HIV-positive

HIV.H.DE37 Negative

The partner or contact of the index case is newly diagnosed is HIV-negative

HIV.H.DE38 Date of death

If deceased, the date that the client died

HIV.H.DE39 Cause of death

Cause of death, if known

HIV.H.DE40 Place of death

Where the client died, if known

HIV.H.DE41 HIV treatment outcome

The outcome for the client which is used for reporting retention/attrition.

HIV.H.DE42 Lost to follow-up

Twenty-eight days or more since last missed appointment

HIV.H.DE43 Transferred out

The client transferred to another facility

HIV.H.DE44 Death (documented)

People living with HIV previously on ART who are confirmed to have died from any cause

HIV.H.DE45 Refused (stopped) treatment

Client was contacted and confirmed to have stopped ART (reasons may include stigma and discrimination, faith healing, etc.)

HIV.H.DE46 Date patient lost to follow-up

Date patient was lost to follow-up (LTFU)


Client is currently taking ART

HIV.H.DE48 Date HIV treatment outcome changed

The date on which the client's outcome (lost to follow-up, transferred out, death (documented), or refused (stopped) treatment) changed

HIV.H.DE49 Transfer confirmed

Select if transfer to another facility is confirmed

HIV.H.DE50 Transfer to facility

Name of health facility client was transferred to

HIV.H.DE51 Date of transfer out

The date the client transferred out of the facility to be provided with care at another facility

HIV.H.DE52 Adherence assessment

Whether client is adherent or not to ART regimen per national guidelines (immunological or virological monitoring)

HIV.H.DE53 Reason(s) for adherence problem

Reason why client is not adherent

HIV.H.DE54 Forgot

Client reported not being adherent because they forgot

HIV.H.DE55 Toxicity/side effects

Client reported not being adherent because of toxicity/side effects

HIV.H.DE56 Busy

Client reported not being adherent because they were busy

HIV.H.DE57 Change of routine

Client reported not being adherent because of a change of routine

HIV.H.DE58 Travel cost

Client reported not being adherent because of travel cost

HIV.H.DE59 Distance to clinic

Client reported not being adherent because of distance to clinic

HIV.H.DE60 Client lost/ran out of pills

Client reported not being adherent because of client lost/ran out of pills

HIV.H.DE61 Stock-out

Client reported not being adherent because of a stock-out

HIV.H.DE62 Too ill

Client reported not being adherent because of being too ill

HIV.H.DE63 Pill burden

Client reported not being adherent because of the pill burden

HIV.H.DE64 Felt well

Client reported not being adherent because they felt well

HIV.H.DE65 Depression

Client reported not being adherent because of depression

HIV.H.DE66 Alcohol use

Client reported not being adherent because of alcohol use

HIV.H.DE67 Substance use

Client reported not being adherent because of substance use (i.e., drugs)

HIV.H.DE68 Stigma/disclosure concerns

Client reported not being adherent because of stigma/disclosure concerns

HIV.H.DE69 Lack of food

Client reported not being adherent because of a lack of food

HIV.H.DE70 Poor palatability

Client reported not being adherent because of poor palatability

HIV.H.DE71 Other

Client reported not being adherent because of other reason

HIV.H.DE72 Other (specify)

Client reported not being adherent because of other reason (specify)

HIV.H.DE73 Date ART stopped

Date on which client stopped ART

HIV.H.DE74 Reason ART stopped

Reason why client intentionally stopped ART

HIV.H.DE75 Toxicity/side effects

Client stopped ART because of toxicity/side effects

HIV.H.DE76 Severe illness, hospitalization

Client stopped ART because of severe illness, hospitalization

HIV.H.DE77 Drugs out of stock

Client stopped ART because of drugs being out of stock

HIV.H.DE78 Client lacks finances

Client stopped ART because client lacked finances

HIV.H.DE79 Excluded HIV infection in infant

Client stopped ART because the infant was determined to not have HIV

HIV.H.DE80 Other reason for stopping ART

Client stopped ART for other reason

HIV.H.DE81 Other reason for stopping ART (specify)

Client stopped ART for other reason (specify)

HIV.I.DE1 Emergency referral

Referral for urgent care

HIV.I.DE2 Reason for referral

Reason why the client is being referred. If diagnosed, this may include the reason for the diagnosis.

HIV.I.DE3 Hospital

Client's clinical status warrants hospitalization

HIV.I.DE4 Referral for screening including diagnostics and lab testing

The client is referred because they need a lab test done and/or diagnostics done, but those services are unavailable at the current health facility or providers. This includes referral for TB screening (is symptomatic of TB, has had close contact with confirmed TB case, etc.) and other comorbidities or coinfections.

HIV.I.DE5 TB referral

Referral for TB care

HIV.I.DE6 Antenatal care referral

Client was referred because the client is pregnant

HIV.I.DE7 Referral for other general services

If none of the reasons above apply, this should be selected

HIV.I.DE8 Referral for other general services (specify)

If none of the reasons above apply, specify the reason(s)

HIV.I.DE9 Any treatment given before referral?

If client was referred, was any treatment provided before referral?

HIV.I.DE10 Date of scheduled referral appointment

When the referral is scheduled

HIV.I.DE11 Location of scheduled referral appointment

Where the client is being referred to

HIV.I.DE12 Date referral was made

The date the referral was made

HIV.I.DE13 Provider who made referral

The name of the provider who made the referral

HIV.I.DE14 Provider's facility

Facility client is being referred from

HIV.I.DE15 Provider's telephone number

The contact details of the provider making the referral

HIV.I.DE16 Referral notes

Any additional relevant details of clinical significance for the referral facility to provide quality care

HIV.I.DE17 Client history summary

With interoperable systems, the provider receiving the referral should be able to access the client's health record digitally. However, in the absence of this, the referral provider should receive a summary of the client's health records that includes the client's history, medications, medications prescribed or dispensed, reported issues and concerns, and any other relevant clinical information the health care provider had already obtained.

HIV.PRV.DE1 At elevated risk for HIV acquisition

Client is at elevated risk for HIV acquisition, defined according to country/programme context

HIV.PRV.DE2 HIV prevention intervention

HIV prevention intervention that client accessed

HIV.PRV.DE3 PrEP service

Client accessed PrEP services


Client accessed opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT) services


Client accessed needle-syringe programme (NSP) services

HIV.PRV.DE6 STI services

Client accessed sexually transmitted infection (STI) services


Client accessed voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) services


Client accessed other HIV prevention services

HIV.PRV.DE9 Other (specify)

Client accessed other HIV prevention services (specify)

HIV.PRV.DE10 Date accessed HIV prevention intervention

Date the client accessed HIV prevention intervention

HIV.PRV.DE11 HIV status of contact

The HIV status of the client's contact

HIV.PRV.DE12 HIV-positive

Client's contact is HIV-positive

HIV.PRV.DE13 HIV-negative

Client's contact is HIV-negative

HIV.PRV.DE14 Unknown

Client does not know contact's HIV status

HIV.PRV.DE15 Date injecting equipment provided

Date client was provided with injecting equipment

HIV.PRV.DE16 Number of needles-syringes provided

Number of needles-syringes provided to client

HIV.PRV.DE17 Date OAMT initiated

Date client initiated opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT)

HIV.PRV.DE18 Date OAMT dose received

Date client received opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT) dose

HIV.PRV.DE19 Date OAMT take-away dose(s) dispensed

Date the client was dispensed opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT) take-away dose(s)

HIV.PRV.DE20 Currently on OAMT

Client is currently on opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT) at reporting date, defined according to country/program to account for medication dispensed and LTFU criterion

HIV.PRV.DE21 Retained on OAMT

Client is retained on opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT) at reporting date, defined according to country/program to account for medication dispensed and LTFU criterion

HIV.PRV.DE22 Client being inducted on OAMT

Client is currently being inducted on opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT), defined according to country/program

HIV.PRV.DE23 Client on reducing doses of OAMT

Client is current on reducing doses of opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT), defined according to country/program

HIV.PRV.DE24 Date first maintenance dose received

First date on which client received maintenance dose

HIV.PRV.DE25 Date of loss to follow-up or OAMT stopped

Date of loss to follow-up or opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT) stopped

HIV.PRV.DE26 Date medications dispensed

Date the client was dispensed medications

HIV.PRV.DE27 Date medications prescribed

Date the client was prescribed medications

HIV.PRV.DE28 Number of days prescribed

Days of medication client has been prescribed

HIV.Config.DE1 Population prevalence of TB

The tuberculosis prevalence in the general population in number of cases per 100 000 persons or greater.

HIV.Config.DE2 Population prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infection

The percentage of individuals in the general population infected with at least one species of soil-transmitted helminths

HIV.Config.DE3 Population incidence of HIV in the absence of PrEP

HIV incidence number of cases per 100 person–years in the absence of PrEP

HIV.Config.DE4 Population prevalence of HIV

The proportion of the population that are HIV-positive

HIV.Config.DE5 Prevalence of pretreatment NNRTI drug resistance

Prevalence of pretreatment HIV drug resistance to NNRTIs among people initiating first-line ART

HIV.Config.DE6 Malaria-endemic setting

Whether the setting is a malaria-endemic setting

HIV.Config.DE7 Population prevalence of syphilis

The proportion of the population with syphilis

HIV.Config.DE8 Population prevalence of hepatitis B

The proportion of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) seroprevalence in the general population

HIV.Config.DE9 Population prevalence of hepatitis C

The proportion of hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibody seroprevalence in the general population

HIV.Config.DE10 Prevalence of HIV in the catchment area

The proportion of the population from the health facility's catchment area that are HIV-positive (estimated)

HIV.Config.DE11 Ultrasound available at the health facility

Whether an ultrasound machine is available and functional in the facility and a trained health worker is available to use it

HIV.Config.DE12 HIV burden of the setting

HIV burden of the setting (high or low) based on the national HIV prevalence or where the HIV prevalence and/or incidence in a geographical setting is higher than national prevalence and, therefore, needs priority in the HIV response

HIV.Config.DE13 High HIV burden setting

Settings with >5% national HIV prevalence and subpopulations and geographic settings where HIV prevalence and/or incidence is higher than nationally.

HIV.Config.DE14 Low HIV burden setting

Settings with <5% HIV national prevalence but where certain populations (primarily key populations and their partners) and geographic settings may have higher HIV prevalence and/or incidence than nationally and, therefore, need priority in the HIV response

HIV.Config.DE15 HPV DNA testing operational at the health facility

Is HPV DNA testing operational at the health facility for cervical cancer screening?

HIV.Config.DE16 Routine viral load testing is available

Routine viral load testing is available in the facility

HIV.Config.DE17 Health facility ID

Unique ID of the health facility that recorded the client. This ID could represent a universal health facility ID, if used in the country. Alternatively this ID can also be generated by the national surveillance system and assigned to reporting facility.

HIV.Config.DE18 TB treating facility ID

The facility where the client is receiving tuberculosis (TB) treatment

HIV.Config.DE19 Other priority populations

Other populations of priority of HIV prevention and care in local context (provided during adaptation)

HIV.Config.DE20 Reporting period end date

End date of the reporting period

HIV.Config.DE21 Reporting period start date

Start date of the reporting period

HIV.Config.DE22 Reporting date

Reporting date, for surveys performed on a specific date