1.1.6 - CI Build International flag

WHO SMART Trust, published by WHO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.6 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/smart-trust/tree/main and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Concepts GDHCN Trust List

GDHCN Trustlists

This specification describes the publication of Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) key material as Decentralized Identifier (DID) documents. DIDs are specified by the W3C DID Core Specification. The DID concept summarizes the core drivers and usage of the DID format in scope of GDHCN.

A key to real interoperability among existing trust networks is to find alignment on trust list formats.

Version Status Description
2.0.0 Draft 2.0.0 is in pre-released state for verification and feedback. On technical level in the API "v2" is used to address DID documents following version two specification
1.0.0 Released 1.0.0 is deprecated and will be replaced by version 2.0.0

Trustlists 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0 introduces two variants of the trust lists - embedded and by reference.

Types of DID trustlists

Trustlist URL
Embedded Trustlist https://tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist/did.json
Reference Trustlist https://tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist-ref/did.json

The embedded type of trustlist carries the key material directly within the DID documents' verificationMethod property and supports immediate verification. On the root level it contains all keys imported from the trust network gateway (TNG).

The reference type lists link other DID documents, which may contain the actual key material. Therefore reference type trustlists contain only DID ids that can be used to resolve DID documents. This helps to keep the main trustlist documents concise and supports dynamic discovery of DID structures and key material.

DID trustlists structure

Version 2.0.0 introduces a hierarchical structure for DID documents, to support more fine grained resolution and discovery of key material. It distinguishes the levels root, domain, participant, and key usage type.

Note: domain is one of the supported trust domains, participant is currently represented as ISO-3166 alpha-3 country code and key usage type is the certifcate type SCA or DSC.

Level Description
root contains all trusted key material or trusted DID references of GDHCN
domain contains trusted key material or DID references of GDHCN for a supported trust domain
participant contains trusted key material or DID references of GDHCN for a trusted participant
key usage type contains trusted key material or DID references of a supported usage type like DSC or SCA or both

The levels are organized hierarchically so that they function as filters following an AND logic operation when resolving or discovering key material. Note that "-" character can be used as a wildcard on each sublevel of root. This allows to omit filtering on the respective level effectively matching all content of that level.

The following examples outline the expected behavior of embedded trustlist:

  • tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist/did.json matches all keys for all domains, participants and key usage types.
  • tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist///did.json matches all keys (DSC, SCA) for a specific domain AND participant.
  • tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist////did.json matches all keys for a specific key usage type for a given domain AND participant.
  • tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist/-//did.json matches key material or references for all domains for a specific participant without filtering the key usage types.
  • tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist/-///did.json matches keys or references in all domains for a specific participant and specific key usage type.
  • tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist//-//did.json matches keys for all participants of a specific domain filtered by there key usage type.
  • tng-cdn-who.int/v2/trustlist/-/- matches key material for all domains and all participants without filtering a specific usage type so the did.json may contain SCA and DSC keys.

And the following examples outline the expected behavior of reference type trustlist:

  • tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist-ref/did.json contains all DID document references of the next sub-level as DID id.
  • tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist-ref//did.json contains all participant level DID document references as DID id for the given domain.
  • tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist-ref///did.json contains all key usage type level DID document references as DID id for the selected domain and participant.
  • tng-cdn.who.int/v2/trustlist-ref////did.json contains a reference to the embedded trustlist that correlates to the selected domain, participant and key usage type and that contains the key material.

Note: all levels of the reference type trustlist may contain additional DID references linking trusted external DID documents.

The did trustlists structure diagram depicts the reference and contains relations of the trustlist types for the defined levels.

DID trustlists structure

Example DID documents

Reference type DID document linking the embedded trustlist for domain: DCC, participant: XXA and key usage type: DSC.

    "@context": [
        "id": "did:web:worldhealthorganization.github.io:tng-cdn-dev:v2:trustlist-ref:DCC:XXA:DSC",
        "controller": "did:web:worldhealthorganization.github.io:tng-cdn-dev:v2:trustlist-ref:DCC:XXA",
        "verificationMethod": [
        "proof": {
        "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
            "created": "2024-11-10T12:00:35Z",
            "nonce": "SC56sBBcqqTXh0EPdFlaOWDXxSpwupVa",
            "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
            "verificationMethod": "did:web:raw.githubusercontent.com:WorldHealthOrganization:tng-participants-dev:main:WHO:signing:DID",
            "jws": "eyJiNjQiOmZhbHNlLCJjcml0IjpbImI2NCJdLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9..MEQCICxoXFEI-o0SupgO0U5BhKjRI1AZaAtAtw_byQMgLm6CAiBTtyJYF7ZMgWTlmivMv5A4In3K6LBEF0AXiCYM2VSSIg"

Embedded trustlist for domain: DCC, participant: XXA and key usage type: DSC with key matrial:

  "@context": [
  "id": "did:web:worldhealthorganization.github.io:tng-cdn-dev:v2:trustlist:DCC:XXA:DSC",
  "controller": "did:web:worldhealthorganization.github.io:tng-cdn-dev:v2:trustlist:DCC:XXA",
  "verificationMethod": [
      "id": "did:web:worldhealthorganization.github.io:tng-cdn-dev:v2:trustlist:DCC:XXA:DSC#XPjhL9Znd1M=",
      "type": "JsonWebKey2020",
      "controller": "did:web:worldhealthorganization.github.io:tng-cdn-dev:v2:trustlist:DCC:XXA",
      "publicKeyJwk": {
        "kty": "EC",
        "kid": "XPjhL9Znd1M=",
        "x5c": [
        "crv": "P-256",
        "x": "APdNVtZixJhhqsJS_yx--a_bLQaMMQj48CSb_3adr_MA",
        "y": "AOoV8O2w7rov_Txk3wwz_jMoKvx-IgSfYoyygtGetYEd"
  "proof": {
    "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
    "created": "2024-11-10T12:00:21Z",
    "nonce": "Gp3uOuUTNgAFxm31fIjNy7yYt34aOP0g",
    "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
    "verificationMethod": "did:web:raw.githubusercontent.com:WorldHealthOrganization:tng-participants-dev:main:WHO:signing:DID",
    "jws": "eyJiNjQiOmZhbHNlLCJjcml0IjpbImI2NCJdLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9..MEYCIQD8AbUnGxHgmkqNQTzl6E0ZJocZ0N-vrziFB9-jgRSXbgIhAJUB0Wq5YUJPcywS15JMdoiVJDV_ubWuEZwRnuM5A8QB"

Note: Specific keys use base64 encoded key id (kid) as identifier, It is represented as fragments (#) in verification method id and can be resolved using client side filtering.

Environments & Repositories

The trustlists are maintained using GitHub and published via GitHub pages.

Environment Repository Link Pages Link
Development https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/tng-cdn-dev https://worldhealthorganization.github.io/tng-cdn-dev
UAT https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/tng-cdn-uat https://tng-cdn-uat.who.int
Production tbd. https://tng-cdn.who.int

Trustlist Specification 1.0.0

Initial specification