WHO SMART Guidelines - Measles Immunization
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO SMART Guidelines - Measles Immunization, published by WHO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/smart-example-immz and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Library: IMMZIndicatorElements (Experimental)

Official URL: http://smart.who.int/immunizations-measles/Library/IMMZIndicatorElements Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2024-08-12 Computable Name: IMMZIndicatorElements

This library defines indicator-based elements and terminologies used throughout the Immunization CPG indicators

Generated Narrative: Library IMMZIndicatorElements

Related Artifacts

Depends OnLibrary WHOConceptshttp://smart.who.int/immunizations-measles/Library/WHOConcepts
Depends OnLibrary WChttp://smart.who.int/immunizations-measles/Library/WHOCommon
Depends OnLibrary ConceptsIMMZConcepts
Depends OnLibrary CommonIMMZCommon
Depends OnLibrary ElementsIMMZElements
Depends OnCode System ISO-8601-Derived Periodshttp://ohie.org/CodeSystem/iso-8601-derived-periods
Depends OnCode System Administrative Gender CodesAdministrativeGender


Measurement Periodin01Period
Newborn By Age Stratifierout01Coding
Infant By Age Stratifierout01Coding
Toddler By Age Stratifierout01Coding
Adolescent By Age Stratifierout01Coding
RCV By Age Stratifierout01Coding
Varicella By Age Stratifierout01Coding
Seasonal Influenza By Age Stratifierout01Coding
By Administrative Gender Stratifierout01Coding
By Geographic Region Stratifierout01string
Patient Deceased During Measurement Periodout01boolean
Patient Born During Measurement Periodout01boolean
Patient Under 12 Months Old During Measurement Periodout01boolean
Patient Under 2 Years Old During Measurement Periodout01boolean
MCV Doses Administered to Patient During Measurement Periodout0*Immunization
Doses Administered to Patient During Measurement Periodout0*Immunization
Adverse Events During Measurement Periodout0*Observation
Immunizations And Adverse Events During Measurement Periodout0*Resource
Immunizations with Adverse Events During Measurement Periodout0*Immunization
Adverse Event Reactions During Measurement Periodout0*Observation



 * Immunization Indicator Elements by Patients as Context

library IMMZIndicatorElements

using FHIR version '4.0.1'

include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1'

include WHOConcepts
include WHOCommon called WC

include IMMZConcepts called Concepts
include IMMZCommon called Common
include IMMZElements called Elements

codesystem "ISO-8601-Derived Periods": 'http://ohie.org/CodeSystem/iso-8601-derived-periods'

// Age Groups for Vaccines for infants
code "P0Y--P1Y": 'P0Y--P1Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '< 1 year'
code "P1Y--P9999Y": 'P1Y--P9999Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '> 1 year'

// Age Groups for Vaccines for Toddlers
code "P0Y--P2Y": 'P0Y--P2Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '< 2 years'
code "P1Y--P2Y": 'P1Y--P2Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '1 year'
code "P2Y--P9999Y": 'P2Y--P9999Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '> 2 years'

// Age groups for newborns
code "PT0H--PT24H": 'PT0H--PT24H' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display 'Within 24H of Birth'
code "PT24H--P2W": 'PT24H--P2W' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '< 2 Weeks'
code "P2W--P9999Y": 'P2W--P9999Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '> 2 Weeks'

// Age groups for adolescent
code "P0Y--P9Y": 'P0Y--P9Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '< 9 years'
code "P9Y--P14Y": 'P9Y--P14Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '9 - 14 years'
code "P15Y--P9999Y": 'P15Y--P9999Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '> 15 years'

// RCV Startifiers
code "P0M--P9M": 'P0M--P9M' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '< 9 months'
code "P9M--P18M": 'P9M--P18M' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '9 - 18 months'
code "P18M--P15Y": 'P18M--P15Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '18 months - 15 years'

// Varicella Age groups
code "P0M--P12M": 'P0M--P12M' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '< 12 months'
code "P12M--P18M": 'P12M--P18M' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '12 - 18 months'
code "P18M--P36M": 'P18M--P36M' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '18 - 36 months'
code "P36M--P12Y": 'P36M--P12Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '36 months - 12 years'
code "P12Y--P9999Y": 'P12Y--P9999Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '> 12 years'

// Influenza Age Groups
code "P1Y--P15Y": 'P1Y--P15Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '1 year - 15 years'
code "P15Y--P60Y": 'P15Y--P60Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '15 years - 60 years'
code "P60Y--P9999Y": 'P60Y--P9999Y' from "ISO-8601-Derived Periods" display '> 60 years'

codesystem "Administrative Gender Codes": 'http://hl7.org/fhir/administrative-gender'
code "Males" : 'male' from "Administrative Gender Codes" display 'Males'
code "Females" : 'female' from "Administrative Gender Codes" display 'Females'
code "Other" : 'other' from "Administrative Gender Codes" display 'Other/NA'

parameter "Measurement Period" Interval<Date> default Interval[@2020-01-01, @2020-12-31]

context Patient

 * Infant disaggregations by age
define "Newborn By Age Stratifier":
        when AgeInHoursAt(start of "Measurement Period") <= 24 then "PT0H--PT24H"
        when AgeInWeeksAt(start of "Measurement Period") <= 2 then "PT24H--P2W"
        when AgeInWeeksAt(start of "Measurement Period") > 2 then "P2W--P9999Y"
        else null

 * Infant disaggregations by age
define "Infant By Age Stratifier":
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 1 then "P0Y--P1Y"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") >= 1 then "P1Y--P9999Y"
        else null

 * Toddler By Age Stratifiers
define "Toddler By Age Stratifier":
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 1 then "P0Y--P1Y"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 2 then "P1Y--P2Y"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") >= 2 then "P2Y--P9999Y"
        else null

 * Toddler By Age Stratifiers
define "Adolescent By Age Stratifier":
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 9 then "P0Y--P9Y"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") <= 14 then "P9Y--P14Y"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") > 14 then "P15Y--P9999Y"
        else null

 * RCV age disaggregators
define "RCV By Age Stratifier":
        when AgeInMonthsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 9 then "P0M--P9M"
        when AgeInMonthsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 18 then "P9M--P18M"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 15 then "P18M--P15Y"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") >= 15 then "P15Y--P9999Y"
        else null

 * Varicella age disaggregators
define "Varicella By Age Stratifier":
        when AgeInMonthsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 12 then "P0M--P12M"
        when AgeInMonthsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 18 then "P12M--P18M"
        when AgeInMonthsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 36 then "P18M--P36M"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 12 then "P36M--P12Y"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") >= 12 then "P12Y--P9999Y"
        else null

 * Seasonal Influenza age disaggregators
define "Seasonal Influenza By Age Stratifier":
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 1 then "P0Y--P1Y"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 15 then "P1Y--P15Y"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") < 60 then "P15Y--P60Y"
        when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") >= 60 then "P60Y--P9999Y"
        else null

 * By Administrative Gender of Patient Stratifier
define "By Administrative Gender Stratifier":
        when Patient.gender = 'male' then "Males"
        when Patient.gender = 'female' then "Females"
        else "Other"

 * By Administrative Gender of Patient Stratifier
define "By Geographic Region Stratifier":
    First(Patient.address A where A.use in { 'home' }).state

 * @dataElement Patient is deceased
define "Patient Deceased During Measurement Period":
    when Patient.deceased is FHIR.boolean then Patient.deceased as FHIR.boolean
    when Patient.deceased is FHIR.dateTime then Patient.deceased as FHIR.dateTime before end of "Measurement Period"
    else false

 * Patient was born during measurement period
define "Patient Born During Measurement Period":
    Patient.birthDate during "Measurement Period"

 * Patient is < 12 months old at the end of the measurement period
define "Patient Under 12 Months Old During Measurement Period":
    Patient.birthDate more than 12 month before end of "Measurement Period"

 * Patient is < 12 years old at the end of the measurement period
define "Patient Under 2 Years Old During Measurement Period":
    Patient.birthDate more than 2 year before end of "Measurement Period"

 * MCV doses which were administered during the measurement period
define "MCV Doses Administered to Patient During Measurement Period":
  Elements."MCV Dose" I
    where I.occurrence.toInterval() starts during "Measurement Period"

 * @define Doses which were administered during the measurement period
define "Doses Administered to Patient During Measurement Period":
  Elements."Doses Administered to Patient"  I
    where I.occurrence.toInterval() starts during "Measurement Period"

define "Adverse Events During Measurement Period":
  [Observation: WHOConcepts."Adverse Events"] O
    where O.effective.toInterval() during "Measurement Period"

define "Immunizations And Adverse Events During Measurement Period":
    "Doses Administered to Patient During Measurement Period" I,
    "Adverse Events During Measurement Period" O
  where I.reaction.detail.references(O)
  return { immunization: I, adverseEvent: O }

 * @define Adverse events for immunizations which occurred during (or observed) during measurement period
define "Immunizations with Adverse Events During Measurement Period":
  "Immunizations And Adverse Events During Measurement Period" I
    return I.immunization

 * @define Adverse events for immunizations which occurred during (or observed) during measurement period
define "Adverse Event Reactions During Measurement Period":
  "Immunizations And Adverse Events During Measurement Period" I
    return I.adverseEvent

 * @function
 * @param immunization The immunization record for which the location should be retrieved
 * @return FHIR.address The location that the immunization event occurred
define function GetGeographicRegionForImmunization(immunization Immunization):
    [Location] L
        where immunization.location.references(L)

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