WHO SMART Guidelines - Measles Immunization
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO SMART Guidelines - Measles Immunization, published by WHO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/smart-example-immz and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Library: IMMZCommon (Experimental)

Official URL: http://smart.who.int/immunizations-measles/Library/IMMZCommon Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2024-08-12 Computable Name: IMMZCommon

This library defines common terminologies and functions used throughout the Immunization CPG

Generated Narrative: Library IMMZCommon

Data Requirements

Type: Medication (Medication)



library IMMZCommon

using FHIR version '4.0.1'

include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1'

 * @description Fetches a singleton protocol applied from an immunization
 * @comment The protocol list from the immunization
define function Only(protocols List<FHIR.Immunization.ProtocolApplied>):
  singleton from protocols

 * @description Fetches a singleton protocol applied from an immunization
 * @comment The protocol list from the immunization
define fluent function only(protocols List<FHIR.Immunization.ProtocolApplied>):
  singleton from protocols

 * @description Takes the date choice of a date/string choice (for Immunization date)
define function ToDate(choice Choice<FHIR.date, FHIR.string>):
	  when choice is FHIR.date then
    	choice as FHIR.date
      Message(null as FHIR.date, true, '1', 'Error', 'Cannot compute a date from a String value')

 * @description Takes the date choice of a date/string choice (for Immunization date)
define function ToDateTime(choice Choice<FHIR.dateTime, FHIR.string>):
	  when choice is FHIR.dateTime then
    	choice as FHIR.dateTime
      Message(null as FHIR.dateTime, true, '1', 'Error', 'Cannot compute a date from a String value')

 * @description Takes a choice of FHIR.string and FHIR.positiveInt and ensures the result is a FHIR.positiveInt
define function ToPositiveInt(choice Choice<FHIR.positiveInt, FHIR.string>):
	  when choice is FHIR.positiveInt then
    	choice as FHIR.positiveInt
      Message(null as FHIR.positiveInt, true, '1', 'Error', 'Cannot compute a positive from a String value') // TODO: I'm sure that this is supported somehow?

 * @description Takes a choice between a Medication and a CodeableConcept and returns just the code of the medication
define function ExtractMedicationCode(choice Choice<FHIR.CodeableConcept, FHIR.Reference>):
	  when choice is FHIR.CodeableConcept then
    	choice as FHIR.CodeableConcept
    when choice is FHIR.Reference then
      First([Medication] M 
        where M.id = Last(Split(choice.reference, '/'))
        return M.code as FHIR.CodeableConcept)
      Message(null as FHIR.CodeableConcept, true, '1', 'Error', 'Cannot compute a medication code') // TODO: I'm sure that this is supported somehow?

 * @description Takes a choice between a Medication and a CodeableConcept and returns just the code of the medication
define function ExtractMedicationInitiationDate(choice Choice<FHIR.dateTime, FHIR.Period>):
	  when choice is FHIR.Period then
    	start of (choice as FHIR.Period)
    when choice is FHIR.dateTime then
      choice as FHIR.dateTime
      Message(null as FHIR.dateTime, true, '1', 'Error', 'Cannot compute medication treatment initiation date') // TODO: I'm sure that this is supported somehow?

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