Union of http://smart.who.int/trust/CodeSystem/WHO.TRUST.ACTOR and http://smart.who.int/trust/CodeSystem/WHO.TRUST.ACTOR

This is the CodeSystem that contains all the codes in WHO.TRUST.ACTOR CodeSystem (http://smart.who.int/trust/CodeSystem/WHO.TRUST.ACTOR) and WHO.TRUST.ACTOR CodeSystem (http://smart.who.int/trust/CodeSystem/WHO.TRUST.ACTOR). E.g. what you have to deal with if you get resources containing codes in either of them


Generated Narrative: CodeSystem afbb9c97-c127-4c2e-a55c-9d74742f07c6-2

This code system http://hl7.org/fhir/comparison/CodeSystem/afbb9c97-c127-4c2e-a55c-9d74742f07c6-2 defines codes, but no codes are represented here

credential-holder Holder of a Credential
credential-issuer Issuer of a Credential
gdhcn GDHCNGlobal Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN)
TNG TNGTrust Network Gateway
TNP TNPTrust Network Participant