Secondary growth rate model of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in RTE seafood
The function sfMejlholmDalgaard()
estimates the growth rate of LAB in RTE seafood, based on the
predictive secondary model published by Mejlholm and Dalgaard (2013)
, and later validated in RTE foods including
seafood ((Mejlholm and Dalgaard 2015)
aw = NULL,
NaCl = 0,
pH = 7,
P = 0,
CO2equi = 0,
NIT = 0,
aaWph = 0,
baWph = 0,
caWph = 0,
daWph = 0,
laWph = 0,
saWph = 0,
Tmin = -5.25,
Tref = 25,
awmin = 0.928,
pHmin = 4.24,
pheMax = 40.3,
NITmax = 2780,
CO2max = 6691,
micLACu = 12,
micDACu = 33.3,
micAACu = 10.3,
micBACu = 1.51,
micCACu = 10.3,
micSACu = 12.6,
mumaxref = 0.583
- Temp
(\(^\circ C\)) Storage temperature of the RTE product
- aw
Water activity of the RTE product. If NULL, it will evaluate from NaCl
- NaCl
(%) Salt content of the RTE product.
- pH
pH of the RTE product.
- P
(ppm) Phenol concentration in the RTE product.
- CO2equi
(proportion) CO2 content in atmosphere in the RTE product (e.g. 0.25).
(ppm) Nitrites concentration in the RTE product.
- aaWph
(ppm) Acetic acid concentration in the RTE product.
- baWph
(ppm) Benzoic acid concentration in the RTE product.
- caWph
(ppm) Citric acid concentration in the RTE product.
- daWph
(ppm) Diacetate concentration in the RTE product.
- laWph
(ppm) Lactic acid concentration in the RTE product.
- saWph
(ppm) Sorbic acid concentration in the RTE product.
- Tmin
(\(^\circ C\)) Minimum temperature for growth.
- Tref
(\(^\circ C\)) Reference temperature.
- awmin
Minimum water activity for growth.
- pHmin
Minimum pH for growth.
- pheMax
(ppm) MIC for phenols.
- NITmax
(ppm) MIC for nitrites.
- CO2max
(ppm) MIC for
CO_ 2
.- micLACu
(mM) MIC for undissociated lactic acid.
- micDACu
(mM) MIC for undissociated diacetate.
- micAACu
(mM) MIC for undissociated acetic acid.
- micBACu
(mM) MIC for undissociated benzoic acid.
- micCACu
(mM) MIC for undissociated citric acid.
- micSACu
(mM) MIC for undissociated sorbic acid.
- mumaxref
) Maximum growth rate at the reference temperatureTref
mumax (1/h
) Specific growth rate of LAB in RTE seafood at the
given intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics (scalar, vector or matrix).
The parameters of the growth rate model are set by default to those fitted and validated by Mejlholm and Dalgaard (2015) . This model can also be found in the user friendly software FSSP: .
Mejlholm O, Dalgaard P (2013). “Development and validation of an extensive growth and growth boundary model for psychrotolerant Lactobacillus spp. in seafood and meat products.” International Journal of Food Microbiology, 167(2), 244--260.
Mejlholm O, Dalgaard P (2015). “Modelling and predicting the simultaneous growth of Listeria monocytogenes and psychrotolerant lactic acid bacteria in processed seafood and mayonnaise-based seafood salads.” Food Microbiology, 46, 1--14.
# Reproducing screenshot value of FSSP (Fig. 1 red curve)
sfMejlholmDalgaardLAB(Temp = 5, aw = NULL, NaCl = 3.0,
pH = 6.2, P = 5, laWph = 8000)
#> [1] 0.04265555
sfMejlholmDalgaardLAB(Temp = rnorm(10, 5, 0.2),
aw = NULL, NaCl = 3.0,
pH = 6.2, P = 5, laWph = 8000)
#> [1] 0.04294988 0.04383470 0.04099391 0.04170544 0.03982608 0.04128490
#> [7] 0.04011550 0.04199451 0.04128529 0.04443009